Time Traveller in English Fiction Stories by Michel books and stories PDF | Time Traveller

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Time Traveller

Time Traveller


Long period of a year passed but still Sophia was in tense due to Sam's disappearance from hospital.

Still there was no news about him. Sophia kept herself all time busy with books and physics experiments in her room. She did not take any interest in any other activity.

Her mother knew reasons for it but she did not know what to do to soothe her. She had no way to redeem her daughter.

That day Sophia was in her room as usual busy in her models and charts when her mother gave a loud call,

“There is a call for you.”

“Who is there, mom?”

“I don’t know but someone named Tom, may be your college friend.”

Sophia knew she had not any Tom in her college friends list or she could not remember any else Tom.

She padded down the stairs and came to foyer, she was eager to know who that Tom would be.

Her mom handed her the phone.

“Hello who is this?” Sophia inquired.

“Tom, I am Thomas Misry.” someone introduced himself from another end.

“Am I talking to Sophia Gala?”

“Of course. I am Sophia”

“We met at MRC centre. Do you remember me?”

“Sorry, I can't.”

“Last month at MRC CENTRE, in science exhibition in DM college at Alice Bridge.”

“Yeah, I remember it, you have shown an experiment about something NPF or NOF.”

“Yes, I am that, I want to meet you. Can we ?”

“Sorry but for what?”

“I need your help to prove my theory. Will you like to help me?”

“Okay, tomorrow noon at my house.”

Sophia gave him her address and call ended.

Next day at noon Sophia and Tom were in Sophia's room discussing about the experiment of NPF.

“I like your experiment at MRC lab.” said Tom.

“Thanks to believe in it, no one else believed my theory about real and virtual things.”

“Because your theory is beyond their comprehension.” said Tom and took out some papers from his bag containing PSI symbols and details about those symbols in it.

“These are NPF symbols. It shows how to use NPF.” said Tom while placing the papers on a small three leg table.

Sophia knew nothing about PSI code language and NPF.

“I can’t understand anything. Can u explain in details about it?” said she.

“Okay, do you believe in supernatural and paranormal?”

“Yeah, I do, actually I did not believe in paranormal before some time but an incident changed my view and now I believe in it.” said Sophia looking at Tom. Suddenly she realised she had not asked him for tea so she added “Will you take tea or coffee?”

“No, thanks, I will prefer cold water.”

Sophia handed him the plastic bottle, Tom took two sips from it and put it back on the corner table from where it was laid before.

“My theory is out of limitations of science. Science rejects it. People believe it a magic or miracle and gave it name of supernatural.” Said Tom, pause for a while perhaps to observe the expression over Sophia's face.

“My theory is about the Yoga and its powers. Yoga can give us excess to super powers like telepathy, telekinesis and teleportation. Many of the scientists believed that telepathy is possible. One of them was Albert Einstein. There are many theories of NPF.”

“What is NPF?” Sophia showed her curiosity to know about it.

“Physics can’t explain it. Directly science does not believe it but indirectly science does. For instance a mass prayer can heal a person from illness. People pray at temple to raise their Lord. We can find many evidence of NPF in viral videos on Internet and in ancient books.”

“OK. But how can I help you?”

“You can help me using your theory. If we join Yoga with science we can break the rules of physics.

“How can we do it?”

“I will explain you it letter, today I am here only to know about your decision.”

“Why latter?”

“I have to go now.”


“I have to join my father’s seminar of Yoga. I can’t miss it. See you again.”

“OK.. Bye.” said Sophia and came to get to see him off.

Tom left Sophia's house, stepped in his car and drove it towards NORTH HALL to join his father’s seminar.

Seminar had been started when Tom reached there. His father was addressing his followers,

“The mankind is running constantly with time being unaware of reality, some for money, some for power and some for prestige. Some still some are not totally blind. We are not unaware of reality so we are here.”

Almost seven hundred pure souls were sitting silently in lotus position to hear his lecture.

“We have lost faith in our soul. We have forgotten our ancient heart. After spending years with our ancient text I can assure you that the modern marshal art people believes it is belongs to China but it is wrong. According to our text Lord Shiva the god of creation, destruction and regeneration was master of meditation, Yoga, MOXA , Dance. He taught PARSHURAMA ( An immortal God of INDIA the 6th Avatar of Lord Vishnu) KALARIPAYAPTTU ( an ancient Indian art the mother of all martial art).”

“We should believe in ourselves, in or soul, in our ancient art. Most of the modern science theories are nothing but imitation of our ancient science. Our Rishi were greatest scientists of the world. They knew about the origin of universe and its end.”

Tom could hear only some part of speech as he was late. After seminar he returned to home with his father in his Honda Amaze.

Website : authorvicky.com