Dear Stranger in English Love Stories by Arjun Hariharan books and stories PDF | Dear Stranger

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Dear Stranger


Dear Stranger, you sit at the cabin right near the entrance and you never fail to catch my attention. I am not sure if you even know me or whether you are even aware of my physical presence in this building. But, let me tell you that I am a huge admirer of yours. It may sound surprising because after all I don’t even know your name, let alone knowing about you and your life. You might think that I am just smitten by your looks. But, that’s not entirely true. Gone are the days for me when looks used to be the sole deciding factor to look out for in a person. There is something very unique I see in you which entices me. Something that is difficult to express in words and I am literally struggling to jot this down. I have this intuition which tells me that I’d have a great time with you if I ever get to spend some.

It was not so long ago when I came to this building for the first time and was seated at the reception waiting area to be escorted to my cabin. I am a silent observer and as usual I tried to absorb the new surroundings of my workplace. The area was neat, modern looking and colorful. I had noticed you, dressed in black, working at your desk space when all of a sudden you came to me. Apparently, you mistook me to be some lad here to give an interview. You have this perpetual smile on your face when you talk to people, which was sort of the first thing I noticed about you. Adding to that was the confidence factor in you with which you had this ability to talk to anyone and everyone.

Dear Stranger, let me tell you that I have this really strong urge every day to go and talk to you, to know your name and learn about your life. But it’s so difficult you know. It requires courage which I heavily lack. What would I go and say? I am bad with conversation starters. I am socially awkward and I have no idea how to overcome this. The very thought of approaching you for something gives me shivers. My nerves always give in and I am never able to make the move. A simple hello might actually be a good way to start a conversation, but what would I say after that? The thought of it itself makes me anxious. What if I go and speak to you and completely fail? What if the situation becomes too awkward? All these thoughts keep me from making the move. You might not understand this feeling at all. It’s something introverts like me experience. I don’t have that natural radiance and confidence to go and approach people in general. And now that I really want to talk to you, it becomes all the more difficult because I have become too conscious of myself. I don’t want to be judged by you as a jerk. My move has to be perfect so that you have the perfect first impression about me in your mind. That’s where I am caught in this deadlock situation. Every day I pass by the reception hoping that someday I’d speak to you. But it never happens. All my built up confidence is lost when I am in your vicinity. Adding to that is the group of people sitting next to you who make me all the more anxious. I have a dream, that one day, you’d be there on your seat all alone and I’d go and start talking to you. (in the voice of Martin Luther King Jr.) :P

You have this unique charm that catches my eye and you might say that I am smitten by you. Maybe yes, maybe no, but I am more smitten with this charm and chirpy nature of yours. I have already grown a little obsessive about you. This obsessive nature to befriend you is making me crazy. I go to the coffee machine and deliberately take the longer route back to my cabin so that I can pass by the reception desk where you are seated and you’d notice me and somehow there may be a chance that we’d converse. That desire to know about you and your life is like a thirst to me which seems unquenchable at the moment. There are a hundred people around me but it’s you who caught my attention. Not sure why, but I have an intuition that we’d become really good friends. I already have this feeling that we’d gel really well and we’d have loads of common topics to discuss about. You seem to be that cool sort of a girl with whom I can grab a pint of beer and have amazing conversations. I am guessing that you like watching TV Shows, hear rock and EDM music, read books and maybe also love dancing. I too love all these things which I just mentioned and that is why I feel we’ll be really cool buddies. We’d have our own way of greeting each other, probably a dab or we might invent some really cool signature move of ours. Who knows?

We’d talk endlessly over the phone, make fun of people around us and laugh uncontrollably. We’ll have those 2am honest conversations, watch movies together, try different restaurants and not to mention, tease each other a lot because you’d not be my best friend until and unless I’d mock you on a daily basis.

See what you did to me? That’s my problem, I go way too far with my thoughts and I guess I should put a break to it because in reality I don’t even know your name.

But, I’d keep trying my best to talk to you someday. And if at any point I unknowingly seem creepy to you, please understand that it is not my intention. I am not a confident lad like the ones shown in the movies, the type of guys who just go over to any woman and do their sweet talking and bewitch them. Being that sort of a guy only seems like a distant dream to me.

Anyway, here I sit with the hope that someday I’d finally have a chance at knowing about your life and being a really cool friend of yours or maybe at least know your name. Someday, I’d find those right words to approach you. Someday, I’d have that confidence and radiance to go speak to you without the slightest bit of hesitance. And that day would be the most special one because it would mark the beginning of a really cool duo of ours!