In the story, the group of friends, Virat, Ajay, Saniya, Navya, Rahul, and Payal, excitedly gathered around a flickering campfire, their faces illuminated by its warm glow. As they discussed their upcoming vacation plans, the crackling firelight danced in their eyes, reflecting their anticipation and camaraderie. Here is a snippet of their conversation: Virat: "Hey, guys, how about we go on a camping trip to the remote forest this weekend? It'll be an adventure to remember!"


Dark Spirits Part - 1

In the story, the group of friends, Virat, Ajay, Saniya, Navya, Rahul, and Payal, excitedly gathered around a flickering their faces illuminated by its warm glow. As they discussed their upcoming vacation plans, the crackling firelight danced in their eyes, reflecting their anticipation and camaraderie. Here is a snippet of their conversation:Virat: Hey, guys, how about we go on a camping trip to the remote forest this weekend? It'll be an adventure to remember! Payal's expression changes from excitement to concern as she hears about the remote forest.Payal: worriedly Wait, a remote forest? Are you sure it's safe? I-I ...Read More


Dark Spirits Part - 2

Virat: "Alright guys, let's get moving! We don't want to get stuck in the dark."Ajay: "Yeah, I don't like idea of being in the forest after nightfall. It's creepy."Navya: "Come on, it'll be fun! We'll set up camp, build a fire, and enjoy the stars."Saniya: (nervously) "But what if we get lost? Or what if... what if something happens?"Rahul: (teasingly) "Oh, Saniya, don't be such a scaredy-cat! We'll be fine. We have our phones, GPS, and each other."Virat: "Yeah, and we'll stick together. We'll be back before you know it, Saniya."Ajay: "Besides, we need to get out of the ...Read More


Dark Spirits Part - 3

Virat: "Wow, look at that! An old queen's portrait. This house must have a rich history."Ajay: "And check out king's portrait next to hers. They're covered in dust, but they still look regal."Saniya: "This is creepy. I don't like it. Let's leave."Rahul: "Come on, Saniya, don't be such a wimp. We're just exploring an old house."Navya: "Actually, I think Saniya has a point. This feels like we're intruding on something private."Virat: "Guys, let's not fight. We're here to explore and learn. Let's respect the history of this house."Ajay: "Agreed. Let's keep moving and see what other secrets this house ...Read More


Dark Spirits Part - 4

Virat: "What the...? Is that a door? In the mirror?"Ajay: "It looks like it! But how is that possible?"Rahul: don't know, but I think we should go through it. It might be our only way out of here."Navya: "But what if it's a trap? What if it leads us somewhere even worse?"Saniya: "We have to try. We can't just stay here and wait for those ghostly things to find us."(The friends hesitate for a moment, then step through the mirror. They find themselves on the other side, in a long, dark tunnel)Virat: "This is crazy! We're actually on the ...Read More