The Goddess Stone in English Fiction Stories by Rahul Thaker books and stories PDF | The Goddess Stone - A Thriller

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The Goddess Stone - A Thriller




-: Writer :-

Rahul Thaker


This book is copyrighted content of the concerned author as well as MatruBharti.

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1975 A.D. Somewhere near Morbi

The man was running like a mad man with some strange kind of metal box in his hand.

The time was two hours past the midnight and in this hour of the night; the atmosphere was totally silent as there were not the many movements were visible on the road. Everything became the still and silent.

The man has not reached in outskirts of Morbi town, he has left the town behind and now the open plains and fields have been arrived.

He stopped and looked behind; two men who were on after him were not visible so it meant that he became successes in loosing his trail.

He seated in the ground, took a long breath and looked at Metal box he was carrying. It was small metal box with two key holes. All of sudden he heard the footsteps in the far distance are coming towards his direction.

He realized that he may not have many resources are left so he decided something and started to observe around him. He found few wood branches are lying near him. He chooses one wood branch which was having very sharp edge. He started to dig the ground with that sharp edged wood branch.

The voices were coming nearer and he increased the speed of the digging.

After convinced the enough depth in the soil in which he could hide the box, he put the metal box in hole and started to repair the hole with the sand and dust.

After making sure that he did his best, he rose again and started to run as fast as he could.

The two men were now only a few yards away from him. Sensing his defeat, he stopped, folded his hands and prayed, “Jay Khodiyar Ma! I did my best, now the rest are in your hands! "

Than he put his one hand on his neck and other one on the back of his head than he strongly bent his neck with one solid attempt and died.


Morbi - Present Day

Bhavesh screamed on his workers “Hurry up, you dumb asses! Will you take the whole day to plant a new shade? I need the work to be done by evening it self. You lazy fools"

Bhavesh was working as a supervisor in the “Rupa Ceramics" one of the prominent ceramic units of the Morbi.

Bhavesh was the most trusted and reliable employee and He is considered as right hand to his Boss Bharat Patel

They were constructing a new shade on the backyards of the first unit. This proposed new shade would be used for the manufacturing of sanitary items.

The boss was on the tour so the whole charge of the construction was on Bhavesh’s shoulders and he wanted to complete the task before the arrival of his Boss. That why he was furiously shouting on the fellow workers.

The shouting of Bhavesh was making a positive impact and the workers were gearing up the construction work.

The JCB loader, a heavy earth moving machine was on the site to facilitate the workers and making things easier for the construction work.

The Blade of JCB went to the grounds and when it came out, it was full of the ground sands along with one Small Strange Metal Box


One strange small Metal Box came out from the grounds by the JCB blade

The worker nearby saw it and took it from the blade and went to the chair were Bhavesh was seated

Bhavesh saw a worker coming towards him and shouted " What the hell , you are doing here ! Go and start the work "

" But Sir! I only came here to deliver you this thing founded from the ground" Worker said politely

" Give it to me and resume your work! “Bhavesh fetched the box from worker and said

Bhavesh started to inspect the findings. It was small strange metal box .It was made by some strange kind of metal and was smaller in size and lighter in weight.

Bhavesh took the box to his ears and shake the box. He tried to listen for any voices to guess its content but he heard nothing as if the box was empty.

Bhavesh shouted on his workers " I am going inside the office for the lunch so don’t disturb me for a while " He than went inside his office with the Metal Box in his hand


Bhavesh went to his office and closed the door from inside. He than seated on his chair and put the metal box on the table in front of him.

The Box was rectangle in shape having the size of a normal postcard.

The box was packed from all the sides and has two frontal key holes. Apart from that, there was no any other opening was visible. The box was complete packed from the all sides.

Bhavesh took the box in his hand than he lifted his hand and throw the box on to the floor. The box hit the floor with loud voice and rolled few times.

He picks up the box again and started to inspect the situation was the same as it was earlier.

He saw two key holes on the side of the box. He took out his drawer keys tried to insert it in to the one hole. The key did not fit the hole.

Now he became tired and irritated as he again took the box and turns the box totally up side down and started to inspect the bottom of the box.

The bottom of the box is having the long plate. Bhavesh put his four fingers in the bottom and applied the sliding pressure on the plate same like one opens the back cover of cell phone.

The bottom plate moved from its place slightly and small gape appears between the plate and box's bottom. Still the bottom of the box was intake.

He saw a small envelope has been glued on the gape of the plate.


Bhavesh was surprised to see an envelope fall from the gape of the plate.

The envelope was a red colored , normal sized and having the picture of Goddess Khodiyar with the Trident in her hand and an Alligator in behind.

An opening of envelope was tightly sealed with red wax. Bhavesh tried to break the seal with his fingers but the wax was so tight that he failed to open the envelope.

He took out the scissor from drawer and cut the entire opening of envelope. He than inserted his two fingers inside the envelope and took its contents.

There were two different kinds of papers. First paper was the size of fool's cap and in neatly folded manner while other paper was sealed with red wax.

Bhavesh un-folds the first paper, it was written in neat peace of hand writing and looking like some kind of confession of someone.

Bhavesh seated on his chair, place the two papers and box on the table and closed his eyes.

In this process, he was unaware that someone was closely monitoring his activities from the window and has taken the various photos of his findings.


Bhavesh was unaware that someone has taken the photos of papers , envelope and the box.

After few minutes, Bhavesh opened his eyes and picked up the second paper which was sealed with red wax and started to observe it.

That piece of paper was thicker in size same like a project paper. It has only one fold and its both ends were entirely sealed with the red wax.

Bhavesh took the scissor again to open the seal but later he thought against it and put the both paper and scissor on the table.

He picked up the first paper which was unfolded. He carefully opened its folds and started to read its content slowly.

After reading the whole paper he put that paper on the table and again closed his eyes and started to think something.

Some minutes later he opened his eyes, took out his cell phone and dialed one number.

When the call is connected, Bhavesh said “Ameet, Come to my Unit as early as you can "


The photographer entered in the large bungalow . The name plate on the main gate read,

" Shastri Hemubhai Pandit"

A servant said “Shastriji is in pooja Room , please wait here "

The photographer seated on sofa in the leaving room and picked up a newspaper

Few minutes later , Shastriji arrived in the leaving room with the pooja thali in his hand.

Shastriji was a man with around seventy years of age. He was the well known person of the town, Shastriji was said to be the authority in "Karm-Kand". He was enjoying the status of “God-Man" and he was also the local leader of the political party.

A photographer touched his feet, took his blessing and handed him the cover

Shastriji opened the cover and took out the photos. After observing the photos twice, he asked to the photographer “Are you sure! You have seen this box from your naked eyes? "

" Yes! Shastriji, I was in good position near the office window and I have clearly seen this box “Photographer replied

" Nice! You will get your reward from my office" Shastriji rose from his chair. This suggests him to leave.

Shastriji went in to his Pooja Room with the photos in his hand. In the pooja room there were many pictures of various Gods & Goddesses

Shastriji stood opposite to Picture of Goddess Khodiyar, showed the photos of the box towards the picture and said “You have hide this from me for very long time, but now my wait is over. Sooner I would have the access of this box and the biggest fortune it is carrying "


1975 AD / L E college - Morbi

The final year post graduation students were gathered around the Tea stall and discussing routine subjects.

One of them said “Yaar! This is our final year. After that we all will finish our studies and would go to our respective locations than we meet very seldom "

" Very true! It would be not easy for us to left this environment and pursuing our careers" Other replied

" But one thing is sure that! Our own Krishna-Sudama will never separated “someone said

" Right! You are talking about Raju & Hemu! They will never leave each other at any situation" one of them added

The bond of friendship between Raju and Hemu was very strong , they are indeed a best of friends

Raju and Hemu were living in the same lane and thus they were the childhood friends.

Raju was the son of the wealthier industrialist while Hemu's father was earning his money by doing the “Karm-kand"

Raju was doing his Masters in Biology. Hemu was helping his father in his work and also studying in the arts stream in the spare time

The social , economic and academic gape between them did not affecting their friendship. They were really the best of friends

" The think of devil and devil will come! Look here comes the Raju & Hemu “One student said when he spotted the both coming towards them.


Raju and Hemu reached to the group and ordered the tea.

One student asked to Raju" Hey Raju, what are your plans for the Final Grand Project?"

Raju replied “Still nothing has finalized yaar! I am going to meet to the Principal for his suggestion in this regards"

Someone asked Hemu” What you will do after your education? "

Hemu answered” What else! I would choose the teaching job and along with the job, I would help my father in his Karm-Kand "

Raju said to Hemu” Don’t worry Brother! I am sure you will get the very good teaching job"

Hemu smiled and said nothing

Raju said “Me and Hemu are going to principal's office for his guidance regarding my Final Grand Project Report "

Raju & Hemu left the group and went in to the campus building.

Both entered in the office of the principal and seated opposite to him.

Raju requested “Sir! Please provide me the proper guidance about my Final Project Report "

Principal replied” Look Raju ! I know you are very bright student and I have also finalized one special Project for you, but ..." He hesitated and didn’t complete his sententance.

“What But Sir “Raju asked

" The Project is not sort of routine conventional project. It requires a total practical exposure but along with this, it is extremely difficult in nature and away from the town " Principal replied

"Away from the town , where Sir ? “Raju asked

" In MATEL “Principal answered


"In Matel? What kind of Project?" Raju asked

Principal ordered tea for them and answered “Before coming to the point, tell me what you know about the Matel?"

Hemu replied quickly “Sir! Matel is the leading pilgrimage of the Goddess Khodiyar. This place is the center of faith for the many people"

" Good! Now tell me about its Geographic " Principal said

Raju replied " The Matel is a very small village consisting houses and a big temple of Goddess just as Hemu described"

" What else ? “Principal asked.

Both looked at each other thinking “What else! The village, the temple "

Hemu said” Got it! A small lake also known as DHARO in local language. This small lake is in front of the temple"

" Excellent my boy, you got the point! My interest lies in that water body" Principal replied


" I am interested in that water body "Replied the principal

Principal sipped his tea and resumed his narration "Raju , you are the swimming champion and master athlete so only you can give the justice to my requirements"

" Please throw some more lights , Sir! “Raju requested

" Boys! Listen few Legends associated with that Lake “Principal said calmly

" Which Legends! Sir? “Raju asked

" The legends are saying two things. One - there is a small temple also known as DERI in somewhere inside the lake and Two - an ALLIGATOR, the vehicle of Goddess is living in that Lake since temple's origin "

" So? “Raju asked

" Just imagine boys! An Alligator is living in that Lake for only Goddess knows how many years, doesn’t that excite you? “Principal said with excitement in his voice

" Indeed it’s a fascinating peace of information, Sir! But still the picture is not clear to us. What is the connection of all these things to my Project Report?" Raju said

" Listen carefully, Raju! For your Biology Finale Project Report, I need the complete DNA report by taking a blood sample of that Alligator"


Present Day

Ameet and Jigar arrived at the scene.

Ameet was running a leading private detective agency and was considered to be the best in the business. Hardeek was his excellent helping hand.

Ameet has helped many people and solved many difficult cases. Recently with the help Hardeek and Jigar he has solved the famous case of Dungarpur Resort.

Jigar was the professor at Shiksha University and happens to be the close relative of Ameet

Hardeek was not in town. He was on holiday and about to return in few days

Bhavesh welcomed them and took them in to his office. Both make themselves comfortable and than Ameet asked " So Bhavesh what’s the matter of urgency "


Shastriji was seated on office with his trusted P.A..

Shastriji asked him “Tell me everything you knows about the Rupa Ceramics? "

" Shastriji! Rupa Ceramics is the one of the prominent Industry in the business. It manufactures and exports the products like Tiles with all sizes & shapes. In addition it manufactures Sanitary wares also" His P.A. replied

" OK! Now tell me about its location “Shastriji asked

" They are having two manufacturing units in sequence and both are on national highway” Replied the P.A.

" Give me an idea about its management" Shastriji demanded

" Shastriji! The manufacturing and supervising is monitored by Mr. Bhavesh while Marketing, Finance & Export are looking after by the owner Mr. Bharat Patel himself “P.A. said

"What about the owner? “Shastriji asked

" Mr. Bharat Patel is nice hearted young & energetic person. He is highly efficient and result oriented person. Currently he is on the business tour and supposed to return by tomorrow "

Shastriji said” Nice! Do one thing. Tomorrow, make a call to Mr. Bharat and tell him that Shastriji would like to visit the units personally and would give his blessings.


Ameet asked the Bhavesh " What is the urgent matter? "

Bhavesh bent on his chair and opened the last drawer of the table. He took out the metal box and put on the middle of the table.

Ameet and Jigar have looked at the box than they looked at Bhavesh for the explanations.

Bhavesh told them how box came out of the ground by the blade of the JCB

Ameet took the box on his hand and looked at all sides closely than handed over to Jigar who also did the same and put it again on the table

Bhavesh picked up the box and turned the box up side down than he slide the plate at the bottom of the box and took out the Envelope.

Ameet took the envelope and started to observe it. The envelope has the picture of Goddess Khodiyar on it. Jigar picked up the box and turned it, he saw that bottom of the box was still intake. He than fixed the plate on its place.

Ameet took out the two papers from envelope and put on the table. One was opened and written in neat hand writing while other was thicker in size and its ends were sealed with red wax

Ameet unfolds the first paper and started to read it.


1975 AD / L E College

" I want the complete DNA report of that Alligator " Principal said

Raju & Hemu became dumb for few moments and could not believe on their ears

Raju said after some time " Sir ! I bag your parson! We have not heard you correctly "

" No my son! You have heard it very clearly & correctly “Principal replied

" The DNA report of that Alligator, But Why...? “Raju asked

" See, boys! This Alligator is living and surviving for very long period of time. So by obtaining its DNA we can have the clear idea about its survival “Principal said

" But, Sir this is the Legend and it could be wrong too! “Raju replied

" Look Raju! This Alligator has been spotted by many devotees on regular interval. They firmly believe that indeed they have spotted an Alligator on this Lake. Even I had felt many times during my visits that something is floating in far distance on the lake “Principal answered

Hemu said “Sir is right. My father has also spotted an Alligator on many times "

Raju replied” OK lets believe that this legend is true than again my question is Why Only Me? "


" Why only Me ? I mean we could request about this to Temple Authorities or even to the Forest Department on this regards "Raju said

Principal replied " First we could not involve Temple authority on this matter as they would not allow us on Religious Grounds, because they would say that Goddess would not approve this. The Forest department would not believe in our words and could ask to us to obtain various permits. We would not get their approval easily"

Principal paused for sometime and again added” I have chosen you because you very bright in your studies, brave in nature and most important you are the champion swimmer "

" Sir! Have you thought about the risk factors? “Raju said

" Don’t worry! You will be given the every resources required for this project. Which are Oxygen tank and forehead torch lamp for yourself while Anesthetic Injections with the small air gun for the beast. Also sample collecting tubes and few other medical types of equipment. Finally some routine tools also would be given” Principal said

Raju said” Thanks, sir "

" Look my son! If we got the success in our task and if we could collect the DNA of that beast than by researching its DNA we can increase the life span of other species. This would create the new benchmark in the medical field. The reputation of you and our college will be on peak if we got the success “Principal said

" OK Sir! Tomorrow I and Hemu will go to the Matel and will do our level best " Raju answered with firm determination


Present Day

Ameet started to read the first paper,

"You are reading this , it means you have found the box and the envelope inside it.

I am Raju, the final year biology student. I have written this confession and I do swear on Goddess Khodiyar that whatever I am about to tell you through this massage is correct and accurate

Whatever I am going to tell you is the Un-thinkable and Un-believable, but trust me I have been gone through such strange kind of events that you even cant imagine.

Let me start my confession.

I and my best friend Hemu were assigned one special assignment by our college Principal.

The assignment was to collect the Blood sample of an Alligator that might be leaving in the small lake in front of the temple in the Matel.

Yes my dear friend! You have read it correct. I am telling the truth.

So me and Hemu were reached Matel with the all required equipments and waited for the Sun to set"

The reading of Ameet was interrupted by the knock on the door and they saw the owner Mr. Bharat Patel arrived


Mr. Bharat Patel arrived in the office

Bhavesh asked "Welcome boss ! You are supposed to arrive on tomorrow"

Bharat said” Oh Yes! But my work finished before time so here I am, By the way, who are these guests? "

Bhavesh filled him the complete details of the all events start from finding of box to till his arrival at the office.

After listening everything, Bharat said “The holy Goddess! Ok Ameet please resumes your reading this paper "


Shastriji could not focus on anything since he has seen the photos of the box.

His thoughts totally revolve around the box and its mysterious content.

From that fateful night in the Matel to till this very day, the prime goal of Shastriji's life was to acquire the content of that box

Shastriji shivered by thinking of the series of events which happened on that night and after that his life has been changed totally


1975 AD / Matel

Raju and Hemu made a camp on the one of the far remote banks of the lake

Once the Sun is set and moon appears , Raju started the preparation for his activity while Hemu was helping him and checking the inventories

They are having two oxygen tanks , a head lamp, nylon suites , the waterproof medical equipments and few misleneous things like some tools and packed foods etc

Raju wear the full nylon suite , a swimming goggles , put a head lamp on his forehand and hanged an oxygen tank on his back

Raju put all the medical equipments like injection , syringes and taste tubes in the pocket of his nylon suits and was ready for his task.

Hemu hugged him and said “Raju! For god's sake, please be careful; don’t worry if the work is not done. Please don’t take many risks...I will wait here for you and if you need anything just tell me. Please take care "

Raju jumped in the water.


Raju jumped in the water

The lake which is known as DHARO is also a phenomena itself . It never dries in summer season,

no matter how much heat & temperature rises up , the water body remains intake.

The legend also said that the source of the water comes from a small DERI of Goddess which is inside the lake and because of that DERI the Lake never dries in any season.

In addition, the water of the lake does not require any kind of water purification and can be consumed directly. This is also a miracle itself.

By now Raju had reached in the middle of the water, surprisingly the visibility was nice which helps Raju to search for his goal.

Now Raju was in the exact middle of the Lake, he dived under and approached towards the bottom of the lake

When he reached to the bottom, he searched around his surroundings and saw one Idol of Goddess and one small Trident in the bottom


Raju saw a small Idol of Goddess and Trident stuck in the bottom of the Lake

An Idol of Goddess was a totally black colored and in the very ruin state .The Trident was too not in the good condition

Raju could not believe on his eyes. He was very stunned by spotting the temple beneath the Lake.

He murmured “Oh my Holy Goddess! A statue of Goddess carrying the Trident. Jay Khodiyar Ma, you are really the Great!"

Raju went to near the statue, folded his hands and prayed for his success.

He spotted one small Hole at the feet of the statue and so stream of the water was coming out of that hole

" My God! All the legends are accurate The DERI and the source of the water, which means the holy Alligator....."

Than Raju saw a beast was sleeping in some distance behind the DERI.


Present Day

Shastriji was seating at his office

He was unable to concentrate on his regular works since he has seen the photo of the box,

He has cancelled many political meetings . Even he has refused to be present at many religious events. He remains occupied in his mental thoughts.

His mind is totally occupied by the box and the mysterious object it is containing.

He has scarifies his whole life for that object and now he is on the verge of holding it. He hoped that very soon, he would have the control the box and the biggest fortune it carries.

His thoughts were broken by his P.A. “Shastriji, I got the news that Mr. Bharat Patel is arrived early from the tour "

Shastiji replied “Jay Khodiyar Ma! Than don’t waste much time and lets go to the Unit "


Ameet resumed the reading " Once the moon appears , I jumped in the Lake , water was clear , I reached at the middle and dived under and reached at the bottom of the Lake "

Everyone in the office was listening

" I actually found the small temple of Goddess in the bottom of the lake . I also saw the source of the water which coming from the feet of the statue "

" Yes! I indeed saw a temple beneath the lake! You want believe this but it is correct! I swear no holy Goddess. I was sure I will finish the task by finding an Alligator "

Ameet , Jigar , Bhavesh & Bharat were became stunned by reading the confession , They were not able to decide whether to believe it or not

Ameet once again started reading " Oh my dear Reader ! Than I spotted an Alligator sleeping behind that temple”


1975 AD / Matel

Raju spotted an Alligator is sleeping behind the temple.

The beast was totally black in colure. It was approx twenty feet long and bigger in size. The good thing was that it was sleeping calmly and steadily.

Raju took out a small air gun and put an anesthetic injection in the gun. He checked once again pushed the trigger.

An Injection stuck near the neck of the beast. It opened its eyes for the few moments but soon the anesthesia overpowered it and again it fallen in to the deep sleep.

After few minutes, when he was confident that the beast is sleeping, Raju went near to the beast. He than took out another Injection and taste tube from his pocket.

He hesitated little with the some fear. But soon he gathered all his courage and he was than ready to take the blood sample of the Holy Alligator.


Raju was hesitated for some time than he gathered all his courage and was ready to collect the blood sample.

He went near to the sleeping beast. The beast was under the influence of medicine. It was still sleeping very steadily.

Raju touched beast's feet with his finger and he quickly took away his fingers but no movements were registered from an animal.

Raju took out the syringe and took it to near the neck of the beast.

Again he hesitated little with the fear than he prayed and inserted the syringe on the skin of beast, still no movement from the animal.

The dark red blood was filling up the syringe. Once the tube is totally filled with the blood, Raju took out the syringe and quickly went away from the animal.

Raju carefully, put all the syringes and tubes with the blood sample in his pocket.

He thanked Goddess for keeping him safe from the beast. He again looked at the beast for the last time before leaving the spot.

He saw some Golden object was sparkling on the nose of Alligator


Raju saw some Golden object sparkled on the nose of the Alligator

Raju went near to the beast and started to observe that object.

“Holly Goddess! The NOSE RING of the Alligator. Again one another legend which defines the Holy Alligator is wearing a nose ring is accurate “Raju murmured.

That object, a nose ring was totally Golden and having the size of normal bangle.

Raju thought “I should take this nose ring as a Souvenir or as a 'Prasad ' of the Goddess Khodiyar.

I will put this on our Home pooja room"

He took out the cutter from his pocket. He slowly and carefully started to cut the nose ring of an animal. After few moments the object has been cut. Raju carefully put the nose ring in his pocket.

He once again prayed to the Goddess and started to emerged from the water.


Present Day

Everyone in the Office became stunned to hear that , the man in the confession name Raju has indeed found an Alligator in the lake.

Ameet resumed the reading of the confession

" I went near to the animal, than I fired an anesthetic injection and waited for medicine to start its work"

"After making sure that It is in the deep sleep , I inserted the needle in neck of the animal and took the blood sample "

Jigar , Bhavesh & Bharat were listening with the concentration.

Ameet started the reading again

" I have finished my task and I am about to leave the place. Than I saw a Golden Ring on the nose of the Alligator"

" I cut it from the cutter and took it with me as a ' Prasad' of the Goddess"

Everyone was looked very stunned by hearing this set of events.

Than they saw many vehicles arrived in the parking and saw Shastriji came with his entire team


1975 AD / Matel

Raju emerged from the water .Hemu saw him from the banks of the lake and he jumped with joy and started the waving of his hands towards the Raju.

Raju reached on the bank of the lake. He came out of the lake and seated on the grass.

Hemu handed him the water bottle and asked “are you OK! My dear friend! What happened inside? Did you find the Alligator?"

Raju finished the water bottle and started to narrate his adventures. He explained his entire under water adventure .He told him how he had found a Deri, than found an Alligator. He also narrated how he took out the blood sample from the animal.

Hemu replied “Excellent Raju! You truly deserves the Hug , Stand up please"

Raju stand up by pressing both his hands on ground and in process , something fall out from his pocket

Raju & Hemu was amazed to see a ' GOLDEN CUTTER' fall from the Raju's pocket and hits on the ground


Present Day

Shastriji and his team entered in the office

Bharat said to Shastriji " The great Shastri Hemubhai Pandit , please welcome"

Instead giving the answer to the Bharat , Shastriji looked at the Bhavesh and said " Give me that box which you found from ground "

Bharat opened the drawer and took out the box and said in between " May I know why you required it , Shastriji ? "

Shastriji replied”Look , Bharat ! I am in search of this box for many years. This box contains an object which could change the economic course of the any person, society or even any country "

" What the hell in the name of God does this box contains?? " Ameet asked

Shastriji said " It contains the ' PHILOSOPHER's STONE ' which converts any metal in to the Gold


1975 AD / Matel

Raju & Hemu were amazed to see the Golden Cutter fell from Raju's pocket

Hemu picked up the Golden Cutter and said " It is the pure Gold ! But this was not in our tool box, from where you have found this?"

Raju took the cutter and started to observe it and said”This is the cutter by which I have cut the nose ring of an Alligator"

Hemu replied” What a nose ring of an Alligator! Where it is? "

Raju took out the nose ring from his pocket and show it to Hemu and said” But how come the cutter become the Golden?"

Hemu opened a tool box and fetch one small nail, than he touch the nail to the nose ring and waited for the result.

After few moments a rustic and dull black nail transformed in to the bright Golden color


The black dull nail became the Golden.

Hemu said with excitement “This nose ring is a 'Paras Patthar' "

Raju replied “What you mean the ' Philosopher's stone ? "

Hemu said “Yes! My friend you have discovered the biggest fortune of the world, Raju "

Raju was still not believing in the set of the events .He said after some time” But how could this be possible? We have just heard it about the stone, its again the another Legend "

Hemu said " The Goddess is great , The nose ring of her Alligator is actually ' The Philosopher's stone . The direct touch of this nose ring would convert any ordinary metal in to the Gold "


Present Day

The big silence occurred in the office.

After some moments Jigar said " So lets assume this box is having the Philosopher’s stone. Still there are many doubts. First, the box requires two keys to open, where are the keys?? "

Bhavesh asked “What if we break the box by Hammer or by the cutting Machine? "

Shastriji replied “No! Please don’t do that, because forceful tempering of the box is not the feasible way as there is the possibility that the entire box may convert in to the Gold including the stone. Than in such case we would completly lose the object "

Bharat said “So we must have to find the two keys, but where the keys are? "

Jigar replied “The answer would be in confession, Ameet please resume your reading "


1975 AD / Matel

The nose ring would convert any metal in to the Gold

Hemu could not take out his eyes from the nose ring. He said “Yaar! You have found the biggest fortune of this world. This would change our lives completely "

Raju saw some strange kind of the feelings on the face of Hemu . Though he took a note of this change and took the nose ring back from the Hemu.

Raju said " I think we should submitted it to the government . t does not belongs to us.

Next day in the morning we will hand over this object to the District Collector "

Raju saw an expression on face of Hemu have been changed and he replied nothing.

They headed back towards their home.


Instead of going to the Home , Raju secretly went to the Blacksmith street were one of his friend is having a workshop.

Raju said to his friend “Yaar! I need a small solid box, which could be safe and could not easily open by anyone. Can you give me the same? "

His friend said with a smile” Why Raju? What big treasure you want to hide in such box? "

Raju replied with confidence” Nothing Yaar! Just the old jewelleries of my Grandmother, nothing special. Please give me as soon as possible as I am in the urgency "

His friend went inside. When he came out, he was holding one small strange metal box.


Present Day

Ameet resumed the reading " My dear Reader ! We have just realized that we have found the 'Philosopher's Stone' "

Hemu was very excited to see the stone, I haven’t seen him like that . He was talking about the big fortunes and all these.

I have decided to hand over the stone to the government which Hemu did not like , though he said nothing but I have sensed something wrong is happening to him.

We left Matel and I secretly went to Blacksmith Street where my friend had a workshop. I requested him to give me something in which I could keep my Jewelleries safe.

My dear Reader! He gave me the same box which you have found and now holding it


1975 AD

Raju took the box in his hand and observed it.

The box was a small, rectangle in shape and size of the postcard and it was having the two key holes . Apart from that no any other openings of the box were visible.

His friend took the two keys and said to Raju “Look! The box could be open only by pressing the two keys at the same time. The box is made by the solid metal and could not open easily "

Raju pressed the two keys and box opened, the interior of the box totally coated with red soft Velvet

" One more thing! There is a small gape at the bottom, by removing the plate, You can keep the list of Jewelries here “His friend said

" Thanks! Yaar, it is really a great help " Raju thanked him and left the workshop


By the noon , Raju reached his home and saw Hemu was waiting for him.

“Where have you been, Raju? I was waiting for you and by the way where is the stone? “Hemu asked

Raju put the metal box between them and opened it with two keys.

Than he put the Nose Ring in the Velvet pouch, sealed the pouch by the wax. Than closed the box and put the two keys in his pocket.

He said to Hemu, “Now the stone is safe. We would hand over the same to government on tomorrow morning "

Hemu said” Yaar! You have found it so it’s your decision. Please think again as we could change our lives with this stone "

Raju shook his head and firmly said “No"

Hemu said “OK! Tomorrow we will give it to government as per your wish”

Raju again sensed that something is wrong with Hemu’s behavior. He sensed something really bad would about to happen. So he thinks for a long time. He than placed the box in the drawer and left the home with an axe, iron rod and the two keys of the box.


By the night Raju came back home and he saw Hemu was standing outside his home

Hemu asked to Raju "Where have you been all day ? Where are the box and the keys? Give it to me right now"

Raju just said” Box is inside my home. But why you needed it as we have discussed earlier that we would hand over the same to the government? "

Hemu said” You are really very fool. You are giving such a fortune to the government. If you don’t wants to keep it than give it to me, otherwise ...."

Raju asked " Otherwise, What?”

In reply Hemu clapped his both hands and two strong men appeared from nowhere.

Hemu said "If you don’t give it easily than these two men will do anything for me "

Raju said “Ok ! I don’t need any violence .I am giving it to you "

Raju went inside, took the box. He than opened its bottom plate. Than he took out one envelope from his pocket and placed it in that space and fix the plate.

Than he carried the box and acted as if he is going to give it to Hemu

Hemu was so confident that He calmly starched his hands.

Raju took the advantage of his negligence. He pushed the Hemu and run with the metal box in his hand


Raju ran with the metal box in his hand . The two men also ran behind him.

Raju being a good sportsman has gathered all his stamina and started to run as fast as he could.

The two men behind him also were running hard to catch him.

Now Raju reached outside of the town and the plains and fields were arrived.

He waited and looked behind; the two men were not visible.

He seated on the ground and started to look at the box he was carrying. Than he heard the footsteps were coming near to him.

Sensing that, he don’t have many resources. He dig the ground with sharp tree branch , made a big hole in the ground . He than put the box inside and repaired the hole.

He heard the footsteps were very close to him and he ran as fast as he could.

The two men were now only yards away from him.

Sensing his defeat. He stopped, folded his hands and prayed “Jay Khodiyar Maa! I did my best , now rest are in your hands"

Than he put his one hand on his neck and other one on the back of his head than he strongly bent his neck with one solid attempt and died.


Present Day

Ameet was reading the confession

" I got the very safe metal box which could only open by pressing the two keys at the same time "

I placed the stone in velvet pouch and put it in the box. Hemu was also present at that time.

The behavior of Hemu was totally changed and he had not liked my idea of submitting the stone to the government.

So I thinked for the long time and left the home with two keys and one axe & iron rod

I secretly went to the one place and hide the two keys there.

Than I wrote this confession and placed it in an envelope.

After some time, I thought that I should at least indicate where I have hidden the two keys.

So I took the one thick paper and draw the location where I have I hide the keys. Than I sealed the second paper with red wax and placed it inside an envelope.

Now O my dear Reader! The command of the box is in your hands. Find the keys and get the stone but please act wisely and never forget that Goddess is always watching you and your steps.

The confession ends


The complete silence spread in the office.

Jigar said “Raju has suggested that his friend Hemu did not approve the idea of submitting the stone to the government. Why you did not like it Shastriji Hemubhai Pandit? What happened to the Raju than after? "

Shastriji answered” He was such a fool that he did not like to hold this treasure and wanted to hand over to government. I simply asked him to given it to me and I knew that he would not give it to me easily so I have hired two rented people to just giving him the threat.

Everyone was listening to him.

Shastriji resumed his narration "But he became over smart and run with box. My men also ran after him. Later my men informed me that he has hide the box somewhere outside of the town and committed the Suicide "

Everyone became stunned to hear it from Shastriji


Everyone feels the unjustified pain by hearing Raju 's suicide.

Bhavesh said angrily “You killer! You have killed your best friend for some piece of stone! Really a shame on you "

Shastriji replied with a smile” Look neither me nor my men has killed him! He committed the Suicide remember it "

Ameet said” But you are the reason behind his suicide! Aren’t you? "

Shastriji said” May be Yes! But now forget the past and come in the present. Give me the second piece of paper where my friend has drawn a location of the keys "

Bharat said” What If we don’t give it to you? "

Shastriji replied " Look Bharat you are only four people and I came with my entire army .Moreover If I spreads the news that Mr. Bharat has a conflict with the great ' Shastriji ' than you knows that what my ' Followers ' could do the damage to you and to your Units. I am the after all the 'God man' to them. So be wise and show me the second piece of the paper "

Jigar took out the second paper from envelope, cut the seal and opened it on the table


Jigar opened the second paper on the table

The second paper was thicker in size like the project paper.

There was a picture of Big Temple. In front of the temple, there was a large water body. The entrance of the water body has stairs and one gate. Between the gates there was a big statue of the Alligator.

At the bottom the picture there was written some thing like this.

“Oh my Friend! What belonged to the beast, we claimed it

and now

what we seek have been claimed by the beast"

Shastriji said” The picture is definitely the Matel, but where exactly in the Matel? "

Jigar replied calmly " I knows the place , Lets finish the tale , from where it began "


They all arrived at Matel

Ameet and Jigar accompanied by Bhavesh & Bharat were first to came while Shastriji came after some time with only few of his trusted men.

The modern day Matel is now under developing state. The flow of the tourists and pilgrimages are increasing day by day. So in result there are many Prasad stalls , food stalls and few Dharamshalas have been operated near the temple.

The member of temple authority personally welcomed “Shastriji" and his guests. They did the Darshan at the main temple and gathered in one of the rooms.

Once seated, Shastriji asked to Jigar “So Professor now tell us , where are the keys ?? "


Shastriji asked to the Jigar " Where are the keys ? "

Jigar took the second paper and opened it on the center table between them.

It was the Picture of the main temple and there was a large water body in front of temple. The entrance of the water body has stairs and one big gate .Between the stairs and big gate , there was a statue of an Alligator

Below the picture , it was written

" Oh my Friend ! What belonged to the beast , we claimed it and what we seek have been claimed by the beast"

Jigar pointed the pencil to the Alligator statue which was between the gate and said " The keys are inside this statue"


Jigar said " The keys are inside the statue of Alligator"

Shastriji replied " How could you be that sure ? "

Jigar replied “What Raju has written in bottom of the picture. Let’s simplify it.

What belonged to the beast that is ' a nose ring ' has been taken by us,


What we seek ' the keys ' has been taken by the beast

Shastriji was shaking his head in confusion.

Jigar replied “Remember what Raju said in confession. He left d his home with two keys and one axe & iron rod. Thus keys are inside the statue of Alligator. He has hide the keys inside this statue'"

Ameet asked” So how can we took out the keys hidden the inside a statue. I mean what about the temple authority? "

Shastriji replied “My influence on the religion would work "


Shastriji went to the office of the temple and requested the 'Mahant' the head priest to have some discussion.

Mahant greeted the Shastriji and said “Yes Shastriji! What you wanted to talk? "

Shastriji replied” Bapu! Do you know why I came to Matel? "

" No, Shastriji! But thanks for your visit to the temple. It meant a lot to us " Mahant replied

Shastiji said " Last night Goddess came in to my dream and complained that we people regularly renovates her temple but no one is looking at her loving pet , her Alligator "

" She said that the statue of the Alligator needs the renovation . So I came with few experts who will complete the task as per Goddess’s wishes"

Mahant thinked for long time and said” OK Shastriji! If its really a Goddess’s wish than please go ahead and do as per her command"


The ' Team Ameet' and ' Team Shastriji' gathered around the statue of Alligator

Bhavesh and one of Shastriji’s trusted man started to work on the statue

Bhavesh looked at the Jigar for the guidance.

Jigar said “The nose ring is the jewel of the nose so it is obvious that ,The two keys are in the each of the Nostrils of the statue "

Bhavesh and other man took a long iron rod whose one end has a sharp 'Magnet' tied on it.

Both inserted there respective rods to each nostrils as far as they could penetrate and

after some time they both sensed that something has really stuck on the magnet.

They both slowly took out the iron rods and saw at the end of rod and stick with a magnet, there were one small rustic key at the each end of the iron rod.


There were one small key glued at the each end of the iron rod

Both team became excited by the discovery of the keys.

They all were standing at the stairs of the 'Ghats' a stair descending in the water for devotees to take a bath in the water.

Jigar observed the keys; both were identical in shape and size.

Shastriji said “Now give me the keys and the box "

Ameet took the keys from Jigar and said “Look Shastriji! I am requesting you that as per Raju’s wish, we should handed it to the government "

Shastriji replied angrily” No ! I have waited for this very moment for the many years. I will hold it at any cost. Give me my things, otherwise ..."

At the same time Ameet, Jigar and Bhavesh did the eye contact to one another and decided something ....


Ameet , Bhavesh & Jigar decided something by an eye contact.

They were standing on the stairs of the Ghats which was directly built upon the water.

Ameet said " Shastriji, please try to understand. We do not deserve this fortune "

By saying this, Ameet slowly descends to the stairs towards the water. Shastriji also did the same.

Jigar and Bhavesh were also in rhythm with him. Shastriji's man also descends along with them.

Shastriji replied “I am warning you last time that Give me the box and the keys, else you knows What I could do!”

Ameet descends to the last stair, now he and Shastriji were on last stair while Bhavesh & Jigar were one step behind them on second last stair with one of shastriji's man.

Ameet throw the keys towards Jigar & Bhavesh and said loudly " Jigar, catch the keys "


Ameet throw the keys and said " Jigar , catch the keys "

The many set of actions occurred in the very next moment.

Shastriji looked at the thrown keys which were floating in the air.

Jigar and Bhavesh paid the full attentions and were ready to catch the keys.

Shastriji’s man was also looking at the thrown keys.

Bharat & other people who were standing at far from the scene were also monitoring the actions.

Jigar perfectly catch the two keys.

While Jigar was catching the keys and Shastriji was looking at the keys. At that time,

Bhavesh acted as if he is also trying to catch the keys and in process he 'pushed' Shastriji and in result , Shastriji looses his balance and fell in to the water


Shastriji looses his balance and fell in to the water.

Everyone became still as the incident occurred all of the sudden.

The Ghats, from where Shastriji fallen was overwhelming the lake and the sudden water body was very deep beyond it and he fall in the deep water.

Shastriji’s man who was on Ghats, first came out of the spell and realized what had happened.

He saw Shastriji was resisting for the survival in the water. He came near to the water as early as he could.

The ' Team Ameet' and other people were watching the show.

Shastriji’s man bent on the last stair and starched his hand, Shastriji also tried to hold his hand

All of the sudden Shastriji felt the pain in his right leg


Shastriji felt the pain in his right leg and he started to scream loudly.

It was a like something has been tucked in to his leg and was implying the pressure on the leg.

The pain and pressure was unbearable and Shastriji was now loudly crying and resisting for the freedom.

Something has been dragging Shastriji inside the water. His more than half body was now under water.

The crowd was gathered and looking at the incident.

Now only the head of the Shastriji was visible. The all the people were nervously watching and talking to each other.

Finally they saw that Shastriji has been completely dragged inside by the very large Alligator.

The ' Team Ameet' murmured “Goddess did the Justice "


The news of Shastriji ' s sudden accidental death by an Alligator has been spread quickly and all his followers along with his political party members were in deep sorrow.

Many people were also saying that “Shastriji being a a lucky soul that he got the salvation by Goddess’s holy Alligator "


The ' Team Ameet ' were gathered in room of the Dharamshala

Jigar put the box in between and took out the two keys. He pressed the two keys in the two key holes of the box and turned the keys. The box opened.

Jigar took out the velvet pouch and break its wax seal. He than carefully opened the pouch and took out its content.


Jigar took out the Nose Ring from the pouch and placed it on the table between them.

Everyone was looking with their eyes wide open to the object. It was sparkling and brightening with yellow color.

Ameet took out his car keys and touched the metal tip of it with the Nose ring and waited for the result.

To their surprise, the tip of the car keys which have metal part is transformed in to pure gold.

Everyone observed the Golden car keys and looked the amaze.

Ameet said “The holy Goddess! It is the biggest Fortune and Treasure. The Goddess is really the Great "

Bharat said” So! Now what to do with this Fortune? "

Jigar said” Look in the today's era it’s highly unsafe to submit it to the government. If it falls in to the wrong hands, than its implications would be disaster"

" OK! Than what to do else? “Ameet asked

Jigar replied “I have an Idea."


In the night the team gathered in the shore of the lake.

They have hired a small fishing boat from the local fisherman. They sailed in the boat and went towards the middle of the lake

By reaching at the exact middle of the lake , Jigar took out the Nose Ring and said ,

" This is the asset of the Goddess and her Alligator , Lets give them back "

Jigar simply dropped the Nose Ring in the water. The object quickly sinks in the water and become out of sight in the next moment.

They all folded their hands and prayed “Jay Khodiyar Maa!”


Ameet & Jigar were seating in the farm house of Bharat Patel and enjoying the party

Jigar said " We missed Hardeek in this case "

At the same time Ameet's phone rang he looked who is calling and said " Think of Devil ! This is his call "

Ameet picked up the call and listened carefully. His face become serious and after ending his call, he said “It was Hardeek, who is enjoying vacation in DIU. He has found something so strange that he asked us to reach there on top most priority "

Jigar looked at Ameet and said,” OK! Let’s go to DIU "

------------THE END ----------

Author's Note

All the incidents mentioned in this novel are pure fiction. There are no resemblances to any person, faith, religion or the society.

In Scotland there is a big lake or the ‘Loch’. The name of the loch is Loch Ness. In that loch, one fiction animal named ‘Nessy’ is said to be lived there for very longer period of time. It is really one of the unsolved mysteries till date and many explorers are still in the search of that monster.

The basic idea of the ‘The Goddess Stone ‘has been seeds from that mystery.

Indeed , The Legend that of “ an Alligator is living in the lake of the Matel” is highly popular among the devotees. It is a vehicle of the Goddess and considered to be as holy as Goddess. Many devotees have claimed that they have spotted the same in the lake. It is also belief that ‘Holy Alligator’ gives ‘Darshan’ to many devotees on time to time.

The legend also supports the notion that this Holy Alligator is wearing the ‘Golden Nose Ring’ on her nose.

Thus I have blended the myths and legends with the fictions characters with few adventures and thrills.

This story is totally of my imaginations. Hope you have enjoyed the same.

Jay Khodiyar Maa !