Love can make you LOSE in English Love Stories by Chaitanya Limbachiya books and stories PDF | Love can make you LOSE

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Love can make you LOSE





This is a true story of IAS based on conversation with author. The story starts with adolescents and up to the young age of a boy. The sequence of the incidents were so that at every stage of boy’s life a girl comes. The story ends either with loss or with victory.

At every end either love made him win or love made him lost.

It’s upto you to decide that whether that boy won or lost finally.


This book is dedicated to every girl who have knowingly or unknowingly came across life of various boys. Because of you the boys are now well settled. As every setback is preparation of new achievement.

This book is dedicated also to the most beautiful creation of the world. You!

The Last Tuition

He entered in the class. Most probably he was the poorest student of the Class 7. His father was not having so much of income. He sat exactly in front of the Girl named “Avi”. Avi was her classmate.

This tuition class had students coming from various schools. He and Avi were the only students belonging to same school. Sir had not come yet. Students were interacting with each other.

“Hi, Avi! Are you done with your school homework that has to be shown tomorrow?” He asked.

“Not, yet… I was again not able to complete.” She replied.

In school the students who don’t complete their homework had to sit outside the class. Avi was a girl who used to get this punishment very often.

“But you have completed your homework. Here it is.” He gave a bunch of papers to Avi.

Avi was surprised as it was all written in handwriting alike hers. Why might this guy do all for her? Some of students were now staring at the bunch of papers.

“What about yours?” Avi asked him.

“I’ve already completed it. Don’t worry.” He replied with eyes down.

Tuition Teacher entered the class. Teacher asked him whether he had brought the fees ? He nodded his head showing that he had’nt. Teacher shouted at him, insulted him and pushed him out of class.

All were quiet including Avi.

But he was waiting outside the lane of Tuition class. Waiting for someone special. Someone who was the reason behind his smile. For Someone who was the reason of scoring the highest marks in the school.

Yes ! he was waiting for Avi.

After an hour all students came out on their bicycles. Tuition got over.

He was delighted as Avi came. He stopped Avi.

“Please ! go away. I don’t know you. It’s all over. We are not friends anymore. Go and make friends who fit in your budget.” Avi insulted him and went away.

“Hey brother ! Don’t feel bad but tuition teacher has taught us very important lesson. He told us that Money is everything. And poor friends are like the obstacles in human life.” One of the girl who treats me brother told me.

I know to whom the tution teacher has pointed. But what was his fault?

He is not responsible for his financial status.

Afterall he liked Avi. She was only hope to him. He spent his whole time to complete homework for her. He even did not complete his own homework. He changed his own handwriting to match with Avi. He wore the same colour which Avi used to wear on every sunday.

Today was sunday. He broke up from inside. The sky started crying with him.

Next day in school class teacher warned all students that she will not bear irregularity in homework this time. Out of 128 students one stepped out.

Class teacher was shocked! He was the most regular student of the class. How he could be irregular? He was the most intelligent student of the class. What happened to him?

He put each student in thoughts whether what might be the reason behind not doing the homework.

But outside the class there was one boy standing with wet eyes. Looking for the sunshine from the clouds. But again clouds started crying along with him.

He lost his first love. His first attraction. He not indeed lose, but he made someone else win.

So, above all love can make you lose.

The Lucky Pen

He was waiting outside the class. Today was the last day of Secondary exam of 10th.std. He had performed well in all other papers. But today was the toughest one.

He had even joined extra tuition for class 10th. Though he had worked hard for the exam he was nervous today.

“All the best!” One familiar voice fell into his ears.

He looked back and was surprised. That was Dhwani’s voice. The girl who always used to stare at him. He always noted that. Even he liked her. But after Avi’s experience he had no courage to make that feeling grow and get hurt again.

“Where you’ve lost? I wished you all the best!” Dhwani asked him confidently. But he was nervous. So, she gave him one blue pen.

“Take this and write today’s paper with it. It is my lucky pen. Hope that luck work for you also” Then she faded out.

He was still standing there. He wanted to tell her something. Not about his feelings but wanted to wish her all the best too.

Suddenly the bell rang. Papers distribution got started. Today was his day. The paper went indeed well.

He performed his best today. May be with the lucky pen.

The moment the bell finished ringing, he threw paper to the supervisor and jumped out of the class. He had now gathered the courage to tell her something.

Yes! He liked her so much! He dreamed of Dhwani every night. He was in his teenage and this feelings are quite common.

He looked here and there. But he did not find Dhwani anywhere. He again lost.

But story doesn't end here. He topped in his school. He secured 3rd rank.

Yes! Because of lucky pen of her Crush.

So, it concludes that love can even make you win.

The Insulting Principal

He was the top third in the school. But unfortunately his school do not have further Higher Secondary Class facilities.

He got information from class teacher that one of the top level school of the city wants every topper to be admitted in their school.

That was the turning point of his life.

He took admission in Science Steam. He was indeed undoubtedly mastermind. He was among the fighters. In prelims exams he was in top 10 in 11th Scorecard.

At the end of 11th there was a small tour for 3 days 2 nights. He joined with his new friends.It was his first experience with friends. At the campfire he won heart of almost every student by copying the teacher's style. He did the mimicry of every teacher and he was the hero of that night. He noticed someone looking at him. Laughing innocently on his acts. His heart again stated beating.

There are two buses of the tour. He was among the first one and She was in another. His bus stopped at the restaurant on the highway. He with his 2 friends ordered 3 chocolate milkshakes. When they all finished half glass one more friend arrived. He stopped all of them enjoying milkshake and order new one. Afterall he wants to enjoy his every sip with every friend. When they all finished their glasses, they heard noise of bus. They all look back outside the restaurant. The bus in which these 4 nuts were came has gone. They all rushed out of the hotel. In hurry they all forget that the bill was due to pay. The hotel owner and waiters ran after them and catch them all.

In front of their eyes bus took off. They all thrown 4 notes of 100 on the face of hotel owner. They all sat on the floor hopeless. One of them shouted I have mobile number of teacher in our bus. They all smiled and started dancing. They called their teacher from the hotel but the bus was on the highway and there is no possibility to take u turn up to next 100 kms. They all again fallen on the floor.

All of their faces were dull. Then the hotel owner gave them a good news that their second school bus got punctured and was reparing its tyre near 2 kms away. It was now time to get revenge from hotel owner, so he did pay off. He dropped all of them to our next destination.

They entered in the second bus. Actually this is the bus consisting the class who were together in the same school since KG. They all were aliens to them. But after he entered, all bus shouted. They all welcomed him in their family. It was the greatest respect for him.

All of other his friends did get the seats but he did not found any. He stand with support of one seat. His ears got some murmuring. He suddenly look back. It was the same face he had noticed yesterday night. The charming face welcomed him with smile. They started interacting with each other. His sense of humor impressed her. He told her number of jokes. But every journey has one end destination.

He did not even asked her name. He was not able to sleep 2 nights after the trip was over. 2 days next to trip were holiday. There was no chance to know her name. On next day he looked into every class but he failed to see her face again.

The problem was that he was from maths group and she belong to bip. One was east and one was west. How could they meet?

But where there is a will there is a way. In English tuition class of the morning he found her shining smile. She was not so good looking but still he believes that she was perfect.

After deep investigation he found that her name was Sandhya. She was the topper of the State when he just secured 3rd rank. Although both were in the top 10 list of final exam of 11th.

But every sunshine brings darkness with itself. He stated to follow her silently. He left his study. He bunked his tuitions. He did so much silly things after her but still she had not noticed him.

Sandhya was girl with clear vision. But his vision was getting blurred day by day. His scores were started fallen day by day. He was now not counted in the list of scholar. But he was totally free bird.

At one day he decided to talk with Sandhya. As there is now 5 days are remaining in last days of school. He have untucked his shirt. He had removed his school tie and opened the first button of his shirt.

Sandhya was standing with her friend and discussion something related to study. He imagined that soon this conversation will be turned into the romantic talks. When he was only 10 feet away from her, one hand grabbed him from shoulder.

It was the devil. The Principal who was in role of devil grabbed me. The principal slapped him 3 to 4 slaps. Asked him about his tie, his untucked shirt and everything which he has prepared for talking to her. The principal insulted him in front of everyone. He was punished to do 50 seat ups in front of all school. All students were counting, but he was looking only at her.

Her eyes were down. Her face was hating him. That was her last day in school. He came everyday and visited every tution class where she was used to go. But after all the deciding exam of Higher Secondary 12th came.

She again topped in the State level. She chose to be a doctor.

He passed with only first class. So, he choose to be an engineer temporarily.

After the insult, love can make you lose.

The Teddy Ring

He was not even fortunate to get admission in Engineering. He fortunately did get admission in the Science. All his relatives demotivated him every day that he will not have any future in this Bachelor's degree.

This was totally different atmosphere for him. There was freedom of speech and expression here. No restrictions and limitations are bind on the students. First time he found girls and boys sitting on same batch in class.

He was new to this kind of environment. Even in first lecture he could not able to resist himself from staring girls. One of girl was observing him. He belong from English Medium school.

She gave smile to him. He was surprised. How could a stranger can give him a smile. That girl was so mature so she cointinue gave him smile.

After class is over, she came and sit besides him.

“Do you belong to local regional school if I am not wrong?” She asked him.

“Yes! But.. Why.. you?” He was nervous. She explained him everything which was lacking in him. She told that staring at girls like this can spoil his image. She told him everything to improve his personality.

It was his first friend in the class. At least the best friend who can ever be. The days passed and they are having a new group.

After 2 months 13 new students got admission in the class. At that time the boy was a class monitor. All burden of guiding new students was on him. He did it perfectly. He introduced all of 13 to new class. Provided them materials and class notes to them.

“Thanks for the Help.” It was midnight when the boy did got a message.

“Sorry, But who are you?” He replied.

“I’m Himani. New student from your class.” She replied.

“Ok. Mention not as it’s my duty. Anyways if you need anything else then you can ask.” He texted.

He was confused because he did not heard this name during the introduction. He even did not able to remember face of any girl named like that.

On next day he started searching for that new face.

There were 5 boys and 8 girls new in the class. He knows everyone but it was too difficult to search. But every difficulty comes with a solution. He did got attendence sheet from the boy next to him. He stated counting students and started to trace out location of her.

She was on the second last batch in the class. He was blank.

She looked so innocent. Her eyes!!! Her hairs !! Her shining face !!!

He was not able to think anything. His heart was beating so fast. He was lost totally.

At this time he was nervous. He had developed different feeling for her. He was not able to speak anyone on that day.

Day by day he was going mad and more mad. The negative effect was reflecting on his marksheet.

Slowly slowly all classmates become aware about this. Even she was having the knowledge of that madness.

At one day he had decided to tell her that he liked her.

He was very nervous on a day before. He roamed in entire market. He was not able to decide what would be the best surprise and gift for his beloved crush. It was since 4 hours he was searching for a gift.

Now most of the shops of the market was about to close. He was now very hyper. Suddenly something sparks in his mind. He moved to one small vendor. He paid for that and left for the home smiling.

Entire night he was framing the phrases which was yet to be delivered to her beloved angel.

Generally regular labs starts at 7:30 in the morning. Both of the birds were travelling to the college via city bus. Although their routes were different but their destination was the same.

He messaged her exactly before 10 minutes of arriving the college. He told her to meet him on the terrace of the college. She agreed without any questions.

After few time both of them were on the terrace. Eyes of both birds were down. Warm rays of the sun was waiting for the moment when one would take the initiative. After few moments he broke silence with “ See, I want to say you something?”

Her eyes were still down. Her chicks were being red with shyness.

“May I ?” He added.

She gave her consent by blinking her eyes.

“ I want to say you this things…. But was not able to say… because….. I don’t know…. I can’t live without saying….” He was going on speaking.

He knew that this is not the exact he wanted to say.

Suddenly, he took her hand in his hand. He inserted one ring in her engagement finger. It was small key chain. Which is having small teddy bear in it.

Her eyes were still down. But this act lifted her eyes up. She said “ Do you know what actually love means?” and pulled him towards her.

But the boy was now disappointed. He interpreted it as her “NO”

The story ends here. But girl was having something more to say but don’t know why she did not said that.

He was totally broken. Results of her all semester was conclusive proofs of that.

In the end love can make you lose.

(After many years he came to know that girl said “Yes” to him. But it was due to misunderstanding he left that magical moment)

The Late Train

After completion of his graduation, he started preparation of UPSC. He was now more focused after all ups and down in his life.

He was one day travelling to another city to appear his prelims exams in the train. He was somehow little bit nervous.

He was standing near the door. He found one girl in hijab staring at him.

She came closer to him. “Hello…” she said.

He was quite surprised that whether she was talking to him or not

He confirmed that no one else is not in the compartment. He replied her with some hesitation.

They continued to talk each other. He told her that he was going to appear for UPSC.

She closed her eyes and spoke something. He was surprised and asked her about what she had done. She replied that she prayed for him.

The station was just about to come. She hugged him and cried.

He was surprised. His all nervousness was dissolved. He was feeling somewhat confident.

She greeted him and wished him best of luck.

He appeared in UPSC and cracked it with high scores.

But in entire life he was not able to meet his good luck again.

In the end love can make you win.

The False Trust

He cracked the Prelims as well as mains examination of UPSC.

Now he was called for an interview so he can serve the nation. The ratio of selection in the interview was 10:1. He had almost cracked all exams successfully in his life except exam of the love.

He was travelling to Ahmedabad. The timing of interview was 10:30 AM. He was on the Ahmedabad railway station at 8:30 AM. He already had made an enquiry about the location of the place of interview. It may take around 1 hour to reach over there. So he chose City Bus.

It was morning time and sunday. So there were only few passenger there in the city bus.

He set on the last seat. It was about after 5 minutes of departure of bus on the next stop, one girl entered. She sat exactly besides him. He greeted her with smile. She did not gave him smile in return.

Conductor came to them and asked to buy tickets. Both of them purchased the tickets. He again inquired about the place of interview to the conductor. Facial expression of the girl was somethig different. Conductor went away after giving them tickets.

She asked him, “ So ,are you new here in the city? Am I right?”

“Yes! How did you know?” He asked her curiously.

“Nothing just as we are local so we can differentiate easily.” She replied.

“So, can you guide me for the place?” He added.

“Sure, why not? Do you have any interview there ?” She agreed to help him.

“Actually, I’m having interview for IAS today.” He replied with shining smile.

But girl was not seems to be comfortable there. But she again started conversation

“Do one thing, you can take my contact number. In case of any difficulty do not hesitate to call me.” she offered.

“Sure. but… “ He was going to say something but she interrupted him.

“Today is your special day so no compromise okay? “ she forced him to exchange number with devilish smile.

After next station she got out of the bus and wished him good luck. He thanked her and bus started again.

There were only two more stops were remaining to reach the place of an interview.

Suddenly his phone rang. It was her number on the screen. He picked up.

“Please help me dear… Please come here…. Few boys are following me and one of them has touched me in corrupt way…” she was crying on the phone. He was anxious. He told that he will reach that place soon.

He asked conductor to stop the bus. He took auto and after 20 minutes he was there where bus dropped her. He tried to call her.

“The number you’re trying is currently switched off….” auto IVR responded from her number. He was totally in tension. He was searching for her here and there.

He asked people surrounding about the girl. But all his tries were failed. It was around more than an hour he was searching for her.

He got one SMS in his mobile. “Do not worry about me. Police helped me. My phone will be off soon as law battery. Good luck.” He finally hoped and sat on the bench nearby.

But again he stood up as he realised that he was having interview on that day. He hired a rickshaw and reached at the place of interview but he was denied to enter as he was late.

He lost the opportunity but was little satisfied about what happened that day. He decided firmly to clear exam again and he will definately could.

It was after more than 8 years after that incident. He was finally District Magistrate of one small town. Government has set up one small get together of all IAS at New Delhi.

So he was preparing for the meeting as all IAS officers from all batches were going to meet at one place.

Meeting was started. One by one all from different batches were being introduced by one batch leader who was selected from the batch itself. He was obviously the leader of his batch. He was preparing for the presentation for his batch during when other groups were presenting their batch.

Her ears stood up by one familiar voice. He looked there in the direction of the voice.

Yes, that was the same girl who met him in ahmedabad. She was his senior from the previous batch of IAS.

After she completed her speech, his name announced. He stood up and moved towards the stage. She shocked by facing him there.

He completed his speech. Everything was clear from this incident.

She just eliminated him from using his false trust and innocence. In that meeting she tried to apologize him but with what face she could have done that?

So in the end love can make you lose.

The Return Gift

After few years he was signing some documents in his office. His PA entered and asked him that one widow was in urgent need of his signature. He asked him to allow her to come with all necessary documents.

He was busy in singing and she entered. It was keen silence in the cabin of the Collector.

After few minutes when he looked up at her, he stood up from his chair.

She was familiar to him. She was the one to whom he loved the most in childhood.

She was Dhwani. Eyes of both were full of tears.

“ Where were you have been? “ He asked her.

And she left without getting her documents signed. He tried to stop her but could not. So he asked his PA about her.

His PA told him that she married to a man. That man met with an accident whom on the next day of her marriage and since then she was living with her parents.

In the next morning, the Ambassador car of the Government stopped in the ordinary middle class area in front of an old house. He came out of car and entered in that home.

One old man who was reading the newspaper stood up and feared by seeing government officials.

“Yes… Is there anything wrong?” The old man probed with fear.

“Nothing…” He replied. “I want to meet Dhwani...” He added.

“She’s my daugher...Had she done anything wrong?” The old man again asked in fearful voice.

“No…Sorry…. but I want to marry her… If only you allow?” He asked and bow down in legs of that old man.

He have noticed her from peeping out from behind the curtains of kitchen. Her eyes had already given him consent positively.

So, in the end fate gave him the best what he deserves as return gift.

The conclusion is that love can make you win and lose both but according to the sense you take it.