Buddha Says... - Path to Happiness Vol. 2

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Buddha Says... - Path to Happiness Vol. 2 - Hiren Kavad

Full Novel


Buddha Says... - Path to Happiness Vol. 2 (Part - 1)

Once upon a time a certain tradesman was leading a caravan to another country to sell his goods. Along way they came to the edge of a severe hot-sand desert. They asked about, and found that during the day time the sun heats up the fine sand until it ' s as hot as charcoal, so no one can walk on it - not even bullocks or camels! So the caravan leader hired a desert guide, one who could follow the stars, so they could travel only at night when the sand cools down. They began the dangerous night time journey across the desert. A couple nights later, after eating their evening meal, and waiting for the sand to cool, they started out again. Later that night the desert guide, who was driving the first cart, saw from the stars that they were getting close to the other side of the desert. ...Read More


Buddha Says... - Path to Happiness Vol. 2 (Part - 2)

Once upon a time, there was a very righteous king. He had a lovely queen who gave birth to beautiful baby. This made the king very happy. He decided to give his son a name that might help him in later life. so he called him Prince Good speaker. It just so happened that the prince was no ordinary baby. This was not his first life or his first birth. Millions of years before, he had been a follower of a long forgotten teaching ` Buddha ' - a fully ` Enlightened one ' . He had wished with all his heart to become a Buddha just like his beloved master. ...Read More


Buddha Says... - Path to Happiness Vol. 2 (Part - 3)

Once upon a time, there was a deer who was the leader of a herd of a thousand. He two sons. One was very slim and tall, with bright alert eyes, and smooth reddish fur. He was called Beauty. The other was gray in color, also slim and tall, and was called Gray. One day, after they were fully grown, their father called Beauty and Gray to him. He said, “I am now very old, so I cannot do all that is necessary to look after this big herd of deer. I want you, my two grown up children, to be the leaders, while I retire from looking after them all the time. We will divide the herd, and each of you will lead 5oo deer.” so it was done. ...Read More


Buddha Says... - Path to Happiness Vol. 2 (Part - 4)

He obtained an appropriate goat for the sacrifice. He ordered his servants to take the goat to the holy and wash him and decorate him with flower garlands. Then they were to wash themselves, as part of the purification practice. Down at the river bank, the goat suddenly understood that today he would definitely be killed. He also became aware of his past births and deaths and rebirths. He realized that the results of his past unwholesome deeds were about to finally be completed. So he laughed an uproarious goat-laugh, like the clanging of cymbals. In the midst of his laughter, he realized another truth - that the priest, by sacrificing him, would suffer the same terrible results, due to his ignorance . So he began to cry as loudly as he had just been laughing! The servants, who were bathing in the holy river, heard first the laughing and then the crying. They were amazed. So they asked the goat, “Why did you loudly laugh and then just as loudly cry? What is the reason for this? “He replied, I will tell you the reason. But it must be in the presence of your master, the priest.” ...Read More