A Walk To Our Forever

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She never thought about her wedding day to be like this. She had offered her heart to the man nd he simply crushed it before leaving her there all shattered. And now here she is sitting as a woman of an unknown Man whom she hadn’t even met before. Aarohi Basu ~ A simple girl with innocent heart, carrying a dream of marrying the guy she had fall in love with over the period of their engagement, never knew that she will be abandoned by the same guy just few hours before their marriage. And now she had to marry the guy she didn’t knew the name of. Advaith Abhiraj Singh Khurana ~ A shrewd businessman, went with his family to attend his father’s best friend’s daughter’s marriage, unaware of the storm waiting for him. He was shocked when he got to know that the marriage he has came to attend will turn into his own marriage, that too when he is already in love with another girl. One is heartbroken and other is already in love with someone else. How will their love story bloom in such conditions??

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A Walk To Our Forever

She never thought about her wedding day to be like this. She had offered her heart to the man he simply crushed it before leaving her there all shattered. And now here she is sitting as a woman of an unknown Man whom she hadn’t even met before. One is heartbroken and other is already in love with someone else. How will their love story bloom in such conditions?? ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 1. Eventful First Night!

Mumbai:Sitting in the middle of the bed, all decked up into the red wedding lehenga and a beautiful face under the veil, all she could think of was her life, life that took a sudden turn of 360° in last few hours which she never expected, at least not in this way.Tears rolling down her cheeks and falling on her heena claded hands while her heart aching sharply.She never thought her wedding day to be like this. She had offered her heart to the man who crushed it before leaving her there all shattered and humiliated. And now, here ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 2. First Morning In The House Of The In-laws!

Kitchen:“Aarohi, today is your first day after marriage in our house. So you can prepare one sweet dish while will look after the rest of the breakfast”, Priya, Advaith’s mother, told Aarohi who just entered into Kitchen for making breakfast.“What should I prepare, aunty?”, Aarohi asked confused about what everyone in this family likes to eat.“First of all, you are now the daughter of this house so you can call me Mom. And about the dish then you can make anything, whatever you are best at. No one will judge you here.”, Priya said lovingly caressing Aarohi’s head who ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 3. His and Her Dilemma!

Simmers Palace restaurant.“Enough Advaith. I am waiting for you for so long and you are coming now.”, Aamira, Advaith’s complained as soon as Advaith came and sit in front of her for a lavish dinner date.“I am sorry but I was stuck in the traffic. Next time this won’t happen, I promise. Besides, I need to tell you about something very important.”, Advaith said the last part little a little nervously not knowing how to tell Aamira about his Sudden Forced Marriage that happened just last night.“Ok, but can we order something to eat first!? I am dying from ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 4. What Are Aamira's Intentions!?

Following morning Aarohi was sitting in the living-room with her family, all-ready in maroon-pink net-saree with her hairs loosely till her waist. chooda (bangles) were adorning in her both hands while vermillion and nuptial chain were the signs of her being already married.Since it was the first time that Advaith was coming to pick her after their marriage, according to the ritual she had to get ready like a newly wedded bride.She was looking no less than an epitome of beauty but still there was something missing, Glow. A glow which usually adorns the face of a newly wedded ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 5. Aamira's Truth And Aarohi's Promise!

Looking at her shaking figure in the balcony, he can clearly depict that she is crying mess and somewhere his heart he wants to comfort her but his blind love for Aamira was way too much more than his mind’s sanity.He didn’t knew whether he should be happy that he will be free from this ‘forced’ marriage or he should be sad for breaking Aarohi’s heart when she is also not at any fault.His trance was broken by call from office and he went out to attend it, but not before glancing at her for last time.In Balcony:Sitting on ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 6. Taking A Stand For Her For The First Time

Aarohi and Advaith’s Room: Aashi was helping Aarohi in getting ready in the walk-in-closet as many relatives were coming see the newly wedded bride, whereas Advaith was working something in his laptop while sitting on the bed. “Wow bhabhi (sister-in-law) you are looking like an angel. I am sure today all the aunties will be tired praising you and your beauty.”, Aashi gushed happily, looking at her bhabhi (sister-in-law) who was looking no less than an angel after getting fully ready in her baby pink diamond cladded dress, making Aarohi smile in return. Since the door of the walk-in-closet ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 7. Their First Intimate Moment!

Please do follow my account do votes and Comments.Thanks for reading.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Advaith-Aarohi's RoomThe next morning everything was as usual pleasant any other day except for the couple behind the closed door.Aarohi was the first one to open her eyes, frowning at those disturbing sunrays coming through the huge windows until her focus shifted to something wrapped around her waist.Oh, it is someone's hand wrapped tightly around her waist!!Widening her eyes at the realization, she immediately looked beside her at the person who was calmly sleeping, holding her tightly from her waist.How did she even reach the bed when she clearly ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 8. Secretly Caring For Her!

Aarohi Advaith’s Room:- “Mom, How can I—“, Aarohi was flabbergasted with lack of words when Priya suddenly handed quite few boxes of khandani (heirloom) jewellery to her,taking her by surprise. “All these jewelery were given to me by my mother, I mean Abhiraj’s mother, and it is a tradition to pass-on the ancestral jewelleries to duaghter-in-law of next generation. This were mine until now but now they are yours and before you deny to take them,let me tell you that this is a tradition of this family which you also can’t deny.”, Priya explained Aarohi lovingly with warm smile ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 9. What Are Moloy's Intentions!?

Aarohi Advaith's room:-This morning, the scene was pleasant to watch where she was sleeping straight on her back with her hairs spread on her pillow, whereas he was sleeping sideways facing her with his right hand wrapped around her waist and face hidden deep in her spread hairs.Though last night when Advaith came back from study, he made the wall of pillows between them for both of their comforts, but now all those pillows were lying either near their feet or on the floor, thus leaving no barrier between them.Sunrays disturbed Aarohi's sleep and she turned her face the ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 10. Truth Already Out!?

Abhi-Priya’s room:- “I can’t believe Advaith, How can you be so insensitive!! Exactly what problem you have with Aarohi?”, asked all frustrated after knowing how Advaith talked to Aarohi this morning, from Advaith itself. “Mom please, I can’t love Aarohi!!”, Priya frowned at Advaith’s tricky excuse as she didn’t find it at all reliable. “But why??”, was all she asked as she still couldn’t understand that why Advaith does not even give a single try to this marriage. “Because—because, I don’t like her!”, he failed to meet his mother’s eyes as lying looking into her eyes was always his ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 11. Taking A Stand For Her Own Self

"Which girl, Aashi?", Priya asked frowning while other's eyes widen realizing that even Priya is also present there in same room. Advaith leveled a sharp glare at Aashi making her gulp hard before she turned her gaze towards Priya, who was standing there with frowns on her forehead, waiting for them to answer her question. "Mom actually...", Aashi started but then turned her gaze to stare at the floor as she could not find an appropriate answer to her mother's question. Though she badly wanted to tell her mother about Advaith and Aamira's relationship, but then she was binded; ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 12. Playing Wicked!

Aamira's house:- Aamira was sitting on the couch placed near a huge window in her room, all lost in stressful journey of her life till now. She does not have any good memory of hers' with her father. She does not know why but she never felt connected to her father at first place. Not that she did not tried but her father's behavior towards her, always made her doubt on the relation of father-daughter they share. Not only father, but she does not remember who is her mother as well and how she looked. Being curious she always ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 13. Aarohi Gets Unconscious!

"Would you like to have something Mrs. Khurana?", the air hostess politely asked Aarohi but got nothing in return. who was busy checking mails in his cellphone, looked up at her side only to find her looking outside the window, lost in her own thoughts. "Aarohi, she is asking you something.", Advaith said blankly gaining Aarohi's attention who then looked at him for a minute before looking up at air-hostess who was still waiting for her reply. "Would you like to have something, ma'am?", the air hostess asked once again with a small smile to get a nod in ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 14. Ignoring Him!

Aarohi kept looking blankly at his figure for a minute, before she asked him curtly, "my bag?" Advaith, who for her reaction, was shocked to see her all calm. He was now confused that whether she heard him talking to Aamira or not!? "How are you feeling now?", Ignoring her previous question, he focused more on asking about her own health. "Where are my luggage?", Aarohi asked once again, not at all giving importance to his care, or may be fake care! "In that corner.", Advaith replied pointing in the corner where their luggage was kept. Aarohi simply walked ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 15. What Is Wrong With Aarohi!?

Khurana group of industries, Delhi:- It has been an hour since Advaith is sitting in his cabin trying to on his work, but all he could think was previous night when he almost lost control on himself. What if that kiss would have happened already? How he could have explained Aarohi about it?!! And moreover how he could have faced Aamira after almost cheating on her?! His mind was blasting with all this unanswerable questions. And before he knew, he was already searching for her name in his contact list. Aarohi! Many thoughts were running in back of his ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 16. Taking Care Of Sick Aarohi!

“Aarohi are you ok there? Please reply or else I will break in.”, Advaith asked as he knocked for time, only to get silence in reply. It was fifteen minutes later when Advaith decided to check once more on Aarohi, in case she needs some sort of help but when he knocked on their bedroom door, nothing came from another side, worrying him more about her. Sliding aside all sorts of negative thoughts and ideas, Advaith finally break into the bedroom, only to see Aarohi lying there like a dead person, curled up like a ball. Her hairs were ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 17. Villain Is Here!

In-patient Hospital, Delhi:- Half-an-hour later, when Advaith came back into the room where Aarohi was admitted, she wasn't there, what irritated him more was the tray of food which was kept on the side table, and the food inside it was still untouched. He was about to go and check her whereabouts when the door of the washroom opened and Aarohi walked out slowly with the support of the walls. He immediately jogged to her side and was about to support her delicate weak frame, when Aarohi said, "I will manage." Her word was sharp and it would be ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 18. Where Is The Ring!?

Hotel Guest Tree,Delhi. The clock struck exact twelve in midnight and Advaith was sitting on the couch and was over some project in his laptop, yet his mind was somewhere else. He looked up at where Aarohi was sleeping on bed, who once again twisted in her sleep.From past ten minutes, Aarohi would now and then twist and turn on the bed and then wince slightly, before slipping back into sleep. Finally not able to take it anymore, he saved his work and turned off the laptop before taking his cellphone from the cocktail table, and walked out to ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 19. Who Has The Ring!?

I fell in love the way you fall asleep, Slowly….And then at once!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hotel Guest Tree,Delhi. Sitting lazily over the with his fingers typing swiftly on the keypad of his laptop, his focus was still somewhere else. Advaith was working on an important presentation, yet his eyes were again and again wondering over the girl's face who was sleeping on other side of bed and who had managed to attract his undivided attention since the evening. Advaith focused on Aarohi's delicate features shinning under the dim lights in the room and his heart beats accelerated at the rate of double. ...Read More


A Walk To Our Forever - 20. First Promise!

Advaith looked up at Aarohi from his phone, who was frowning looking at two earrings in her each hand, be trying to choose one of them. Since they were leaving for Mumbai in the evening, Advaith took Aarohi for shopping as its been two days since they are here and Aarohi hadn't step out of the hotel even for once, except for the time when she was admitted into the hospital. "Both will look good on you, but golden one will suit you more.", Aarohi flinched a little when she felt him whisper in her ear from behind her, ...Read More