The story depicts a scene between a boy and an old man in a secluded part of the jungle near a narrow river. The boy is pouring liquor into a clay pot held by the old man, who is described as timid and inebriated. The old man seems indifferent to a girl present, focusing instead on drinking. The boy assists the old man to sit down while ensuring he continues to drink. The setting is described as isolated, with the river appearing more like a canal and flowing swiftly through the area. The old man, heavy-set with a long white beard and dressed in a heavy overcoat and leather boots, seems out of place in the forest, suggesting he might have some official duty there, though the reason for his presence is unclear. The cabin he resides in looks neglected, with a closed window and door that rarely opens. Despite his attempts to communicate in English, it is evident that he does not fully understand the language. The scene encapsulates themes of care, neglect, and the mystery surrounding the old man's life in the jungle.
by Prabodh Kumar Govil
English Detective stories
No-no, not girl, what you doing? Oh,! The boy poured some more drink in the old man’s clay pot from the bottle. The old man looked at the girl with his timid eyes and kept drinking. His eyes had reddened. He was taking hiccups in between. The boy came near him and grabbed his arm to take his pot clutching hand closer to himself and filled the pot again up to the brim with the foamy liquor. The old man blinked his eyes and looked at him with a little smile and affinity. The boy was standing with such alertness as if letting the old man drink satisfactorily was his only job. Now the old man was not paying any attention towards the girl. He was indifferent to what she was up to. The boy supported the old man to make him sit on a bedstead nearby. He did not want to sit but the boy put pressure on his waist as if he wanted him to sit there.
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