As soon as the train stopped, I picked up my suitcase and exited the station. A rickshaw puller quickly turned his rickshaw and came right in front of me. He asked, "Where to?" I said, "Manasrovar." "Place your luggage... place it," he said. "What will you charge?" I asked. "Whatever you wish to give," he replied. As soon as he said that, I placed my suitcase in the rickshaw. Still, I insisted, "Tell me the fare, please!" But what’s this? Without saying another word, he started pedaling the rickshaw and sped off before I could even sit down.

Full Novel


Jealousy - 1

1. As soon as the train stopped, I picked up my suitcase and exited the station. A rickshaw puller turned his rickshaw and came right in front of me. He asked, "Where to?" I said, "Manasrovar." "Place your luggage... place it," he said. "What will you charge?" I asked. "Whatever you wish to give," he replied. As soon as he said that, I placed my suitcase in the rickshaw. Still, I insisted, "Tell me the fare, please!" But what’s this? Without saying another word, he started pedaling the rickshaw and sped off before I could even sit down. I ...Read More


Jealousy - 2

2.I hastily opened the door in panic and quickly stepped outside. But as soon as I saw the scene I was shocked. The siren I had heard inside was indeed from a police car, and the car was parked right in our porch. Three police officers had entered the house with determination. As soon as they saw me, one of the officers immediately blocked the doorway as if I would try to escape upon seeing the police and he had to stop me somehow. But I was more bewildered than anything, wondering what was happening.It was from this officer ...Read More


Jealousy - 3

3.I came out of the washroom and, while drying my hands with a napkin, moved towards my cup of Suddenly, something strange happened—I spun around and dashed out of the room, then out of the bungalow's main gate, and started running wildly on the street. In my hurry, I didn't even realize that I wasn't wearing slippers. Actually, I had taken off my bathroom slippers after coming out of the washroom when I saw my sister-in-law standing there with a cup of tea in her hand. But when I had entered the washroom, I had left my wife sitting ...Read More


Jealousy - 4

4. I wasn't the only person coming to this city for the first time this time. The same young Tanmay, who sells flowers, had come to the station to pick me up. Tanmay took me directly to his home in a horse-drawn carriage. This carriage had an interesting story as well.Tanmay and his father lived in two small adjoining rooms within the courtyard of a temple. These rooms were likely built years ago with the intention of providing a place for the family that took care of the temple. But now, only the father and son maintained the temple. ...Read More


Jealousy - 5

5.Due to strong bouts of sleepiness, I declined the priest's offer for tea and, after the ladder was put in place, I calmly lay down on my bed. Within moments, I fell asleep.I must have slept soundly for two or three hours. Perhaps I would have slept even longer if a heart-wrenching cry from downstairs hadn't reached my ears. Startled, I quickly peered down and was shocked by what I saw.Below, the priest was crying loudly, like a child, surrounded by two or three people trying to console him. Rubbing my eyes, I rushed down to him and was ...Read More


Jealousy - 6

6.I had by doubts, but until I verify their truth, I didn't want to say anything to anyone.Tanmay told that when while talking to the maid at my brother's bungalow, some one arrived, the girl had pushed him almost forcefully into the bathroom and locked him inside. He was terribly scared, trembling moment by moment, wondering what would happen next.Would he get a chance to safely leave once the other people in the house arrived shortly? What if someone else from the house came and opened the door? What would he do suddenly? Would he be beaten up or ...Read More


Jealousy - 7

7.Imtiaz had three sons who were studying in a big city nearby. The younger two were genuinely interested in but the eldest was there mainly to look after them and to gain a bit of freedom from his parents. The news that had made Imtiaz treat me to sweets was no less interesting. It turned out that Imtiaz's son had bought a horse. I had certainly enjoyed the sweets, but I couldn’t figure out what Imtiaz's son planned to do with the horse in that rapidly growing city. I didn’t find out because Imtiaz himself didn’t know. Well, well! ...Read More


Jealousy - 8 (Last Part)

8.This time, when I was about to return home from my brother's house, the usual routine began. My sister-in-law only packed various homemade snacks for me but also bought expensive gifts from the market for the children and mother. She even picked out a beautiful saree for my wife, showing it to me as she placed it in my luggage.While placing the saree, my sister-in-law didn’t forget to make a joke. With a playful tone, she said, "Make sure to give this to my sister-in-law, and don’t let it just sit packed away somewhere, getting old."I responded with a ...Read More