Tall Fantasy

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I'll tell you a story of my college days. Unlike most growing college guys, I wasn't the typical extrovert type, not at all a sociable person. Rather, I was just the opposite, more of an introverted sort of a guy. I just couldn't make friends; I just couldn't open up to anybody, friends, relatives, nobody. In school I was relatively good in studies. Quite a well mannered, sober and gentle boy. Health-wise I was quite an average guy. Not skinny though. I did a bit of exercises and was an avid swimmer. I was also active in sports. I was an average cricketer; played football for class teams as right-in and even scored a few goals. However my regret was and still is, that I was not tall. Rather, I am on the shorter side. Just 5 feet 3 inches to be precise. But I had a strange something for tall girls. Don't know why, but whenever I saw a tall girl in the streets, I had something itching to go after her. No, I didn't have the guts to meet her and talk to her. There I had my inferiority complex of getting turned down because of my shortness. But just the feeling of standing or walking beside the tall girl would give me goosebumps. This started during my senior classes in school days. That is possibly at the age of 15 years. This passion grew as I grew older.


Tall Fantasy - 1

I'll tell you a story of my college days. Unlike most growing college guys, I wasn't the typical extrovert not at all a sociable person. Rather, I was just the opposite, more of an introverted sort of a guy. I just couldn't make friends; I just couldn't open up to anybody, friends, relatives, nobody.In school I was relatively good in studies. Quite a well mannered, sober and gentle boy. Health-wise I was quite an average guy. Not skinny though. I did a bit of exercises and wa ...Read More


Tall Fantasy - 2

She came back and stood right in front of where I was sitting. I looked up, way up to 5'11" height, as to what happened. Aunty just bent down, put one arm under the bend of my knees and her other arm behind my back and just scooped me up from the sofa, to securely hold me in her arms in a cradle. It was so unexpected and so sudden I gave out a small shriek. My hands impulsively went around Aunty's neck holding on to her tightly for fear of falling down. Aunty burst out laughing. ...Read More


Tall Fantasy - 3

I don't know how long I lay on Aunty's lap, sucking her breasts. I had actually fallen asleep. Yes, though it might seem, a 5'3" adult man of 28 years, fell asleep lying on a 5'11" tall 53 year old lady's lap with her nipple in his mouth.When I woke up, I found myself lying sideways on Aunty's lap. My head was already raised with a pillow placed under Auntys knee. ...Read More


Tall Fantasy - 4

( Dear Reader, I would request you to read the first 3 chapters of this series "Tall Fantasy", to comprehend the continuity of the story so far…)( I am copying the last part of the last chapter just to maintain the flow of events…)We were back on that lonely stretch soon. We had gone half way, when we saw another scooter parked on the side of this narrow stretch of road. Two guys looking like ruffians were standing beside the scooter and smoking. They saw us approaching. Seeing us, they moved fast and laid two big bamboos across the ...Read More


Tall Fantasy - 5

( Dear Reader, I would request you to read the first 4 chapters of this series "Tall Fantasy", to comprehend the continuity of the story so far…Tall Fantasy 5The car arrived in time. All three of us were also ready. Aunty was dressed in a lemon yellow coloured loose fitting kurti and black leggings looking handsomely beautiful with her tall and stout stature of 5'11" and 93 kgs.I was especially struck by Aaliya. Last night I saw her in a full sleeve kurta and salwar in the kitchen. This morning she was wearing a light grey jogging suit and ...Read More