When Ego Fell In Love

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Hi guys this is my first attempt if any mistakes are found plz forgive me. It's a beautiful love story of mardini and Sagar.. well Sagar owns a resort in a hill station. mardini is an employe in a corporate company.. this complete story is travelling between these two Mardini is a well educated and bold girl .. she always wanted to be happy .. she loves travelling...mardini and her friends were travelling ..they are enjoying their complete space with loads of joy and happiness .. well its a pretty mansoon season . Complete nature is coverd with Fog and Mist it seems like heaven evrybody is enjoying .. her frnds name was rithya , arohi .. well after roaming mardini and her friends were looking for a staying. finally they found one resort mardini was booked the room and then they moved to resort ... resort was well maintained with beautiful interior. Mardini was impressed .. mardini and her friends having a coffee.. suddenly she heard a voice ...


When Ego Fell In Love - Part 1

Hi guys this is my first attempt if any mistakes are found plz forgive me . It's a beautiful story of mardini and Sagar.. well Sagar owns a resort in a hill station. mardini is an employe in a corporate company.. this complete story is travelling between these two Mardini is a well educated and bold girl .. she always wanted to be happy .. she loves travelling...mardini and her friends were travelling ..they are enjoying their complete space with loads of joy and happiness .. well its a pretty mansoon season . Complete nature is coverd with Fog ...Read More


When Ego Fell In Love - Part 2

Hope u guys all liked my story... again I am sorry if any mistakes are found...Story continued.......At the time leaving mardini and her friends are waiting for the cab... Suddenly one person was came ... Everybody's were looking into that person .. a lady with positive smile , well dressed , she staraigtly walked towards Sagar and waving her hand , and then she hugged him tightly.... Well after seeing all these mardini was shattered .. her facial expressions represents angry with pain ..... Then Sagar was happy to saw that lady... He is welcoming her into resort.. at ...Read More


When Ego Fell In Love - Part 3

I hope all of you enjoyed previous two parts..The stroy continued Mardini:: "hey hi how are you now " yes i am pretty good now. thanks for the help mam Mardini: that's okay ..( well the person was receptionist one who working in a resort). Feel free to ask me anything right now .. Patient:: mam can you please make a phone call to Sagar sir ... Is it possible mardini mamMardini ::: "with a confusing smile ..yeah that's completely okay ..but i don't have a phone number ...the receptionist guy given the number... After all these mardini made ...Read More


When Ego Fell In Love - Part 4

Now mardini started to stutter her words... Well i am .... I am .. sagar was what you forgot own name ..then with full of aggression she said i am mardini... Now Sagar have no words to say .... After a bit of time he asked y did you call me ...then she said : sorry for the call .. your employe was met with an accident so .. he requested to call to you ... Thats all ... She explains everything.. sagar was like thank you so much for the help ... Mardini: well Mr Sagar Varma can ...Read More


When Ego Fell In Love - Part 5

After sagar seeing mardini with someone else ... Somehow he felt pain in is heart... Suddenly he stopped looking Mardini.... After all these everything was going well . Mardini her boss having a fine and tasteiest dinner they are into some deep discussion after a while mardini saw sagar .. she is confused was he following me... Why he is everywhere... Oh god ... Her boss asking her mardini are you okay is everything is comfortable then she said yes sir everything is okay.. no issues.. after that sagar leaves that place and mardini also leaved that place ..her ...Read More