Buddha Says... - Path to Happiness

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Buddha Says... - Path to Happiness - Hiren Kavad

Full Novel


Buddha Says... - Path to Happiness (Part - 1)

Buddha is a core motivation behind this effort. Without Buddha’s inspiration I could never be able to compile this So Many many thanks to Buddha. I thank to my parents who give me birth in this beautiful world, and I could able to see these various colors of life. I thank to Mr. Ven Kurunegoda Piyatissa, because most of these stories are interpreted by him. He is the major contributor to converting pali script’s stories into modern English. Thanks a lot. Thanks to all who helped me, inspired me directly or indirectly. App Dipo Bhavah ! - Buddha Index The Great Horse Dirty Bath Water Ladyface Best Friends The Bull Called Delightful Grandma’s Blackie Big Red, Little Red And No-squeal The Heaven Of 33 ...Read More


Buddha Says... - Path to Happiness (Part - 2)

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, the four-footed animals made the lion their king. There was gigantic fish that roamed the oceans, and the fish made him their king. The birds were attracted to beauty, so they chose the Golden swan as their king.King Golden swan had a beautiful golden daughter. While she was still young, he granted her one wish. She wished that, when she was old enough, she could pick her own husband. When his daughter was old enough, King Golden swan called all the birds living in the vast Himalayan Mountains of central Asia to a gathering. The purpose was to find a worthy husband for his golden daughter. Birds came from far away, even from high Tibet. There were geese, swans, eagles, sparrows, humming birds, cuckoos, owls and many other kinds of birds. The gathering was held on a high rock slab, in the beautiful green land of Nepal. King Golden swan told his lovely daughter to select whichever husband she wished. ...Read More


Buddha Says... - Path to Happiness (Part - 3)

Once upon a time, there was a very rich man living in Benares, in northern India. When his father he inherited even more wealth. He thought, “Why should I use this treasure for myself alone? Let my fellow beings also benefit from these riches.” So he built dining halls at the four gates of the city - North, East, south and west. In these halls he gave food freely to all who wished it. He became famous for his generosity. It also became known that he and his followers were practicers of the Five Training steps. In those days, there was a silent Buddha meditating in the forest near Benares. He was called Buddha because he was enlightened. This means that he no longer experienced himself, the one called ‘I’ or ‘me’ , as being in any way different from all life living itself. So he was able to experience life as it really is, in every present moment. Being one with all life, he was filled with compassion and sympathy for the unhappiness of all beings. so he wished to teach and help them to be enlightened just as he was. But the time of our story was a most unfortunate time, a very sad time. It was a time when no one else was able to understand the Truth, and experience life as it really is. And since this Buddha knew this, that’s why he was silent. ...Read More