The Island

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"Hello is anyone there ? Hello?" Those kids again ugh!! Wait- What is this ? Why is there a strange box here?I don't think I kept anything here. I pick up the box and examine it. I don't think I left anything here. I open the box. Is this a USB? I take the laptop to insert the usb. And "Boom" "Jesus Lea u scared me." "Have some fun, Abby. It's your birthday. Guess who I brought with me?" "who?" I see my high school friends enter the room. "Oh my god!! Hello guys! I haven't seen u guys in years." I look at Lea, she looks at me, holding my laptop.


The Island - 1

January 282:00pmABBYWhen I'm washing the dishes I hear Door being knocked. I go to open it frustrated. Hello is there ? Hello? Those kids again ugh!!Wait-What is this ? Why is there a strange box here?I don't think I kept anything here. I pick up the box and examine it. I don't think I left anything here. I open the box. Is this a USB? I take the laptop to insert the usb. And Boom Jesus Lea u scared me. Have some fun, Abby. It's your birthday. Guess who I brought with me? who? I see my high school friends enter the room. Oh my ...Read More


The Island - 2

January 2811:40 pmJAKE And the message sent. I am so excited for tomorrow; I can't wait to see Abby's I wake up to see Alan standing in front of me. "What are you doing here, Alan? How did you enter my apartment? How do you know where I live?""Woah, stop launching questions at me. I got all the information from Lea."Lea? Did he see the message I sent her? What am I going to do? He can't know about this."Heard you don't have a car, so I thought maybe I could pick you up. It's already late. You will ...Read More