One Man Different Dimensions in English Moral Stories by Manjunath C books and stories PDF | One Man Different Dimensions

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One Man Different Dimensions

One Man

Different Dimensions

Life Is Game

Let’s Play


Manjunath C


Childhood Of Dhruv 3

The Dark Evening 6

The Butterfly Heart 14

The Melting Point 18

Childhood Of Dhruv

Location: KS Hospital, Madurai

Date: 20th April 2017

Rajiv was entering the hospital and he heard a baby screaming, he started looking for the baby in the maternity ward and found a chubby baby boy. Just then the doctor arrived and said “Congratulations, Mr. Rajiv you found the right baby Yes it is your son.” All the family members (Rajiv’s Wife Gayatri, Rajiv’s mother & Rajiv) were very happy. They named the boy Dhruv.

Everyone liked playing with Dhruv because as he was adorable and very naughty.

Rajiv was a gangster in Madurai and was very attached to his family.

Date: 05th May 2022

Dhruv was very excited about going to school, he joined Methodist Mission School. He did not cry like other kids to go to school. He enjoyed going to school. Every day during the lunch break his mom, grandmother & dad would come to school to feed Dhruv. It was a task to feed him as he would not eat anything else apart from snacks. He was not only a naughty boy but he was also good in his studies. He would get A+ in all the subjects.

But he had a strange habit of collecting pictures, “you may think what is wrong in collecting pictures” but the reality was different from your imagination. He used the cut the pictures for his text book using a sharp blade. The problem was that sometimes he used to cut his finger while cutting the picture and would often get scolded by his mother.

Days passed……..

The Dark Evening

Date: 20th April 2025

On 20th April 2025 Dhruv was celebrating his 8th birthday with his family after the party, Dhruv & his father went out to buy a birthday gift. He was very talkative. He started taking to his father about his friends & school. He spoke continuously for about an hour without any breaks. His father was started thinking “we are going to reach soon and I want to escape from this crazy kid” Finally they reached home and they were shocked when they saw the condition of the family members. All the family members (His mother & grandmother) were unconscious. Dhruv started crying looking at his mother & grandmother and the neighbors rushed into the house after hearing Dhruv cry to see what had happened. After analyzing the situation they quickly called the ambulance and within a few minutes ambulance arrived. They were taken to the hospital, all the way Dhruv was crying and hugged his mother & grandmother. They were immediately rushed to the emergency ward. The doctor checked both of them and said “you are too late they both died an hour ago” Rajiv was shocked and after few minutes he asked the doctor how did they die.

Doctor: After postmortem, only we can say what exactly happened.

Doctor and police handed over the dead body to Rajiv after all the formalities.

The next morning they cremated the bodies. After 2 days, the doctor called Rajiv to hand over the postmortem report.

Rajiv: What is the reason for the death?

Doctor: They both were suffering from some kind of Hypertensive Heart Disease.

After hearing this, he rushed to his family doctor, gave all the details about the death, and asked if you knew that they were suffering from this kind of disease.

Family Doctor: Yes, I knew this. But they asked me not to inform you about this when they came for the checkup last month. The disease was out of control.

Rajiv: But Doctor You should have informed me about this, what is the reason for it?

Family Doctor: It is hereditary

Rajiv: But Doctor in our family no one has had heart disease.

Family Doctor: Come On Mr.Rajiv we are in 2025, there is pollution everywhere, including the food that we eat. We don’t know what kind of diseases we will face in the future, the majority of this will be caused due to pollution.

Rajiv suddenly, started coughing

Family Doctor: Have some water, I recommend you to go for checkup; if I am not wrong, your last checkup was done 5 months ago.

Rajiv: Yes Doctor, its more than 5 months

Family Doctor: Rajiv you should not miss the checkups, every 2 months checkup is recommended for you.

Rajiv: When can I come for the checkup?

Family Doctor: Tomorrow by 11:30AM

Rajiv: Ok.

The whole night he was thinking about his family & about the disease. The next morning he went for checkup with Dhruv. And Dhruv was waiting outside the doctor’s cubicle.

Rajiv: Good Moring Doctor

Family Doctor: Very Good Morning Rajiv, Please take your seat

Rajiv: Thank You

Rajiv started coughing again

Family Doctor: What Happened Rajiv, Are you ok?

Rajiv: I am Fine, Can I get a glass of water?

Family Doctor: Sure.

Family Doctor started thinking that something is wrong with Rajiv

The checkup was done and Rajiv was waiting for the report, after a few minutes all the reports were ready and the doctor called Rajiv.

Family Doctor: From how many days are you coughing and how do you feel while coughing?

Rajiv: I’ve been coughing for the last 10 days now. While coughing there is a heavy burning sensation in the throat. Why, what happened Doctor?

Family Doctor: Sorry to inform you about this Mr. Rajiv you are also having Hypertensive Heart Disease.

Rajiv was shocked for a few seconds and continued the conversation

Rajiv: But how could this possibly happen to me? How?

Family Doctor: Just cool down Rajiv. We just found that this Hypertensive Heart Disease could spread.

Rajiv: Do have any treatment for this kind of disease?

Family Doctor: No, till now we have not found any medicine for this disease. I will give you some tablets for pain.

Rajiv started moving from the hospital to his house with Dhruv, all the way he was thinking about Dhruv’s future. The whole night he was thinking what Dhruv would do without him, finally he came to a decision. The next morning, he took Dhruv to Mother Teresa Child Trust, Madurai & paid all his savings to take care of Dhruv. He informed the Trust Head that he will be paying some more money for Dhruv’s Education & Future Needs. He Informed Dhruv that he is going to New Delhi to search for a place to start a new life with Dhruv and he would come back and take him. After a week, Rajiv came to pay the Money as promised and he wanted to meet Dhruv but Dhruv was not ready to meet him. Dhruv was hiding near a wall and looking at his father because he was very upset with his dad. He was feeling lonely Dhruv was always thinking about his family & his state (how he was & how he is now). Slowly Dhruv started moving near his father,

Rajiv: With tears in his eyes, he asked how are you Dhruv?

Dhruv was very silent & did not respond. After a few minutes, he asked when they are going back home as he did not want to stay in the orphanage.

Rajiv: Ok do not Cry, I will come tomorrow and I will take you, please wait for 24 hours my son and he left.

The next morning Dhruv was waiting for his father and kept looking at the gate. In the evening, the trust authorities took him to his house to attend his father’s funeral. He started crying when he saw his father’s dead body and started whispering “you told me you will be coming to take me” I promise to not trouble you anymore, please come back. After all the formalities were over Dhruv was taken back to Mother Teresa Child Trust. After a few days, the Trust Authorities handed over a briefcase to Dhruv. It was locked, he asked them for the key, they said we only have the Briefcase we do not have any key for this. Dhruv kept the briefcase aside, for a few months he was depressed, after 4 months he started focusing on his studies. 10 years passed just like the passing clouds. Dhruv Completed his 12th and he moved to Bangalore for his higher studies.

The Butterfly Heart

Location: University Of Chicago, Bangalore.

Date: 01.08.2035

The First Day at College was very uncomfortable for him because after his father’s death he was not ready to mingle with anyone. After attending the classes in the morning he would work in the CAD Center as Executive Trainee to manage his expenses. One fine day he was cleaning his hostel room and he noticed a briefcase and he started thinking about his father and his family and he tried opening the briefcase but he couldn’t as did not have the key. He tried with all the keys available and suddenly he remembered that “when his father met him for the last time, he gave him a pen and asked him to keep it safely”. Dhruv then started searching for the pen and finally found it. He started thinking how can a pen open a briefcase? It does not make any sense and he started twisting the pen. He tried twisting and turning the pen repeatedly and suddenly the pen’s tip broke and the tip looked like a key. He tried to open the briefcase and it opened, in the briefcase there were a few letters and some money. He wanted to use the money to buy something very close to his heart. Finally, he bought a Harley Davidson Iron 883TM. He named the bike Arvi and was very attached to it. In 2nd year, a girl proposed him but he rejected her because he knew it was only an infatuation and not love. He finally completed his MBA.

Dhruv joined ABD Television Company in Chennai. His goal was to be an entertainer. On 20th April 2039, he was celebrating his birthday in his company. The same day a girl joined the company and her name was Arvi. He was first attracted to her because of her name. He had no faith in the idea of love at first sight. Co-incidentally, she worked in the cubicle next to him and the initial attraction blossomed into love. It was a new feeling for him. One day he decided to ask her out for dinner to Le De Hotel. He was very nervous because he was planning to propose her. He could sense that she loved him too and hoped that things worked out as planned. After a week’s time he proposed her but she said “I’m sorry, we are just besties. I did not expect this from you”. She came with her boyfriend and introduced him to Dhruv. She was very close to that person in front of him. He was not able to digest the truth that he was all alone. He said to himself “I’m jealous of everybody who is with you when I’m not with you”. He wanted to forget everything her. He left the job and went for a long ride to Rameswaram.

While he was riding, he was thinking about the Arvi he was remembering the moment that she sat behind him on the bike and her talks. The bike hit an old car and he started crying on the road because there was a tiny scratch on his bike. He took his bike to a small mechanic shop, as there was no authorized service dealer close. The mechanic then asked what is the problem? He explained everything and the mechanic started laughing at him “you have come here for a small scratch. I can’t do anything about it”. After the service, he continued his journey and reached Rameswaram. After staying there for a short period he was returning to his place and almost hit a puppy. He swerved the bike to avoid hitting the puppy and almost ended up in a heap. After 2 months, he joined another Television company and he got a chance to explore multiple departments.

The Melting Point

Date: 07.08.2039

While he was in News Department, he got the news that the city was going to be flooded by the sea because of global warming. Everyone were tensed after seeing the video and the severity of the upcoming flood. Dhruv noticed that two people were alive in the port area because of one black box. He asked the channel to check what material the box was made of. It happened to be CKZ8 (carbographite) sheets and it was used for packing foreign exports. After this Dhruv came up with an idea and he informed everyone to collect CKZ8 sheets and within a few minutes they collected tons of sheets, he asked them to create a bus out of it and they ended up creating 20 buses. Dhruv said I can't save everyone in this world but there should be someone in the future. While creating CKZ8 bus he calculated how many people can be accommodated in a CKZ8 bus and he informed everyone to get on the bus. The bus could accommodate 30 people in each bus. Dhruv stayed back. He only had a lifesaver jacket with him. The flood was coming in faster than he thought. The CKZ8 bus was successfully floating, but something sharp deflated his life jacket and the swirling waters swallowed him. In a moment his entire life’s moments flashed before his eyes.

Location: Unspecific

He thought he died but he woke up in an unknown place. He was confused about where he was and then he concluded that it was a research lab. Suddenly he heard a voice saying “Welcome Dhruv’ he saw the person with a weird look.

Advik: Hi Dhruv this is Dr. Advik Dewan

Dhruv: hey hey hold on you are Dr. Advik Dewan and if I'm not wrong you are the same doctor who saved my life 5 years ago when I met with an accident.

Advik: With a smile said, you are right Dhruv

Dhruv: Ok, What is this place? Where am I? What are we doing here we need to save the people.

Advik: Hey just hold on, so many questions at once? I have saved your life twice. 5 years back and now as well.

Dhruv: BUT How?

Advik: Do you remember I performed a surgery in your left hand.

Dhruv: Yes

Advik: In that surgery, I kept a microchip in your body.

Dhruv: What? Without my permission how can you do this to me? This is not fair?

Advik: Dhruv in this world everything is fair if you are ok with it, because of the microchip, you are alive, I have saved your life.

Dhruv: But how doctor?

Advik: The chip can transfer the people to another place without their knowledge and the one and only person who can control this is Dr. Advik Dewan. (Shouting), now you know how you are here.

Dhruv: But, why me?

Advik: Ha ha… Because of your Lens invention we have selected you in our team.

Dhruv: What is Lens invention and who’s we?

Advik: Lens… that you created for ABD Channel.

Dhruv: Oh ok, you are talking about VC Lens which is used for secret video recording.

Advik: Exactly, you should thank my assistant Ms.Leena because she recommended you.

Dhruv: Ok. But why should I join your team?

Advik: Ha Ha… You do not have any other option. First of all you don’t have any idea about the place that we are in. Right? You must work for me there is no way to escape. I know you like to experiment with things, this is the place to explore and bring out your extraordinary ideas here and experiment.

Dhruv: Hmmmm… Alright, I will work with you since I do not have any other option.

Dr. Advik Dewan started to explain about the project & introduced Leena to Dhruv.

Advik: Then Dhruv all the best, I am very excited about your experiments.

Dhruv went through all the inventions created by Dr.Advik & Leena and then started his inventions. After a few weeks Dr.Advik was reviewing Dhruv’s Projects….

Advik: Hey, How is everything going? I just wanted to look at your inventions.

Dhruv: Everything is going good, I will explain the inventions to you one by one.

Advik: Ok.

Dhruv: The first thing that I’ve created is Transox (Gel), it totally transforms the face of a person who applies it . The second thing that I’ve created is Shalo (Jelly), if someone eats a small piece of Shalo it will increase or decrease your weight and finally I’ve created Generic (Human Cell), it will transform human to animal, bird & insects. I’m currently working on IMB Gun and TransLazer.

Advik: Wow, you are doing an awesome job.

Dhruv: Thank You, I will be finishing the next two project in another week.

Advik: ok, sounds good. Looking for more and big things

Dhruv: Ya sure, It is just the Beginning.

Dr.Advik felt a sharp sting in his back. He fell down and was immobilized, but was able to speak.

Advik: Dhruv Please help me I do not know what is happening to me please do something.

Dhruv saw Dr. Advik Dewan and slowly started smiling and said oh, I need to help you right but before that I have a question if I am the reason for your situation how can I help you?

Advik: What? Why are you doing this to me?

Dhruv: I am just experimenting on you it works perfectly.

Advik: Are you experimenting on me, without my permission, this not fair.

Dhruv: hey, as you said in this world everything is fair if you are ok with it.

Advik: Come on this is not the time to play… help me.

Dhruv: When you are playing with people’s life then why shouldn’t I do this to you?

Advik: What are you telling? What wrong did I do to you?

Dhruv: Do you remember Rajiv & family from Madurai.

Advik: Yes, I was the family doctor for them. But how do you know them & who are you?

Dhruv: I am Dhruv Rajiv. Yes, Rajiv is my father.

Advik was shocked.

Dhruv: Hey, don’t be shocked, I have not completed yet. You killed my family.

Advik: No, they died because of Hypertensive Heart Disease.

Dhruv: Ok, I believe you but what do you have to say about this report and letter

Advik: What report and what letter?

Dhruv: This was the last letter from my father, in this letter he wrote about your illegal activities and O3M Syringe. They believed you blindly but what you did, you Injected O3M Syringe to my family without their knowledge.

Advik: I’m sorry Dhruv, while experimenting it happened. I saved your life please do not do anything to me.

Dhruv: After killing my family you want me to forgive you? Does it make sense? No. What you said you saved my life No. I made you save my life.


Dhruv: Leena…

Advik: Leena what is this?

Leena: Sorry Advik, I got to know your true colours.

Dhruv: Hey Advik, everything was planned from the beginning, Leena is my college mate, before the accident I met Leena and explained about your dark side and I started planning to kill you. Everything was planned including the accident. Now you are like a joker.

Advik: He was very scared and said do not kill me.

Dhruv: There is absolutely no excuse that you can give me to forgive you. But I have many reasons to kill you because you not only killed my family but so many innocent people as you said you don’t have any other option just die. Do you know when I decided to kill you? Do you think after reading the letter? No. when I saw handicapped people in the orphanage were performing Silent National Anthem at that moment I decided that I’m going to kill you. Because I thought even they are doing something why can’t I. I was a very kindhearted person I wouldn’t even kill insects. In life, all are jokers until they take the right decisions at the right time. That makes them a hero.

Advik: No, don’t do this to me.

Dhruv: Leena, can you get me TransLeser?

Leena: Sure.

Dhruv: Advik to end the story. Bye. Dad this is for you. Using TransLaser Dhruv chopped his body in to many pieces. After killing Advik. Dhruv started crying thinking of his family.

After few minutes, Leena asked Dhruv as to what was he going to do now?

Now I will take over this lab and do the best innovations for human beings.

After everything, he saw the status of the earth, it was totally changed.

After the change of the earth he said:

Now Let’s Start From The Beginning