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The year 1787 January 3rd, 11.53 pm. The time when the sun god devoured the blood moon completely. It was completely dark in the lunar eclipse. In that darkness, some people are furiously running towards an abandoned house with weapons and fire sticks in their hands. A man was tied to a tree and the people surrounded him and shouting at him to kill him. A man came and poured oil on him. But the man who was tied, screaming for help. "Please don't kill me, please somebody help me." Someone shouted from the people "kill him before the eclipse gone". And the man lit the fire. He started screaming with pain, and suddenly moonlight started to fall on that place. Everyone looked at the sky with fear on their faces, the full blood moon started rising from the eclipse like a dead man raised from his coffin.

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The year 1787 January 3rd, 11.53 pm. The time when the sun god devoured the blood moon completely. It completely dark in the lunar eclipse. In that darkness, some people are furiously running towards an abandoned house with weapons and fire sticks in their hands. A man was tied to a tree and the people surrounded him and shouting at him to kill him.A man came and poured oil on him. But the man who was tied, screaming for help. "Please don't kill me, please somebody help me." Someone shouted from the people "kill him before the eclipse gone". ...Read More



Kyle took a shot with his riffle. When he saw what he shot, it was a baby wolf. Kyle relieved at once, but suddenly he got a doubt about where this baby's mother would be. He quickly ran towards his home in a hurry, when he went to his house. It was all dark and silent. When he entered, everything looked like a mess, things are shambled everywhere. When he entered his parents room, he really froze with shock, blood was everywhere. Kyle's mom and dad are not moving. He tried to wake them up, but they are not ...Read More



Kyle could not sleep that night. He went for a walk alone in THB base. While he was walking, saw someone in a closed chamber training alone. It's Victor. He intensely training with weapons. Victor observed Kyle hiding and looking at him. Victor :- "You can join me if you want". Kyle :- "How'd you find me? I am sure i was hiding."Victor :- "If you are not alert in the field, you will be eaten by a walking beast. Once you start practicing, you'll get used to it.Kyle went into the training chamber and took an Ax. Victor ...Read More



Kyle, Sarah and Victor went to a place tracking that signal. They arrive at an abandoned factory in the of the forest near the highway.Sarah :- "I got the Ricinus dot bullet in my riffle. I'll get to the highest point here and look for a shot. You two should lure that Werewolf out and hold it until I fire. It's a good plan. Don't ruin it."Kyle :- "I don't think splitting is a good option. We should stay together and catch it."Victor :- "I think Kyle is right. You should stay with us and look for it."Sarah :- ...Read More



The University Bell has rang. Everyone went to their classes. Kyle went to his class to take lecture. The guys were also present in the class. Robby and his friends were shocked after seeing Kyle as their class professor.Robby :- "What the Hell guys, This freak is our professor?"Kyle looked at them once and started lecture on the board. Suddenly an announcement has heard in class speaker "Mr. Kyle, Vice Chancellor has called you to their office. Students started murmuring that it would be about the incident happened with the bully's. Kyle went to the Vice Chancellor room Kyle ...Read More