Dear Jindagi in English Moral Stories by Parth Panchal books and stories PDF | Dear Jindagi

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Dear Jindagi


Dear friends....Sometimes we address our Life as a Dear or imprecate. But the life gives us one chance to be able. This story is based on someone's life whose life is like I can’t even describe it but I will try to tell you little bit, you will smile little and get hurt.

Ridhvan was in 12th standard. Board exam was about to start. He was so excited for exams as he had some dream to achieve. He wanted to complete study and earn money as soon as possible. Those days he was totally focusing in study and stopped to listen bad things about his that he used to listen till now. Sometimes he feels that was born not for living a great life but for listen comments by critics.

After two week next day Ridhvan had a last exam and was preparing for favorite subject’s exam. Suddenly phone rang. Arjun was other side and said you come at hospital fast teacher is so serious. He didn’t utter a word and everything was blank in mind and started to cry without inform to anyone he ran towards the hospital. His teacher was so serious and it was heart attack. She was the only one person who truly understand him and teached without taking fees as he had some financial problem.

But Ridhvan promised his teacher that he will pay fees after he will be able. Arjun and other family member were there as She was in I.C.U. and Ridhvan was looking her from window and weeping was saying that ma’am you have to get up … have to get up ma’am to see my result and repayment. Repay…repay…He wept aloud.

Whole night cried, didn’t read and prayed to god. Next morning, Got the news that she is better than last night. Now Ridhvan was little happy but so sad as he didn’t prepare for his favorite exam.

Hardly He completed the exam and it was summer.

One day his teacher invited him for dinner. He reached on time but one thing he didn’t like is that baby was at home. There were so many flowers around dining table and glass filled water. It was like that they are welcoming of someone king. Ridhvan was on nine cloud and thought when I became like king. Smiled .

While having dinner teacher asked him about his future and marriage life.

He was shocked about marriage and baby who is daughter of teacher was sited front of the chair.

Teacher : Look ridhvan forget your and baby’s past and have wish you both understand each other.

Ridhvan : But ma’am I told you earlier that want time.

Baby : Ridhvan I like you so much and want to marry with you.

Ridhvan : Ma’am I want time and I am not able to do so now. Thank you so much for your help in study and even I don’t know what actually my life is.

He left from there.

After two month Ridhvan had a result and within a vacation he sold an advertisement paper in every house of large area. He didn’t sell paper in his area as he was so shy and didn’t want to let other relative know.

While selling paper he thought that baby how do I manage you even I can’t manage myself. I am selling paper now.

Ridhvan was that boy who doesn’t show the feelings and want to be able for family and baby.

Finally the day came, got the result and passed with 61%. He was not happy with result and knew that his favorite subject’s mark is too less and that is why he didn’t get expected result. Even his family didn’t like result.

Next day at morning his uncle came from pune to visit home. Ridhvan was alone at home and welcomed him. After getting fresh uncle asked for percentage. Ridhvan showed him marksheet but got angered, slapped him and said “ what is this ? How less result you have.

During that time his father and mother came at home.

First why were you gossiping that you will get 80 up result? Lied to me.

He said : “But uncle , listen to me”

Uncle said : You moron are joining my factory from next week onwards. Ridhvan said nothing and walked out. “

Father said : Let it be brother. Come what may.

Mother said : No no , Ridhvan got less result it doesn’t mean he will fail in life exam. My son will do something in his life.

Uncle said : Keep your son with you. See our relative’s sons how they study.

Next morning in breakfast all gathered and again last night’s talk started again.

Uncle said: I didn’t like your result ridhvan, I was expecting good result from you but you didn’t . What he will do in his all life. Ridhvan is not like other student active, brave and sharp-minded.

Dad said: Yes, I was expecting too but he didn’t fulfill my dream.

Ridhvan said: Sorry dad, but it’s my life so it is obvious that dreams should be mine and yes uncle don’t judge me by one bad result.

Ridhvan was that boy who doesn’t show the feelings but let other think that he feels nothing and after listening uncle’s comment ridhvan became little happy because uncle was saying that he is not like other student so ridhvan thought anyhow but He is different from others. That’s he wanted to be.

Uncle said: Ridhvan would you like to join my factory?. I think it is better to earn money than spend.

Ridhvan got angered and said: “Uncle this is my life. You can’t force me how to live a life. I know very well what my life is and what it will be. Got less result it does not mean I can’t do anything in my life and that time i was in hospital where someone was giving her life’s exam. Life is not to pass schools and colleges exams .Forget it . Life is how you live a life and what you do“ His father said stop dear . “Sorry father but all tell me foolish and made , but I am not made. I just want to be a different from others. I was not gossiping but who knows where my life is taking me. One day I will prove it. Uncle was not who teached me without fees…” said while walking out.

At night uncle came in his room and said sorry to him. Ridhvan said don’t say sorry uncle. I said too much today and feel guilty.

Uncle said ”Dear, today I learned new things from you”.

Ridhvan said “What is that?”

Uncle said “We human listen half, understand half of half, think nothing and react double”

Ridhvan said “We human ? say only human like you..” Both laughed together.

Uncle said “Oh…right.....Dear If you want to do study further but you have financial problem then I am ready to give your tuition and college fees”

Ridhvan said nothing and just shacked his head.

Ok dear good night I am going back tomorrow … I’ll miss you.

Ridhvan said “Miss you too uncle!”

At midnight he saw terrible dream suddenly he woke up and cried too much. He was staring to moon and said “Hey god, Help me. Why do am I dependent on others? Why do I have to ask for help from others? I know some days are bad days but it doesn’t mean that let you make me cry in all time“.

Got angered and went back to bad but one thing was coming in his mind again and again is “Time changes to every time just need more time” .

Days were going on and one day after a six months he was going on the way of home saw with surprised some people were selling advertisements paper even though in too much hot day . One child of them gave him a piece of paper and walked back. He was surprised that one child whose life is for have fun and study is selling the piece of papers. How the life is? Felt so bad and wanted to tell him that not to do it but everyone has its own life and god must have written something unique. One day ridhvan had the same days like this.

Phone rang.

Ridhvan : Hello , who are you?

Other side was baby and gave him bad news about death of teacher.

Ridhvan: What ?

Cloud Stopped running.

It took total 3 months and after that ridhvan joined one group of social people, did some good work and started to earn money. He gave first salary to baby as he had to give to teaher. But some people envied for his success.

Ridhvan called baby and asked for some more time but she refused and said “If person ignore you, doesn’t care, doesn’t understand the feelings, doesn’t talk and making that life which even you are not understanding” put the call.

People always tell him he can't do anything in his life and he doesn’t reply as usual. At the other side always I get one question in my mind that why god has made me like "no interaction"," no argue " just "show them".

One incident happened with his that always make him cry. One day He and cousin brothers and sisters were gone to farm to take the tomatoes. They were taking the tomatoes suddenly his one cousin brother saw one mango tree and suggested us to take it. I refused to go there and said someone will see us. They all were staring to me and shouted on me. They said you will be like this forever foolish, moron.

As ridhvan was in social group so ,

Cousins said : Ohk Ohk , Social person can’t come , they always do good works for some change rupees.

All laughed on him.

If Ridhvan takes a decision then he never change it. He believes that in our life “Price of tongue” is also important.

He stayed far away and as they started to take mangoes one old man shouted and his wife said stop stop.

They all flinched, left from farm but ridhvan said I am going nowhere because I didn't do anything and I was not plucking mangoes . They left him. Old man came and shouted him and said what were you doing? Just walk out from my farm .Don't you have mind stupid . As old man was going to slap him , his wife stopped him and said “Are you ridhvan ?”.

Ridhvan said : Yes but how did you know?

Old women said : We know you . You are social person and doing good job in our area for us.

Ridhvan said : Yes We are doing and we’ll complete it soon.

Old man said : Sorry dear. You are doing good job. You can take mangoes as much as you want.

Ridhvan always wants to show them who speak wrong about him and its time to prove.

Ridhvan said : Ok thanks.

His mother and father came there to take him. As usual parents shouted on him. But only one thing was coming in his mind that if I haven't done anything then why did I get hurt. That is the only thing I don't understand about my life. But now doesn’t matter what people think.

My uncles and aunties came to me and said why didn't u come back with your brothers and sisters . How foolish you are?

Ridhvan said : Yeah true. You are foolish. I was true so brought mangoes for foolish persons. Your sons ran away from farm like donkeys.

To do something so that let people try to stay there.

Uncle said : Ok dear , We’ll take care next time. Now let us go. Get ready.

That day felt that no one was ready to listen him and at the other side baby got married with Arjun his closer friend.

Finally ridhvan said something special to his special heart .

“Why those people go away, whom we love so much”

“Keep calm in any situation of life, you will be stronger throughout the life”

Today ridhvan proved that life gives you one chance to be able and lived grateful life.

That night he cried so much.