Mind and psycho success through dark

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before we move on this topic we should have get that knows that, how much of this world is covered by mind and how muvh by psychology!some time we come take it fast as a same both ,i mean mentality and psychology.but hear we will go very slowly and will refar out deefrant of they both.before we talk of mind we should have give that respect to they human maners whiches come only by psychology.yes all formal beheviars and and atached it the maners all are come through psychology.mind never belives in this all things.any way,we not have be track


Mind and psycho success through dark - 1

before we move on this topic we should have get that knows that, how much of this world is by mind and how muvh by psychology!some time we come take it fast as a same both ,i mean mentality and psychology.but hear we will go very slowly and will refar out deefrant of they both.before we talk of mind we should have give that respect to they human maners whiches come only by psychology.yes all formal beheviars and and atached it the maners all are come through psychology.mind never belives in this all things.any way,we not have be track ...Read More


Mind and psycho success through dark - 2

actualy psychology is dont have its own or new or its initiat idology.and but mind all time living stay in do some thing new. but actualy this exites come through only good sleep. all new idologys are sourced of mind.and this mind do shelter to the sleep in proper time i mean mostly in the sleep time of night.suppose we are some ware night worker and getting sleep in day, so that is else. notthing to be worried.actualy mind nevar produce or adopt old ideology or thoughts,but psychology the rather adopts old ideologys and thoughts only in low mind ...Read More


Mind and psycho success through dark - 3

actualy that thing is also meanningfull and over valuable to get knows that where from mind gets knowlage to and where from psychology.as we refered above that what are the source of tbis both.i mean psycho.... is comming through past tanse and mind from good sleep.but what after these twos!!!!!!!!!how dose these two start their work to collect knowledge for success!!when we become sent in past tanse some straight or longer ,very first our thinging come in to convert of theft.if there made me asks ,then i mussssst like to say that theft is most and oldest grand maa ...Read More


Mind and psycho success through dark - 4

its still remain a lot to know that what there made workings of mind and psycjo...... exactlybefore we move they knows,here made is some.rrfers ,which will help us in further reading.as we read above that which source by these both comming and how they start drive our brain.as we know that mind is all most gives us a reads of feauture tanse particular .and in that oppose psychology all most adopts old ideology or stay some in past tanse and collect some ego and give us force of it and do start our brain in derection of surrvive.especially im ...Read More