Exclusive Teas_The Cha in English Cooking Recipe by Shivangi Bhateliya books and stories PDF | Exclusive Teas_The Cha

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Exclusive Teas_The Cha

  • Matcha Tea
  • Famous for: It is associated for Zen movement in Japan. It literally means “Powdered tea”

    Benefit/Remark#1: It is richly flavorful drink with high level of antioxidant content

    Benefit/Remark#2: It helps in losing weight and increase metabolism.

    Variety/ Styling: One can add mint or lemon to enhance its taste.

    Selection Process: Matcha tea comes from camellia sinesis, Oolong tea

    Country City of world class produces: Japan

    Best served with: It tastes good with light morning snacks such as chicken and sandwiches

  • Insect poop Tea
  • Famous for: It is one of the most expensive teas of the world. It considered as a delicacy.

    Benefit/Remark#1: This tea possesses high level of nutrition. It is made from digestive tea leaves.

    Benefit/Remark#2: It is considered as herb tea. It tastes quite sweet

    Variety/ Styling: It is served in dragon bowl.

    Selection Process: Tea leaves are kept together and they lure insects to eat them. They collect the residue of insects and tea; they fry them in the oven with honey.

    Country City of world class produces: It is also known as tribute tea and pearl tea in other parts of China.

    Best served with: It is popular in southwest China

  • White Pearls White Tea
  • Famous for: It is made up with newly sprouted buds. It is harvested in the few days of the year.

    Benefit/Remark#1: White Pearls White Tea risk of cancer and cardiovascular disorder.

    Benefit/Remark#2: It has anti-aging properties which help in maintaining health of a skin.

    Variety/ Styling: It is rare and very expensive tea. It is hand rolled into small buds later it is unfurled.

    Selection Process: It is obtained for Khenge Bai Hao and Fuding Bai Hao.

    Country City of world class produces: It is solely produced in China mainly in Fuijan Province. Eyebrow white tea and white peony are its types.

    Best served with: Plain vegetable salads, lightly flavored sea food, Cucumber salads

  • Mate Teas
  • Famous for: It comes from a Yerba Mate plant. It is mainly found in Argentina. It is used as a base for herbal medicine.

    Benefit/Remark#1: It contains vitamin A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B5 and B complex.

    Benefit/Remark#2: It contains minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, potassium and zinc. It enhances your ability to focus.

    Variety/ Styling: It served in mate cups and with mate spoons.

    Selection Process: Espresso of mate is prepared to serve this tea authentically.

    Country City of world class produces: It is a popular tea in South America

    Best served with: It is often enjoyed with breads, sweets, croissants, crackers etc

  • Peach Cobbler Guayusa
  • Famous for: This tea is produced from a holly tea Gyuausa. It is heavily caffeinated drink.

    Benefit/Remark#1: It is second most caffeinated drink on the Earth. It improves digestion.

    Benefit/Remark#2: It will help you in cheer your brain and mind. It improves the functioning of kidneys.

    Variety/ Styling: It available with different flavors such as mint, chocolate and Indian chai. Combination of peach is famous among tea lovers.

    Selection Process: young and healthy leaves should be selected in order to get perfect tea.

    Country City of world class produces: Amazon Rainforest of Ecuador.

    Best served with: Triple berry dessert, cobbler scones etc can be prepared with this tea

  • Rooibos Tea
  • Famous for: It is produced through fermented African herbs. It is famous for grassy and nutty flavor.

    Benefit/Remark#1: It has no caffeine and it has a malty aroma.

    Benefit/Remark#2: It is used for curing insomnia, asthma, headache, hyper depression, eczema.

    Variety/ Styling: Varieties such as green Rooibos, flavored Rooibos are also popular.

    Selection Process: It is produced through a combination of rarest herbs.

    Country City of world class produces: It is produced in Africa

    Best served with: breads honey and milk will make a perfect breakfast with this tea.

  • Yellow Gold Tea
  • Famous for: It is the most expensive tea. Tea buds are lavished in 24ct gold.

    Benefit/Remark#1: It has an amazing fruity aroma. It is sweet in taste.

    Benefit/Remark#2: It also treats inflammatory bowel diseases. It removes toxins from the body and helps in maintaining mental alertness.

    Variety/ Styling: It is served with caramelized biscuit flavor,

    Selection Process: Tea buds are harvested on a single mountain of the whole world. Buds are sun dried and it is stored in tight containers.

    Country City of world class produces: It is mostly found in Singapore.

    Best served with: Dry fruits, roasted peanuts, banana tarts etc will taste good with this rarest tea.

  • DA-Hong Pao
  • Famous for: This is Chinese Oolong tea. DA-Hong Pao literally means big red robe.

    Benefit/Remark#1: It contains compounds such as inositol, folic acid, pantothenic acid.

    Benefit/Remark#2: It regulates fat metabolism. It contains vitamin C.

    Variety/ Styling: It has a flowery sweet aroma. This tea is legendary hence it is served to honored guest.

    Selection Process: It is dark and curled appearance.

    Country City of world class produces: It is grown in Wuyi Mountains and Fujian Province in China.

    Best served with: Crispy pork and roasted pork.

  • Fermented Yak Butter Tea
  • Famous for: It is famous for its texture and color.

    Benefit/Remark#1: It keeps your body warm. It saves your body from cold.

    Benefit/Remark#2: Sometimes barely powder is added to it.

    Variety/ Styling: It is prepared by combining tea, yak and butter. It is generally served in a bowl.

    Selection Process: Yak butter is prepared from milk of the domesticated female yak.

    Country City of world class produces: It is produced in Tibet. It is popular in Nepal and India

    Best served with: It is often drunk by itself, it is also paired with fresh breads

  • Flowering Tea
  • Famous for: Flowering tea is an artisan tea. It is also known as blooming tea.

    Benefit/Remark#1: It protects cells from diseases, it delays aging.

    Benefit/Remark#2: It removes bad breath.

    Variety/ Styling: It is prepared with dried tea leaves and flowers. Popular flavors are chrysanthemum, jasmine, marigold, rose, globe amaranth and lily.

    Selection Process: It has a stunning floral display. Sometimes it is mixed with green teas. It should be brewed around 170 degree Celsius.

    Country City of world class produces: Its origin is China’s Yunnan province.

    Best served with: It is paired with peanuts and breads.

  • Cilantro Tea
  • Famous for: Cilantro is that herb which helps in healing your body.

    Benefit/Remark#1: It contains antioxidants such as flavonoids.

    Benefit/Remark#2: It contains vitamin K. This tea is loaded with nutrients.

    Variety/ Styling: It carries unusual flavors of green tea, celery leaves and cilantro.

    Selection Process: It can be served cold also.

    Country City of world class produces: Mexico, Asia and India

    Best served with: you can add honey to make this tea more tasty and healthy.

  • Labrador Tea
  • Famous for: Exactly it is not tea it is tea like drink. It is a tisane. It is popular for its herbs.

    Benefit/Remark#1: It will help in curing chest congestion, diarrhea, and skin aliments.

    Benefit/Remark#2: Tea must not be too concentrated. 1 spoon is added to 300 ml of boiling water.

    Variety/ Styling: It is made up from rhododendron plants. It possesses all quality of herbs.

    Selection Process: Best leaves are those which have green leathery topside and underside it would be brown and fuzzy.

    Country City of world class produces: Labrador tea flower is found in alpine zone of northern New Hampshire.

    Best served with: Light airy cakes, oat meals are best to serve with this tea.

  • White Cucumber Tea
  • Famous for: It is famous for its refreshing flavor and presence of nutrients.

    Benefit/Remark#1: It will improve oral health and it will reduce risk of cancer.

    Benefit/Remark#2: It protects skin from harmful UV rays. It has anti-aging properties.

    Variety/ Styling: White tea + cucumber + lime peel + peppermint are the ingredients of refreshing tea.

    Selection Process: It is better if one is using loose tea leaves than tea bags.

    Country City of world class produces: It is famous savory tea from Middle East countries.

    Best served with: It is better to drink this tea alone to get the best experience of every sip.

  • Dragon Well Tea
  • Famous for: This brew requires extensive labor intensive processes. Its real name is Longjing Cha.

    Benefit/Remark#1: It improves oral health and reduces cavities.

    Benefit/Remark#2: It is a variety of pan roasted green tea.

    Variety/ Styling: It is very gentle and sweet tea. Leaves can be eaten after infusion.

    Selection Process: Leaves are collected by expert later it is dried on bamboo mats at last it is fired in a wok at high temperatures after cooling it is re-fired at low temperatures.

    Country City of world class produces: It is originated in China.

    Best served with: Chestnuts, dry fruits and sweet breads

  • Lavender Tea
  • Famous for: It is popular as medicinal herbs. It is also used as scented herbs.

    Benefit/Remark#1: It helps to reduce respiratory issues, cough, Asthma, bronchitis. It helps in healing ulcers, sores, cuts and wounds.

    Benefit/Remark#2: It also controls body temperature. It is used to treat fever.

    Variety/ Styling: Sometimes mint should be added to make this tea tastier.

    Selection Process: Dried purple, white and pink colored flowers are used to make this tea.

    Country City of world class produces: It originated in California. It is popular in Egypt.

    Best served with: Sea foods, rice and salads

  • Lemon Balm Tea
  • Famous for: It is effective to reduce depression and thyroid problems. Lemon balm is perennial from the mint family.

    Benefit/Remark#1: It increases capacity of our memory. It lowers insomnia and anxiety.

    Benefit/Remark#2: It helps in improving digestion health. It refreshes our mood.

    Variety/ Styling: Sometimes mint, cinnamon or cloves is added to enhance its flavor.

    Selection Process: Leaves should have a mild flavor of lemon scent similar to -mint. The height of this plant should be about 75-150 cm.

    Country City of world class produces: It was originated in Iran and central Asia, but now it is also naturalized in America.

    Best served with: Fruits, roasted vegetables, squash, breads etc

  • Echinacea Tea
  • Famous for: This plant lasts for many years. It prevents dizziness.

    Benefit/Remark#1: It has presence antioxidants.

    Benefit/Remark#2: It increases immune system. It reduces pain and inflammation.

    Variety/ Styling: 1.275 mg of the herb should be added to hot boiling water.

    Selection Process: Uppermost part of the plant is used to make this tea. Polysaccharides are usually found in the upper part.

    Country City of world class produces: This flower is found in North America.

    Best served with: Egg dishes, creamy desserts, meat and custard

  • Blackberry leaves tea
  • Famous for: It has refreshing berry flavor.

    Benefit/Remark#1: It contains vitamin C and it controls diarrhea. It maintains menstrual flow.

    Benefit/Remark#2: Blackberry leaves should be crushed slightly. Leaves are to be wrapped with dried cloth and it is kept in warm place. After 2-3 days remove it from cloth and let it dry.

    Variety/ Styling: Hawthorn leaves are used to make berry tea.

    Selection Process: Blackberry leaves don’t taste like blackberry at all. It can store in the fridge.

    Country City of world class produces: In Europe and Asia this tea is famous. Sometimes honey is added to enhance its taste.

    Best served with: Almond bark, dark chocolates etc

  • Hawthorn tea
  • Famous for: Flowers and berries of this plant is used to make this tea.

    Benefit/Remark#1: It enhances blood circulations. It helps in controlling body salts.

    Benefit/Remark#2: It helps to improve cardiovascular health. It is ultimate heart tonic.

    Variety/ Styling: Sometimes peach is added to make this tea refreshing. It is also combined with hibiscus.

    Selection Process: Flowers and leaves are separated from berries. It is dried for 2 days. Later it used with sugar or honey.

    Country City of world class produces: It is originated in the Fujan province of China. It will be good if it is combined with white tea.

    Best served with: Chocolates, boiled eggs etc

  • Nettle Tea
  • Famous for: It heals your body if it is consumed in spring and early summer.

    Benefit/Remark#1: It reduces blood pressures. It lowers problem of urine and bladder.

    Benefit/Remark#2: Nettle tea acts as a calming balm for diabetes and arthritic pain.

    Variety/ Styling: Simply add water to nettle leaves boiled it for 5-10 minutes. 240 ml of tea is the ideal serving.

    Selection Process: Leaves of stinging nettle are used to make this tea.

    Country City of world class produces: Plants are available in North America, Europe, Asia and northern Africa.

    Best served with: boiled eggs and breads