In the beginning, the Lord of Beings created men and women, and in the form of commandments in one hundred thousand chapters laid down rules for regulating their existence with regard to Dharma,[1] Artha,[2] and Kama.[3] Some of these commandments, namely those which treated of Dharma, were separately written by Swayambhu Manu; those that related to Artha were compiled by Brihaspati; and those that referred to Kama were expounded by Nandi, the follower of Mahadeva, in one thousand chapters. Now these 'Kama Sutra' (Aphorisms on Love), written by Nandi in one thousand chapters, were reproduced by Shvetaketu, the son of Uddvalaka, in an abbreviated form in five hundred chapters, and this work was again similarly reproduced in an abridged form, in one hundred and fifty chapters, by Babhravya, an inhabitant of the Punchala (South of Delhi) country. These one hundred and fifty chapters were then put together under seven heads or parts named severally— 1st. Sadharana (general topics). 2nd. Samprayogika (embraces, etc.). 3rd. Kanya Samprayuktaka (union of males and females). 4th. Bharyadhikarika (on one's own wife). 5th. Paradika (on the wives of other people). 6th. Vaisika (on courtesans). 7th. Aupamishadika (on the arts of seduction, tonic medicines, etc.).

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The Kama Sutra - Part 1 - CHAPTER 1

PART I.CHAPTER I. In the beginning, the Lord of Beings created men and women, and in the form of in one hundred thousand chapters laid down rules for regulating their existence with regard to Dharma,[1] Artha,[2] and Kama.[3] Some of these commandments, namely those which treated of Dharma, were separately written by Swayambhu Manu; those that related to Artha were compiled by Brihaspati; and those that referred to Kama were expounded by Nandi, the follower of Mahadeva, in one thousand chapters. Now these 'Kama Sutra' (Aphorisms on Love), written by Nandi in one thousand chapters, were reproduced by Shvetaketu, ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 1 - CHAPTER 2

CHAPTER II. ON THE ACQUISITION OF DHARMA, ARTHA AND KAMA. Man, the period of whose life is one hundred should practise Dharma, Artha, and Kama at different times and in such a manner that they may harmonize together and not clash in any way. He should acquire learning in his childhood, in his youth and middle age he should attend to Artha and Kama, and in his old age he should perform Dharma, and thus seek to gain Moksha, i.e., release from further transmigration. Or, on account of the uncertainty of life, he may practise them at times when ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 1 - CHAPTER 3

CHAPTER III. ON THE ARTS AND SCIENCES TO BE STUDIED.Man should study the Kama Sutra and the arts and subordinate thereto, in addition to the study of the arts and sciences contained in Dharma and Artha. Even young maids should study this Kama Sutra along with its arts and sciences before marriage, and after it they should continue to do so with the consent of their husbands. Here some learned men object, and say that females, not being allowed to study any science, should not study the Kama Sutra. But Vatsyayana is of opinion that this objection does not ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 1 - CHAPTER 4

CHAPTER IV. THE LIFE OF A CITIZEN.Having thus acquired learning, a man, with the wealth that he may have by gift, conquest, purchase, deposit, or inheritance from his ancestors, should become a householder, and pass the life of a citizen. He should take a house in a city, or large village, or in the vicinity of good men, or in a place which is the resort of many persons. This abode should be situated near some water, and divided into different compartments for different purposes. It should be surrounded by a garden, and also contain two rooms, an outer ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 1 - CHAPTER 5

CHAPTER V. ABOUT THE KINDS OF WOMEN RESORTED TO BY THE CITIZENS, AND OF FRIENDS AND MESSENGERS. When Kama practised by men of the four castes according to the rules of the Holy Writ (i.e., by lawful marriage) with virgins of their own caste, it then becomes a means of acquiring lawful progeny and good fame, and it is not also opposed to the customs of the world. On the contrary the practice of Kama with women of the higher castes, and with those previously enjoyed by others, even though they be of the same caste, is prohibited. But ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 2 - CHAPTER 1

PART II. OF SEXUAL UNION. CHAPTER I. KINDS OF SEXUAL UNION ACCORDING TO(a) DIMENSIONS.(b) FORCE OF DESIRE OR PASSION.(c) Kinds of Union. Man is divided into three classes, viz., the hare man, the bull man, and the horse man, according to the size of his lingam. Woman also, according to the depth of her yoni, is either a female deer, a mare, or a female elephant. There are thus three equal unions between persons of corresponding dimensions, and there are six unequal unions, when the dimensions do not correspond, or nine in all, as the following table shows: In ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 2 - CHAPTER 2

CHAPTER II. OF THE EMBRACE. This part of the Kama Shastra, which treats of sexual union, is also called (Chatushshashti). Some old authors say that it is called so, because it contains sixty-four chapters. Others are of opinion that the author of this part being a person named Panchala, and the person who recited the part of the Rig Veda called Dashatapa, which contains sixty-four verses, being also called Panchala, the name "sixty-four" has been given to the part of the work in honour of the Rig Vedas. The followers of Babhravya say on the other hand that this ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 2 - CHAPTER 3

CHAPTER III. ON KISSING. It is said by some that there is no fixed time or order between the the kiss, and the pressing or scratching with the nails or fingers, but that all these things should be done generally before sexual union takes place, while striking and making the various sounds generally takes place at the time of the union. Vatsyayana, however, thinks that anything may take place at any time, for love does not care for time or order. On the occasion of the first congress, kissing and the other things mentioned above should be done moderately, ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 2 - CHAPTER 4

CHAPTER IV. ON PRESSING, OR MARKING, OR SCRATCHING WITH THE NAILS. When love becomes intense, pressing with the nails scratching the body with them is practised, and it is done on the following occasions: On the first visit; at the time of setting out on a journey; on the return from a journey; at the time when an angry lover is reconciled; and lastly when the woman is intoxicated. But pressing with the nails is not an usual thing except with those who are intensely passionate, i.e., full of passion. It is employed together with biting, by those to ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 2 - CHAPTER 5

CHAPTER V. ON BITING, AND THE MEANS TO BE EMPLOYED WITH REGARD TO WOMEN OF DIFFERENT COUNTRIES. All the that can be kissed, are also the places that can be bitten, except the upper lip, the interior of the mouth, and the eyes. The qualities of good teeth are as follows: They should be equal, possessed of a pleasing brightness, capable of being coloured, of proper proportions, unbroken, and with sharp ends. The defects of teeth on the other hand are, that they are blunt, protruding from the gums, rough, soft, large, and loosely set. The following are the ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 2 - CHAPTER 6

CHAPTER VI. OF THE DIFFERENT WAYS OF LYING DOWN, AND VARIOUS KINDS OF CONGRESS. On the occasion of a congress" the Mrigi (Deer) woman should lie down in such a way as to widen her yoni, while in a "low congress" the Hastini (Elephant) woman should lie down so as to contract hers. But in an "equal congress" they should lie down in the natural position. What is said above concerning the Mrigi and the Hastini applies also to the Vadawa (Mare) woman. In a "low congress" the women should particularly make use of medicine, to cause her desires ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 2 - CHAPTER 7

CHAPTER VII. OF THE VARIOUS MODES OF STRIKING, AND OF THE SOUNDS APPROPRIATE TO THEM. Sexual intercourse can be to a quarrel, on account of the contrarieties of love and its tendency to dispute. The place of striking with passion is the body, and on the body the special places are: · The shoulders. · The head. · The space between the breasts. · The back. · The jaghana, or middle part of the body. · The sides. Striking is of four kinds, viz.: · Striking with the back of the hand. · Striking with the fingers a little ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 2 - CHAPTER 8

CHAPTER VIII. ABOUT WOMEN ACTING THE PART OF A MAN; AND OF THE WORK OF A MAN. When a sees that her lover is fatigued by constant congress, without having his desire satisfied, she should, with his permission, lay him down upon his back, and give him assistance by acting his part. She may also do this to satisfy the curiosity of her lover, or her own desire of novelty. There are two ways of doing this, the first is when during congress she turns round, and gets on the top of her lover, in such a manner as ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 2 - CHAPTER 9

CHAPTER IX. OF THE AUPARISHTAKA OR MOUTH CONGRESS. There are two kinds of eunuchs, those that are disguised as and those that are disguised as females. Eunuchs disguised as females imitate their dress, speech, gestures, tenderness, timidity, simplicity, softness and bashfulness. The acts that are done on the jaghana or middle parts of women, are done in the mouths of these eunuchs, and this is called Auparishtaka. These eunuchs derive their imaginable pleasure, and their livelihood from this kind of congress, and they lead the life of courtezans. So much concerning eunuchs disguised as females. Eunuchs disguised as males ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 2 - CHAPTER 10

CHAPTER X. OF THE WAY HOW TO BEGIN AND HOW TO END THE CONGRESS. DIFFERENT KINDS OF CONGRESS AND QUARRELS. In the pleasure-room, decorated with flowers, and fragrant with perfumes, attended by his friends and servants, the citizen should receive the woman, who will come bathed and dressed, and will invite her to take refreshment and to drink freely. He should then seat her on his left side, and holding her hair, and touching also the end and knot of her garment, he should gently embrace her with his right arm. They should then carry on an amusing conversation ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 3 - CHAPTER 1

PART III. ABOUT THE ACQUISITION OF A WIFE. CHAPTER I. ON MARRIAGE. When a girl of the same caste, a virgin, is married in accordance with the precepts of Holy Writ, the results of such an union are: the acquisition of Dharma and Artha, offspring, affinity, increase of friends, and untarnished love. For this reason a man should fix his affections upon a girl who is of good family, whose parents are alive, and who is three years or more younger than himself. She should be born of a highly respectable family, possessed of wealth, well connected, and with ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 3 - CHAPTER 2

CHAPTER II. OF CREATING CONFIDENCE IN THE GIRL. For the first three days after marriage, the girl and her should sleep on the floor, abstain from sexual pleasures, and eat their food without seasoning it either with alkali or salt. For the next seven days they should bathe amidst the sounds of auspicious musical instruments, should decorate themselves, dine together, and pay attention to their relations as well as to those who may have come to witness their marriage. This is applicable to persons of all castes. On the night of the tenth day the man should begin in ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 3 - CHAPTER 3

CHAPTER III. ON COURTSHIP, AND THE MANIFESTATION OF THE FEELINGS BY OUTWARD SIGNS AND DEEDS. A poor man possessed good qualities, a man born of a low family possessed of mediocre qualities, a neighbour possessed of wealth, and one under the control of his father, mother or brothers, should not marry without endeavouring to gain over the girl from her childhood to love and esteem them. Thus a boy separated from his parents, and living in the house of his uncle, should try to gain over the daughter of his uncle, or some other girl, even though she be ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 3 - CHAPTER 4

CHAPTER IV. ABOUT THINGS TO BE DONE ONLY BY THE MAN, AND THE ACQUISITION OF THE GIRL THEREBY. ALSO IS TO BE DONE BY A GIRL TO GAIN OVER A MAN, AND SUBJECT HIM TO HER. Now when the girl begins to show her love by outward signs and motions, as described in the last chapter, the lover should try to gain her over entirely by various ways and means, such as the following:— When engaged with her in any game or sport he should intentionally hold her hand. He should practise upon her the various kinds of embraces, ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 3 - CHAPTER 5

CHAPTER V. ON CERTAIN FORMS OF MARRIAGE When a girl cannot meet her lover frequently in private, she should the daughter of her nurse to him, it being understood that she has confidence in her, and had previously gained her over to her interests. On seeing the man, the daughter of the nurse should, in the course of conversation, describe to him the noble birth, the good disposition, the beauty, talent, skill, knowledge of human nature and affection of the girl in such a way as not to let him suppose that she has been sent by the girl, ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 4 - CHAPTER 1

PART IV. ABOUT A WIFE. CHAPTER I. ON THE MANNER OF LIVING OF A VIRTUOUS WOMAN, AND OF HER DURING THE ABSENCE OF HER HUSBAND. A virtuous woman, who has affection for her husband, should act in conformity with his wishes as if he were a divine being, and with his consent should take upon herself the whole care of his family. She should keep the whole house well cleaned, and arrange flowers of various kinds in different parts of it, and make the floor smooth and polished so as to give the whole a neat and becoming appearance. ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 4 - CHAPTER 2

CHAPTER II. ON THE CONDUCT OF THE ELDER WIFE TOWARDS THE OTHER WIVES OF HER HUSBAND, AND ON THAT A YOUNGER WIFE TOWARDS THE ELDER ONES. ALSO ON THE CONDUCT OF A VIRGIN WIDOW RE-MARRIED; OF A WIFE DISLIKED BY HER HUSBAND; OF THE WOMEN IN THE KING'S HAREM; AND LASTLY ON THE CONDUCT OF A HUSBAND TOWARDS MANY WIVES.The causes of re-marrying during the lifetime of the wife are as follows: 1. The folly or ill temper of the wife. 2. Her husband's dislike to her. 3. The want of offspring. 4. The continual birth of daughters. 5. ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 5 - CHAPTER 1

PART V. ABOUT THE WIVES OF OTHER MEN.CHAPTER I. OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF MEN AND WOMEN.—THE REASONS WHY WOMEN THE ADDRESSES OF MEN.—ABOUT MEN WHO HAVE SUCCESS WITH WOMEN, AND ABOUT WOMEN WHO ARE EASILY GAINED OVER. The wives of other people may be resorted to on the occasions already described in Part I., Chapter 5, of this work, but the possibility of their acquisition, their fitness for cohabitation, the danger to oneself in uniting with them, and the future effect of these unions, should first of all be examined. A man may resort to the wife of another, ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 5 - CHAPTER 2

CHAPTER II. ABOUT MAKING ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE WOMAN, AND OF THE EFFORTS TO GAIN HER OVER. Ancient authors are opinion that girls are not so easily seduced by employing female messengers as by the efforts of the man himself, but that the wives of others are more easily got at by the aid of female messengers than by the personal efforts of a man. But Vatsyayana lays it down that whenever it is possible a man should always act himself in these matters, and it is only when such is impracticable, or impossible, that female messengers should be employed. ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 5 - CHAPTER 3

CHAPTER III. EXAMINATION OF THE STATE OF A WOMAN'S MIND. When a man is trying to gain over a he should examine the state of her mind, and acts as follows. If she listens to him, but does not manifest to him in any way her own intentions, he should then try to gain her over by means of a go-between. If she meets him once, and again comes to meet him better dressed than before, or comes to him in some lonely place, he should be certain that she is capable of being enjoyed by the use of ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 5 - CHAPTER 4

CHAPTER IV. ABOUT THE BUSINESS OF A GO-BETWEEN. If a woman has manifested her love or desire, either by or by motions of her body, and is afterwards rarely or never seen any where, or if a woman is met for the first time, the man should get a go-between to approach her. Now the go-between, having wheedled herself into the confidence of the woman by acting according to her disposition, should try to make her hate or despise her husband by holding artful conversations with her, by telling her about medicines for getting children, by talking to her ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 5 - CHAPTER 5

CHAPTER V. ABOUT THE LOVE OF PERSONS IN AUTHORITY FOR THE WIVES OF OTHER MEN. Kings and their ministers no access to the abodes of others, and moreover their mode of living is constantly watched and observed and imitated by the people at large, just as the animal world, seeing the sun rise, get up after him, and when he sits in the evening, lie down again in the same way. Persons in authority should not therefore do any improper act in public, as such are impossible from their position, and would be deserving of censure. But if they ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 5 - CHAPTER 6

CHAPTER VI. ABOUT THE WOMEN OF THE ROYAL HAREM; AND OF THE KEEPING OF ONE'S OWN WIFE. The women the royal harem cannot see or meet any men on account of their being strictly guarded, neither do they have their desires satisfied, because their only husband is common to many wives. For this reason among themselves they give pleasure to each other in various ways as now described. Having dressed the daughters of their nurses, or their female friends, or their female attendants, like men, they accomplish their object by means of bulbs, roots, and fruits having the form ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 6 - CHAPTER 1

PART VI. ABOUT COURTESANS.INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. This Part VI., about courtesans, was prepared by Vatsyayana, from a treatise on the that was written by Dattaka, for the women of Pataliputra (the modern Patna), some two thousand years ago. Dattaka's work does not appear to be extant now, but this abridgement of it is very clever, and quite equal to any of the productions of Emile Zola, and other writers of the realistic school of to-day. Although a great deal has been written on the subject of the courtesan, nowhere will be found a better description of her, of her belongings, ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 6 - CHAPTER 2

CHAPTER II. OF LIVING LIKE A WIFE. When a courtesan is living as a wife with her lover, she behave like a chaste woman, and do everything to his satisfaction. Her duty in this respect, in short, is, that she should give him pleasure, but should not become attached to him, though behaving as if she were really attached. Now the following is the manner in which she is to conduct herself, so as to accomplish the above mentioned purpose. She should have a mother dependent on her, one who should be represented as very harsh, and who looked ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 6 - CHAPTER 3

CHAPTER III. OF THE MEANS OF GETTING MONEY. OF THE SIGNS OF THE CHANGE OF A LOVER'S FEELINGS, AND THE WAY TO GET RID OF HIM. Money is got out of a lover in two ways, viz.: By natural or lawful means, and by artifices. Old authors are of opinion that when a courtesan can get as much money as she wants from her lover, she should not make use of artifice. But Vatsyayana lays down that though she may get some money from him by natural means, yet when she makes use of artifice he gives her doubly ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 6 - CHAPTER 4

CHAPTER IV. ABOUT RE-UNION WITH A FORMER LOVER. When a courtesan abandons her present lover after all his wealth exhausted, she may then consider about her re-union with a former lover. But she should return to him only if he has acquired fresh wealth, or is still wealthy, and if he is still attached to her. And if this man be living at the time with some other women she should consider well before she acts. Now such a man can only be in one of the six following conditions, viz.: 1st. He may have left the first woman ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 6 - CHAPTER 5

CHAPTER V. OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF GAIN. When a courtesan is able to realize much money every day, by of many customers, she should not confine herself to a single lover; under such circumstances, she should fix her rate for one night, after considering the place, the season, and the condition of the people, and having regard to her own good qualities and good looks, and after comparing her rates with those of other courtesans. She can inform her lovers, and friends, and acquaintances about these charges. If, however, she can obtain a great gain from a single lover, ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 6 - CHAPTER 6

CHAPTER VI. OF GAINS AND LOSSES; ATTENDANT GAINS AND LOSSES; AND DOUBTS; AS ALSO OF THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF It sometimes happens that while gains are being sought for, or expected to be realised, that losses only are the result of our efforts, the causes of these losses are: · Weakness of intellect. · Excessive love. · Excessive pride. · Excessive self conceit · Excessive simplicity. · Excessive confidence. · Excessive anger. · Carlessness. · Recklessness. · Influence of evil genius. · Accidental circumstances. The results of these losses are: · Expense incurred without any result. · Destruction of ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 7 - CHAPTER 1

PART VII. ABOUT THE MEANS OF ATTRACTING OTHERS TO YOURSELF.CHAPTER I. ON PERSONAL ADORNMENT; ON SUBJUGATING THE HEARTS OF AND ON TONIC MEDICINES. When a person fails to obtain the object of his desires by any of the ways previously related, he should then have recourse to other ways of attracting others to himself. Now, good looks, good qualities, youth, and liberality are the chief and most natural means of making a person agreeable in the eyes of others. But in the absence of these a man or a woman must have resort to artificial means, or to art, ...Read More


The Kama Sutra - Part 7 - CHAPTER 2 - Last Part

CHAPTER II. OF THE WAYS OF EXCITING DESIRE, AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTS, AND RECIPES. If a man is unable to a Hastini, or elephant woman, he should have recourse to various means to excite her passion. At the commencement he should rub her yoni with his hand or fingers, and not begin to have intercourse with her until she becomes excited, or experiences pleasure. This is one way of exciting a woman. Or, he may make use of certain Apadravyas, or things which are put on or around the lingam to supplement its length or its thickness, so as to ...Read More