Endless Voyage - Part - 30 in English Fiction Stories by પ્રદીપકુમાર રાઓલ books and stories PDF | Endless Voyage - Part - 30

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Endless Voyage - Part - 30

Endless Voyage

Rise and fall of humanity


pradipkumar raol


prakash vaidya

Part - 30

UN General Assembly meeting had now become of prime importance and urgent considering the strange turn of events. The people in the report had shown an undying spirit of freedom, there was truth in it, now it was fatal to take another hasty step. For anything concrete to happen people’s trust had to be won. Thirty six hours after the “popular report” UN Secretary – General took unprecedented step. He invited everyone who wished to remain present, which included many famous N.G.O.S like Amnesty International; Lions club International, Rotary International, International Red Cross, Oxfam International, Help Age India and UNESCO etc.

The General Assembly meeting was going to be an historical event. Survival of homo-sapiens was depended on its success. All protocols were bypassed. The Secretary- General at the start began saying, “Every one present here has the unequivocal right to express his opinion, as a resident of mother earth. The way the things are taking shape I am extremely worried. Nevertheless, I do admire the feelings of the people as expressed in the report. Their reasons for not going with the ‘Rushi’ are valid enough. So, where do we go from here? Now our unofficial Commander - In – Chief that is US President will lead the discussion.

President started quite nervously, ‘I really go with the people, as I always do; but by that curtains does not fall on the matter at hand. This problem is like a hanging sword over our heads. Rushivarya thinks that we have cheated him, and he is very angry now. For earth to become inhabitable we must do something – any suggestions please?

Japan’s Premier asked for permission to speak. He was allowed. He said, ‘There is a proposal from one of our professors, if you allow, let us hear it out’

‘Yes, yes why not? Welcome professor, you can say anything you want.’ Professor came near to the dais and bowed in Japanese style,

‘Yes, you carry on’ Secretary - General encouraged him.

“With due respect to all, I am saying that children are no less than Gods, they are darlings of all. Their innocence and love of life is always envied. So, if all the children request Rushi to stop this carnage I am confident that “He” will be moved by their sorrow and plight and agree to put things in order.”

‘When world leaders like us have no influence and cannot wield power, how on earth these tiny tots would count? What a laughable proposal!!! This is utter nonsense!’ China’s leader gave his not so much sought after opinion quite sarcastically.’

However, Russian leader favored Japan’s proposal and showed his full support, ‘this proposal is worthy of our attention, it is not at all childish’.

‘We strongly condemn Russia’s views, Russia must withdraw its words otherwise we would walk-out.” China continued protesting.

‘Yeah, you are free to walk-out, no one is stopping you,’ Russia snapped back. The effect was quite volatile. China and its supporting nations like Pakistan, Korea, and Zambia started agitating much loudly by banging their hands on the desk. The Secretary General thought that he must now intervene; he raised his hand to calm down the situation. He said, ‘please, please keep quiet, I think Rushi is perfectly right in his views about us, because instead of getting near to a solution we are wasting our time in petty quarreling and irresponsible behavior and arguments in such a crucial time as this. Is it reasonable? Now come on, be serious.’

This had an effect, they calmed down, because lot of attention from the media and NGO people was drawn to them.

Professor of Japan further went on to clarify his point, “If many world children request the Rushi that mankind’s dark and blood soiled past be forgotten and instead, pay attention to their future then I am quite confident that “HE” will be softened; and we may get a favorable result.’ Many nations and NGOS liked this intriguing idea and supported it in one voice.

At last amidst much commotion Secretary General said excitedly. ‘The draft for the prayer to the Rushi must be prepared by the same Japanese professor for obvious reasons. Also, this draft must be translated in all the languages existing in the world and to be circulated to all the countries.’ Then he said aloud, ‘Is it alright President?’ He looked at him.

The US President said, ‘yeah, it is fine, but this will be possible only if “they” contacts us. So we would have to be ready for this, any time. I think there would not be any issues left after this. They would surely drop the issue of shifting of human communities to far flung galaxies. Let us hope for the best. Any question?” President asked as he summed up the whole matter.

‘No- Okay- yes-yap: were the replies. The world assembly got dispersed with high hopes and much anticipation. When the President reached NASA he said to the Secretary of State, “Inform everybody to move fast and be ready at 10 o’clock sharp.”

‘Sir, how can be you be so sure?’

‘Because, we can’t wait longer; when we will be ready, “they” will come to know and definitely appear. Therefore, at that time, keep the children from all over the world ready for the prayer. I wonder, how many of them, would be still alive,’ he said gloomily. ‘This is quite difficult; there would be day-light at some places and opposite in the remaining areas. Even the clock would be showing haphazard or different timings, but we will go by US time-zone.’

‘It is perfectly right, Sir!’’

The instructions were passed all over across the globe to all the nations. Meanwhile, all the world leaders were becoming more and more dejected and disheartened over the constant inflow of saddening news of disasters, deaths, and the carnage that they had never heard or witnessed before. Their heads bowed, spirit lowered, they prayed to the almightily to save them. But as they prayed; they very much doubted the existence of God. How this can happen? A Rushi or an alien who claims to be their well-wisher and savior from the supposedly far ahead future can bring this much of destruction and that too without firing a single bullet. This was simply mind-bursting.

And “he” appeared as usual, in the similar composed fashion. He straightaway came to the point, ‘yes President, what have you decided in your meeting?’

President said firmly, ‘Sir you know all that but our strength of bearing any fun is completely exhausted; but our small children, and young of animals and birds wants to appeal to you, they want to pray to you; would you care to listen, your mighty highness ?’

‘Under the guidance of that little Japanese professor you may start at once.’ Rushi said. President signaled to start the prayer. Pictures of children started coming on several screens. They were certainly not in their best of dresses and moods; nobody even expected that. They were holding puppies and parrots and birds in their laps or hands; some even carried them on their shoulders and heads. In the corner of their eyes one can see faint glimmer of hope. Some were holding flowers. The prayer went us under:

“Hey Rushi, Supreme Power, we plead you to free us from this misery. Free our earth. You have stopped it because of our present and past mistakes, but the world is going through living hell. The earth will be destroyed but in the process, we innocent would also die. These trees, plants, flowers will also die. The beauty of this earth will be destroyed. We have not lived enough to enjoy these beautiful treasures. Save us, our God!!! The jungles without the presence of beautiful songs of birds and many varieties of animals would look deserted, barren and ugly. Please, for our sake forgive the mistakes of our elders…” Then the prayer came to an abrupt end, as the Rushi’s threatening voice roared into the atmosphere, “You have all proved your great stupidity by arranging this prayer.”

Stunning silence, no one could speak anything. Have we committed any mistake? They thought, why did “He” get so angry? This backfire was highly unexpected.

“Any grave mistake committed by us, sir? What is…?” President blurted out which can hardly be heard.

‘Oh! You are all greatest of fools; do I look like a mayor of Delhi?’ Rushi said, his voice rose to a maximum pitch, ‘I still cannot understand you peoples’ mind. You want to fool me also; don’t I have the vision to understand the beauty of these children, birds, animals and flowers? Look around and you find Mother Nature talking to you in form of flowers, birds, trees, ocean, mountain and rivers. They are the direct statements of nature. You, half-witted fellows, if you had thought of these before, then our toil and hard work of thousands of years would not have come to a zero. Here, we are thinking of building a new universe after the destruction of the existing one, and for that we are struggling to get new good energies to raise them to a higher level, and you people are bent upon acting gimmicks after gimmicks’

‘Rushivarya, please, forgive us.’ President was now one step away from literally crying.

‘For us every particle existing in this universe is equally important and there is no distinction in our mind, because we have no mind like you. Mind exists when there are divisions. We have not come here to listen to songs, prayers and pleadings. The one who takes birth also dies goes well with your kind of understanding and knowledge; for us it is transformation of energy. You were supposed to live righteously and harmoniously, instead you distorted the right path and its original identity. However, I smell “feel – good” factor; the energy out here is slowly turning into a positive one; may be from realization of your guilt and follies. Yes, I wanted this quality of energy. Also, I admire Earth-People who faced crushing tragedy not with defeatism, but with hope.’ He smiled.

Seeing this, every one also started smiling. The smile of Rushivarya turned into a loud laughter which was now echoing in all the directions. It seemed divine. On several screens many light shapes started dancing. They were in different shapes and colors. There was sweet smell in the atmosphere. And with that all earth people started feeling some kind of hallucination. They came to some kind of a trance and started swaying slowly and giving out joyous cries and with that they begun to dance; forgetting where they were.

Every birds, animals and insects too felt the mesmerizing effect of this atmosphere and began running here and there in frenzy. Slowly, the rain drops started falling. Now, the wet earth smelt more strongly. The trees and leaves, the grass all were shining brightly. Only one thing was there at that particular moment, unfathomable beauty of nature, in an expanding earth.

From all directions, unparalleled peace arrived in the minds of people. It seemed that union of heaven with the earth was happening. This utter bliss was never experienced by anyone present there in their whole life before. The whole earth was enveloped and engulfed in this kind of divine atmosphere. This was beyond anyone’s imagination.

Suddenly but smoothly without breaking any one’s trance there started showering of extremely beautiful flowers from the sky. They were in exotic unbelievable colors and fragrance. This was soon joined by music so soothing and divine that all lost their sense of being. It seemed as if the entire universe was dancing. The people were acting as if they were in a deep hypnotic state.

Everyone felt that they have become weightless. They all were sinking into the ocean of happiness. Now their laughing and happy cries were not heard anymore. Only there was faint smile on their lips and their faces showed total bliss and peace as one always sees on Buddha’s face. Slowly few more changes were to be observed. Their bodies started vibrating at slow rhythm and their skin changed its color to a faint golden. What was amazing was that nobody could realize these changes by themselves.

The Rushi raised his hands heavenward and started chanting some “mantras”. As this went on the people also gradually started to come back to normalcy. Their excitement came to an end. Vibration of bodies stopped; the music and the showering of flowers also stopped. Their body color also became normal. All the people started behaving as if nothing unusual was experienced by them. They could not remember what they had experienced moments ago. For further few moments they were again back to their old worries and fear of death; but suddenly like magic the fear of death had evaporated as quickly as it had come. They had totally forgotten that they were in the middle of the deadliest catastrophe ever faced by anybody on planet earth. They had no urge left to escape from where they were. They started living their usual life. They were confident that now nothing untoward would happen.

And Rushi’s heavy voice echoed, ‘The God does not wish to end this world. The end is a new beginning. We worked as a medium to convey nature’s message to you. Save this world, by saving and protecting the environment; and enjoy every blessing of the God. I want to take you people to a golden age which you can never imagine, to that age where the Gods will wander among mortals, and miracles would take place as a matter of course.’ The people exploded with cheers at Rushi’s disclosure.

“Now coming back to my original intention of taking some of you to our galaxy, where do we stand? Secondly, did you find out why did not they come?

US President could not believe his ears, his worry gone he replied happily, “I am very grateful and obliged to you for making things normal for us. I ask for your forgiveness for mankind’s irresponsible and outrageous behavior. Coming back to your main concern, I would like to state the fact that there is only one reason why people did not turn up and that is because they did not want to leave their mother earth, even if all the different heavens perceived by different religions were to be offered to them in one parcel in exchange of their exodus.

‘This is quite unacceptable to me’ Rushi said.

‘We have put the facts before you, and if you still insist, I am willing to come with you to save my earth.’ Nobody could believe what the President was saying. They were stunned.

‘If President of US is ready I shall also accompany him’ the Secretary General said. Seeing no other option many prominent leaders and officials also willingly played Good Samaritan and showed their eagerness to join them. As a response to this gesture all around the world everybody showed their firm willingness to come. ‘We also want to come,’ “we are ready to go.” The word spread to all the corners of the globe. World leaders, common mass, laborers, businessmen; rich and poor; wanted to join the party. The scenario was such that if this continued the whole earth would become empty.

Ruhsi saw this with curiosity and amazement; he thought that before few hours nobody had wanted to come and now everybody was eager to go with him as if some grand tour is organized for them at free of cost. What would you call this, a unity of people or foolhardiness?

Rushi said in response to this curious behavior, ‘people of the world, I am putting the earth into its normal rotation to end all your miseries. Now since everybody is willing to come with me and I promise you high state of being, nevertheless, it is not advisable for our experiment. Because we need high quality energy source, therefore people possessing such energy would automatically gather to Antarctica upon receiving our signals.’

Seeing the end of their troubles everybody said aloud, ‘we agree, we agree to your proposal.’

‘Now, it is okay, let me say few parting words to all of you, keep your environment in mind, treat everybody with equal respect. Do not play with nature and use its resources judiciously. Look, I am freeing the earth from my grip.’ Rushi’s figure started moving back from the screen. Everybody saw a big OM (ૐ) behind him, which was emitting constant flow of rays which was pulling the earth and slowing its speed. Then, slowly all the rays were seen being withdrawn to the divine figure of OM (ૐ) and the earth’s speed increased.

Everybody saw this and the words came out of their gaping mouths, ‘incredible!! Wonderful!! Fantastic!!! Oh! Jesus!! Hare Krishna!! Yah Allah!!!’

They all felt tremendous relief and peace of mind. Everybody at the hall started congratulating the President of USA but he was humble and modest as ever. He said, ‘I did only my duty toward the mankind. And it is due to the love of people and their votes that I gained so much fame and power. Nevertheless, if it is in my power, I swear to almighty God that for next twenty rebirths I would not become a head of any country for that matter. ’

Secretary General added, ‘whole of mankind is one being, and there is no discrimination. We suffered this hardship together and this spirit should be maintained for ever. I wish you all good luck. The elites exploded with cheers at his brief but eloquent address.
