Endless Voyage - Part - 31 in English Fiction Stories by પ્રદીપકુમાર રાઓલ books and stories PDF | Endless Voyage - Part - 31

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Endless Voyage - Part - 31

Endless Voyage

Rise and fall of humanity


pradipkumar raol


prakash vaidya

Part - 31

The people of the earth were now completely free of all the worries. They felt elated and relaxed. However, they started experiencing everyday unprecedented, strange and amusing incidents. They kept on wondering and couldn’t comprehend their causes. They found that they all had become lean and thin and considerably taller than what they were before. Their skin had completely turned white, quite similar to albino with a faint glow of golden color.

If someone was hurt no pain was experienced. No heart beating and process of breathing was felt, their bodies became totally hairless, and it became difficult to make out the difference between male and female. Children often committed mistakes in calling out their parents. Mamma was called mistakenly as papa and vice a versa. When they touched each other they felt a bit of vibration and during that their eyes became yellow.

Each day began with a new experience, a new phenomenon. They did not even experience electric shock. Even in the world of thoughts and mind strange and drastic changes occurred. Nobody felt hatred or anger toward others. They began to call each other with love and affection. However, the old memories were almost forgotten, like what their job or status was. What work they were doing etc. was only faintly remembered.

Looking to the overall impact they had no serious complains about all these novel changes. Besides, these physical and emotional level changes they experienced, a whole lot of changes in the external world too. Many modern types of equipment like TV, fridge, heater, microwave, computers, and iPods cell phones began to malfunction. Things when thrown into the sky began to fall slowly.

The most amazing change was that people could easily go through walls and partitions made of any material except that of wood. Children especially enjoyed this phenomenon. They made a game out of it.

Electronic communication systems, satellites etc. were also not giving perfect results, even then the word of mouth spread across the nations about these amazing changes. Everyone got dismayed. This may sound mind boggling, however nobody cared much about this. Many countries tried to restart flight services but to their dismay, pilots couldn’t control the planes and the flights reached to unknown destinations. Sometimes engines failed and the planes had to make emergency landing. Surprisingly no one used to get injured due to earth’s lessened gravity. Some even pointed out that the moon’s size has decreased.

Thus, the world had changed drastically in almost all respect for the mankind. Physically, mentally, even in the fields of scientific principles. All leaders of the world thought that they can’t go on like this. Life would become more difficult and slowly the mankind would revert back to 7th century BC. They must do something about this. Only Rushi can answer this or change this. Many leaders somehow managed to meet at one place and tried to send signals but in vain. At last, the Rushi appeared, this time, seemingly in flesh and blood before Prime Minister of India.

When Indian PM was sitting in the garden in front of his residence the Rushi appeared in front of him, levitating, for his feet did not touch the ground. He had on a loose robe of most exquisite whiteness. PM was so startled and shocked that he almost got up from his Easy Chair. But seconds later he was relaxed because now he foresaw the chance of getting some explanations regarding strange phenomena occurring everywhere.

The PM joined his hands in a gesture of ‘Namaskar’ and said, ‘Oh, great soul, you taught us a very good lesson of life in the hardest possible way. However, it is observed that most of the present scientific principles are not working; they are of no use to us now. What is the reason behind this; we are utterly perplexed. How our life would be hereafter on this planet? We cannot understand. Please, give us some guidance.’

Rushi smiled and answered in a hardly audible voice, ‘It did come to my knowledge, that is why I had to come back crossing millions of light years.’

‘How is it possible? It would take that many years, even for the “light” itself. Any way it is changed here, the world looks stranger to us, and how can we deal with it.’ PM spoke in one breath.

Rushi raised his hand and stopped him. ‘Have patience; do not trouble your mind too much. I have come to explain it to you.’

“Pardon me, but why did you come to me only. We all world leaders were trying in vain using our failing communication system to be in touch with you. If you would have presented yourself at NASA as before it would have been better. The problems are similar everywhere.”

‘I could’ve done that also, but now it is not necessary. They will trust the meeting between us and they would behave accordingly’ Rushi said.

“Oh, yes, they will have to trust me”

“Surely they will, and you wanted to ask me about all these unprecedented changes in to your day to day life and science, is that it?”

‘Yes, please elaborate.’

“Let me give you some back drop to the issue at hand. You earth people had suffered a lot, beyond human capacity. So much misery, pain and above all fear of death, that its wounds would not have healed for years to come. The person who is suffering from such post-traumatic stress disorders would not come out of it for the rest of his life. He would lose his mental equilibrium. He would have nightmares every minute; he would not be able to get mental rest and peace. Those whose relatives and friends have died will be caught in melancholia. This would have happened on a large scale; to a great number of people. They would not be able to live a normal life. By the way, how many of you have survived since I left this tiny planet of yours?”

‘I am afraid, not many. May be one billion or more; I am not sure. Actually, this escaped our minds.’

“Never mind, at present the population of the planet Earth is exactly 0.81 billion.” A long pause followed and the Rushi asked, “Have you studied science?”

The personal question puzzled Indian PM but he answered, “No, Rushivarya, I was a student of economics.”

‘You must have all-round knowledge, it always helps. Nevertheless you are at least a graduate.’ Rushivarya said in a light mood.

Prime Minister was greatly shaken by what the Rushi had described about the horrible after effects of the catastrophe they had faced. – He never thought that such things could have happened at the mental level also.

‘Oh holy one, is there any way out of this?’ PM was anxious now.

‘Yeah, that is why I had cast a magic spell on all earth people and took them in to a state of happiness so that they can come out of old dreadful memories’.

‘That is fine, but why we have changed, we do not remember much down our memory lane. I am not a student of Psychology but I do understand. There are so many changes with us, to cite a few; we feel changes with our bodies also. No hairs, skin have become thinner, we cannot hear our own heartbeats and breathing; we do not like our foods; even water is not digested well. Gravity has reduced, moon has gone farther, and that will create more trouble. All modern equipments, machineries, gadgets have gone berserk. Our wide range of sophisticated communication network system is on the verge of collapse. What is all these? Will we not be able to make any progress? Can’t understand’ he said in one breath.

“Oh, you, don’t get so much disturbed and worried. Not justified at all after suffering so much troubles with unparalleled tenacity. Now, I will tell you how to go about this.”

‘Furthermore, even our intellect is in disarray, please, do something.’

‘That, we would not do, because this has happened due to our frequent presence on this planet, due to our energies. No, it cannot change. Some of our energies have merged with the earth’s atmosphere. So all your present day science will be affected, physical science, medical science, psychology will not be of much use now. You may throw them into dustbin. Call it a mutation of some kind. Nature does it on regular basis. Species come and go; become extinct, new species arrive. New forces, new elements may arrive, find them- invent them and survive…

You will have to start from the scratch. You must be prepared for every change.Any change, has a myriad of side effects that can change your future. If the change is too great and the side effects too many, then it becomes certain that the outcome will be far removed from anything you have planned or entirely unpredictable. Here, in earth’s case, it seems that neither you nor we ever planned for anything. So from now onwards, you will have to invent new scientific principles by method of experimentation observation and analysis.

However, your intellect has improved greatly. Carnal desires like greed, jealousy, anger, hatred, lust and ego; these useless Stone Age tendencies would slowly disappear. So you will attain your progress very quickly and reach to its extreme peak. As far as progress of the mind is concerned you were at infant’s stage, desiring of fame and fortune which can’t give you the eternal bliss and joy.

Moreover, henceforth you will be able to exchange your knowledge and stored information of the mind with each other in just matter of seconds.’

PM’s eyes were wet with tears now.

‘Don’t cry my dear child!!’ Rushi said with affection. ‘Your life span would be around thirty five years and memory will enhance day by day. It will have no limits; of course its load won’t be felt on your mind. Your children will attain adulthood within 3 years of their birth so lot of time would be saved in child rearing, child caring, and their education, Because he will inherit total knowledge of his parents.

Slowly and slowly all divisions of class and creed, poor and rich, will disappear. Even divisions of nations and continents, religion sects, old customs and dogmas, taboos, caste and creeds would eventually be erased from your mind because there won’t be any need of it. You will discard it as you will get to understand its futility.’

“But our life span is decreased by so much. How will we be able to make progress? And ach…’

“Oh! stop it my child, this much lifespan is more than enough, under new conditions. Longing for long life and a craze for immortality will also disappear; your food habits will now depend on new plants, new kind of fruits and grains which will be growing soon. You will have to adapt to new changes around you in order to survive. Now, it is a new beginning, however, it will not happen suddenly” Rushi got up. ‘Give my message to all the earth people,’

‘As you wish’ the Indian PM said with zero excitement.

“Another thing I want to tell you is that, some of your kind has already joined at the Antarctic with us in our ‘Mega project’ for new “Universe” to take place. They will reach to higher states of existence.”

‘Rushivarya, please wait for one more second before you leave. I can’t stop myself from asking, why birds, animals…are not seen anymore?’

‘Did you ever care for them except only for your dirty designs? You eat them; removed their skin for leather items and fur coats. You became predators. These animals and birds you are talking about will not be maltreated by you from henceforth. They too have joined us at our laboratory in Antarctica.

‘But, this earth will not be a charming place without them, it will look ugly!’

‘Then why did you destroy their habitats and jungles, they were the representatives of nature, they had come here much before you. It would have been better if their life was not disturbed. With us they would be safe. One more thing, you must feel one with the cosmos- universe, it is spiritual also.’

The Rushithen slowly vanished into the thin air.

PM thought: how the human kind had been reprimanded. This black headed human beings… Sorry! Even the black hairs had gone now, be able to correct their future?
