Endless Voyage - Part - 28 in English Fiction Stories by પ્રદીપકુમાર રાઓલ books and stories PDF | Endless Voyage - Part - 28

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Endless Voyage - Part - 28

Endless Voyage

Rise and fall of humanity


pradipkumar raol


prakash vaidya

Part - 28

America, France, Germany, UK, India, Russia and China, these seven powerful nations’ heads had gathered at Pentagon for a topmost clandestine meeting.

Their faces were pale reflecting agony and pain. Considering the importance and secrecy of this particular meeting all the electronic gadgets, facilities and instruments were removed from the hall beforehand, till there were no possibilities of bugging remained. One can safely say that for the next 35 minutes all these dignitaries would remain disconnected with the outside world.

They were all seated around a large rectangular table. They had assembled here to assess the possibility of destroying the aliens or “Rushi” or whatever it may be, which had challenged the might of the entire world put together. It seemed mind boggling to them that a planet like Earth could become maneuverable. Can they overpower it or destroy it altogether by using the military might of all the nations? These were the main questions at present in their minds.

Initiating the discussion, the US President as a commander-in-chief of armed forces began straight away with a direct question, ‘Is it possible my friends to kill it?’

Russian PM


Russian PM

Indian PM

US President

German Chancellor : We have successfully developed a deadly virus, which can destroy the aliens. We had in past used them before. But these viruses can only be used in the atmosphere of this earth, besides, this present alien does not have a body similar to us, I mean like as we humans possess, I guess, if this “Rushi” or alien comes in flesh and blood then only we can use it.

Indian PM: Well, I am also declaring here that we have made a kind of robot which can work in the space also. We use special kind of rays to destroy aliens. But it can’t go beyond the distances farther than that of moon. Nevertheless, the question here is where is this honorable “Rushi” or super power? And how far is he from here?

US President

Their discussion was halted abruptly. Many butterflies came from nowhere. Actually they had passed through two feet thick of solid concrete walls of the conference hall. They were of many varieties of colors and flying randomly above their heads. They were stunned at their entry because no window or doors were open even to allow a mosquito. The walls were also otherwise impenetrable even by use of bombs or missiles. The thought struck them in a sudden terror. ‘What if they are progeny of Satan himself, and try to destroy them.’

They were dumbstruck, terrified; their hearts trembled like a rabbit as if it had seen a predator. They tried to move or shift in their chairs; some even tried to get up but could not move a bit. They were in fact immobilized. The only part of their bodies which were functioning were their eyes which followed every movement of butterflies which otherwise seemed harmlessly moving about. Suddenly the light went out. There was ominous darkness in the hall. They could only hear flapping of wings of the numerous butterflies. Few moments passed. The important lot tried to utter words, to speak or mummer but they had lost all control over their physical bodies. Abruptly, the butterflies now turned in to different colorful light forms, as if some miracle had happened. Now there was faint illumination in the hall due to their combined light. Now, the heads of states were able to see faint outlines of each other’s body. Atmosphere was growing heavy, tense and threatening by every second. A thundering voice came like a hurricane lifting them to new heights of fear.

“We are all lights, can you kill the light?” The words echoed several times and gradually faded to stunning silence. Then the amazing yet frightful butterflies disappeared as suddenly as they had arrived on the scene. For many second the voice reverberated in their ears. Can you kill the light…? Can you kill the light…? Can…you…Kill...

Their self-esteem and self-confidence did not touch new low because both had become nonexistent. Nobody was in a state of uttering few words except John Bozeman who was murmuring to himself in a dazed state of mind, “Iva was right…she was right!!”


The secret meeting at the Pentagon had brought the world leaders kneeling to their feet. They understood that there is no other option than to accept the supremacy of the aliens.

Considering the latest developments, UN Secretary- General called for an emergency General Assembly Meeting. Main world leaders were already present in New York and Washington D.C. and they were anxious to be present in the meeting. All electronic services which especially depended on satellites were gradually coming to a standstill, they included TV networks, Internet, Mobile communications etc.

Somehow most of the leaders had managed to arrive for the meeting even under most difficult circumstances.

UN Secretary-General Chaired the meeting and US Secretary of State gave a short brief about necessity of this meeting; hiding some facts and declared that now US President will address the General Assembly.

Since its inception, the UN General Assembly had been a forum for debate over the world’s most vexing issues, from poverty to peace and security. Its function is to discuss debate and make recommendations on a range of subjects pertaining to international peace and security. Every member nation has one vote irrespective of their status and size.

As the President of US was about to begin his address the Secretary of State informed everybody from the dais that Nigerian President had died in an unfortunate ghastly plane accident. Actually his plane had caught fire due to extreme temperature and had exploded in the midair. There were no survivors.

The members of the assembly felt very sorry for him and his staff and observed two minute’s silence for the departed souls.

Thereafter, President began, “friends, what we have just heard are nothing but few consequences of our present crisis and a tip of an iceberg. More ghastly accidents are awaiting us and many more are happening just right now. I congratulate you all for your indomitable spirit till now. And if we do not maintain that the human race is most likely to perish like insects. These are hard facts, my friends. We have gathered here to discuss about how to come out of this dreadful nightmare. This concerns us all; every living being on earth, hence we are here to hear your opinions and suggestions.

Why the “superpower” is bent upon doing all these, we still do not comprehend. We have to take their word for it. And if we go by their words; they want to help us and make our lives better. Also, according to them we mankind are already on the path of self-destruction; Furthermore they have emphasized that ‘they’ don’t want this beautiful earth to be destroyed by us. That is why to make things right they have slowed the rotational speed of the earth. But by doing so they are not realizing the fact that we are disappearing very fast and getting tortured in the process.

I frankly do not know whether their method of corrective action is justified or not, however, I know damn well that, as a result millions are dying every day. And this does not mean anything to them. Let us try to understand that we are in no position to put our planet back to its normal rotating speed. Technically or otherwise we are too tiny for that kind of accomplishment. Now let us straight away look at what their major points are:-

  • We will have to take an oath as regards to not polluting this earth and take care of other species also.
  • They will make changes in the rotational speed of the earth to make it more habitable and prosperous.
  • They want some us humans to go with them.
  • Having said that, let me inform you that “they” have the ability to look into the past, present and the future. They have declared that there is no future for us after 2067. However their harsh method of saving us is leading to our graves. Is it clear?”

    ‘Yeah, yeah!!’, the assembly responded in affirmation.

    President continued his monologue. “What shall we do about this? Whom to send! Should our lot be sent forcefully or voluntarily? You may give your opinion about that.” He looked around. Nobody responded.

    The question did not touch anybody personally (or to individual nation) so who will venture out. At last Indian PM broke the silence. “The first issue stated by the President is right and very easy too, that of taking oath; in India we take such oaths on regular basis; nothing new in that. And possibly we will try to abide by it. I think everyone will agree to this point.

    To this point everybody gave their vote in favor. They agreed to take the oath.

    Secretary-General also expressed his view on this, “The aliens have acquired superpower by following the great ancient Indian cultural traditions and its ancient scientific principles. So, for this ‘oath’ purpose let the draft be prepared by an Indian representative. They would better understand the deep feelings involved.”

    US President added, “Exactly, It will be better; your suggestion is most proper.”

    ‘Okay, we take that responsibility’ India replied.

    “So, here our first issue is quite resolved amicably at least between ourselves.’ US President was getting quite confident now.

    “Yes, we all agree.” The General Assembly agreed in light mood.

    “Then, now I would take “their” second issue which is quite complicated. They want this slow rotation to continue for some more time which would prove disastrous for us. What can we do about it? Do you have any suggestions for this issue?”

    ‘Shoot, him, that can’t be allowed, Russian Premier showed his popular antagonism.’

    UN Secretary-General calmed him down saying :- “Please, be sensible, we all know that it is disagreeable to us, but then who will explain it to “them,” I don’t know whether you were present at pentagon meeting or not.’’ There was a hint of sarcasm in his last sentence.

    ‘They know every bit of what is happening here on earth, “they” don’t seem to understand our plight?’ US President supported the Secretary-General.

    ‘Then what is the way out of it?’ French leader asked.

    “That is why we have gathered here” Ethiopia replied loudly.

    There were heated discussions about the various issues. Nobody could come to any conclusion. They found themselves at loss and felt like school boys. At the start of the General Assembly there was much anxiety and wired atmosphere but now it resembled to a prayer meeting.

    Finally, breaking the silence US president said, “I strongly believe that they will not accept any of our requests. They will make the earth rotate normally only when they wish to do. Till then we will all face innumerable catastrophic events. We will be silent witness to our own extinction. However, if the third of their condition which is to take some individuals to their galaxy is fulfilled they might go bit soft on us. But main problem in that is, how many should we send? Should we send all people from one nation or few from all the nations? Also what kind of people to be sent? Must we send them by force or voluntarily? These are many questions which remain to be addressed.”

    From one condition only so many questions will arise was quite unexpected. So everybody remained silent.

    China’s PM adjusted the mike in front of him and everybody looked up to him expecting something communist.

    ‘Oh! This is very easy to follow; we can send all unwanted people to far away galaxies.”

    US President cut him sharply, ‘Who shall be termed as unwanted? Do you mean those people who are opposing your government?’

    China however at this time surprisingly answered in a milder tone, ‘By unwanted we mean those people who are destitute, sick and aged persons; who are on verge of dying, even otherwise if things continue this way they will die in matter of days. So before they die why not use them. Sorry! Why not take their help for the great cause of saving this planet.’

    Ever anxious to support China, Pakistani PM said, “China is absolutely right. Under unwanted category we can include many more such as seriously injured and handicapped persons also. We can supply many such individuals; thanks to weekly blasts which occur in our otherwise peaceful country”

    British PM improvised upon Pakistan’s not so wonderful suggestion and added with few changes, “We can include all the hardened criminals, Political Scamsters, Corporate Swindlers, arms dealers and underworld thugs; whether man or woman.”

    US President was gravely annoyed at such inhuman suggestion and said harshly “Just like you did it long ago, sending hundreds of ships to Australia. But at that time your colonial power was reigning supreme; times have changed now. I request you to exhibit a Christian spirit. Let us, be guided by the love of Christ, seek to make the world more truly Christians.”

    ‘No, No, this is only a suggestion and I am ready to take my words back,’ British PM realized his mistake.

    German Chancellor said something new, ‘What if we send people in proportion to country’s population. I mean % wise.’ This suggestion met with a strong opposition from countries like India, China & Indonesia which were heavily populated. There were heated discussions; resulting in commotion in the hall for a while.

    ‘Whatever suggestions have come are not at all acceptable, they are unreasonable from humanitarian point of view. They are indicative of doctrine of discrimination. “Superpower” would certainly become angry at such show of foolhardiness. Our low quality will be exposed outright. Anyway, this won’t serve the purpose because they want high quality human energy,’ Secretary-General said with aggression.

    “But, someone will have to sacrifice.” Germany said.

    American President looked at the members for few moments and then said, “There is no question of sacrifice here. However, methods which have been suggested up till now are against the spirit of moral values and are undemocratic as well. Therefore, to do something against anybody’s wish will be tantamount to implementation of feudal laws.

    France said supporting him, ‘I agree to these views.’ Most other nations supported this line of view.

    Indian PM gave concluding remarks. “As far as I know aliens are quite adamant on taking humans for their use. And we should not hesitate to move in the direction of democratic, humanitarian and morally strong doctrines expressed a short while ago; we may bring out special charter of duty by UN Secretary-General requesting world population for this pious sacrifice of leaving the earth for the sake of their brothers. There could be better life awaiting them, who knows? Many people could be lured by such possibility. As such we have made their lives miserable out here, at least in our India. It would be rude on our part to mention other nations, and he looked were Pakistan’s PM was seating, and continued, As per my assumption, from all over the world more than two million people will be ready to escape from here. So forceful or pressurized sending is out of question.’

    ‘Yes, yes you are very humble in your estimation, according to me from only India more than 10 million people will be ready to jump at this opportunity, nothing less,’ Britain remarked giving a shrewd smile.

    ‘It is a disgracing remark uncalled for at this juncture I object to it,’ Indian PM shouted loudly in the mike.

    Secretary-General appealed for a truce and then proceeded, “let us stick to the basic idea put forth by India and America. We can surely agree with them, I think.

    Then the vote was taken. Everybody agreed. “A request letter” to the world population shall be prepared: was the final outcome of this meeting. And they also discussed about its implementation and circulation contemplating huge response.
