The Perfect Murder Plan

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Robert Williams walked out of the U. S. Capitol after an interesting meeting, that surprisingly, had little to do with politics. That evening he sat alone in the living room of his modest suburban home after arriving at an important decision. He had to kill someone, and that someone was a very significant target. Instead of a daunting proposition, Williams saw it as a worthy challenge. He'd killed before, many times in fact, the only difference now was he wouldn't be doing it for his government. This one was all for him. The next morning Williams drove to his office in Northern Virginia. Sitting at his desk in a space that was small and cluttered, and looked exactly the same as other work spaces up and down the corridor, he mentally assembled the critical pieces of his task. Williams finally concluded that he would do the deed himself, unwilling to trust it to a third party.

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The Perfect Murder Plan - 1

CHAPTER - I Robert Williams walked out of the U. S. Capitol after an interesting meeting, that surprisingly, had to do with politics. That evening he sat alone in the living room of his modest suburban home after arriving at an important decision. He had to kill someone, and that someone was a very significant target. Instead of a daunting proposition, Williams saw it as a worthy challenge. He'd killed before, many times in fact, the only difference now was he wouldn't be doing it for his government. This one was all for him. The next morning Williams drove ...Read More


The Perfect Murder Plan - 2

CHAPTER - II When the limo and lead security car pulled up to the club, he drew his bead the head of one of the men who got out of the stretch, but he didn't fire. It wasn't time yet. The clun member walked inside followed by his security men sporting ear fobs and thick necks sticking out of starched collars. He watched the stretch and the security car pull off. Williams checked his watch again: two hours to go. He continued to scan the street below as town cars and cabs dropped off serious-faced women outfitted not in ...Read More


The Perfect Murder Plan - 3

CHAPTER - II Great belches of black smoke-probably packed with enough carcinogens to vanquish an unsuspecting generation or two-were propelled ancient brick factory stack into a sky already dark with rain clouds. In an alleyway of this industrial town that was dying an irreversible death due to penny wages paid in far more polluted cities in China, a small crowd had gathered around one man. This was not a crime scene with a dead body, or a street Shakespeare honing his acting chops, or even ...Read More


The Perfect Murder Plan - 4

CHAPTER - IVAfter the man had fled, she checked the tosser's ID, smirking as she handed it back to and then made him stand against the wall for a pat-down. She picked up a card from the table and turned it around so he could see the black queen. " looks like I win." The tosser started unfazed at the card. "Since when do the feds care about a harmless game of chance?" She put the card back on the table. "Good thing your marks didn't know how 'chancy' this game of chance really was. Maybe I should go ...Read More


The Perfect Murder Plan - 5

CHAPTER - V Over dinner that night in L. A. Pamela laid out parts of her plan to Leo, the two players she was looking to bring on. "Sounds good, but what about the long con? You haven't told me about that." "One step at a time," she answered, fingering a wine glass, her gaze wondering around the swanky dinning room automatically searching for potential marks. Take a breath, find a chump. She flicked her dyed-red hair out of her face and made momentary eye contact with a guy three tables down. This jerk had been ogling and overtly ...Read More