Endless Voyage - Part - 33 in English Fiction Stories by પ્રદીપકુમાર રાઓલ books and stories PDF | Endless Voyage - Part - 33

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Endless Voyage - Part - 33

Endless Voyage

Rise and fall of humanity


pradipkumar raol


prakash vaidya

Part - 33


I, Prashatkumar your Prime Minster want to tell you my “manki baat’, our nation made tremendous progress. We are now practically a Super Power. However, the ground realities are shocking. But along with that earth’s resources are getting depleted. My every effort has failed, I changed my cabinet two or three times but situation remained the same, it got even worse. I demonetized large currency notes to curb black money even that did not work. Yes, I had slipped into comma, after my accident, that is what doctors say, actually, I don’t remember.

What I had experienced seemed real to me. I don’t even remember that I had given an interview. And what is the use; I am no more in power. This position of PM I had achieved after a lot of struggle and toil because I was qualified for that. From 2014-2020 all over the world anarchy and chaos prevailed. Here, and in many nations people were fed up of their governments’ mismanagement so they had started protesting. They had voted them in power, putting trust in them but the governments had continued to play their usual politics. Peoples’ difficulties and problems were surmounting, even India was not out of this. Here, popular opinion was that, that to get a job of a peon, clerk, an engineer or a doctor one is required of having particular qualification and has to pass multiple examinations and interviews while for the most important job of providing best governance, no educational qualification was required. Elections were contested and won by using religious feelings, money, and muscle power and caste factor.

This system won’t work and will not be tolerated, people demanded better system. In the beginning the government did not budge and said that nation’s constitution does not allow that. It started to suppress the agitations but in vain. It added more fuel to the fire. ‘Satyagrah’ (peaceful agitation), Fasting, ‘Rail Roko’(stopping trains), ‘JailBharo(getting arrested willingly),’ every possible form of registering their protest was employed with full vigor and force. Later on after four years, the government bent on its knees and was forced to concede to the demands of people and made many committees; and many amendments were carried out into the constitution.

New laws were made for elections and educational qualification was made mandatory for electoral candidates. People thought that better days will come and soon everything will be fine, but it did not happen. Anyway, never mind that, coming back to my thoughts I successfully cleared many examinations and interviews; in some I was a topper as required by the new electoral criteria for the post :Prime Minister of India. Once on the post of PM, I tried my best, but failed. People’s expectations proved a mirage. Agitations, revolution and fasting failed and had no effect on the system.

I thought how can it have effect because the collective mentality of the people had not changed, you see, my ultra-tech car which had cost exchequer’s millions of rupees had just failed because of one tiny rat’s misdeeds. It had eaten away its wiring while I was seeing historical palace in Goa. I did spot a couple of them in that famous palace.

This car of mine, you know, could withstand even missile attacks and from which worldwide communication was possible. This failing nearly caused me my life. Thank god I got my life back by a thin hair chance.

I often think, is it same for the whole mankind? Can one mistake, one silly mistake would be the cause of its destruction?

For my better health and recovery every day I receive hundreds of flowers and innumerable wishes. People want to talk to me, take my interview. Oh! I can only think and dream, but I have become a vegetable, even worse than that. The other day some media men were telling me that I have not only changed India but influenced world leaders also. What a joke! I can’t even recognize my photograph and have no energy left to kill a fly. My wife often tells me, I have become very popular all over the world after that particular live interview. But I must confess that, I still see Rushivarya sometimes. What was all that?

My daughter always comes to visit me, she is very talkative, and I just keep on listening to her. She is not quite aware of what is all going on in my mind, nor do I understand her. My psychoanalysis treatment is going on. This doctor is asking me hundreds of questions every session, often they are related to my childhoods and early incidences in my life. He even asks me about my dreams, and what did I experience during my coma! Oh! He is a good listener.

However, I will have to tell you about one truth, which is haunting me since my childhood, without knowing that you would miss much. When I was about six years old I had a dream that somewhere a big fire has broken out, I saw people running out of their houses and all that. I told about it to my mother, they all laughed at me and advised me not to watch fires closely for long hours especially when the night is approaching.

Exactly after a week in my village a big fire broke out. Many had died in that dreadful fire. My dreams which were mostly horrible always came true with a bit of twist in the tale. As I grew order their frequency decreased. This one will really lighten you up, I was standing somewhere and people were clapping loudly. I saw a bus passing in front of me; I clearly marked its Number: D1-i-9897.

This had no meaning apparently, but that is how dreams work. So I didn’t tell about it to anyone. And those were the days of my exams, eventually it also got over. The result came, the percentage was 98.97; IInd Year, M.Sc. Economics.

I have always felt strongly about one particular saying which goes like this: “HUMANITY HAS ONLY SCRATCHED THE SURFACE OF ITS POTENTIAL.”

Actually, an “End” is a “new beginning.” A beginning is a first step and the first step is what matters the most. I wonder, would mankind be able to go beyond the galaxies… my thoughts may sound incoherent, sometimes even foolish…’ the PM succumbed to sleep, may be to see more dreams!

Particularly at that time, far away in the space, aliens started their journey from Able Galaxy; their destination was Planet Earth.


The End