Endless Voyage - Part - 29 in English Fiction Stories by પ્રદીપકુમાર રાઓલ books and stories PDF | Endless Voyage - Part - 29

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Endless Voyage - Part - 29

Endless Voyage

Rise and fall of humanity


pradipkumar raol


prakash vaidya

Part - 29

They had all gathered at NASA’S central hall of communication. Prominently UN Secretary-General, Us President, and heads of India, France, Yugoslavia, Russia, Japan, China, Pakistan, Germany, South Africa, Brazil, Holland, Egypt, Canada, Indonesia, Britain, and Switzerland. Other nations were somehow not able to make their presence.

US President was constantly watching the screens, his eyes not blinking even for a second. However, the screens were blank. The clock was ticking; everybody was silent. Nobody was in a mood for conversation. Pin drop silence was prevailing. President abruptly broke the looming silence. “We are unable to make contact with the “superpower”, only if they wish, contact will be possible, till then let us wait and watch.”

Few minutes passed, the entire building vibrated for a second and just like before, there they saw on the screen rainbow colors. The colors moved and mixed with each other, forming a big round shape covering the entire screen which slowly enlarged to finally become a shape of ‘Rushi Rughved.’

Seeing him they all felt slightly relieved. They were waiting for him to appear and speak. And he spoke, “Hello, President and all of you, the so called leaders of the world, the saviors of earth and lastly the protectors… your decisions are right for saving this world.”

The US President looked around at others and then addressed him. “How did you come to know, Rushivarya?”

He smiled back and said, ‘This is our uniqueness. I had heard every word spoken in the General Assembly.’

‘Yes sir, we have determined to save our earth at any cost.’

‘I feel fine to hear this. You seem to have grown up, now tell me your plan of action,’ the impressive figure of Rushi said in a pleasing tone.

‘Thank you very much Sir, we have prepared a draft for the “oath” to be taken. We want to take oath when you permit us to do so.’

‘You first arrange for this program, I shall be there when the moment arrives.’

‘But Sir, please wait before you go. Our communication devices like, TV, Radio, Satellite is failing. You will have to make them functioning so that the demonstration of “oath taking ceremony” can be telecast around the world’ President requested.

‘Yeah, That shall be done, don’t you worry, be prepared tomorrow at this time. Rushi disappeared saying this. The screen went blank. All the country leaders sent message and orders to be prepared for oath ceremony. All the existing means of communication like cell phone, e-mail, web-sites and fax were made into use. The people of the world were alerted and informed about the “oath.”

President felt relaxed and ordered for drinks for everybody. Everything was available, tea, coffee, wine, whisky, martini, cold drinks and so on. They chose according to their preferences.

The procedure was reiterated once again that every citizen of every country will go under oath at the same time. All the leaders will also join with them and take the oath.

President thought that this may be the only way at present through which they might come near to a solution. On the second day, exactly after twenty four hours irrespective of day-light or darkness every one across the world who had access to media network sat before their TV screen waiting anxiously. And those who had no access to electronic media gathered at open places, to take the oath. The big moment came; At NASA Rushi appeared this time in light yellow color. He looked less threatening now; his laughter was soothing to the ears.

He then said, “Are you ready?”

“We are ready, you give us the signal.”

Rushi gestured them to begin. The ceremony started across the world even children and senior citizens took part. This was live cast all over the world. The main gist of the long oath was as under.

“Hey God, we are now praying to you and taking oath. We, at the same time regret what we have done knowingly or unknowingly to harm the earth. Pardon us for our sins and misdeeds. We were blind to other things in our haste of making progress and advances. We thought only for us, became greedy, selfish; killed other animals recklessly for their skins, horns, furs and meat. From now onwards we will consider them equal and would not harm them. We will not fight among ourselves and adopt the principle of universal brotherhood. We would love all and work for their betterment. Oh, lords grant us new life and new thoughts. We are sorry from the bottom of our hearts for our past follies which had proved detrimental to the earth end its atmosphere.”

Hearing this oath Rushivarya got impressed and seemed happy. He said, “Your prayer is very impressive and quite soul searching. You may attain more and more progress that is my blessing.” The Assembly broke into thrilled applause.

The world population got relief from the tension. Soon their plight will come to an end. Especially they were happy that Rushi liked and heard their prayers. The world leaders also thought that at least, first of the three conditions was Okayed by the supreme authority. They shook hands and congratulated each other. They were in a mood of relaxation. Rushivarya had still not disappeared from the screen; he asked in a joyous mood, “President, what have you thought of my other humble proposals?”

President asked “Rushivarya, ‘how much human population do you want to take with you in your galaxy? Secondly, would you give some kind of guarantee about their safety and welfare? We will appeal to the masses and surely they would respond positively and as a result we would be able to fulfill that condition also. However, we request you, at this stage to stop our harassment. People are dying without apparently knowing for what.”

“First, I want to be sure about the response of your people, then only I will take a decision” Rushivarya seemed to be slightly disappointed and he left the screen.

President felt morose and dejected. He told his colleagues, “we established our supremacy in the heavens (space) by erecting space stations, landed on Moon, on the Mars and Titan. We ruled the earth and started believing that we are great and supreme and that the universe is under our feet, but today it is proved beyond doubt that we are nothing. We have been degraded, we are powerless.” The President concluded with a sigh.

He was overwhelmed by a sense of desolate helplessness. His despair made him weak and filled with guilt; he sat on the floor, shoulders drooping.

Secretary - General came near to him and said, “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going, don’t you lose courage. We have got the “appeal” drafted and finalized, we will soon circulate it quickly among our people, let us move ahead and conquer; The indomitable spirit of mankind will not surrender to any travail. Please relax!!”

President answered without looking up, hiding his tears, ‘It is okay, I am fine.’

The Deputy General- Secretary said, “Okay, I will read the “Appeal” aloud, if any changes or corrections are needed, you may indicate.”

The draft read: Dear people of the world, at the most tempestuous and most critical period in human history, we are all facing the most unusual, unprecedented and extremely dangerous circumstances all over the world simultaneously for the first time ever. The “Superpower” wants some of us to go with them to their galaxy. From our side there is no pressure what so ever. Any one from any corner of the earth can willingly venture to go. And those will be the person who would truly deserve the highest honor of mankind achieved so far because they would be sacrificing not for their keen, not for their loved ones and not for their individual nation but for the entire humanity.

This is a challenge and we will have to take it, there is no option. With heavy hearts, we are requesting you to seriously consider the appeal. I am also deeply grieved to inform you that as of now approximately ¼ of the world population unfortunately is no longer with us. Due to physical changes in the earth many countries have submerged; many cities were destroyed in earth quakes. We must stop these entire massacres. Make your life and name eternal by willingly accepting this proposal. The world will remember you forever. History of mankind will be written again and the first words would be your names.


Un Secretary – General

(Seal of UN)


President and other world leaders thought that at least one more problem is seeing its end. The aliens now won’t bother people anymore and may soon make earth’s rotation right.

The leaders were now, anxious to hear from ‘the rushi’ who however did not keep them waiting for long. He appeared on the screen in his usual style. The US President took the initiative and announced, “Rushivarya, we are now about to fulfill one more of your conditions. We are ready to send human communities with you. Sir, when are you going to free our astronauts?”

Rushivarya laughed, and then smiled, ‘Free? Freedom is the keyword; it’s meaning you must understand. In your tiny world, bondages of all kinds exist, while in our bondage free world, freedom has no place. I assure you that when our space-ships will come to take humans away from here, they will also bring back your astronauts. Those who want to join us will have to be present in the important cities of all the respective nations; they must be present in a large open ground so that it would be easier for them to get boarded. No bystanders would be allowed during this event of divine departure. Later on, after the procedure is carried out we will contact you.’ Then he took leave of them from the screen.

According government reports and world opinion polls approximately 1.5 million showed their willingness to go with the Rushi. As per the instruction of Rushi everything was arranged. It was going to be a great event for the mankind. It took almost a week to complete the necessary arrangements. Many more died during this week due to extreme heat, freezing cold and in the stampedes that followed.

The day of departure also came. The alien space ship which looked quite similar to a simple horse-carriage came; rather materialized out of nowhere on a busy street of Washington D.C. and before anyone could see it, left the four astronauts and disappeared as quickly as it had come. Perplexed, the four astronauts managed to hire a taxi and reported at NASA.

The President, Defense Secretary, Vice President and Us Secretary of State were informed about their arrival by NASA’s Chief Administrator. They promptly came and welcomed them whole heartedly; tears and happiness filled the atmosphere. However, the four of them were quickly cordoned by FBI and sent for all types of lengthy testing and examinations to find out any clue about the “Superpower.” The word of mouth spread; news of their safe return was telecast widely. And the world leaders were happy about it. But strange news were also coming that no alien spaceships had come to take the willing human population. The President assumed that the spaceships might be invisible. And the news was misleading. Actually, ground reality was totally different. It was true that no alien space ship came, however it was also equally true that the people had backed out at the last moment.

Suddenly, there was drastic change in the atmosphere across the globe. Winds started blowing with terrible force, oceans went berserk and crossed their boundary, and things started flying in the air. Such news perturbed and worried the world leaders. And now suddenly their concern was compounded by another emotion – fear. They could not comprehend about the validity of such uncalled for disasters.

And “He” appeared on the screen as usual but this time in red color. He was angry; that can be easily made out.

Even before president can ask him the “rushi” spoke suddenly, ‘Mr. President, I have slowed the earth to a lower speed’

‘Why?’ President asked with utmost pain.

‘Because you have cheated us’

‘But why on earth we would dare to do such a thing?’

‘Exactly, President, I am also wondering. But you have done it.

‘Can you at least tell us exactly in what manner? We followed your every command; we took sincere oath, which we rarely do, we sent our own brothers and sisters to unknown place with you,’ US President answered firmly but his legs were trembling and his heart sinking with fear. At that particular moment he really felt that the world was falling apart.

‘When we came to know in advance that no one is really coming, we did not send any of our spaceships. You were bragging about sending 1.5 million people and not one came, this is cheating; what else? We are not your innocent voters.’

‘What are you talking? Not a single person came?’

“No, you have backed out as usual; you have no guts to follow new paths,” ‘Rushi said sternly. President felt ashamed and subdued, he looked at others but no one could muster up enough courage to answer the threatening Rushi; their mouths were sealed. The Rushi cannot be bluffing. He had by now begun to give him some credit. Where the reports of opinion poll misleading? Was it a hoax from their side? He waited for some seconds and gathered up some courage. He was a true American leader at the core of his heart. He often watched movies like Rambo, Brave heart and Air force One. He often drew inspiration from such daredevil movies.

“Look, sir! I mean Rushivarya, we all who are seated here, are totally ignorant about what had happened and we leaders are totally innocent. How this happened, we do not know. This may seem cheating or conspiracy to you, but I swear to Lord Krishna and Jesus Christ that it is a grave misunderstanding on your part. However, to make it short, we will investigate the whole matter in great detail. But till then make our earth rotate at its usual speed. We will all die very soon and then your wish of taking our people will remain unfulfilled. Three billion people have already died; have mercy on us, please.”

“President of USA, you are losing your mind; do you think we do not have that much sense left to understand such a trivial thing? We know everything, otherwise why should we have come here in the first place? This is only to give you a severe jolt to make you realize that the masses do not always behave as expected; how hard it is to leave one’s own motherland; however, we can relax the situation a bit. But this is not the right time for us to bring the earth to its original velocity of rotation.”

The Rushi stopped talking and his figure changed slowly into a blue color then yellow and lastly as he became white he disappeared leaving everybody in a state of great despair.

President was affected so much that he lost the power of thinking. In fact he was suffering momentarily mental shock, his Personal Aide came rushing to him and brought a cup of coffee and some medicines. He gulped all the tablets at one go and started sipping at the cup hurriedly. When he looked around he observed that there were coffee mugs in everybody’s hands.

There, a while later, Secretary of State entered with a report. It included what the world population was thinking about this whole episode of sending humans to other galaxies.

The investigative report went as under:

“To venture out to other galaxies by the order of aliens is equal to undermining our individual freedom. Our right to freedom must be unequivocally maintained. We are not afraid to die, nor are we worried about that. We would not jeopardize our freedom in order to extend our mortal lives. Let the skies and heavens fall on us, let the earth fall apart. But we will live or die only on this mother earth. Because the land and the mother which has given us birth are even greater than all the heavens.

Our every breath is filled with the sweet smell of wet earth. Arteries and Veins of our bodies are filled with blood which is made from all the fruit and grains gifted by this earth. Smell of different kinds of flowers sends us into ecstasy. The cold of winters, the heat of summers and rains of monsoons are our heart beatings. The water flowing in the small streams and vast rivers give us joy of living. The drops of rain water saturate our body and mind with love. It is difficult for us to leave this beautiful earth’s lap for hope of better life or in fear of death. Please, forgive us. This is our last wish and also this is our firm resolution.”

They, the leaders never thought of this. Now they understood why nobody turned up for the final departure from the earth. This is it, the Holy Ghost! They all wondered at the spirit of common mass, that of not obeying to aliens, not undermining their right to freedom, love for mother earth, and not caring for their lives.

But now what? This was the main question looming over their heads. Their all logic was defied here. Somehow, they will have to find a practical solution to this problem. Emotions had no place at this time. If something tangible is not achieved in a day or two the “Rushi” may become more violent. They had no strength left to bear his tempest; thought the world leaders. They agreed to request UN Secretary General to call for another General Assembly. Something plausible would come out, they hoped. They wanted to placate the “Rushi” about this whole affair in every possible manner.
