Part And Parcel Of Life

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Have you ever thought life is unfair? Because I have thought that alot of times. The person who you called best friend a month ago now talks ill about you. The person you didn't even knew existed a year ago is now a part of your everyday life. Departure of people and entry of new ones is a part and parcel of life. If someone goes we can't stop them and if someone stays, just see how long they can stay. I love saying to people I am complicated


Part And Parcel Of Life - 1

Have you ever thought life is unfair? Because I have thought that alot of times. The person who you best friend a month ago now talks ill about you. The person you didn't even knew existed a year ago is now a part of your everyday life.Departure of people and entry of new ones is a part and parcel of life. If someone goes we can't stop them and if someone stays, just see how long they can stay. I love saying to people I am complicated But the suprising part is no one disagrees because I am, but ...Read More


Part And Parcel Of Life - 2

You are only human after-allI keep recalling incidents from past and certain people, people who are still in my and even those who left me, but mostly I recall people who left me and I try to think where it all went wrong and as much as I have understood from one certain incident I can say that I try to put a broken glass back together rather than just getting another glass. I can’t let go off people easily and in the middle of the night I scream internally “how does everyone leave?” but recently I read somewhere ...Read More