My life My Passion

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In a room of life, the door of mind remains locked, Windows of eyes shut tight, truths and vistas blocked. Ventilators of nose breathe in scents so sweet, From the garden of existence, where emotions meet.Thoughts swirl within, seeking escape from the maze, A symphony of senses, a captivating daze. Unlock the door, let curiosity take the lead, Discovering the world's secrets, fulfilling every need. Eyes, like windows, yearn for the light of day, To behold the universe, in every shade and way. The nose, a pathway, to memories and dreams, A fragrant bouquet of life's endless streams.


My life My Passion - Chapter 1

In a room of life, the door of mind remains locked, Windows of eyes shut tight, truths and vistas Ventilators of nose breathe in scents so sweet, From the garden of existence, where emotions meet.Thoughts swirl within, seeking escape from the maze, A symphony of senses, a captivating daze. Unlock the door, let curiosity take the lead, Discovering the world's secrets, fulfilling every need. Eyes, like windows, yearn for the light of day, To behold the universe, in every shade and way. The nose, a pathway, to memories and dreams, A fragrant bouquet of life's endless streams.So open up ...Read More


My life My Passion - Chapter 2

In the simplicity of youth, in the innocence of young love, there lies a beauty that transcends time. In simplicity of youth, we find a beauty that never fades. It's a beauty rooted in innocence, in the untamed emotions of young love. It's a dream worth cherishing, a dream that reminds us of the power of emotion and the magic of love.Youth is a phase of life filled with wonder and curiosity. It's a time when the world is seen through untarnished eyes, and love is an emotion yet to be fully understood. Innocent love, which often blossoms during ...Read More


My life My Passion - Chapter 3

Inside Alone In a world filled with noise and haste, There lies a place where hearts are embraced. A of solitude and peace, Where love's whispers never cease. Within the depths of a solitary soul, A love story begins to unfold. Two hearts, scarred and bruised, Seeking solace, longing to be fused. She was a fragile rose, petals wilted by pain, He was a weary traveler, lost in the rain. Destiny brought them together, inside alone, Their hearts beating in sync, like a lover's tone. In the quiet of the night, they found solace, Their souls entwined, a divine ...Read More