Fractured Reflection

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It was a typical morning in the quiet town of Serenity Falls, but for renowned psychologist Dr. Olivia Harper, the day was anything but ordinary. As she sat in her cozy office, sipping her freshly brewed coffee, her assistant, the ever-reliable Emily, knocked on the door. "Dr. Harper, there's a new patient here to see you. His name is Alex, and he seems quite...distraught," Emily said, her brow furrowed with concern. Olivia set down her mug and straightened her posture. "Send him in, Emily. I'll see what I can do to help." Moments later, a young man in his mid-twenties entered the office, his eyes darting around nervously. "Dr. Harper, thank you for seeing me on such short notice. I'm...I'm not sure what's happening to me," he said, his voice trembling.


Fractured Reflection - Episode 1

An amnesaic patient Alex comes to Dr. Oliva Harper, a psychologist. He is having flashes memoris of a unknown lab, bunch of unknown people. Oliva tries to retain his memories and finds out about a dangerous masterplan, Project Reflection. Oliva decides to uncover the truth as she also has such dreams often. Know what is Project Reflection ? What motives are hidden behind this project? Is Oliva also connected to this project somehow? Genre- psychological thriller, adventure, romance. ...Read More


Fractured Reflection - Episode 2

The following day, Olivia welcomed Alex back into her office, prepared to delve deeper into his fragmented memories. As settled into the armchair, Olivia could sense a newfound determination in his demeanor."Alex, I'm glad you're back. Are you ready to continue our session?" she asked, her voice soothing and reassuring.Alex nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Yes, Dr. Harper. I'm ready to uncover whatever it is that's been hidden from me."Olivia smiled, pleased to see Alex's resolve. "Alright, then let's begin. I want you to close your eyes and focus on your breathing, just as we did yesterday."As Alex slipped back ...Read More


Fractured Reflection - Episode 3

[ Previous episode was episode no 2, it was put on there by mistake. This is episode 3]In the that followed, Olivia found herself consumed by the tangled web of Project Reflection. Her initial attempts to research the project proved fruitless, as any information she could find was buried under layers of classified government documents and redacted files.Frustrated but undeterred, Olivia turned her attention to uncovering more about Alex's past and his connection to the mysterious project. She pored over his medical records, searching for any clues that might shed light on his involvement.One day, as Olivia was reviewing ...Read More


Fractured Reflection - Episode 4

Olivia's heart pounded as she raced to Alex's apartment, the knowledge she had uncovered about Project Reflection weighing heavily her mind. She knew that time was of the essence – if her suspicions were correct, Alex's life could be in grave danger.As she burst through the door, Olivia's eyes widened in horror at the sight that greeted her. Alex was sitting on the couch, his expression vacant, as a team of government agents stood over him, their faces impassive."What's going on here?" Olivia demanded, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and defiance.One of the agents stepped forward, ...Read More


Fractured Reflection - Episode 5

As Olivia and Alex fled the compound, their hearts pounding with a mixture of adrenaline and determination, they knew their battle against Project Reflection was far from over. The revelations they had uncovered were only the beginning, and they were well aware that the forces arrayed against them were powerful, ruthless, and willing to go to any lengths to protect their secrets."Where do we go from here?" Olivia asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "We've managed to escape, but they're not going to stop until they've silenced us for good."Alex's brow furrowed as he considered their options. "We need ...Read More


Fractured Reflection - Episode 6

As Olivia, Alex, and Professor Emerson hurried through the darkened city streets, the weight of their mission seemed to down upon them. The revelations they had uncovered about Project Reflection had shaken them to the core, and they knew that the forces arrayed against them were relentless and powerful."Where are we going, Profesor?" Olivia asked, her voice tense with anxiety.Emerson's brow was furrowed in concentration as he navigated the winding streets. "To a safe house, my dear. A place where we can regroup and begin piecing together the puzzle without fear of being discovered."Alex's gaze darted from one shadowy ...Read More


Fractured Reflection - Episode 7

The safe house had become a hub of frenzied activity as Olivia, Alex, and Professor Emerson pored over the and clues they had uncovered. Marcus, the mysterious new addition to their group, had quickly proven himself to be an invaluable asset, his keen intellect and technical expertise a welcome complement to their team.As they delved deeper into the tangled web of Project Reflection, the gravity of the situation became increasingly clear. The scope of the conspiracy they were up against was staggering, and the realization that Emerson himself had been part of its foundations only added to the complexity ...Read More


Fractured Reflection - Episode 8

The team's investigation had reached a critical juncture, and tensions were running high as they delved deeper into the corners of Project Reflection. Olivia found herself increasingly torn between her dedication to the mission and her growing feelings for Marcus.During a late-night strategy session, Olivia and Marcus found themselves alone once more, the air crackling with unspoken desire."Olivia, I..." Marcus began, his voice laced with uncertainty. "There's something I need to tell you."Olivia felt her heart skip a beat, her pulse quickening. "What is it, Marcus?"He took a deep breath, his gaze intense and unwavering. "I... I care about ...Read More


Fractured Reflection - Episode 9

Olivia's mind raced as she fled through the dark streets, the weight of Marcus's betrayal bearing down on her a physical burden. Her heart pounded in her chest, a cacophony of emotions warring within her.How could she have been so blind? All this time, Marcus had been working undercover, playing a dangerous game in order to bring down the Prometheus Collective. But his actions had come at a devastating cost – the rest of the team lay injured, their lives hanging in the balance.Olivia steeled her resolve, pushing aside her personal turmoil to focus on the task at hand. ...Read More


Fractured Reflection - Episode 10

Olivia's heart pounded as she and Marcus made their way through the darkened streets, the weight of their mission down on them like a physical burden. The betrayal she had witnessed still stung, but she knew she had to push aside her personal turmoil and focus on the task at hand – saving her teammates and uncovering the truth about the Prometheus Collective."Where are we headed?" Olivia asked, her voice hushed as they ducked into the shadows."There's an old abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city," Marcus replied, his gaze scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger. ...Read More


Fractured Reflection - Episode 11

The Web Tightens Olivia's breath came in short, rapid gasps as she navigated the maze of alleyways. The pressed in around her, amplifying every sound. She had left Marcus behind, but his anguished cries still echoed in her mind. Could she trust him? Could she even trust herself anymore? As she rounded a corner, her phone buzzed in her pocket. She hesitated for a moment, then answered. "Hello?" "Olivia, it's Alex. Are you alright?" His voice was strained, filled with concern. "I'm... I'm fine," she lied, leaning against a cold brick wall for support. ...Read More


Fractured Reflection - Episode 12

The Chase BeginsThe cold night air bit at Olivia's face as she, Alex, and Marcus hurried through the deserted They had tied up the mysterious man in the library, but there was no telling how many more were on their trail. Their only hope lay with Dr. Emerson, the elusive scientist who held the key to Project Reflection."Are you sure you know where Emerson is?" Olivia asked, glancing at Marcus. Her trust in him was fragile, but necessity forced her to rely on his knowledge.Marcus nodded, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "He's been hiding out in a cabin up ...Read More