Endless Voyage - Part - 25 in English Fiction Stories by પ્રદીપકુમાર રાઓલ books and stories PDF | Endless Voyage - Part - 25

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Endless Voyage - Part - 25

Endless Voyage

Rise and fall of humanity


pradipkumar raol


prakash vaidya

Part - 25

Then again the deep voice reverberated in the spacecraft ‘and now, you may know how your tiny earth took its birth’

Scenes began to appear on the screen rapidly just like in a movie theatre showing an action film. They were beyond anyone’s imagination, spectacular, terrifying and magnanimous. Even bravest could shiver and their hearts may sink. But they were depicting the facts of what had happened billions of years ago, even before the existence of earth. The four astronauts were really brave and were determined to see it all.

Large clouds of gas and dust were circling the centre of milky-way galaxy and they were condensing due to the shockwaves of nearby supernova. As the speed of rotation increased, due to gravity and inertia it took the shape of a round disc. Other such clouds also went through the same process and joined together to become proto-planets including the earth.

Then collision happened between proto-earth and another proto-planet to create the moon. This scene terrified the astronauts greatly; but it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. So they again became calm and continued to watch.

This collision was so tremendous that the earth almost melted into a thick fluid. It axis also got tilted, after this impact the earth kept on cooling for 150 million years. A thick crust formed on the surface. The hot steams from deep within and gases from the volcanoes created a different kind of atmosphere. Moreover other comets and asteroids also collided; steams and gases gave more water to the earth. As it cooled down, clouds formed and continuous rains formed large oceans.

One astronaut summed up little courage and asked hesitantly, ‘when did the first life appear on our Earth?’

‘The voice seemed surprised. Earth belongs to no one, only one visits it. We can’t show such scenes, but they came into existence because of some meteorites which fell on this planet. These meteorites brought with them necessary organic compounds needed for generating life.’

Pictures continued to flow… Giant Dinosaurs were roaming the earth. One group of cavemen was hunting a mammoth elephant. Mankind’s progress... destruction of jungles, nuclear war… carnage, wars, landing on moon… one woman was being murdered by three goons; her cries filled the atmosphere with terror. When she fell, there was pool of blood nearby her body.

Such horrific scenes made astronauts unconscious. Even then they could hear loud sounds of volcanoes bursting and earth quakes in their nightmare. Few moments must have elapsed. They felt some smell of a liquid in their noses, slowly they regained consciousness. They started hearing, some noises.

‘Friends, we would like to draw your attention to one particular fact that we have, for your own good deactivated those little capsules hidden in your bodies. You are safe with us and please, calm your souls.’

‘What are you saying?’ the four of them could not believe it, ‘how did you come to know about it?’ ‘Never mind that’ the voice replied and continued further.

‘Culture is not a goal or a destination, but it is rather a great journey, first of all we bow our heads in owe to the culture which made us so powerful and advanced. This culture is a heritage from Rushis(seers) and learned men. It is of mantras (holy chants), Shruti and Smriti (listening and remembering). In there lies love of all, realization of Supreme Being and communion with the God. There lies the power to produce fire, rains, flying and art of living long...

No culture in the world has primarily recognized the importance of humanitarian approach toward all being on the earth. Other countries progressed on the basis of individual’s selfishness; scientifically also they made progress but in the whole world this Indian culture remained on top among all cultures since its inception. This culture taught family love and togetherness, sacrifice for others, respect for elders, teachers and wise men, obedience, service to mankind. Vedic knowledge was imparted through Shrtui, from Shruti to Smiriti, and Smriti to Niti in a phased manner. In today’s world you get your work done only by just a click of a mouse or pressing the buttons, similarly in those days (Vedic-Kal) Rushis achieved desired results by chanting mantras. This invention of culture was a valuable treasure for India.

Vedas, Puranas, Upnishadas, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Gita were epics, tales with abundance of knowledge. That age paved the way for so many present day inventions. Those people could see far beyond the future. They imbibed in their lives those high values of humanity. They understood the fact that the correct way to live a life is by protecting what nature has bestowed upon us, giving equal importance to all beings whether it is a small insect or a bird or a huge animal. They were visionaries of their time. Their knowledge had a universal appeal for everybody’s happiness. They believed that to live good life the natural resources should be preserved and protected; every creation of nature is invaluable and has an important role, which was their conviction. To emphasize their importance the wise men made some of them vehicles of various deities so that common men respect and protect them while deriving great benefits from such creatures and animals. Today’s scientists’ have proved beyond doubt that every species is important; this fact was long before proclaimed by early day sages.

Now, it is very unfortunate that wealth, profit, and growth have become synonyms for better life.’

‘But what was the reason behind this? When India came to be known to the world it was as a backward region. When it had all the knowledge why did it get lost?’ Morrison asked with an element of surprise.

The reply came, ‘there are reasons, of course there was knowledge but it was on some different level. Also it was not widely spread for the reason that only few who were of immense mental capability could attain it. Those who were gifted with this science of high order used it rarely when the occasion arose so with the passing of time it was lost. Moreover, selfish people, for their own vested interest added blind faiths & lot more meaningless rituals in it to extract wealth and favors from the commoners and kings as well.

Thus, began the Dark Age for India. On the other side of the globe especially in the west science progressed at tremendous pace. Scientists like Galileo, Newton, and Einstein contributed greatly to the present day science by the method of observation and experimentation. But since it concentrated only for the betterment of human species, its uses were limited for selfish purposes; to increase facilities, luxuries and comfort. To satisfy carnal desires the ancient religion was divided into many sects and sub-sects. It was distorted by luring the people with promises of helping them to attain Moksha & Nirvana (enlightenment). Thus on the name of religion people are being looted. They lost the capacity to think in new ways and behaved like a sheep-herd. And hence our experiment, our program failed!!!’ the voice was now vitriolic.

‘What experiment? Please explain clearly.’

‘forget it, that will come later, but when we were away only for few second (for you thousands of years), the seeds we had sowed for creating super culture were destroyed, instead you started behaving like small insets, even worse than them. The new inventions made mankind more and more materialistic and selfish. They made progress at the cost of others. You went to war with your own brothers. Luxury increased but peace was lost. .

Today’s science can’t take humans to a spiritually higher plane. It would be used first for personal benefits and individual countries. So the world population would further get divided into conflicting ideologies. They would forget that they are all from the beginning children of one parent. This lack of understanding would lead to deadly warfare and quarrels and ultimately to self destruction of whole mankind.’

For some time the voice stopped, and silence prevailed. Then one of the astronauts asked, ‘who are you actually? From where do you come? And how you came to possess such immense capacities?’

This time faint yellow light spread into the entire spacecraft. Once again the voice continued, ‘‘we are not different entities but as a part of one super power. This super power went to another galaxy from India 10,000 years ago. There ‘we’ got advanced to a higher plane of intellectual and spiritual advancement and hence came to acquire such tremendous strength. The voice said in Sanskrit, The meaning was clear:

“That (God) is whole; This (Universe) is whole. Whole generates from the whole and because of wholeness of that only whole remains even after the destruction.”

We rejuvenated the forgotten culture and ethics. Everything belongs to us and we belong to everything. We are hence in the form of light.

However, this is only to inform you about our true makeup, so we are a kind of wholesome super energy and pervading in the existent and even non-existent universe. Therefore, we are indestructible and imperishable.”

‘Oh! What is the reason behind coming to this side? One of them asked courageously.

‘Since last few hundred years you have lost the balance between the nature and you. If this state of affairs continues the destruction of the earth along with all life form including your kind is unstoppable. And as the most intelligent beings, at least for this earth you would be solely responsible for this. How incredible!!!

We did not want this beauty to be destroyed. The nature did warn you many times but you couldn’t understand its signals, so we decided to give you a shock treatment which you will never forget, we slowed the earth by our power. You all went mad at the chaos and difficulties you faced when first time it happened. So we again made it normal to see what lessons you had learnt. But we were disappointed. You all forget very quickly especially the bad dreams. You all started behaving as per your original attitudes. Incorrigible I say! So we decided to slow your earth’s rotation once again to punish you, teach you the hard way’.

The voice stopped for a while. All the four astronauts started looking at each other. Suddenly they saw for the first time one shape of light moving around in the space craft. It floated like a balloon in the sky but it changed its shape very frequently. Sometime it became very irregular, sometime square or elliptical, rectangle etc. astronauts were amazed seeing it.

“Look, this is our state of being, your body is made of up five basic elements; and we are only in the state of ‘enlightened bright soul’. We can take any shape, move to anywhere, stay anywhere, and everywhere.” The Astronauts felt that the voice was directly coming from this unusual form of light and that the spaceship is standstill at one place. Actually it was and its gate opened a while later and with that a voice was heard, ‘you are welcome to the land of Rughved,’

Four light–forms came from nowhere and helped the astronauts to get down from the spaceship. They were instantly covered with a cloud overhanging their heads, and it moved along with them as they walked behind the aliens. They thought about it; would it make them unconscious?

The human shaped light-form replied to them as if reading their thoughts, ‘don’t worry; it is to keep you in conscious state. From that covering of cloud you will get oxygen which is a must for your survival.

As they moved forward they felt that they have come to entirely a different world. Everywhere, light-shapes were visible moving here and there. Now they began to hear slow hallucinating music. Vedic chanting and mantras were echoing in to the atmosphere. Only Morrison could understand them, for others it was a noise. They did not see any trees on the golden colored land and started to think about it… before they can think further one of the light-form said, ‘We don’t need any trees here, but you need them for balancing of the nature, you must take care of them, it is your duty also.’

“Incredible! They can even read our thought before they take a shape in our mind, Holy Ghost!” The four of them wondered in their mind.

‘You are very right; we can read your thoughts and intentions’. They came to a large area where thousands of light forms had gathered. There on a high pedestal was seated a very luminous shape of light in the form of Indian Rushi. He was so bright that one’s eyes could easily be blinded. Behind him there was a huge * in a blue shade of glittering light.

(*OM:-before the beginning, the Brahma (absolute reality) was one and non-dual. It thought, “I am only one – may I become many.” This caused a vibration which eventually became sound, and this sound was OM. Creation itself was set in motion by the vibration of OM. The closest approach to Brahma is that first sound, OM.)

Morrison quickly recognized the importance of that shape and now he had began to consider it as a person. He bowed his head in respect and uttered namaskar (greeting with hands folded in front). The other three astronauts, were thinking that what is this fellow doing?

But they imitated his action out of fear. One of the lights gave introduction of that magnificent and impressive shape of Rushi, ‘This is none other than Rushi Rughvedji who is the founder of this super conscious universe.’

Finally Rughvedji spoke, ‘welcome, welcome, how you find our world?’

‘It is wonderful!’

‘Okay, take your seats.’ they looked behind to find some arrangement for the same but there was nothing; before they thought further one big sofa appeared from nowhere.

‘What do you want to achieve by slowing the speed of rotating earth?’ ‘Why did you bring us here? ‘Do you want to establish supremacy by destroying our world? ‘What do you want in exchange? These questions were fired at Rushi by the astronauts in quick succession. The Rushi started laughing; the astronauts felt sheepish and started looking at each other.

‘This seems to be a laughing matter to your supremeness but thousands are dying on our planet and are suffering hell. Also, people who have sent us may be worrying about us, do you know? ‘

‘Yes, we know that’ the strong voice came from the impressive figure of light. Then the Rushi waved his hand in the air and instantly out of nowhere a large screen appeared in front of them. They could see NASA where the US President was sitting with other dignitaries. They seemed to be discussing about something.
