Wedding Anniversary in English Short Stories by Parth Toroneel books and stories PDF | Wedding Anniversary

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Wedding Anniversary

Wedding Anniversary –– A Short Story.

In the soundless peaceful morning, 5 am alarm buzzer rang. Alarm’s raucous noise banged into Shalini’s ears, and her drowsiness flew away in a few moments. Suhas, her husband was in deep drowsiness. Shalini shook him to wake up. Shuhas lazily got up, yawned and stretched his shoulder with a deep breath.

‘Good morning jannu…’ she said with warm smile.

‘Good morning…’ he said while rubbing his sleepy eyes.

‘Come on, Suhas get yourself ready, I have to reach my office before clock show 9 am. Get up na…’ said with sweet voice, and then Salini went into the kitchen to make some breakfast.

While getting up from bed, Suhas ate a big lazy yawn and said, ‘ohh come on, sweetheart. Take it easy in the morning… don’t push yourself in such a hurry…’

‘Suhas please, don’t be a lazy cat, I have to be in my office at 9… don’t make me late I’m telling you… get up and get ready, sandwiches are almost done.’ Shalini gave an alluring reason to get him up with the final warning.

Shuhas was a joyous person. He believes that hastiness kills the joy of the life. ‘Take it easy’ and ‘be happy’ that was the philosophy of his life.

In the morning, Shalini used to make Tiffin box for both. In rainy season, she insists Suhas not to eat any kind of bazaar food. She was very caring natured and health conscious as well. Especially Indian women tend to care a bit more about their family. Even if food is hygienic, they smell the reason of doubt first not to eat. Suhas almost got ready in his office uniform. He came in hall and put his tie on the dining table. Shusah used to sip his coffee with newspaper headlines. Salini and Suhas also used to talk about their office work and all.

Since last one week, very often Shalini’s eyes dragged at the wall calendar. On 18th may, their 3rd wedding anniversary was about to come. And today was 17th. Shalini had expected that if Suhas would wish her first in the morning, then she’ll be so much happy to imagine that he really remembered their wedding anniversary.

Shalini took a sip of coffee, and cleared her throat, and said with a smiling lips, ‘Suhas, is there any special day in this month?’

Suhas took out his eyes from newspaper, and looked behind at the calendar.

‘Umm… No, I don’t think any special day in this month… why? What is it?’ after saying, as usual Suhas started to read where he had left.

‘Nothing, I was just thinking that, if we took a few days off from our office work, then we could go at hill station and you know, we will enjoy there. What do you think?’ Shalini’s face looked questionable while saying.

Again Suhas took out his eyes from newspaper and said, ‘it’s a good idea sweetheart, but right now I’m quite busy with my new office project you know,’ Suhas said with pitiful face, ‘it’s very important. But we’ll plan it in next month. I promise you… sweetheart.’

After hearing Suhas, Shalini let out the sigh of disappointment. Her agitated mind started to pep talk with herself, Oh God, he doesn’t have any clue of our 3rd anniversary is coming up. I gave such open hints even though he didn’t get any spark of an idea. She sighed out: really, all men are the same. Initially years of marriage they won’t miss a single reason to make women happy… and then all the excitement of marriage life evaporates in the air.

Suhas’s mobile rang. Shalini’s agitated mind disturbed and starred at him. Suhas picked up his call and stood up with coffee mug. While talking his legs went outside and set on hammock. Shalini looked at him with anguish expression. She shook her head in exasperation. She looked at wall clock and hurried up to get finished with kitchen stuff. She packed their Tiffin boxes.

At 9 o’clock Shalini got ready for her office.

‘Suhas, I’m going office. Your Tiffin is on the dining table. Don’t forget to take it with you.’ She said while picking up her Activa’s key.

‘Listen Shalini, I’m also going. I have some little work so; I’m going an hour early…’ Suhas tie up and gave suspenseful expression. Shalini thought: maybe it could be for our anniversary present! Who knows! Shalini got little excited just by thinking of it. Both went by their vehicles to office.

At evening both enjoyed the dinner. But Suhas face was as normal as it used to. Shalini’s expectation started to break down into the pieces.


On their wedding anniversary day, in the morning Shalini gave as much as hints she could’ve. But not a single hint worked on Suhas to get an idea of their wedding anniversary. Suhas, today is our 3rd wedding anniversary… let’s celebrate… she could have say it, but she didn’t. By making him remember about the anniversary was not going to bring natural joy and cheerfulness.

Shalini made up clouds of doubts in her head: Just say… ‘Happy 3rd anniversary sweetheart’ and then just give me a warm bear hug. That’s it. That’s all I wants to hear from you. These four words would make me so much happy if you’ll say to me…

On dining table, both were drinking their morning coffee. Shalini looked up at Suhas. He was busy in checking his emails in the phone. Shalini was seeing their three years as a robotic life. She sighed boringly and closed her eyelids.

‘Suhas, get home early today…’ Shalini tried to smile in romantic way, and filled luster in her big brown sexy eyes. Shalini thought: maybe he could fall into the trap the way I gave expression who knows! Having this intension Shalini set up the trap.

Suhas smiled and narrowed his eyelid suspiciously, ‘why? Is there any special surprise for me tonight? Huh??’

Shalini sighed and rolled her eyes. She dipped her sight into the coffee mug and said, ‘No, there is no surprise for you… just get home early that is all I’m saying… don’t over work at…’

‘Oh… come Shalini, you know I’m working on big project. Try to understand me sweetheart. Only one week I’m asking you to bear me. Please… next month I have very special surprise for you…’ Suhas’s words had blackmailed Shalini. She couldn’t find a word to utter. She got silent with heavy heart.

Shalini sighed and shook her head. She mimicked of him silently: try to understand me sweetheart.

Shalini had decided that whatever will happens but I will not tell him about our wedding anniversary until 11 P.M. then I will not talk to him at all.

Shalini was upset. She had taken a leave at office. All day at home she was making prejudice about him. Her mind started to build castle of it. Her prejudice started to turn into doubts. Shalini thought: what if Suhas has no interest in me anymore?

Suspicious mind: yes, It could be possible. Maybe he spends less time with you it could be a reason that he got bored with you…

Shalini replied: but he mostly comes at 5:30 pm. By saying ‘important work’ could there be a dark secret?

Suspicious mind: yes yes, absolutely. After he got promotion as a boss, with his secretary… you know, perhaps it could be an affair too, as for men you never know about their deep dark secretive life. You should eye on him before things fall you apart from him. Be aware Shalini

Shalini replied: Noo, Suhas isn’t like all other men. He loves me from his heart. He cannot me cheat me ever...

Suspicious mind laughed: don’t be naive Shalini… be aware… just call him now…

Unwillingly Shalini’s fingers reached to her phone. She opened up contact number of Suhas on screen. Shalini thought: right now he must be busy into his work… should I call him now or?

Suspicions mind forcibly said: don’t take me for granted Shalini… just call him now… (Laughed….)

By inkling suspicious mind, Shalini called Suhas.

Suhas was explaining his colleagues about new project work and strategies planning on projector board. Fifteen colleagues were listing him curiously in dim lighted room. On Suhas’s desk, his silent phones’ screen lighted on. Shalini’s smiling pic was on the screen with two red–green buttons. End of the other line Shalini’s mind was clattered in bewilderment. With her doubtful thoughts she was walking in hall back and forth. Shalini called him over and over again until he won’t pick up. Phones’ light was distracting him while giving presentation, so Suhas has put the phone screen upside down. And then he continued meeting without any distraction.

Ohh God! Fifteen phone calls I did, even though he didn’t reply me? not a single call? Not any other day but on our anniversary? How dare he not to reply me back? That’s how much he busy in his work?

Suspicios mind laughed: you saw Shalini! Didn’t I tell you that don’t take me for granted? Your Suhas is the same as all other men are. Go to his office. And eye on him. Check what he is doing. (Suspicions mind’s laughter echoed in her head)

Inkling mind’s echoed voice; Shalini took her Activa and went in front of Suhas office. She sat into the coffee shop. Just for formalities she ordered coffee. Shalini was sherloking through the glass of restaurant.

After half an hour, Suhas was coming out from his office with his two colleges. A cleaned saved white legs, dark blue skirt to her knee. In the white shirt she was look like hot model on magazines. Suhas was making her laughing on some jokes. Her charming attitude was inclining towards Suhas. That scene didn’t make Shalini angry or jealous. Cause she was also working in office so she knew that it was common to laugh and have formal conversation. Through glass Shalini’s sharp eyes observed both of them at the parking side. Suhas was giving her wrapped gift with warm hug. That secretary was denying taking it. Suhas touched her white hand and pressed with insisting smile. Finally she took the gift. Both were talking on something which was making Shalini irritate. In her mind thoughts of hurricane wreaked her inside. She felt strange burning feeling inside her chest. Her eyes were full of furious. What she had just saw were squeezing her heart. With wet eyes and heavy heart, she clenched her fist tightly and said with grinding her teeth: I hate you Suhas, I hate you… now I come to believe that all men are really bloody cheaters… shame on you…

After some chitchat with secretary, she sat in his car. For Shalini, this was heart breaking scene. Shalini felt burning pain inside her chest. Painful tears made her eyes blurry. Shalini started her activa and followed them as a sherlock holmes. Suhas had dropped her secretary at her home. Before Suhas reached at home, Shalini raced her activa as fast as she could have.

Shalini got home first and opened the main door. What she had just caught was clattering her thoughts. To calm down her disturbed mind Shalini has tried to busy with kitchen work. Stupid mind nagging her with those scenes and Shalini cried her heart out. She clenched her teeth in anger. She wiped her tears and started to cut vegetables. That scene was like Sharp knife, which was cutting her heart into the pieces. Taken cared those feeling of their love were now wounded. Three years of memories was flowed away as a form of tears. She has felt pain in chest like never before. While cutting vegetables, knife scratched her finger. Blood came out. She felt no pain compared to broken heart. She washed her finger under the faucet.


After half an hour, Suhas came home. As he entered he said in sweet excited voice, ‘hey…sweetheart, I’m home.’ Shalini has wiped her teary eyes quickly and tried to look normal. Stretched fake smile on lips, but behind her face she hid all her agony. With expressionless face she took a glass of water, and put it on dining table rather than give in his hand. With heavy heart she went in kitchen. To make himself relax Suhas loose down his tie and throw it on dining table.

Not to show clattered thoughts and expressions, she asked with normal voice, ‘how was your day?’

‘It was amazing dear…’ said after drinking water.

Shalini has clenched her teeth in furious way. Made face and said silently with hatred mimic, ‘it was amazing…’ then she asked in normal voice, ‘I called you almost fifteen times, even though you didn’t picked up my single call. What was the big deal in replying me just for a moment?’

‘I extremely sorry sweetheart, I was so much busy in meeting that by even wanting I couldn’t picked your call… sorry darling...’

‘After leaving office couldn’t you have just called me once…!? After leaving office I don’t know what sort of important works kept you so much busy… ’ she said in sarcastic way.

‘After office I had very important work to finish dear… that’s why I was late sweetheart, you seems like angry on me! Are you?’

From kitchen, only her silence answer he got. Mysterious smile was playing on Suhas’s face. His thoughts were dancing with joy. And Shalini had built the mountain of prejudice and mumbling under her breath: Today I clearly saw what your important work was. On our wedding anniversary you gave gift for that bitch. And here your wife wants to hear three word from your mouth impatiently, and that thought didn’t even cross into your head! And today you gave me such an unfaithful heartbreaking gift to your wife, which I’ll never forget Suhas… she wiped tears.

‘Shalini, I am going to take a bath. One stronger coffee if I could get of your hand, then I’ll be super fresh...’ after saying he put a white towel around his neck.

Again silent answer came out from the kitchen. Shalini was in full of pain and anger. Her thought and tongue were hurting. Sound of opening Nestle bottle he understood as a ‘yes’. Between two blushing lips Suhas hide the mystery and went in the bathroom to get fresh up.

After taking bath Suhas came out. He sprayed body spray and wore white t-shirt and black pant. In wet long silky hair he was looked like a seductive movie actor. He had concealed the mystery inside his coat packet. Gift, White envelope with heartwarming words, and fully bloomed red rose he arranged on the dining table without making any sound.

Suhas’s heart was swimming into the ocean full of romanticism. His colorful thoughts were rolling on the romantic clouds. His lips were chuckled. Tide of love was bouncing into his eyes. Butterflies were flying in his stomach. Meanwhile Shalini’s clattered mind made holocaust of sunami inside her chest. Between her two lips she had imprisoned the silence. By grudgingly she had swallowed her saliva. Quietly she was making breakfast and coffee standing in the kitchen. Exquisitely Suhas put his hands on her slim belly, and hugged her from behind. Due to Suhash’s lightness hug Shalini’s neck covered by his warm breath. Shalini’s face was blank as paper. Suhash’s touch and hug couldn’t spark the feeling of excitement. Without any care of him, Shalini continued doing her work. Suhas got a little confused by her facial expression. His touch made shalini’s more bewilderment. She tap on his hand which were bounded around her belly. She said with aversion, ‘get off me… your coffee and breakfast will be served at your place… what happened to you…’

Suhas kissed on her neck and said with low voice, ‘happy third wedding anniversary my love…’

‘Yeah, I know that. You’re saying like you only remembered it…’ after saying this she muttered under her breath: whole day he didn’t remember and now he wished me…

‘If you’ve wished me enough then will you move your hands… ’ Shalini tried to get out of him and said, ‘…your coffee will be at your place…’ her voice was stabled. Her aversion expressions stretched on face.

Suhas slowly removed her hands and backed off two steps behind her. His warm hug and wet kiss couldn’t provoke a bud of love leaf. Suhas’s lips were still smiling with surprise. Shalini put a coffee mug on his place. Her sight turned to the box of gift, envelop with red rose. Shalini looked at him with amazement. Suhas was standing at the kitchen door with smiling lips and charming eyes. Suhas said in a allusive way: it’s for you my love.

Shalini’s clatter thoughts and bewildered mind got silent. She brought a smile on her face and said, ‘you really do remember our anniversary…!’

Suhas came near to her and looked into her big watery brown eyes. He said, ‘of course I do remember our anniversary… why wouldn’t I?’

Shalini had still holding her genuine smile. Then he said ‘now open your present’

Before opening of gift Shalini picked up the envelope to read what’s in it. After reading it, her eyes got wet with emotional. And at the same time she was feeling pain in her chest. Shalini looked at his eyes and smiled. She opened up a Tanishq box. It was a diamond set of necklace and earrings. Her eyes sparkled just by looking at that diamond set. Still she was surrounded by that painful feeling. Unspoken soreness was buried inside her chest. Pain was grinding her heart. Scene started to play which she had saw at the restaurant. She wanted to burst out all the pain and soreness in one breath. But her tongue was paralyzed to utter. She tried to hide all the emotions behind his face.

‘Do you like your present?’ he asked with questioned face.

Shalini was feeling unknown burning pain inside. She couldn’t spoke. She nodded and gathered energy to speak, ‘yes, I loved it…’ after saying she broke down into the tears.

‘Why are you crying sweetheart? Look at me…’ with serious expression Suhas put his hand on her chin. ‘…hey sweetheart, please tell me what is it?? It’s hurting to look you crying… are you not happy?’

Shalini shook her head in fast motion. She wanted to burst out all her anger on him, wanted to reveal his affair she had caught. But inside her instinct had pulling her back not utter a word. She put that Tanishq box where it was. Her tears were running on her cheeks. Inside she was feeling like pouring burning acid on her heart.

Serious expression pulled on Suhas face. Again he put his hand under her chin. She looked up with blurry eyes. Suhas said in slow gental voice, ‘what happened sweetheart…? tell me… have I done any mistakes which is why you are in hurt?! Please sweetheart don’t cry. Just tell me…’

‘you… you…,’ before she spoke anything, again she broke down into the tears. She punched on his chest lightly to express how much she was angry on him. She didn’t want to lose him. She hugged on his chest so tightly that she’ll never let him go.

Suhas couldn’t understand a thing what was going on. Why she was crying? What he had done?

Suhas thought: probably I didn’t wish her in morning that’s why she is crying? Or I came late on our anniversary day, even though she had said to come early?

He got the idea why she was crying.

Suhas rubbed her back softly to calm her down, and said, ‘okay… okay… now I got your concern… since last week I come late home. And today is our anniversary. And most hurting part is I came late then I usually come… you know why?’

Shalini’s thought pop up with that secretary. Just by thinking of her Shalini clenched her teeth with anger.

Suhas confessed the truth why he came late.

‘In my office I have a secretary like every boss has one. Obviously ladies know more about jewelry then men do. And as you know I don’t know much about ladies stuff. So yesterday, to choose your jewelry present I went out with her in tanishq shop. After two hours she made her choice for your present. And said: your wife will surely love this diamond set… And you’ve loved it, didn’t you? ’

Shalini nodded with smile. Mystery got revealed and her prejudice and bewilderment melt like a wax. Burning feeling made her chest relaxed. Lips smiled like a rose leaf. She lit up her face and looked at him. Her eyes smiled. All the confusion got evaporate in the air. Love for Suhas got so much more than it used to. Bud of leaf opened up to feel love again.

‘…and she helped me to choose your present, for that I wanted to give her a gift. So that’s why I went out for office an hour early. After office when we were about to leave, I gave her a gift. At first time she refused, then I made fake excuse about you. Then she took a gift. And today her vehical wasn’t started so I had to drop her at home. That’s why it’s got late sweetheart. I’m so sorry about it. Please forgive me for late wishing you… you always say: Nobody is perfect.’

Suhas reveled whole story and he asked for forgiveness with merciful expression.

After knowing the truth Shalini’s made up prejudice melt down like a wax. She hated herself for sherlocking on him. She made up all the prejudice without knowing the truth. And about that secretary who had choose my anniversary gift. She shouldn’t have say what she had said in anger. Shalini scolded herself, especially to that suspicious mind. She wiped her eyes and smiled to Suhas. With her brighten face she said, ‘No Suhas. I’m sorry for myself. Don’t apology.’ Under these two sentences she buried all her hidden story.

Suhas opened up tanishq box and he put on her neck. Salini wore earrings by herself. She looked at him and tossed her eyebrow as she was asking: how am I looking?

‘You looking just gorgeous sweetheart.’ After saying this, Suhas grabbed Shalini’s hand exquisitely and pulled her closer. Both eyes were looking each others. Shalini looked into Suhas’s eyes and she understood his colorful waves of lustful eyes. Before Suhas play his move by lips, Shalini played her first move and she finished their anniversary wishing at her side: ‘Happy third wedding anniversary to you too,’ then load of shyness made her eyelid closed. She put her head on his chest and hugged him tightly. Suhas’s body-spray making the scene more seductive. Inhaling that smell through nose gradually excitement was filling into their veins.

Shalini played her first move cleverly. Suhas let out sigh and smiled. Suhas rubbed his hand softly on Shalini’s back. He kissed on her forehead. Shalini’s lips chuckled up. Shalini felt relived inside her chest. Butterfly of excitement were flying in their belly. Tingling sensation gradually started to spread in whole body. Both were hugged to each other in full of love. Suhas had held the iPhone in his palm. He kissed it silently. To thank iPhone for reminding ‘wedding anniversary date’ he said: I love you sweetheart. Everything is well maintained in life because of you. Without your support and help I am incomplete. I can’t imagine my life without you. If I wouldn’t look at you in the very morning while opening my eyes and in evening before closing eyelids, then I would be drowned into the depth of darkness. Thanks for being in my life sweetheart.

Shalini felt tickling sensations after hearing Suhas’s warm words about her. Inherently her lips smiled glossy. Her eyelids were closed with shyness. Her heart was swimming into the ocean of romance. She expressed her feeling towards him, ‘I love you too, Suhas. Thanks for being in my life.’


Writer – Parth Toroneel