Problem solving technique..

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It was Saturday evening. Great time to have fun but for Anika it was a bad day. The day passed as usual for Anika. No changes were occuring in Anika's life. Anika was fed up of everything. She was fed up of her life too. She was stuck in only bad thoughts and there was no way for her to come out of bad thoughts and miserable feeling. It was dark outside, so was in Anika's life. She couldn't see light in her life. Anika was tired, really tired of bad days.' Saturday

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Problem solving technique..- 1

Problem solving technique..- 1 It was Saturday evening. Great time to have fun but for Anika it a bad day. The day passed as usual for Anika. No changes were occuring in Anika's life. Anika was fed up of everything. She was fed up of her life too. She was stuck in only bad thoughts and there was no way for her to come out of bad thoughts and miserable feeling. It was dark outside, so was in Anika's life. She couldn't see light in her life. Anika was tired, really tired of bad days.' Saturday ...Read More


Problem solving technique.. - 2

Problem solving technique-..-2 The person was testing Anika's patience. And Anika was getting impatient. Anika was getting disturbed. It was easily noticible that Anika is very angry. But the person was enjoying her situation. After some 2-3 minutes he laughed again. And made Anika even more angry. 'Are you going to speak? If not, go to hell...' Anika shouted. He could feel Anika's angry vibe. Then he finally started talking from outside.. 'Hey Anika, Don't get angry.. And I will give my identity. Have a little pateince.. I am meeting you after a long time so ...Read More


Problem solving technique.. - 3  

Problem solving technique-..-3 Anika continued laughing sarcastically on herself. Then she was silent for some After a while she replied, 'From few days, I am not doing anything.. I only sit alone in a big home.. Doing nothing.. I just think and think.. but thinking has no outcome... There is nothing in my hands at the end...and yeah.. after thinking, I do only one work that it only blaming my fate! Nothing else I can do.. Actually,there is no one to share and talk.. I am lonely.. No one is bothered to ask me how I am.. ...Read More


Problem solving technique..-4

Problem solving technique..-4 Anika returned with a cup of a coffee. And she offered coffee to Eshan.. 'Taste the coffee,Eshan...And tell me how it is..' 'Ah.. thanks alot for the coffee Anika. Right now,I really wanted a cup of a strong coffee.' Eshan said delightedly. He smelled the coffee... and took a sip. Immediately after taking a sip of coffee, he started talking, 'Awesome Anika.. You make wonderful coffee.. and I must say, the taste has not changed. I thought, you have changed so that might have changed the ...Read More


Problem solving technique.. - 5

Problem solving technique..-5 Eshan was listening to Anika calmly but when she told that she is in depression he was a bit shaken.. He finished his coffee and was a bit stressed. But he didn't want to show the tension to Anika. 'Can you please come again? Right now did you say something like deep depression? Or did I hear it wrong?' 'Yeah.. You heard that correct! That is what I meant.. I think, sometimes it's good to accept a few things. It's fine na Eshan.. I am also a human being..I have feelings, ...Read More


Problem solving technique... - 6

Problem solving technique...-6 Eshan was listening to Anika. And he was not ready to accept that Anika come from her depression. He refused that and responded Anika, 'I don't agree that you tried everything and there is no hope for you.. I know you from childhood. I would never accept that you can't face the life and you are running away from it. If you think that you are doing that then would tell you, this is not the Anika I had known.' 'It's the fact, Eshan. Whenever I thought of finding a ...Read More


Problem solving technique...-7

Problem solving technique...-7 Eshan came back from washroom. Now he had decided something solid to help Anika. ' Now listen carefully Anika. First of all, you need to stop thinking that without sleeping tablets you can't sleep. Mind is the main culprit.. So always keep saying or thinking good things...' 'It's difficult Eshan...' 'Before trying how can you say it's difficult Anika? Give it a try.. I am glad, today you haven't taken sleeping tablets so from today you can start a new routine.. Your routine is disturbed and that's ...Read More


Problem solving technique..- 8

Problem solving technique..- 8 Eshan was happy to help Anika and Anika's mood also was changing. 'Yea Eshan...I wrote the points. Very important points you told me.. ' 'Read it twice, thrice in a day.. We are yet to finish it but just reminded you..' 'I will Eshan..' 'Ok.. And 3rd point, learn let go... It helps a lot. It's my experience that if something goes against our will, let go always works. It calms down..Nothing can affect the inner peace...Nothing can affect you..' Eshan laughed, 'am I too much philosophical?' Eshan inquired. 'No ...Read More


Problem solving technique..- 9

Problem solving technique..- 9 Anika was looking puzzled as she could not understand, how her MBA study help her to find solutions for her problems.. 'What has happened Anika? Seems you didn't study MBA wholeheartedly.. ' Eshan laughed. Anika stared at hime but Anika got angry when she heard Eshan.. 'Hey Eshan... I studied my MBA wholeheartedly. I had enjoyed learning new things. And how can you say that I didn't study MBA properly? I am very angry Eshan... It's good that you are helping me to find solutions of my problems but you can't blame ...Read More


Problem solving technique..-10 Last part

Problem solving technique..-10 Last part Eshan saw Anika.. Her mood was changing.. After seeing her Eshan feeling happy. He thought of sharing a few things.. 'Know what Anika, don't only keep thinking about problems in life. Always remember, we are blessed with a healthy life still we stick to only few problems and we stop living the life.. Actually I realized this fact when met children having birth defects. Their life is not normal but still they are happy.. They don't stop living.. There is no any trace of unhappiness on their face.. It gave me a ...Read More