Paradise Regained

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Anil, an executive in the private sector, goes to Rome with his colleague for some official work . There he meets an Indian girl . Read how they meet start loving then get separated and finally get united …. Working in the private sector is not easy . Unlike any government or PSU job , there is no job security nor any pension for peace in future . There is always pressure of fulfilling a target within the deadline or risk of a sword of lay off hanging over the neck to butcher all future plans of life . I was extremely tired of occupational hypertension. While I was relaxing after giving my presentation to an international client and waiting for either the boss's kudos or a warning of negative appraisal if my presentation failed to please my client . Shortly I got an email from my boss saying “ Well done my boy Anil . Tons of Kudos to you . Our clients have accepted your proposal . They have asked you to come to Rome and give a final presentation there . Get ready for an early flight to Rome . Your Schengen visa is still valid so there is no problem . I am getting your flight booked for Friday .”

Full Novel


Paradise Regained - Part 1

Part-1 Anil, an executive in the private sector, goes to Rome with his colleague for some official work . he meets an Indian girl . Read how they meet start loving then get separated and finally get united …. Working in the private sector is not easy . Unlike any government or PSU job , there is no job security nor any pension for peace in future . There is always pressure of fulfilling a target within the deadline or risk of a sword of lay off hanging over the neck to butcher all future plans of life . ...Read More


Paradise Regained - Part 2

Part 2 Anil meets a girl Siya in Rome and again in Venice . He thinks he had earlier this girl in India but she denies .Now read further ….. I turned my face away, took off my cap , put it in my pockets and walked into the Basilica . Here also we found not much to our interest but once you are in Rome and return without seeing the Colosseum and the Vatican , you will be a laughing stock . We have read in school books - Rome was not built in a day . Anyway ...Read More


Paradise Regained - Part 3

Part -3 You have read earlier - Anil meets an Indian girl Siya and her friend Rita in Venice and he helps the girls by offering a free room in the hotel . Now further ….. “ Do you want dinner served in your room or all of us can get together here itself or would you like to go to the dining room? “ I asked before they left “ What about you guys ? “ “ We are tired , we will get in this room . “ “ So do we . “ After an hour ...Read More


Paradise Regained - Part 4

Part 4 You read earlier - After coming back to India Anil meets Siya in Hyderabad . He asks to be her girlfriend but she expresses her inability and starts telling about her family . Nor read further …. Then she started narrating about her family . She belonged to a low middle class family . She has a younger sister who is finishing her nursing shortly . Her father has mortgaged land and the only small house for their education . After completing her Fashion technology Rita joined a garment company only recently with an average salary . ...Read More


Paradise Regained - Part 5 - Last Part

Paradise Regained Concluding Part -5 You read earlier - Siya’s father refuses her from marrying Anil . Both were with this but accepted this fact . In the meantime Anil gets transferred to Pune . Nor read further how surprising events happened in their lives and how in the end they could unite with the help of Prachi , clever younger sister of Siya …. I joined as head in my Pune office . I ...Read More