After all this Time

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'There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need them to change your life or You're the one that will change theirs...' Amaya disliked two kinds of people. One those who have opinion about anything and everything. Exactly like the aunty sitting in the next table, kept glancing at her and giving her a once over, contemplating how disheveled she looked. Amaya wasn't looking the best either. Her long frizzy hair sticked out due to the humidity in the air and her white top and long pink skirt was creased had seen better days. The second


After all this Time - 1

'There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need them to change your life or the one that will change theirs...' Amaya disliked two kinds of people. One those who have opinion about anything and everything. Exactly like the aunty sitting in the next table, kept glancing at her and giving her a once over, contemplating how disheveled she looked. Amaya wasn't looking the best either. Her long frizzy hair sticked out due to the humidity in the air and her white top and long pink skirt was creased had seen better days. The second ...Read More


After all this Time - 2

'Do you know the seven wonders in the world? ' Smitha teacher was asking the kids in her class. who was doodling on the last page of her social science book, raised her head to listen to her teacher and classmates. Some of her classmates were raising hands and answering the question ' Great Wall of China...' ' Christ the redeemer..' Amaya usually stayed silent in class, she was that one student who was too silent and too shy in the class. But this time, she joined the rest of the class and shouted her answer, Taj mahal. She ...Read More


After all this Time - 3

Their walk back to Advaith's suite was in silence as usual but weird in an obscure way, because Amaya feel his eyes on her ,maybe he was checking that she is sane , but he did not ask anything..thank god for that. Even if he try to ask her, would she be able to tell him? Or anyone else for that matter? What would she even say when she doesn't exactly know what is wrong with her. Pondering over the thoughts and wallowing in self pity she didn't even realised that they have reached to his room. ' Oh..we ...Read More


After all this Time - 4

Amaya was in 4th grade when her parents allowed her to go for a school trip. She had always to go but her Amma refused. So this time , when Amma said that she is old enough to go with Ashi, Amaya was thrilled to bits. Little Amaya was so excited for the day that all she could think every waking moment was the trip, she made excellentplansto enjoy it fully. On the day of the trip , Ashi fell ill and her Amma didn't want Amaya to go alone. Amaya cried and begged her Amma and Acha until ...Read More


After all this Time - 5

Chapter 5 'It's so yummy yum' Mili give him a thumbs up licking the last bit of cheese cake her plastic fork. ' You liked it?? It was good right?' He took a bit of his cake too which was yummy yum as Mili said. ' Yeah ...really yummy. We should eat more cheese cake ...right Ammu?' Mili looked at Ammu then busied herself with another piece of cake, without waiting for a reply. Advaith looked at his, totally gone silent, guest who was currently frowning looking at her plate. She hadn't eaten much, most of the food was ...Read More


After all this Time - 6

Chapter 6' You did what ?' Mithila squealed into Amaya's ears making her took the phone out and frown it. ' Why are you so hyped up about an outing Mithila? You are screaming into my ears!' ' It wasn't just an outing though...right?. It's not like that you took all of your guests to visit your home !! You have never invited me to go there...but you took Advaith. Why ? How ?' There was a hint of hurt in Mithila's voice which she covered up with sheer enthusiasm. Amaya practically groaned. That was something she was questioning ...Read More


After all this Time - 7

Chapter 7'Woah...woah' Mithila couldn't hide her surprise from her voice. ' It needs some courage to sleep at your place on your first day, that too when your boss is around ' Mithila sipped on her remaining hot chocolate from the paper cup and winked at Amaya. 'You should give me some might be useful ' Mithila laughed and kept annoying Amaya. It was evident from her smile that she enjoyed this way too much. ' Aah am I going back there after sleeping like a log ??' She mumbled, even the hot chocolate couldn't cheer her ...Read More


After all this Time - 8

Chapter 8Amaya had a hard time to put on her earrings. She used to wear only small inconspicuous ear but then Mithila had no such things in her jewelry box. All were big , glittery dangling crystals. Amaya realised again that she had zero interest in make up or dressing up to a greater extent that she honestly didn't want to bother to tie her hair and of course the deep back neck was concerning too. Amaya was wearing an olive green saree with scallops detailing on the border and cutbead line work on the body. She loved the ...Read More


After all this Time - 9

Chapter 9Why weddings are beautiful? Amaya was wondering at this moment, watching the bride and groom on the stage. was watching Vihaan and Malavika , who were looking at each other with so much love and happiness. Malavika leaned closer to him and whispered something in his ear and he smiled.A genuine and happy smile on his lips. Amaya wanted to capture the moment and memorise it forever. She looked at them again and smiled herself. ' They look happy together... don't they?' Adhvaith, who was standing next to her , handed her a champagne flute and smiled at ...Read More