My Teacher

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A girl was sitting on the beach. It was sunset in the afternoon when the whole beach was empty. The blue sea mixed with the colour of the sun. She was thinking how the deep sea is engulfing the Sun, just like her whole life engulfed her happiness in one strike. Does that mean she can find her happiness there? "Yes my happiness is there." She walked towards the sea little by little. Just when she sunk herself half into the water a voice came from behind. "Pujaaa ,pujaa" her grandma called her. "Puja!!!" This voice was a little harsh and she lifted her head from the bench where she fell asleep. The maths teacher was taking the class when she fell asleep as usual. "What were you doing. That's why I always see silly mistakes in your paper and........"


My Teacher - 1

A girl was sitting on the beach. It was sunset in the afternoon when the whole beach was empty. blue sea mixed with the colour of the sun. She was thinking how the deep sea is engulfing the Sun, just like her whole life engulfed her happiness in one strike. Does that mean she can find her happiness there? Yes my happiness is there. She walked towards the sea little by little. Just when she sunk herself half into the water a voice came from behind. Pujaaa ,pujaa her grandma called her. Puja!!! This voice was a little harsh and she lifted ...Read More


My Teacher - 2 ( ice break)

The whole class was looking at her with shock and the young teacher gave her a mysterious look.Let's get a few hours back. The teacher came to the class in the next period. Whispering started as soon as he entered. He joined the school a few weeks back but no one knew what subject he was going to take. For the entire week he was the center of gossip because of his looks. He is so handsome that every girl wished he took their class. He has a yellow complexion bluffy hair, and he was very tall."Guys! He is ...Read More


My Teacher - 3 (Saviour)

In the afternoon when the classes were finished the captain told Puja that today is her turn in doing after class works. So that she doesn't leave the classroom. "But, I have to go home early today please make up for me this once.""I don't know, you can leave just don't mind when your name goes to the reporting list."She doesn't argue much after that. She doesn't have any friends who could cover up for her. After everyone left the classroom she started to clean the board quickly. She was closing the windows when a lock sound came from ...Read More


My Teacher - 4 (Promise)

Ariyan never expected to see one of his students like that. He asked"How did you.. get up first. "Puja a little calm now. She answered looking in another direction."I don't know if you will believe me or not but three girls in our class locked me in the class while I was doing after school duty.""Ok,ok now come to my car and tell me your parents phone number.""I don't have parents, my only guardian is my grandmother and better not call her now cause she will be panicked. ""Oh, sorry actually..."Can you please do me a favour? Drop me ...Read More


My Teacher - 5 (New Beginnings)

In the next few days many things have changed not only for Puja but also for the class. Students started to take interest in the new teacher's class. Some are there for the teacher and some are actually interested in the style of teaching. Everyone eagerly waits for the English class every day and the students especially the girls are busy answering the questions before anyone else. Puja isn't an exception also. She has found his views interesting in the prospect of life. "Okey so I will give you the answer sheets of the class test I took the ...Read More


My Teacher - 6 (Desires)

TODAY I WANT MAKE AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT BEFORE YOU START READING THE STORY. I AM CURRENTLY RECIEVING MANY MESSAGES. AM REVEALING THAT I NOT A PREMIUM USER SO I CAN'T USE THIS FEATURE. EO PLEASE IF YOU HAVE ANY OFFER OR HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY THEN PLEASE LEAVE IN THE COMMENTS.The bell rang and our teacher entered the class. The captain submitted the homework to him."Today, we won't do regular lessons. I will ask you the same question you have written in your copies."Everyone was surprised by his sudden change. Why do they have to tell the answers if ...Read More


My Teacher - 7 (Letters)

Ariyan entered his room with a long face. It clearly shows something happened. He was living in a rented . He was a bachelor and had no family so the house was empty but it felt too empty today he didn't know why. Maybe because of the darkness of the hallway due to the power cut. Today was the result of the 10th board exams. Most of the students passed with good marks and so was Puja how? I will save it for later. Ariyan entered school with an anxious mind. Cause it was the result of him also. ...Read More


My Teacher - 8 (letters)

Ariyan entered his room with a long face. It clearly shows something happened. He was living in a rented . He was a bachelor and had no family so the house was empty but it felt too empty today he didn't know why. Maybe because of the darkness of the hallway due to the power cut. Today was the result of the 10th board exams. Most of the students passed with good marks and so was Puja how? I will save it for later. Ariyan entered school with an anxious mind. Cause it was the result of him also. ...Read More


My Teacher - 9 (Reply)

When Ariyan read the whole thing he slowly started to omit the part which includes him or her teacher. changed the name as "To my sunshine."The next day Puja was lying in her bed covering all over head to toe. She stayed up the whole night. She has been hitting her head ever since she returned home. "Puja, wake up why are you being too lazy today? You have school."Her grandma came into her room and saw her kicking the air while lying in the bed. "Are gone mad. If you are awake then why are you messing in ...Read More


My Teacher - 10 - Way back to home

Within one month after that Ariyan was discharged from the hospital. He came back home with the help of staff teachers from the school. They volunteered to do it on their own will. The strange thing is that after that day Puja never visited him in the hospital. After coming back home Ariyan was wondering how to do all the work from now on . Suddenly the calling bell rang and Ariyan stood up to go to the door but he struggled with the leg injury and hand plaster to go there. He opened the door and found an ...Read More


My Teacher - 11 - Letters

Ariyan entered his room with a long face. It clearly shows something happened. He was living in a rented . He was a bachelor and had no family so the house was empty but it felt too empty today he didn't know why. Maybe because of the darkness of the hallway due to the power cut. Today was the result of the 10th board exams. Most of the students passed with good marks and so was Puja how? I will save it for later. Ariyan entered school with an anxious mind. Cause it was the result of him also. ...Read More


My Teacher - 12 - Fear

After a few weeks Ariyan was able to walk properly and he insisted Puja's Grandma to let him be his own. The whole time they came everyday felt like a dream to him. He got used to them and started to wait for them to come. He was beside the garden and the dusty plant tubs caught his attention which was clean one day before. He remembered now Puja was the one who took care of all of them until now that's why he never noticed them. He was watering the plants when he thought , is it too ...Read More


My Teacher - 13 - Sundown

After that day Ariyan and Puja never met individually. More like they ignored each other for the time being. didn't even talk in public places. Some months passed like this. One day Ariyan found out that Puja didn't come to school. But she actually is a very attentive student. He didn't care that much cause it can happen a single time. But this didn't stop and continued later. So he asked in class if someone knew what happened to her? But as expected no one actually knew what happened to her. Ariyan was a little anxious but then he ...Read More


My Teacher - 14 - Drifted Apart

Puja was going to school that day. It was after a long one month break for all of her funeral rituals. She also had to deal with the insurance company agents. Her grandma saved a lot from her pension for her future when Puja first got to know that she was all tears that day."When did you save this much for this good for nothing girl grandma. I should have treated you better. I should have done all the work of the household. You have already filled in the spot of my parents."At first Ariyan wanted to help her ...Read More