Tales of Love

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I am another housewife of this "Sonar Bangla", Kolkata. But my residence is a little bit different from the usual urban City of Joy. We love uttar Kolkata, the typical 'Ghoti's' territory. This part has successfully isolated the culture of the city. Our colony also preserved the conservative thoughts and restrictions as well. So I only have the freedom to express these feelings only in my diary.So today I will tell you a story about the most debated topic "love at first sight".I imagined Subodh's face , he is a calm introvert boy I always knew from the beginning. After the day of my wedding when this family came to see the new bride a shy boy came to touch my feet . When he got up I had seen a shy boy with a little smile on his face . Subodh was maybe in 1St or 2nd year of college . Now he is a service man in the municipality. I have never imagined that introvert boy to open up about his feelings like that . The girl is really lucky to have a husband like him .


Tales of Love - Ep-1

I am another housewife of this "Sonar Bangla", Kolkata. But my residence is a little bit different from the urban City of Joy. We love uttar Kolkata, the typical 'Ghoti's' territory. This part has successfully isolated the culture of the city. Our colony also preserved the conservative thoughts and restrictions as well. So I only have the freedom to express these feelings only in my diary.So today I will tell you a story about the most debated topic "love at first sight".I imagined Subodh's face , he is a calm introvert boy I always knew from the beginning. After ...Read More


Tales of Love - Ep-2

Waiting such a common concept right. We humans are not suited for this term , cause we are always a hurry. But let just think about a waiting which never ended in one's life time. Yes today I am going to tell a story where our arrogant celebrity boy turned in to humble loner, with sealike patients. "Hi ,Rusha how are you now? Is the travelling exhausting ?." " Na not much , I travelled from Italy to France, Korea to Japan, some times Arab to Iraque . If my body get's tired the I rest under the shadow ...Read More


Tales of Love - Ep-3

It is a cold night . A man is riding his cycle and shivering in the cold. His face covered by a sual because it can't be seen. He is humming a song to avoid the cold. "Ei poth jodi na sesh hoi tobe kemon hoto tumi bolo to hmmm hm." He stopped before a two story house and began to stretch . After that he goes to the backward wall and clings on to it and jumps on the other side. He is crossing the garden and making a whistle sound until he stops under an open window. ...Read More


Tales of Love - Ep-4

Rashi didn't get what somor said but before she asked anything else somor took her and boarded the cycle. was about to make a peddle when a sound came from the forest yard. They were both shocked at that moment. "Somor do something or If we are caught here today then my father will lose his face." "Shh, always whining for your father. You wouldn't care even if l love or die." "Dugga Dugga, what nonsense are you talking about..." Before they could say anything a couple came out from the bushy area. Subodh 's jaw dropped in amusement. ...Read More


Tales of Love - Ep-5

Almost a week has passed since that incident. Rashi started to skip meals. She doesn't brush her hair, she acts to be awake at night just like Somor asked her to do.Her mother cried rivers for her. Jamindar Babu also feels sad for her but couldn't do anything."When do you plan to send Rashi to her house Rashi's mother asked his father at the time of serving tea. "What do you mean is it not her home?""You still need to maintain your arrogance? Just apologize to Somor's father.""That cheap law servant! I will never apologize to him. I can ...Read More


Tales of Love - Ep-6

A girl was sitting on the beach. It was sunset in the afternoon when the whole beach was empty. blue sea mixed with the colour of the sun. She was thinking how the deep sea is engulfing the Sun, just like her whole life engulfed her happiness in one strike. Does that mean she can find her happiness there? "Yes my happiness is there."She walked towards the sea little by little. Just when she sunk herself half into the water a voice came from behind."Pujaaa ,pujaa" her grandma called her."Puja!!!" This voice was a little harsh and she lifted ...Read More


Tales of Love - Ep-7

Let's get to a few hours back. The teacher came to the class in the next period. Whispering started soon as he entered. He joined the school a few weeks back but no one knew what subject he was going to take. For the entire week he was the center of gossip because of his looks. He is so handsome that every girl wished he took their class. He has a yellow complexion bluffy hair, and he was very tall."Guys! He is in our class. Uff I must have done something novel in the past to deserve this class."All ...Read More


Tales of Love - Ep-8

In the afternoon when the classes were finished the captain told Puja that today is her turn in doing after class works. So that she doesn't leave the classroom. "But, I have to go home early today please make up for me this once.""I don't know, you can leave just don't mind when your name goes to the reporting list."She doesn't argue much after that. She doesn't have any friends who could cover up for her. After everyone left the classroom she started to clean the board quickly. She was closing the windows when a lock sound came from ...Read More


Tales of Love - Ep-9

Ariyan never expected to see one of his students like that. He asked "How did you.. get up first. Puja was a little calm now. She answered looking in another direction. "I don't know if you will believe me or not but three girls in our class locked me in the class while I was doing after school duty." "Ok,ok now come to my car and tell me your parents phone number." "I don't have parents, my only guardian is my grandmother and better not call her now cause she will be panicked. " "Oh, sorry actually... "Can you ...Read More


Tales of Love - Ep-10

In the next few days many things have changed not only for Puja but also for the class. Students started to take interest in the new teacher's class. Some are there for the teacher and some are actually interested in the style of teaching. Everyone eagerly waits for the English class every day and the students especially the girls are busy answering the questions before anyone else. Puja isn't an exception also. She has found his views interesting in the prospect of life. "Okey so I will give you the answer sheets of the class test I took the ...Read More


Tales of Love - Ep-11

The bell rang and our teacher entered the class. The captain submitted the homework to him. "Today, we won't regular lessons. I will ask you the same question you have written in your copies." Everyone was surprised by his sudden change. Why do they have to tell the answers if they have already written it. "You stand up. Tell me what is the reason for Jimmy Valentine's sudden change of character or tell me about the conversation of the character of the protagonist in the story Jimmy Valentine." The student gives a proper textbook answer as everyone wants. "Yes ...Read More