Million Dreams on Wheels in English Biography by Darshita Babubhai Shah books and stories PDF | Million Dreams on Wheels

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Million Dreams on Wheels

Million Dreams on Wheels


We are unable to guess the ability of man's power of mind. We are the swimmers of the great ocean of the time. One is an expert swimmer and the other is a beginner. One swims while diving and the other one helps people to swim. Sometimes, one who swims alone, becomes tired, but one who tunes with the time and flows accordingly he certainly reaches the coast. One who faces every hindrance with pleasure; he certainly reaches the coast successfully. While getting progress, so many forces work. A man gets achievement with the help of his brightness, readiness to work sincerely, his courage, his power of decision, preparation and help of family members. A man must possess all these but the first step to success is to take judgment at the right time what to do and what not to do. One, who can decide himself, can climb the steps to success. Sometimes a man has to face the good or bad result due to that verdict made by him. But it is inevitable for building the character. It is the pride of his status as they were decisions that were made by him. Sometimes the resolution may be wrong. It doesn't matter. Man must have the habit of taking resolution courageously and then he will achieve unique place in the society. Such person never retreats in the conflict of life. The power of decision carries a person to the highest position. For that time passes. It is the test of man's patience.

Today we are going to peep into life of such a great person whose life is full of energy, achievements and spirit. Reading about her achievements You will certainly utter 'Vow!. It is an old saying about a woman that a home is everything for a woman. Management is not a new word for a woman who keeps an account of edibles like milk and vegetables in the kitchen. Yes, the terminology of the word is changed in 21st century. Now a

day it is not astonishing to see women administrating a big firm or a company. Reading the word like 'woman', people have a picture of a woman managing a house with the help of little money. Today, the woman has begun to think about her career looking after the home. Women are taking courses of Human Resource Management to be expertised in corporate sector and business management. In 21st Century, demand of H.R. Management is greater than before. At this time, being a woman at the age of 47 to receive 5 masters degrees is not an easy job. Not only that, instead being a physically challenged woman having polio by birth and possessing needs a tremendous energy and patience. Forgetting polio and winning the battle of life occupying degrees with hard labour, patience, determination and spirit is not a child's play. Any man will certainly feel humiliation for not having such a great success. Let us congratulate Darshitaben who has been a source of inspiration for the normal people. She has lived such a life unnoticing her disability that can be an inspiration to everybody.

Darshitaben has realized 'A will will find a way.' She is a woman who has achieved many degrees. In spite of being a physically challenged person, she has been awarded by 'India Book of Record' for proving herself a successful woman. She has been awarded twice by 'Limca Book of Records' in 2007 and 2011. She is doing inspiring work more than compared to a normal human being.

Ahmedabad has become a native of Darshitaben since her birth, 9th November, 1965. At the age of 8th month, her body was 100 % affected with polio. Immediate nursing, saved her life and there was improvement up to 40%. Her parents did not lose heart knowing that this condition will be lifelong. Her parents did not stop the treatment. She had to do exercise for five hours every day. At night she was kept in a steel box and during the day time she was bound with a chair so that she could learn to sit. There was no control over her body. She would fall down, if anybody touched her. She could live long in support of the exercises. Her father, mother, brother and sister stood at her side vigoursly to give her proper treatment. They never hesitated to carry her to Nandanvan Physiotherapy centre from Maninagar. There, Dr. Snehlataben Modi and Natubhai taught her to walk with the help of crutches. They made her stand own self and taught her to keep the head and heart high. Darshitaben is very much obliged to them for moulding her life.

How can we think for having the facilities like that available in foreign countries when it is impossible in our country to go to school on foot for a physically challenged person? It was the condition that she could go to school if somebody carried her on a shoulder to the school. At last parents

made arrangement to teach her at home by having tuition. Thus the schooling came to end. The expense of the teacher was unaffordable. But it was inevitable. They wanted to give education to her daughter along with giving the treatment for polio. They managed any way. To strengthen her lungs they managed to teach her vocal music. To strengthen the muscles, swimming was required. So they managed to teach her swimming. Her father was B. Sc. and mother was B. A. with English. So they believed that the real heritage for the son and daughter is giving full education so that they can stand on their feet. In this age of high prices it is very hard to give treatment for polio, send three daughters for the degree of Pharmacy and a son for engineering. But they did.

For Darshitaben schooling began at normal age with irregular presence in school. With the help of parents, friends and personal coaching, the study went on. This kind of arrangement was also made for the college education. After graduation, she faced a great shock. Her mother passed away. So her father had to carry the responsibility of a mother as well as a father. Her brother, sister and brother-in-law became a helping hand at the time of study. Treatment was inevitable. Study was also inevitable. For that somebody's help was required. The family members were at her service without any hesitation. She had to be carried to the hospital and college. That was done by loving family members and father. There was not a special facility for her to carry on education sitting at home. She had to face struggle and she studied. After graduation, getting a job was a prime problem for her. For sparing time of 8 to 10 hours was impossible. When the transportation for going to a place for job was impossible, she continued to study. After the death of her mother, she tried to pen a poem. She feels that the grief of heart comes out through tears but she does not want to cry to make everybody unhappy. Instead of crying, she began to write poem and expressed those sadness through the poems. That was a catharsis. Thus she took creative approach to lessen the unhappiness. She wrote Gazal, song, Garba and got them printed. She also got her books printed. She became a member in Literary Association.

How did she happen to join Apang Manav Mandal? She remembers an event. "Once I was not given opportunity to recite poem in the meeting and a lady instructed me that a disable person should work in the institution of handicapped. I got a way. I thought that I have to work for a man and woman who are like me. So I started to give service to Apang Manav Mandal. I got blessings of Shree Kshitishbhai Madanmohan while working in Apang Manav Mandal. I felt pleasure working in this field. I was satisfied with my work. Then I started my own trust- Darshu Public

Cheritable Trust. I began to help my father in his business of dyes and chemical. Now I look after the account of my father's business. In spare time I give tuition and manage my own business. I have also passed the examination of music up to Madhyama Purna. Getting time, I have taken interest in painting. I have made wonderful paintings. I like playing chess so I participate in the chess competition. I am fond of music, so I never miss a good programme of music."

Darshitaben manages a group of poets named 'Kaleidoscope' in Orient Club situated near M.J.Library, Ahmedabad. In this 'Kaleidoscope' growing men of letters recite their poems and express their feelings through their creation. She is the member of Lion's Club of Vastrapur, too. Her collection of poems is going to be published as 'Sparsh' and 'Intezar'. Depicting her activities, she says gladly, " I give services to Gujarat Cancer Society and Victoria Jubilee Hospital Trust and receives donation for them. I do all these work through internet and mobile staying at home. All my family members are with me while I am working. My father has never thought of money while giving me treatment and education. At the age of 80 years, my father observes the duty of a father and mother lovingly and warmly without fail. Without their co-operation, guidance, care and affection, I would not have won the struggle in my life."

Darshitaben longs to go to USA. She wants to get the proper knowledge for child's care and education. She believes that knowledge of management is necessary for every human being. The woman passing over 40 must be master in the management, if she goes out of her home. So having physical limitation, she is not satisfied with her degrees. She has her own school. She is fond of teaching. She tells, "I will study, if I pass over 85. Learning has no age limitation. I believe that every woman should increase span of her knowledge according to generation. I have never taken a break from study. Today at the age of 47 years, I have a craze for studying much. I have 17 degrees. Knowledge of management is required to administer any company. A person gets good job and good growth having the degree in management. I wanted to know how to manage a company. If we update new homely gadgets, we have to renew our brain, too."

She has been awarded in 2007 by 'Limca Book of Record'. She has been awarded as a 'Best Self-employed Person' by Gujarat State. She has been awarded as a 'Most innovative Lady of 2009 by I I M. Recently she is working as a Social Entrepreneur and Social Worker. She is related with many NGOs and NGO institutions. Right now she is working in Apang Manav Mandal as an Honorary Officer on special duty. She has established her own trust for the disabled named Darshu Care Public Charitable

Trust. She is working in The Gujarat Cancer Society as a P.R.O. She is also working for Andhjan Mandal, Gujarat Research Society, Victoria Jubilee Hospital Trust, Andha Kanya Prakash Gruh, Sabarkantha Physically Handicapped Mandal (Dhansura) and Lion's Club of Vastrapur.

As an officer on duty, Darshanaben looks after the welfare of handicapped children. She collects donation for Apang Manav Mandal. She also looks after the Fashion Design Centre of Apang Manav Mandal. She holds the responsibility of making web-site and updating of the web-site of Apang Manav Mandal. She keeps the responsibility of 'News Letter' of Apang Manav Mandal. She does all the duties of Apang Manav Mandal with enthusiasm. With the help of her family member, she stays in Apang Manav Mandal from 3 to 6.

She runs her own trust named Darshu Care Public Trust. She collects donation for the trust, holds account of the rust and gets it audited. She makes web-site for the trust. With the help of family members, she buys required aids and appliances for the disable people and finds out the needy handicapped persons enthusiastically. Then she takes care to provide them at right time and right place.

The uncomforting system of our country disappoints her as there is no proper arrangement to move to upstairs for handicapped people while going to the place of study or going to the place of job. So it is very difficult for a handicapped person to get education or observe duty at the place of job. The handicapped people need certain facilities like slope, wash room, transportation that are inevitable for them. She expresses her feeling saying, "Though I have secured many degrees, I have no job. I am post-graduate in 4 faculties. Yet, I am unable to get proper job due to my disability. When opportunity occurred, I tried to prove myself able for the job, but there was no positive reply. Desire for a job and ability are not enough for a handicapped people in the field of employment. I have knocked the door of many banks, companies and institution for many years but I have realized that it is very hard to be employed in a good company or a bank. Sometimes I have got the shameful answers from the employees like ' There is no facility for a handicapped person in my office. There is no rest room. Office is at the fifth floor and there is not lift. The post is cancelled.' At last I left the idea of getting a job in a private sector. Then I began to hold diploma degrees and tried to get job placing the diploma certificate. But the result was zero. Was it not unfortunate that while appearing for an examination of

a first class judicial magistrate? I had to fight to get sitting arrangement at the ground floor as a handicapped person?"

In spite of all these hindrances, Darshitaben was firm to accomplish such a position so that she can stand on her feet independently. If we glance at the list of her degrees, we will certainly congratulate her for her tremendous endeavour. For a common and normal being it is not easy to succeed in this challenging and competitive age. Salute to Darshitaben for obtaining such achievement even though her body is affected 80% by polio.

Degrees obtained by Darshitaben:

Certificate in Computer.

P. G. Diploma in Computer.

Advance Diploma in Computer Application.

Bachelor in Computer Application.

Master in Computer Application.

Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Programming.

Post Graduate Diploma in Web Designing.

Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application.

B. Com with I class from Gujarat University.

M. Com. (Account)

M. Com. (Statistic)

Inter I C W A I

Bachelor in Legislative Law

Advocate Course

Master in Legislative Law from Gujarat University.

Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (from A. M. A)

Diploma in Food and Nutrition.

Master in Business Administration

All these degrees prove the proverb 'A will will find a way'. Even to obtain one or two degree, for a normal individual it is not a child's play. It is certainly praise worthy thing to obtain degrees up to the age of 47 year having 80% disability and being a woman.

Darshitaben has some aims in her life. If we glance at it, we will certainly have more respect for her.

If one has strong will-power and wheel-power, anything can be achieved.

To get trouble free / natural mobility for handicap community.

To help other handicapped persons by giving aids and appliances.

To provide wheel chair and tri-cycle to the needy.

To provide calipers, crunches, Schools and college fees, Note-books, Text- books, food grains, Medical Expenses to needy people as suitable depend on disability.

To show no hesitation and attend all conferences and association for getting more amenities for the handicapped from the government and private sectors.

To take or accept top challenges which ensures success.

To be associated with various NGO’ s. and Institutes.

To keep daring and guts to meet the general as well as private property dealers for barrier free way.

To assist handicapped for suitable job like Data Entry, Call Center Agents etc and motivate them for study and self employed and live with self esteem.

To fight for accessibility.

To establish good environment for handicapped persons.

Darshitaben has never accepted defeat even from the very beginning of life. Her achievement proves her significant power of determination. To make her body abled, she continuously keeps on exercises for two hours every day. Now she gets guidance from physiotherapist Dr. Umag Sanghavi (Residing at Canada). She bears such a healthy spirit that any normal person feel shame. She finished most of the study staying at home. She has gained all the computer degrees from Indira Gandi Open University. Her two keen friends, Pratik Mehta and Nitinbhai have become helping hand for the mastery that she got in the field of computer operating.

Darshitaben has started to give more attention to her trust. She is always anxious to help any physically challange4d person. She is unable to walk more so she keeps a wheel chair with her. Wherever she goes, it is with her. If she has to go far, she keeps the wheel chair with her in Riksha. She feels that disability is not a curse but it is made a curse by society. If one is firm nothing can move one from one's resolution. For that the WILL is required. There are so many people who are physically normal but they live the life worse than disabled. She has realized what the problem a handicapped experience. She wishes to be a helping hand for every needy and disable person. Love, warmth of her family has made her life worth

living and successful. So she longs to inspire people through her deeds and behaviour. Lots of congratulation to Darshitaben for her great achievements.

3rd December, 2013 won President Award

Dr. Janak Shah

Mrs. Bharati Shah

25th July, 2012.