The text is from "Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda," Volume 8, which includes a collection of his notes from class talks and lectures. It covers various topics such as the nature of God, the concept of destiny, the divine incarnation, and the relationship between different religions, particularly Hinduism and Christianity. Vivekananda discusses the idea that God manifests in different forms throughout history, such as Krishna, Râma, and Buddha, and suggests that a significant spiritual renewal occurs approximately every 500 years. He emphasizes the importance of taking action to uplift the world rather than allowing it to decline. He differentiates between the nature of man and Christ, explaining that while all beings are fundamentally one in their essence, they manifest differently in the material world. He highlights the roles of body, mind, and spirit in human existence, underscoring the spiritual dimension as the intangible essence of a person. Overall, the text reflects Vivekananda's philosophical insights and his call for spiritual awakening and unity among humanity. Notes of Class Talks and Lectures - The Complete Works of Swami Vivekanand - Vol - 8 by Swami Vivekananda in English Biography 1.9k Downloads 4.7k Views Writen by Swami Vivekananda Category Biography Read Full Story Download on Mobile Description Notes Of Class Talks And Lectures - The Complete Works Of Swami Vivekanand - Vol - 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS Notes of Class Talks Man the Maker of His Destiny God: Personal and Impersonal The Divine Incarnation or Avatara Pranayama Women of the East Congress of Religious Unity The Love of God I The Love of God II India Hindus and Christians Christianity in India The Religion of Love Jnana and Karma The Claims of Vedanta on the Modern World The Laws of Life and Death The Reality and the Shadow Way to Salvation The People of India I am That I am Unity The Worship of the Divine Mother The Essence of Religion Novels The Complete Works of Swami Vivekanand - Vol - 8 SWAMI VIVEKANANDA: "Some persons desire to ask questions about Hindu Philosophy before the lecture and to question in general about India after th... More Likes This Autobiography - Forgotten Memories - 8 by Kishanlal Sharma Deepika - 1 by Prabodh Kumar Govil Vision Of Success Story - 4 by Piyush Goel अपनी यारी, सबसे प्यारी by Sandy Autobiography of a YOGI - 1 by Paramhansa Yogananda Remembrances of Air Force life - 1 by Shashikant Oak PALSTIC ITS BIG ISSUES - 1 by HARPALSINH VAGHELA More Interesting Options English Short Stories English Spiritual Stories English Fiction Stories English Motivational Stories English Classic Stories English Children Stories English Comedy stories English Magazine English Poems English Travel stories English Women Focused English Drama English Love Stories English Detective stories English Moral Stories English Adventure Stories English Human Science English Philosophy English Health English Biography English Cooking Recipe English Letter English Horror Stories English Film Reviews English Mythological Stories English Book Reviews English Thriller English Science-Fiction English Business English Sports English Animals English Astrology English Science English Anything English Crime Stories