Sarika stood at the entrance of her newfound inheritance, an old, rundown mansion that had been in her family for generations. The wind whispered through the towering trees that surrounded the estate, adding a spooky atmosphere to the already unsettling ambiance. As she stepped inside, a shiver ran down her spine, but she couldn't deny the excitement that filled her heart. The grand entrance welcomed Sarika and her family with faded elegance. The once-polished marble floor now lay covered in dust, and cobwebs adorned the ornate chandelier that hung precariously above. The air was stale, carrying a musty smell that clung to the peeling wallpaper. Yet, despite its dilapidated state, there was an undeniable charm to the place—a sense of history and mystery that enticed them to uncover its secrets.


Haunted House - Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The Unsettling Inheritance Sarika stood at the entrance of her newfound inheritance, an old, rundown mansion that been in her family for generations. The wind whispered through the towering trees that surrounded the estate, adding a spooky atmosphere to the already unsettling ambiance. As she stepped inside, a shiver ran down her spine, but she couldn't deny the excitement that filled her heart. The grand entrance welcomed Sarika and her family with faded elegance. The once-polished marble floor now lay covered in dust, and cobwebs adorned the ornate chandelier that hung precariously above. The air was stale, ...Read More


Haunted House - Chapter 2

As the dawn broke over the ancient mansion, its walls seemed to hold secrets that trembled with anticipation. The awakened to a new day, their minds filled with trepidation after the unsettling experiences of the previous night. Sarika's heart fluttered as she wondered what eerie encounters awaited them in the depths of their haunted home. The family gathered in the kitchen, their voices hushed as they exchanged wary glances. The scent of freshly brewed chai filled the air, attempting to bring a sense of normalcy to the unsettling atmosphere that enveloped them. Sarika sipped her chai, her eyes ...Read More


Haunted House - Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Sinister History With each passing day, the weight of the mansion's haunted history pressed upon Sarika's like an unshakable shadow. Determined to understand the malevolent presence that plagued their newfound home, she immersed herself in research, seeking answers that lay hidden within the depths of time. Her journey led her to the local library, where ancient records and faded newspapers revealed long-forgotten tales of the mansion's past. As she combed through the yellowed pages, a chilling narrative began to unfold—one of a tragic murder that had taken place within the very walls they now called home. ...Read More