Williams was a thirty years aged clever, rich and educated businessman. Something he had seen in their old palace made him lost his mental balance. He became mild mad, just remained staring ahead blankly. He had been admitted in Black Ant Mental Care where he was entrusted to Rose who was the practicing psychiatrist there. Rose could make Williams to come to his senses but he forgot everything that happened before that incident. Rose and her senior Charles strongly opined, forcing Williams to remember either that particular incident he had seen in the old palace or about his past before that incident would have serious damaging consequences to him. During the treatment Rose and Williams fall in love and Rose later became Williams' wife. As the time gone by, a situation has come that Rose has to make Williams to remember that particular incident along with all his past by putting him in deep hypnosis. How his life was affected and her life was affected was the story of the novel ‘Rain Flower’ A spicy Romantic Thriller.


Rain Flower - 1

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna Disclaimer The concept, plot, story, characters and everything in this novel are only and emerged only out of the imagination of this author. If anything in this novel even a small part of it resembles, similar or identical to any living or dead or to any literature, anywhere in the world even remotely it is only coincidental and this author has no knowledge whatsoever of it and cannot take any responsibility for the same. About me I am an Indian English writer write mostly fiction books and so far I have written forty ...Read More


Rain Flower - 2

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Thoughts are harmless Will. First don’t feel fear to thoughts. Whether you think or the thoughts come all by themselves, thoughts can do no harm to you. Let thoughts flood you, overwhelm you, just remain as a passive observer of thoughts.” It was one more occasion that they both had sex to their hearts content. He was relaxed, relaxed completely after the sexual acrobatics with her but did not fall asleep. However crushing and torturing the fact that he had forgotten his past substantially, one thing was more soothing, more happy to him ...Read More


Rain Flower - 3

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna Rose was reading an ebook in her tablet and completely engrossed in it she did not come into this world until she felt the familiar touch on her shoulder. “Is it is that much interesting to you, you are reading it like this?” trying to observe what she was reading, Williams said. “Yes, it is a romantic novel and I involved in it fully. I have completed it in fact, only one or two pages left.” Putting that device on the table before her she said. Now her full attention turned towards Williams ...Read More


Rain Flower - 4

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “He was found lying face down in a room of their palace. That was not in use for a long time only his mother visits it occasionally. He never shows much interest to go into that palace. Why he was in that room in that palace at that time no one can understand. But…..….” He paused again for a moment and Rose found the serious expression in his face was intensified even more. “……….he was unconscious and they tried to take him into this world, I mean, to his senses again. He opened ...Read More


Rain Flower - 5

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “You have become completely normal” Rose was still happy and got off from bed. Her nakedness started making her feel embarrassed. My god, this man has got his full sense back. She too dressed herself fast. “Who am I?” She hurriedly turned towards him. He was in the chair clutching his head in both of his hands. “Why cannot I remember anything at all?” the frowns on his forehead became thickened even more. Then she understood. She was mistaken. She was not completely successful. She could make him come to his senses but ...Read More


Rain Flower - 6

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “It is possible of course.” Charles said. “By putting him in deep trance can know what happened at that particular point. But the problem is it may have dangerous consequences. Even the remembrance of that thing which made him mad like that may make him so again.” “Never, never.” Margaret hastily said. “There is no necessity to do anything like that. There is no problem even ever we don’t know what made him like that. If my son behaves atleast like this, that is enough.” “But I must say one thing here.” Rose ...Read More


Rain Flower - 7

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna ‘Don’t feel shy, it would be wonderful.’ While he was hesitating to do she said, she said. Still he was hesitating. This game was different. They both played many games until that day, but never this type of. ‘Just make your pant down by unbuttoning it.’ Her voice was like an order. ‘Never.’ His voice was strong and he was pretty irritated by her persistence. ‘I am saying that you can enjoy it.’ Now there was pleading in it. Some urgency which was he could not understand. ‘If one time you do it, ...Read More


Rain Flower - 8

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “What is the mind then?” “Mind is nothing but thoughts, imaginations, feelings.” “If am not the mind, what I am then?” “Don’t ask about that. It is difficult to say. It is something related to the philosophy than psychology. You are not the mind. Fix on that. Don’t try to know what exactly you are.” yawning heavily Rose said. “Oh! You are difficult to understand. But I want to know what exactly I am, if I am not the mind.” Williams stubbornly said. “Will. Please. Don’t be stubborn. In other situations it may ...Read More


Rain Flower - 9

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “No, Will. Please. Don’t talk like that. I hundred percent know how much are suffering.” She hugged him closely. “You just don’t know how much I am worrying for you.” “I know….…I know…..…you are more worrying for me than my mother and sister. What I cannot understand is why you do love me this much!” “For your money. Is any part of your mind thinking like that?” she looked into his eyes and asked him. “No. Never, never.” He turned towards her and said hastily. “Even in my wildest imagination also, I never ...Read More


Rain Flower - 10

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna There was instant troubling expression in his face. “What exactly you want to “When did you have your last sexual intercourse?” her voice was with the same firmness. His face reddened. “What the bloody hell you are saying?” “You gave me the permission to talk anything freely.” Without swerving even a little Liza said. “Then ……” his face did not lose its rigidness. “Answer my question. When did you have it the last time? Did you have sexual intercourse with anyone after your wife’s death?” “You are shameless! You are talking more inappropriate ...Read More


Rain Flower - 11

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I see.” Rose thoughtfully said. “Did that much happen? That Rita might have such things with me also. That is why I am having this type of dreams.” Williams thoughtfully said. “I should not have said all that now. Brother you don’t force yourself to remember anything,” with a regretful expression on her face, Jasmine said. “Alright, no problem. It has not created any friction in me and I am not trying to remember anything.” With a small smile, Williams said. But there was an uncomfortable expression on the face of Rose. She ...Read More


Rain Flower - 12

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna It was just like every time to them both and even he has use last ounce of his strength also to satisfy her animal desire, he also enjoyed that. Even he knew about her physical relations with other men it did not bother him much. She was attractive, youthful, cooperate with him in that heart-fully, also having kinks like him and that was enough to him. “Now I want to tell you some important matter.” She explained to him her going to Williams’ house. He moved uneasily on the bed and asked. “Now ...Read More


Rain Flower - 13

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Is he is not able to remember anything regarding his past before that “Almost no.” Rose pouted her mouth and then explained about his dreams. “Again surprising! How and why he is remembering only that?” “Mind is a very complex thing. We cannot explain why it behaves in a particular way.” Liza nodded her head. “What you are doing to make him remember his past?” Liza asked her. “I am not doing anything in particular. I want him remember everything in a natural way all by himself.” “Why it is so? It may ...Read More


Rain Flower - 14

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “The old house? Have you heard it clearly?” Jasmine at once became alert. I have heard it so clear. What they have discussed about that old bungalow I don’t know but I have heard the words so clearly I must say.” “I see.” Jasmine nodded her head. “It is very important. I think that Tippu might have asked my brother to go to that old bungalow.” “May be you are right. But why Tippu asked your brother to go to that old bungalow?” “We cannot say until we do talk with that Tippu.” ...Read More


Rain Flower - 15

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Why I am not feeling any different in a place where my brother mad.” Jasmine surprisingly asked diverting the topic. “This room appears quite normal. I cannot see anything different here.” There was silence again. Even while talking with them both, Rose was observing that room quite carefully once again but she too could not find anything different there. “I am thinking that it is not the place that made your brother mad like that.” Liza said. Rose and Jasmine did not say anything. They were completely occupied with some thinking. “At the ...Read More


Rain Flower - 16

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna Sometimes your body goes into sleep but your mind will go into only It still to some extent works. In such situation you get dreams. As your body is sleeping it does not obey the orders of the mind then. That is why you don’t run even you get a dream that you are running in the street. The most lucky part here is whether the mind is in semi-sleep or deep sleep your body does go into full sleep. If it does not happen like that you start running when you get ...Read More


Rain Flower - 17

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I have to have a word with you.” It was her grandmother, Margaret and looked into her face. “Tell me what it is?” by then Margaret understood what her grandmother was going to say seeing there a twenty five years aged guy. “This boy’s name is Stuart. He wants to have it with you. He is ready to pay huge money and you just know how much we are in need of huge money. Your dad is seriously ill once again and without treatment he will die soon.” Margaret has no love on ...Read More


Rain Flower - 18

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I did the worst thing. I must be punished.” When she could become usual self again, Vinil said. “I am not going to worry even I am hanged. I have committed such a heinous crime. That too against my dearest friend.” The expression on his face was sincere. She could not doubt it at all. “I just cannot understand how I have committed such a horrendous thing! Some unseen force compelled me. My mind did not allow me think rationally.” Amrut said with a shivering tone. “But for one thing I am sure. ...Read More


Rain Flower - 19

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I also read that and can remember some. It seemed to me that author supported rapes.” Trying to remember what he has read, Williams said. “He did not support rapes. He just tried to make us understand what possibly would lead to rapes. Women appearing to men in a provocative way in vulnerable circumstances may lead to dangerous consequences. Being in our care is always advisable.” “You are right” with an understanding expression on his face, he nodded his head. She tried to say something more but he engulfed her and closed ...Read More


Rain Flower - 20

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna After that she had seen that they both got their divorce without much How long she would have thought about the past she did not know but came into the world by Rose’s calling her. “What you are really thinking of that deep? I have called you four times by now.” She got off from the chair she sat, went near to her and asked her “Tell me. What is the matter?” “Oh, Liz.” Rose put her hand around her neck and kissed on her right cheek. “Come. We both sit and talk.” ...Read More


Rain Flower - 21

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “So, you are in love with my daughter.” Once they both have settled her room Margaret asked him straightly. She did not let Jasmine stay in her room then. “Sure I am.” He smiled. Even he was not feeling pessimistic, he felt little tensed. ‘I am often doing that also to her.’ He thought in himself. Suddenly the seriousness in her face was vanished. “If you are thinking that I am going to angry with you, you are just mistaken.” She smiled. “I know you for a long time. I have a good ...Read More


Rain Flower - 22

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Alright. Don’t worry about it too much. Now you are free and happy.” was not unusual now a day that couple marry willingly and would become hostile from the next day itself. There might be reasons that Swapna married him willingly but became hostile to him in little time which Swaroop could not know. “I thought she came into contact with an old boyfriend after our marriage who missed for a considerable period of time from her life. Thinking he never might come into her life again she married me. But once she ...Read More


Rain Flower - 23

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “You are handsome and a man. You are never an impotent. Without any testing I can say that to you.” Looking appreciatively at his muscled nude body and fully erected penis she said. “Thank you very much” he said. Now there was no embarrassment or shy in his face. She nodded her head and said. “Now we are going into my bed room. There I shall prove to you that you are not an impotent at all.” Then she made the lead into her bed room and she knew that he was following ...Read More


Rain Flower - 24

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Recently I am seeing you often typing something. What it is?” Williams asked “I am writing a book ‘dealing with feelings’.” She smiled. “Once I finish it, I give this to you for reading.” “Not before that? I want to read it now itself.” He said again. “No objection. I always feel happy whenever you read my book.” She stood up. “Come and read.” Offering the laptop to him she said. “Not now. Not now.” He said. “I am not in a mood to read anything now. But I want to ask you ...Read More


Rain Flower - 25

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “We have not talked much after your marriage.” She said with a small “Are you feeling comfortable in all respects here?” “I am feeling more than comfortable.” Rose smiled. “You have provided me with everything. Gave me full freedom. How it would be that I don’t feel comfortable?” “I recognized the great sacrifice you made. You did neither go to the hospital nor started your own. Your prime concern is still Williams. I did not expect that you would be this much dedicated. I am feeling really very happy.” Margaret said. “Williams is ...Read More


Rain Flower - 26

Rain Flower Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Yes, your decision is correct Rose. We must not let him suffer more. both have expected a situation like this also. He is involuntarily trying to remember his past. It is indeed better that we make him remember everything in a prepared way rather than leaving on its own” after hearing her thoroughly, Charles said. “But I am feeling fear how the situation is going to be. I am feeling that he sure does become wild mad this time.” There was anxiousness in her face. “Then you have me and the Black Ant ...Read More