The Romance of Lust - VOLUME III

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Aunt Brownlow—Harry Dale—Mrs. Dale and Ellen—Mrs. D.—Ellen—Mrs. D., Dr. Brownlow, and Harry After the luncheon, which closed the last volume, a churchwarden occupied uncle for about an hour. When he had left off, uncle proposed a walk in the garden. I could see at once what this was meant to lead to, as he almost immediately turned in the direction of the summer house. When we got there he sat down on the couch, and begged me to sit beside him. He opened the subject at once by saying— “My dear Charlie, I am very much pleased that your aunt has opened your eyes to the real nature of our actions with you, which your simple innocence had imagined to be a mere kindly relief to the overgorged vessels of your virile member. Accident might have made you acquainted with this through some less interested channel, and you might have innocently betrayed your future position. I believe you to possess a large fund of good sense and discretion, and the advice I shall give you as to the conduct to pursue in future will not only be received with confidence as meant for your future good, but listened to attentively and acted upon. The world, my dear boy, and by that I mean Society in general, condemns the practices we have lately been indulging in with you.

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The Romance of Lust - VOLUME III - Part - 1

VOLUME III. 1 CONTENTS Aunt Brownlow—Harry Dale—Mrs. Dale and Ellen—Mrs. D.—Ellen—Mrs. D., Dr. Brownlow, and Harry After the luncheon, closed the last volume, a churchwarden occupied uncle for about an hour. When he had left off, uncle proposed a walk in the garden. I could see at once what this was meant to lead to, as he almost immediately turned in the direction of the summer house. When we got there he sat down on the couch, and begged me to sit beside him. He opened the subject at once by saying— “My dear Charlie, I am very much ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME III - Part - 2

2 “It is all in, my darling?” “Yes, Auntie.” She closed upon it, and squeezed it quite hard. “Oh, nice!” she exclaimed, “push it further in.” I advanced, and could feel the end of her womb, which appeared like three points to fingers and the thumb drawn together, and looked at endways is something like what it felt—of course, without the nails. Aunt asked me if I could double my fist where it was. I had no difficulty, as the part yielded to the greater bulk. Aunt cried out— “My darling boy, that is delicious push it further in.” ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME III - Part - 3

3 “Come here, Master Dale,” said he in a mild and gentle voice, “your mother tells me that you behaved in a most shameful manner to your pretty young cousin, who is residing with your mamma.” Master Dale blushed scarlet, for he was not aware until now that anyone had been a witness to the scene that had taken place between him and his pretty cousin. This was what had passed. The cousin, a lovely girl of fifteen, was in a secluded spot in the garden, near an arbour, the preceding afternoon. She was bending down, tying up a ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME III - Part - 4

4 “Yes, sir, yesterday, when my cousin was caressing it in her mouth,” replied the frightened youth, “but I don’t know how it happened, and did not mean any harm.” “Oh, indeed!” said the doctor, “your mother did not mention that, did she see you?” “No, sir, it happened just as she was coming through the shrubbery, and was all over before she reached the arbour.” “And so your cousin took it into her mouth, why did she do that?” “She was curious to see what was under the skin of its head, and finding it would not go ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME III - Part - 5

5 At twelve we, apparently ruefully, entered the doctor’s sanctum sanctorum. He had preceded us by some few minutes, had already donned his long dressing-gown, by which I was certain that he had at the same time doffed his pantaloons. “Now then, boys, you must prepare for your punishment, I cannot allow this evidently wilful inattention. Off with your clothes except your shirts and stockings.” We hesitatingly stripped poor Harry Dale weeping at the thought of the dreaded punishment. I deemed it prudent also to draw a long face. The doctor spread a towel over his sofa, saying we ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME III - Part - 6

6 As we grew more lasciviously intimate, I often turned the conversation on his mother and cousin. At last told him, I thought from his description that his mother would be a good fuck, and that if ever I had the opportunity I might cover his attack on his cousin by fucking his mother only we must lead her to believe that she took my virginity. The idea pleased him. He began to think his mother must be a desirable woman for me, as I was so largely hung and then the opportunity that I would give him to ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME III - Part - 7

7 “‘My darling Ellen, you will make me positively adore you. I now only regret that I had not taken you into my confidence, as I at once perceive I might have done so in perfect safety. Yes, my darling, you shall indeed try, and I shall instruct you as we advance how to obtain the greatest amount of pleasure from our libidinous and lascivious enjoyments, delights that are without risk, and from which we shall have no anxieties as to fatal results, which are the consequence of connection with the opposite sex, who only make use of us ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME III - Part - 8

8 “Oh! you may trust me, my dear mamma, you know I am becoming a young man, and men know how to keep secrets, or they would be despised, besides, so dear and loving a mamma as you are to me would doubly make me keep secret anything you confide to me on those terms.” “I will trust you, my darling boy, but you will at once see by what I shall do, how completely I sacrifice myself to do you good.” Upon this, she threw off her robe, and sprang into bed by my side. “Oh! how nice ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME III - Part - 9

9 “She had noted with what rapture mamma was enjoying you, and she had noted, too, what a much cock yours was than mine so she had naturally reasoned that if one so big gave her aunt so much delight, my smaller one could not possibly hurt her, hence her eagerness to have me at once. I did not baulk her, but throwing myself between her wide-spread thighs, I soon brought the point of my prick to the longing lips of her little virgin cunt. I rubbed it up and down in between the pouting and self-opened lips, partly ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME III - Part - 10

10 I did so, and had got rather more than half way in when she went off in an of delight, deliciously pouring her warm liquid over my enchanted prick, giving, at the same time, such a push backwards, which, meeting a firm, though gentle forward movement on my part, joined with the natural relaxation following her discharge, drove me up to the hilt in the very tightest little cunt it has ever been my good fortune to sheath myself in. I seemed to fill every cranny, and to have stretched every part to its utmost distention. My aunt ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME III - Part - 11

11 “But, by Jove, Charlie,” said Harry, “how splendid mother fucks, I quite envied you, and I shall never until I get into her myself how gloriously she wriggles her backside, and how lusciously she enjoys fucking to be sure such a mighty prick as yours is enough to stir up every passion it astonished, and I think made Ellen more lewd, although she is sure she could never take in such a monster.” I smiled at thinking how easily the very youngest of the fair sex deceives us, but I took care not to let Harry know my ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME III - Part - 12

12 We got again into bed. She would not allow of any further fuckings, but tenderly embracing me, and my head on her bosom, we soon fell asleep. She awoke me at dawn with kissing me and feeling my stiff-standing pego. She laid herself on her back, and we had two most delicious fucks without withdrawing. I knew that if I did withdraw she would take herself off. Nevertheless, she took most kindly to the second, as it would be our last until we had another opportunity of meeting. She exerted all her wonderful skill and her movements were ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME III - Part - 13

13 Ellen had not yet removed her bonnet, and taking up her shawl, we sallied out. You may be we lost no time in reaching the summer house, already known to you as arranged for and dedicated to the service of Venus. A fire was always kept laid, which I immediately lighted, but as it was a bright sunny day, and the place looked south, it was not at all cold. While I was occupied at the fire, Ellen threw off her bonnet and shawl, and undid her belt—she wore no stays. I seized her in my arms, and ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME III - Part - 14

14 Here Ellen came forward, and tenderly kissing her begged her not to send me away. “I do so him, dear madam, and I do so long to have him now—it was so exciting to see him having you, that I shall die if you don’t let me have him now.” “Dreadful! dreadful!” said aunt. “Why, I thought I was just in time to save you.” “Oh, no, he had slept with me all night, and has often had me before, but he was not the first who had me, so that there was no violation nor seduction.” “Then ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME III - Part - 15

15 “Well, my loved mamma, do you remember the first Saturday night that Charlie and I slept at home: retiring to my room, I was obliged to go downstairs to the water closet, where I went in my stockings, and without a light, not to disturb you. I was coming up again, when a sudden flash of light shone out in the upper passage. Mounting the stairs, and when my head was on a level with the upper floor, I saw you going towards Charlie’s room. I went into my own, but left the door open to see when ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME III - Part - 16

16 The ice being thus broken, the remaining days were passed in the most refined lasciviousness. The doctor had way with her bottom, and asked her leave to have Harry’s after Harry had had his mother’s bottom-hole, while the doctor was fucking her, and had fucked the doctor upon another occasion, the doctor crying out—“Hi, hi, hi!” as if it hurt him, and he was losing his maidenhead. He professed immense satisfaction, when she let him have Harry, declaring that he could not tell whether having her both ways, having Harry, or being had himself, was the greatest pleasure. ...Read More