Dear Dairy, I am Aarushi, Aarushi Rai. I am going to tell you something, which I have never told anybody yet. Somewhere my heart is wishpering in my ear to tell you what I feel. I am 14 years old, I am in calss 8th, A new student joined my school about a month ago. His name is Adrash, I am not sure how you find this name, but I find it fascinating! I don't have any reasons to justify this name as fascinating, but whenever I hear this name in my classroom, My ears and mind becomes extra aware and something happens within my heart, which I am still trying to figure it out. Adrash is 14 years old with dark eyes, dark hair, and a slender frame. He stands at 5.4 and his lips are a striking shade of red. What's even more intriguing is that he appears to be introverted, which only adds to the mystery surrounding him. He always sits in the front row among the boys, and coincidentally, I also occupy a seat in the front row among the girls.