One fine morning, Ammi (Mom) had offered dawn's prayer. As always sitting on prayer mat, reciting rosary. She called, "Khalid, Khalid come on beta wake up, it's already 5:30." Hearing Ammi's hollo, Khalid woke up quickly and went to Ammi, saying "salaam Ammi." As usual Khalid held Ammi's hands, first touched them with his eyelids, then kissed on dorsal with conviction. Blessing him, Ammi instructed Khalid to make Tariq, and Qasim wake up too. Following Ammi's directive Khalid went downstairs, knocked first Tariq's door. "Tariq, wake up bro, and get ready we have to go to warehouse," Khalid told Tariq. Hearing Khalid's voice Tariq replied, "Okay bhaiya (elder brother), I am coming out." Hearing this, Khalid headed towards Qasim's room, patting his door, "Qasim, Qasim," Khalid shouted.



One fine morning, Ammi (Mom) had offered dawn's prayer. As always sitting on prayer mat, reciting rosary. She called, Khalid come on beta wake up, it's already 5:30." Hearing Ammi's hollo, Khalid woke up quickly and went to Ammi, saying "salaam Ammi." As usual Khalid held Ammi's hands, first touched them with his eyelids, then kissed on dorsal with conviction.Blessing him, Ammi instructed Khalid to make Tariq, and Qasim wake up too.Following Ammi's directive Khalid went downstairs, knocked first Tariq's door. "Tariq, wake up bro, and get ready we have to go to warehouse," Khalid told Tariq.Hearing Khalid's voice ...Read More



When Khalid used to live in his village with his entire family before moving to Mumbai.He was just 16 young student studying in class 10th. Khalid is a smart and self-confident boy. He looks always cool and positive, mostly he remains quiet with smiling face.He doesn't like to talk to much. He is a real and self-assured boy. Often he stays calm, he loves to be engaged with his tasks. He is often busy with books in the classroom too. He is very good in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, who is the most favourite student in the class ...Read More



As early as Zinat and Ayesha arrive at the classroom's door, meantime Khalid is stepping out of the classroom his friends. As Zinat and Ayesha are in hurry. Zinat gets bumped with Khalid unintentionally. Zinat's head hits over Khalid's chin. "Ahh!" Khalid screams softly. Immediately he keeps his palm over his lips, leaving his books from his hand. "Oh! I'm sorry! I'm really very sorry! Khalid, are you alright?" Zinat asks shockingly."Yeah I'm fine, it's okay," Khalid replies painfully."Oh my god! It's bleeding!" Zinat speaks out loudly. She becomes panic looking at Khalid,s lips. Quickly she takes her cotton ...Read More



Yaar! The force which I had bumped to Khalid with, was too humming ! I could feel the potency the force. He is such a vigorous person! his body was very stern! Even I got hurt when collided with him! but forgot my pain seeing his wound. If someone else was at place of Khalid, would have been fallen on the ground on the spot. Thank God! there was such a strong guy, who is that much stronger," Zinat is recounting what made her feel amazed. Just then maid comes carrying a tray in her hands, containing two cups ...Read More



Anyway Ammi brings a full plate of home-made traditional sweet, named Halwa and goes back in to the house serving her in-law Parents. Khalid and Zaid sitting on chairs in the lawn, looking at the sweet. Khalid gestures Zaid to taste it, by nodding.Zaid finds it delicious so he keeps on eating until plate is empty. He appreciates Aunty for cooking such tasteful dish. Khalid told him that this tasty sweet is cooked by his elder sisters, Sehla Apaa (elder sister) and Nagma Apaa. " Oh ! Really? Hats off to Sehla Apaa and Nagma Apaa for their creativity," ...Read More