Life Without Friends..

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Sometimes we feel life is unfair, it hardly gives us anything. We hope things will be fine one day but unfortunately, every time it brings disappointment. I am surrounded by people whom I don’t know that what they carry in their heart. I feel the same. I work in a departmental store as a senior accountant. In course of time, I have been promoted and I know many people who are unhappy but that is normal. I don’t expect them to be happy because they’re not my friends after all they are just colleagues. I notice Stella who gives me a big smile and hugs me for my promotion and asks for a party. ‘You are flying so fast last year you came here as a junior accountant and now senior accountant’. She taunts me. I understand her words but I did not react and in a very calm tone and offered her party in lunchtime. She smiles back. I see lily who joined as a fresher. She is new to learn all these tactics and she with a big heart wish, ‘

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Life Without Friends.. - 1

Chapter 1PromotionSometimes we feel life is unfair, it hardly gives us anything. We hope things will be fine one but unfortunately, every time it brings disappointment. I am surrounded by people whom I don’t know that what they carry in their heart. I feel the same. I work in a departmental store as a senior accountant. In course of time, I have been promoted and I know many people who are unhappy but that is normal. I don’t expect them to be happy because they’re not my friends after all they are just colleagues. I notice Stella who gives ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 2

Chapter-2 Friends Nora, listen don’t run like a rabbit. They all run to stop me. Darling, he deserve you. I know he is a big asshole Marlin hugs me and I end up crying on his shoulder. They all hug me and sit next to me till I feel better and relax and then Joey drops me home. We all are busy and still manage to spare time for each other. Hannah is a co-partner in a bakery shop. Joey is an event manager and Aaron is a hair stylist, Grace is a teacher and Marlin deals ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 3

Chapter-3 New Challenges Next Morning, I call Grace when she was with her new boyfriend Peter. I put the phone and call Joey was busy scatting and asks me to come to his place but I refused because was already tired by day’s work. I check my what’s group named ‘high school buddies’ group and no message was there. I take a deep breath and think that how life is changing day by day. We all are busy but still we manage to meet on weekends. Then suddenly Hannah posted a message Mike proposed me and I said ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 4

Chapter -4 Nasty Neighbour Saturday Morning, I woke up around 7o’clock, when I heard some noise coming from I see in camera Mr. Davis and Mrs Marie fighting hard. You bastard! How dare you scold my newspaper hawker? Because every time he pokes his nose in my life just because you are defaming my image. What image? You are killer of your wife. I will kill you too he says angerly. Go to hell and she bangs the door. Oh my gosh! They both can’t stand each other. Today, I have to wash my clothes, clean my place ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 5

Chapter -5 A Plan Why did you hit him? I ask Joey. I say while bandaging his face. hit him because of you and you are scolding me only he replies in high pitch. I am not scolding you and remember what he had said that he will take a revenge. Don’t worry Nora, that bastard, do you think can do something? He is bamboo Hannah says while drinking water. How could you tolerate that idiot to such an extent he is a psychopath, didn’t you see how shamefully he was telling that he never loved you. That ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 6

Chapter-6 Let’s Play Joey executes his plan and everyone participates happily as if they are on roller coaster I sit in my living room like an observer and audience. Joey put rough clothes on his head. Hannah and Grace also open their hair and cover themselves with sheets and Marlin and Aaron go to set some music. They all four jumps to the balcony of Mr Davis with help of my side wall. Aaron and Marlin play music and Hannah and Grace make different sounds and loudly speak. ‘I am coming darling Davis to take you’. Mr Davis ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 7

Chapter-7 A Warning Mr. Davis please keep a big heart and forgive us. I beg in front him so that he doesn’t hurt my friends. For a moment he stares me and then leaves without saying a word. What will I do now? Oh God! I enter my apartment and lay down on the couch and look at the ceiling of the wall. Mr. Ethan is not a bad person and I think he will never get serious with any woman. I check my cell phone; Gloria’s message was in our ‘high school buddies’ group’. Hi, Is ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 8

Chapter-8 Fiancée I quickly call Marlin but his phone was out of coverage area. Then I try to Aaron, Grace and Joey but none responds. After an hour Grace calls back, I tell her that we all should meet before weekend. She asks me, why? I say that it is really urgent. Then I posted in group and wait for everyone response. Let’s meet today in Jump yard café at 6 pm. Marlin Not today Joey No Aaron No It’s urgent, Hannah are you there? I text but no reply comes from Hannah’s side. I am sure she ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 9

Chapter 9 Gossip What! Oh my gosh! How could they! It was just a business dinner. I hold forehead. Who told them? Victor told them. No wonder, I know how he came to know about it. You go, I will talk to him. I call victor in my cabin. Why you are gossiping like this? It’s not gossip it is true. Did Hannah tell you that? She just talked about this. It was a dinner, understood. Everyone in office knows. How? Can you explain Mr. Ethan dinner goes like…. Just shup up! and get out. I will complain ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 10

Chapter-10 Truth Revelation Listening this he puts down his cup of coffee and stares at me as if drank something bitter. I don’t know how this thought came to your mind. Don’t take me wrong. I think this way because she has gone somewhere without informing anyone. If she is in relationship may be that person is involved in her some missing conspiracy. I explain it so well that he looked convinced. I will give a thought when I come back from Scotland. Okay! What are your interests? I like reading, travelling and much more and hope this ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 11

Chapter-11 Expectations When I come back home find Mr. Davis watering his plants and Mrs. Marie’s plants. They have planted different plants on the floor. I don’t have much interest so I stay away from gardening. In my balcony I have kept some plastic plants just for decoration. He sees me coming and smiles. Hello! Mr. Davis so you are watering the plants. You know Nora, I am an old man and don’t have much work to do. So, I decided to look after Mrs. Marie’s plants because they also need care and are innocent and why would ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 12

Chapter-12 Texas I look for it everywhere, not found anywhere. I hold my head with my hands and roll down on cheeks. I am finished. Maybe it is at home. No, I never open my bag at home. I am having another bag for home. This purse is used for office only. Then, I remember yesterday I opened my purse to purchase some chocolates and flowers for Hannah’s father. Maybe I left it in that store. No, I don’t think so. Then where? Shall I call Hannah if I left keys at her place? But I didn’t open ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 13

Chapter -13 Darby Happiness Next morning, I decide to be with my aunt and ask her to come with me to New York, give your shop and home on rent. She refused to do so. I want her to take her last breath at my place. Your Uncle left lot of memories. She has no child as she always had some health issues so she was unable to bear the child. I am only one for her. Okay, if you don’t want to come then I will come every Friday and stay with you till Sunday evening. I ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 14

Chapter-14 Sunday News Sunday Morning, I sit with my aunt for breakfast and enjoy boiled eggs, sandwich and coffee. She smiles and asks how are your friends? Hope to meet them next week. I take a sip of black coffee and try to swallow her question and reply that they all are good and I will bring them to meet you next weekend. I reply in calmer tone because I remember that what they think about me and it made me upset and I cannot reveal the truth to my aunt because I didn’t want to make her ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 15

Chapter-15 Life is unpredictable Monday morning, on my way to office, I remember that how I left my in tears in her when she hugged me. That moment I decide that after going back to office, I will talk to Mr. Ethan about my leaves as I have hardly taken any leave this year. I have been working hard in this job and I can ask him for few days off and will go back to my aunt and convince her to come with me. But I feel little hesitant to ask because Margarette told me that he ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 16

Chapter-16 Actions After a while I decided to go back home because I know life doesn’t stop. I to be strong enough to face this shrewd world, where people don’t value attributes like dedication, honesty and last but not least your hard work. Common! Nora you will get the best option my subconscious motivates me. I stand up and take a taxi to reach home. When I reach my building and see watchman playing with my Brownie. He looks happy and comfortable with our watchman and then he suddenly looks at me and runs to me. I pick ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 17

Chapter-17 A fight Nora! Stop, Nora! Please stop! I Intentionally slapped Victor. I wanted to take out the shit which he had spread about me. My false linkup with my boss, my job, my promotion everything which I earned on my own. Nora, what’s the matter? Marlin interrupts in between and push me aside. Hannah holds Victor tightly and he stares at me expressionless. Are you Okay, my love? Hannah asks and again my anger boils this bastard stole all the information from my office and gave it to others as a result we lost the deal and ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 18

Chapter-18 Aaron Two weeks passed and we all got busy in our lives and I don’t know are we going through this? It is just like storm has passed and we all friends are trying to understand what’s left behind. I go to salon and doing my job but my hands are not working properly as my mind is not with me. I keep thinking about Nora. Gloria told me about the death of her aunt and she left New York city and decided to stay in Texas only. She is all alone and sad and we ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 19

Chapter -19 Marlin It’s more than a month that we are separated and life goes the way it I am making so much money in car business but feeling lonely nowadays. I always miss my only love Samantha, she is beautiful, funny and she loves me the way I am. Till now, I have not found anyone like her. I believe that God created her only for me. My friends are always with me whenever I feel low, but sometimes we need to move away from them also. Pain of separation from Samantha’s is still in my heart ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 20

Chapter 20 Joey I have been busy arranging Hannah’s engagement because she asked me to organise her party will held after a month. After the death of Marlin and Aaron she postponed her engagement as she was also very upset about the sudden departure of her friends but who could hold the destiny, whatever has to happen, it happens and nobody can stop it. We all are puppets in God’s hands. We four are upset and frightened that why someone killed our friends. Who did this? and why all are puzzled? and police is still circling around the ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 21

Chapter-21 Grace I am afraid, very afraid. I feel like I am forced to live in fear. I to school but not in a mood to teach or unable to enjoy my profession as I always did. Deep inside I realise that what all happening is something called revenge or any serial killer behind the murders whose target is we friends. Nowadays, I am reading so many thrillers and Sherlock Holmes novels. My mother advised me to see a therapist to come out of this situation. Will this be helpful? or I need think of something else to ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 22

Chapter-22 Grace dilemma Mr. Collins gives us a photo to look at. Hannah and I look at the carefully and we recognize who was the man in the photo. We both were shocked and our mouth drops open. This is Nora’s ex-boyfriend Byron I literally shout. This dam bastard killed my best buddies. ‘Asshole’ Hannah also shouts. Ladies, He is a man whom we found in the footage of CCTV camera every time he was found nearby all of the three died. But we are not sure that he is a killer. Does he have a reason to ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 23

Chapter-23 Hannah One month has passed, my engagement postponed for a week. I am sad, depressed and terrified the I cannot specify. Victor is there to console me but I act like numb, my four friends have left the world forever. Grace’s mother grief-stricken left New York city and now lives with her husband in his farms. She is in trauma and I know even time has failed to heal this pain. Why is Byron doing all this? Just because we offended him and he killed my friends. I don’t understand. I really want Mr. Collins to arrest him ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 24

Chapter-24 Hannah’s Verdict I wanted to go inside and think of giving him a tight slap but I stop try to listen his whole conversation. It seems like he changed the topic and started using the cheesy words. I love you very much and you know that. After she dies, I will take full control over her father’s business and you pretend to be daughter’s friend and these two oldies will soon accept you as my wife because they will think that I should not suffer because of their daughter. He laughs like a winner. I understand him completely. ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 25

Chapter -25 Mr. William Collins I am going to Texas because I have got the information that Nora is Texas. I left my man outside her house who told me about her coming back. This girl has a reason to murder and I am sure she is not innocent. She is clever and most importantly has some special skills. She is hurt so she can harm too. In my long career, have solved number of murder mystery and in most of the cases the killer is generally a close one to Victim. So, I am not surprised by her ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 26

Gloria I don’t understand, what’s going on in our life. I talked to Nora; she has come back her place because she is a prime suspect in the murder mystery. That’s really bad that now she is blamed for these murders. Last time I talked to her before she exited the ‘high School buddy’ Group. She was in tears and in so much pain but she can never do anything of this sort. She was in Vipassana meditation centre which is meant for people who needs to relax and restart a new life. I gave the number of ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 27

Victor’s Truth How all this happened? I can never even imagine in my dreams that I lost my forever. And the worst part is that the whole world is blaming me for taking their life. It’s true that in anger I curse them but after I took the Vipassana therapy I am feeling better. I learn to forgive and forget and when I am still in learning phase, they arrested and blamed me. Thanks to Gloria, she helped me in my tough times but the question remained unanswered that who killed them. I lying on the bed in ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 28

Love happens When I see George, my heart begins pounding. I was surprised and happy too to see No, I was just taking sidewalk. So, let’s go home. Yaa sure, I decide to go with him. For what you were here? I ask. I have taken transfer and now I am working here. You took this decision for your mother, right. Yes, I want to find out where is she now? And I want to start my new life and my own family. His voice hesitates but your mother said that you are happily married and has a ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 29

Shane Story Shane, what are you doing here? Can I come in? And he straight walks inside and stood staring at him expressionless. You look happy with a smiling face. He sits on my couch. Look Shane I am not alone in this house. I explain to him and then George comes out and look at him suspiciously. George, he is my friend’s Gloria husband, I told you about her. Yes. Hello! Mr Shane glad to meet you. He gives his hand and Shane shakes hand and greets him. So, Mr George are you Nora’s new boyfriend? He ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 30

Killer After few days, he again came to my place and asked me to walk with him. I and spent few days with him and our group knew about it and came together to discuss about it. Nora, it was a bet, don’t betray Gloria, she doesn’t deserve this, just call Shane and tell him that we were playing because of bet. May be that idiot understands what his place is. I Listened them silently. Hannah is right, everyone agreed with her, except I because I thought that Shane liked me too as I observed. Nora, don’t be ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 31

Mystery Finally, mystery is solved. Mr Davis was a killer and he tried killing me too. He used identity card so that he could easily come to my place. He knew everything about me and my friends. He was a revengeful person. George is sad but relieved also that finally someone reached his mother. I decide to move ahead with him. I am thankful that Gloria saved my life. I owe to her because she saved my life and proved to be a true friend which I failed to do. I decide to tell Gloria everything about Shane ...Read More


Life Without Friends.. - 32 - Last Part

Lesson of friendship After an hour police arrive, Mr. Collins reached and Gloria stands in tears and her bleeding and nurse put bandage on her head. Two dead bodies were lying on the floor. Gloria, how did this happen? Oh! Mr Collins, Shane called me to meet at my place and then he made some wine. I was in balcony and when I came back. I see Nora lying on the floor and Shane tried to attack me. I run and tried to escape but he holds me and she starts crying again. He told me that he ...Read More