The Unseen Power

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Planet Thainer far apart from Earth about 1lakh lightyear there ruler homan want to capture a planet called sankudu which is said to have a power which will make him the most powerful being in the dimension but it is said that it can be only handled by a person who will born in next 10 day according to there astrologer he will take birth on 26 July on that day no one will born but if it happened so the second one will be more powerful Today is is 16 July Story begins : On the planet Thainer Homan- so only ten days are left to born of the warrior who can handle that power Minister- yes my majesty Homan- Start preparing for the battle against sankudu Minister- ok I will give your order to all for start preparing for the battle


The Unseen Power - 1

it is story about a man who want to capture a planet full of power but what is thing which stop him to capture it read the story and know about it it is the first chapter more chapter are ipcoming ...Read More


The Unseen Power - 2

First of all be sur you have read it chapter-1 As it is chapter 2 so for you can story so please read it first part And also thanks for supporting previous part____________________________________________So let's have a quick eyeshot on the last partEra the ruler of sankudu have said he have something that can stop the power of key but what is that let's see So Enjoy the story____________________________________________Era- is every spaceship ready have you find a planet which have favorable condition to liveMinister- yes my majesty a planet called sychte 271 have found its about 700 light ...Read More