Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness

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KALIYUGA Age of Darkness By VICKY TRIVEDI Copyright@ Vicky (Vinod) Trivedi, 2018 All Right Reserved Vicky (Vinod) Trivedi asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this book. This is a work of pure fiction. Names, characters, places, institutions, and events are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance of any kind to any actual person living or dead, events and places is entirely coincidental. The author will not be responsible for any action taken by a reader based on the content of this book. This work does not aim to

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Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 1)

KALIYUGA Age of Darkness By VICKY TRIVEDI Copyright@ Vicky (Vinod) Trivedi, 2018 All Right Reserved Vicky (Vinod) Trivedi asserts moral right to be identified as the author of this book. This is a work of pure fiction. Names, characters, places, institutions, and events are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance of any kind to any actual person living or dead, events and places is entirely coincidental. The author will not be responsible for any action taken by a reader based on the content of this book. This work does not aim to ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 2)

2 SMUGGLING [I as Krishna was born in prison to devout parents – Devaki and Vasudeva. My parents were by Kansa. At the time of my birth, my life was in danger because Kansa was seeking to kill me. It had been foretold that Kansa would be killed by my mother’s eighth child who was I. my father wanted to see me somewhere safe. Then miraculously, the watchmen at the prison fell into a slumber and all the locks and chains opened by themselves I was the eighth child, and in danger of Kansa so my father smuggled me ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 3)

3 Kaal-Stambha [When I, Lord Vishnu, took an avatar on earth as Lord Krishna, there was a message I to pass on. I knew that the society was fast degrading and something had to be done about it in the most courteous manner. Many of the things that were somewhat strange in my childhood were passed off as a part of Krishna being a brilliant child.] As I open the door of my hut I shiver with cold, the wind is almost high and icy. The semi-desert is so nearby that all I can taste in my mouth is ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 4)

4 Star Reader [The simple society around me never dreamed of their darling Krishna as being supernatural or anything the sort. And indeed I did not realize that all I deed was with of Vishnu. It all looks like childlike games; nevertheless, every one of those was a part of the greater plan of the divinity.] My eyes are tired searching but get nothing. I feel relaxed, no raid – tonight is just like another peaceful night. I look up at the sky, perhaps to check if there is a god in the starts. My teacher says in old ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 5)

5 Running Out Of Time [This destruction will start with an underwater explosion that will take place somewhere in southern ocean. It will be preceded by a hundred year drought during, which the people who are not robust will perish. The seas, the rivers, the mountain streams, and the underground streams will be drained. Twelve suns will cause the seas to evaporate. Fed by this water, seven suns will form which will reduce the three worlds to ashes; the earth will become hard like a turtle's shell.] - Vishnu Purana 1.8.18-31 When I wake up, it is late morning ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 6)

6 FARWELL TO FRIENDS [People will stand by my coming avatar, unknowingly that they are with the god himself. will love me as people had loved me as Rama and Krishna when I took seventh and eighth avatar on the earth. I can’t do my work alone. It will be the test of humans- who is with God and who isn’t. The real test is when humans are put against the wall, tight-cornered wall, around their head and their heart. Then their true nature comes out. Therefore, I as an avatar will be distinguished. Many people will follow me, ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 7)

7 WATER CHANNEL [As the Avatar, I will help poor people. As Lord Kalki, I will help them. That what I will take birth for. That is my work as Avatar. Allow me to do it. Stand by me. Those who stand by the avatar are devotees. As Krishna, I’ve said: I’ve come to save my devotees. It was not partiality. I came to save the virtuous. So if you want me among you, if you want me to fight for you, you have to be pure-hearted.] The wind outside Daxa’s hut is dry as always, carrying sand from ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 8)

8 GOODBYE [As Krishna, I’d a subtle connection with Radha. Radha and I were one soul. We were soul However, just like any other lovers, we weren’t together. We didn’t marry. She thought of me every second and I about her but I as Krishna had duties to fulfill. I never married Radha and wasn’t able to meet her after I left Gokul. Though love isn’t something being married or being with each other, love is being connected from the soul. That’s the connection what Radha and I shared.] Padhma: I LOVE HIM, more than I do to anyone ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 9)

9 THE TEACHER [I as Krishna, as a student was closely associated with my teacher Sandipani. In fact, I him, my Guru. I study at his ashram along with Sudama and many friends. My brother Balaram and I picked up the knowledge so fast that Guruji called that he feels he is educating the son and the moon while teaching us. After my study, I asked him to name a guru Dakshina of his choice and he knew since I was an avatar of God, he asked me to restore his lost son, lost at Prabhaas. My brother and ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 10)

10 CONVERSANT [I’ll come when the time of great evil mentioned in the prophecies come. After the World Wars, of mad dictators and authoritarian rulers, nuclear weapons, famines, diseases, pollution, crime, violence, catastrophes, will have declined the morality worldwide. I’ll come when the ruler will be robber and there will be no order on my dear earth.] When I reach my hut the sun is about to set, my shadow is now twice as long as me. The horizon is an ember and the rays of twilight turning the earth red. The whole sky looks as though the fire ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 11)

11 THE STATION [I’ll be born. I’ll take birth in Devbhumi (land of gods). I’ll take birth where I’ve before as Rama and Krishna. This is my dearest land. My days will be holy days and I will celebrate Thursday as my birthday. My name, fame and rule will grow everywhere on land and sea and free the people from sufferings.] We reach station almost an hour later at dusk, the time of ghost roaming free and searching for their prey. I am seeing the station for the first time. It’s something which I haven’t imagined or dream yet. ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 12)

12 THE TRAIN [In Kali Yuga the human civilization will degenerate spiritually. The age would be known age dark because in it people would be as far away as possible from true knowledge. Dharma is symbolically presented as a bull. In Satya Yuga, the first stage of development, it had four legs, in second Yuga it had three, in third it had two means in each age dharma is reduced by one quarter. In Kali Yuga, morality would be reduced to only a quarter of the Satya Yuga, so the bull presenting the Dharma would have only one leg ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 13)

13 THE RUIN [As Kalki, I’ll provide a sigh of relief to the ailing mankind after tremors of World III that would devastate mankind forever. After that war, there will be only the ruin in the world. There will be no county, no state or not city, only and only a dry wasteland will cover a major part of the earth as a cloak of destruction and the air will carry only sand and suffering that time.] “Are you hearing?” my father asks in a high voice, shattering divergent thoughts inside me, “are you?” “Yes,” I say, “what’s that?” ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 14)

14 THE CRUEL [Evil is rampant upon this earth, then I will take birth in the family of a man, and assume a human body to restore tranquility by the extermination of all evils. I will assume an inconceivable human form for the preservation of rectitude and morality. In the Kali Age of sin, I will assume an Avatar form that is from underprivileged people. I will live among the people deprived of every human right. I as an avatar will possess great energy, great intelligence, and great powers and I’ll fight for my people.] Breathtaking dance of the ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 15)

15 QUESTIONS [I had a conversation with sage Markandeya before the beginning of the age known as the Kali In a passage in the Mahabharata text, it is recorded that I, Vishnu spoke of a time during the darkest period of the Kali Age when human values would deteriorate and falsehood would triumph over truth. I as Vishnu told how I would take a human birth in order to intervene and set the world on a new course.] For a while, I stand to stare out the window. A faint light is leaking through the curtains. My eyes see ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 16)

DEVADATTA "Lord Kalki, the Lord of the universe, will mount His swift white horse Devadatta and, sword in hand, travel over the earth exhibiting His eight mystic magnificences and eight special qualities of Godhead. Displaying His unequaled effulgence and riding with great speed, He will kill by the millions those thieves who have dared dress as kings." -The Srimad-Bhagavatam (12.2.19-20) PADMA: After Samrat goes beyond the wall, I can't concentrate on anything. I can’t catch fish from the water. I can’t talk to my friend. I can’t reveal I’m ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 17)

17 THE HALL [After Pralaya there will be small numbers of humans on the earth. and among this small not all will be humans. Though they will look like humans they will be animals, the animals without tails. But the eyes of the Avatar will find out their true nature and know who is good and who is evil.] SAMRAT: That night I had no concept of time as I slept. The first dream is about the temple or the tower whatever it is. It isn’t like a dream but as an old memory. So after that dream, I ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 18)

18 THE TEST [The advent my Avatar has been known of and predicted for thousands of years in various books and obscure texts, people were talking about my prophecies as the Kalki Avatar before Pralaya and now, after Pralaya I’m here among you as the old sages have predicted before ages.] I almost jog and catch up to the strange man. “Your test room is at the end of this hallway,” he says, “follow me.” His voice is strange, perhaps due to his age. He is looking old, some wrinkles over his face are revealing his age otherwise the ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 19)

19 DEVATA [I, as Avatar, will get every material object I need for my mission. I’ll get help as as I need it or even I’ll think of it. I’ll find help even where I wouldn’t have expected. Even some of the enemies will believe in my avatar and follow me. Even in the palace of Kaliyuga, the avatar will find people devoted to him. I’ll be victorious with the strength of virtue. As an avatar, I’ll restore order and peace in the world. I’ll inaugurate a new age of truth, and I’ll be surrounded by spiritual people. The ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 20)

20 THE FIELD [As an avatar, I’ll take birth among common people and I’ll live the life as people me. I’ll learn everything from my people. My people will be my true teachers. I’ll be thrown in the labour with my people and I’ll suffer all the sufferings of my people with them where I’ll learn the most important lessons of the life and later this knowledge would become my strength.] I’m again on my seat, near that nervous girl. “What’s your name?” she touches her forehead and asks. Her eyes glued to the floor. We shouldn’t talk during ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 21)

21 THE CITY [As avatar I’ll take birth in the period in which the earth’s known knowledge and technology civilization would have collapsed, no matter how by which apocalypse event, maybe by climatic change, maybe manmade destruction like nuclear holocaust or resource depletion. As an avatar, I’ll see the world only as scattered elements of the society and then make it in order.] When the buses stop in the city, the machines following it also stop instant. All the noise of engines throbbing fall silent, still their headlights are illumining view like daylight. I look out the window to ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 22)

22 THE GLASS BUILDING [This will be the time of evil. The Kaliyuga himself will rule on the earth as result in the sky lightening will have its empire. No matter there won’t be a single cloud in the sky, the dry lightning roams here and there causing destruction and ball lightning will be free. The sky will witness war among various lightning and that time I as Avatar will face the most powerful lightning on my body made of Vajra. The Super bolt, a hundred times brighter than normal lightning, will hit the avatar and if avatar will ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 23)

23 HEAVEN OF FREEDOM [Fearlessness, purification of one's existence, cultivation of spiritual knowledge, charity, self-control, performance of sacrifice, study the Vedas, austerity and simplicity; nonviolence, truthfulness, freedom from anger; renunciation, tranquility, aversion to faultfinding, compassion and freedom from covetousness; gentleness, modesty and steady determination; vigor, forgiveness, fortitude, cleanliness, freedom from envy and the passion for honor-these transcendental qualities belong to godly men endowed with divine nature.] -Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 16, Verse 1-3 PADMA: Two days have been passed. Samrat is beyond the wall and I’m unable to stop thinking about him for a minute these days. But tonight I’m ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 24)

24 THE UNDERGROUND [Fetuses will be killed in the wombs of their mothers, without their wish and sometimes with own wish too. People will prefer to choose false ideas over knowledge. No one will be able to trust anyone else. Whether it is too much heat, snow, earthquakes, volcanoes, cyclones, tornadoes, or other storms, portend the age of Kali. People suffering from hunger and fear will take refuge in 'underground shelters'.] -Vishnu Purana and the Linga Purana "Everybody, follow me," the Nirbhaya leader Jagpati says as soon as we finish our breakfast. All the Sunyas nod and move behind ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 25)

25 TROUBLE AT TUNNEL SEVEN [Once when I as Krishna was playing with my friends, I reached a cave a mountain. What we didn’t know was that the cave was the home of the witch Putana’s brother, demon Aghasura. Aghasura took the form of a giant snake to kill us (Krishna and his friends). We didn’t realize that Aghasura opened his mouth as wide as the cave’s opening so that we would walk right in and he would eat them. When I as Krishna realized something was wrong it was late. We have almost entered the cave. All the ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (chapter 26)

26 THE PROTECTOR [I as Krishna had many friends: Mandalibhadra, Bhadravardhana, Subhadra, Gobhata, Yaksendra, Bhata, Virabhadra, and Bhadranga who older than me thus, they try to protect me from any danger. My parents love me very dearly. For them, I was many millions of times more important than their own life. My parents were frightened that Kansa would kill me; they engaged these friends to protect me. A boy named Vijayksha, son of Ambika-Devi who was my nurse was the leader of these friends. Ambika-Devi had got boon from Parvati as that strong and powerful son only to protect ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 27)

27 TUNNELS [In the underground world of the north, he will find a book of old knowledge. The one in Devbhasha but he has knowledge of this older language without learning it. The eagle of the man of the north will go against their master, it shall be then, the burning world turns to winter, a boy will rise with immorality and an era of love and truth will come back.] After Jagapati’s warning, I start to act like my other people. I try not to do anything that is suspicious. Work becomes regular for me. Last fifteen days ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 28)

28 THE CITY CENTRE [The poor will be in the condition in which individuals are owned by others, who where they live and at what they work. And people will work without refusing. They’ll work for nothing as they would have been chattel slaves who are owned by the evil rules and whose children and children’s children are automatically enslaved. But then the Avatar will appear among those slaves and rebel for the first time. He makes other realize what have they become.] The second dream is creepier than the first. I’m trapped somewhere in the PATANAGAR. I’m crying ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 29)

29 THE FRIGHT [The rulers towards the end of Kaliyuga will become the thorns of the earth. They would filled with avarice and swelling with pride and vanity and unable and unwilling to protect the people. Rulers would take pleasure in inflicting punishments only. They would attack and repeat their attacks upon the good and the honest and feel no pity for the poor. And at the very end of that age even when people will cry in grief, the rulers will rob these of their wealth and women.] -Puranas Ten more days have been passed. We have repaired ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 30)

30 THE DEATH [And when the end of the Kali Yuga comes, men will cast away and neglect their and relatives and attendants. And when the end of the Yuga comes, men abandoning the countries and directions and towns and cities of their occupation will seek for new ones, one after another. And people will wander over the earth, uttering frightful and rending cries.] “Stay away from her.” I hear my father’s shout before I reach near Surekha. His words make my legs stone. What the fuck he is saying? my father – how can he say this? I ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 31)

31 THE REVELATION [Many people wonder why Goa takes an avatar, he can do everything okay just with his with his magic. Yes God can do but he doesn’t. God takes an avatar and comes to people to trigger whatever is hidden inside people either good or bad. God comes to expose the goodness or badness inside us that is previously suppressed or hidden inside us. In Krishna's days, He brought out both the virtuous and the evil, exposing people as they had never been known before. Krishna knew each soul already and so will Kalki. The avatars create ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 32)

32 PROJECT PRALAYA [Then the end of the Kaliyuga comes, the god, people worshipping would be a false one. will be in dark, away from the truth. The religion would be used to enslave people and wash their brain and all the points of the horizon will be ablaze, and the stars and stellar groups will be destitute of brilliance and the planets and planetary conjunctions will be inauspicious. And the course of the winds will be confused and agitated and will carry only sand with it instead of the sweet fragrance of the flowers, and innumerable meteors will ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 33)

33 THE REBELLION [Mahabharta, Ramayana and many other Puranas refer the deadliest weapon of the world. It was called it was considered a very destructive weapon. Said is that this weapon never missed its target. But the old books also tell precaution about it: It should be as a weapon of last resort and should never to be used in combat because the use of this weapon that is charged with all the power of universe can complete annihilating the biggest army of the world. Old books refer it as a weapon that creates a fireball that can threaten ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 34)

34 The Friend [Among all forms of the love, the love between two friends is highest and divine. Most fail in understanding the true nature of this divine love. The love between Radha and Krishna must acknowledge the fact that Radha and Krishna had the relationship of that divine love. It wasn’t like some earthly love affair between a young boy and a young girl. The love between Radha and Krishna is Friendship – in the spiritual world, the highest, topmost level of love is friendship. Friendship means love – not by marriage, not by physical relation, not by ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 35)

35 TRESPASSING [I as Krishna had confidential friends. Sridama, Bhadrasena, Amsu, Stokakrisna, Sudama, Dama, Vasudama, Kinkini were my besties. friends were the same age as me. Their leader was Sridama. Bhadrasena was the general who put my childhood friends in military training.] SAMRAT: The moment the train enters in the wall, we are excited but no one shows excitement as we do inside the wall – in the train we're supposed to behave with manners. And the manner says that no matter after a long we’re back at the home, we’re not supposed to shout or cheer in the ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 36)

36 THE TRAINING [Lord Kalki will be trained by the world’s best worriers. He will learn eight ways to He will have eight divine powers and he will get many friends while training who all will stand with him till their lives. As Lord Krishna and Lord Rama he will also stay with common people but live an uncommon life.] “The first thing you will learn today is how to fight and the second thing is how to win it.” Tarun takes me with fifteen other Sunya teenagers who are conversant like me and don’t believe in what my ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 37)

37 THE PROPHECIES [Vyuha is a Sanskrit word. It means Formation, especially in battle. The Chakravyūha was a special Vyuha mentioned in Indian epics. It was an unpenetrable maze, impossible to pass through. Knowledge of how to penetrate it was limited to only a handful of warriors on the Pandavas' side. Abhimanyu,Arjuna,Krishna, andPradyumna knew how to pass through that circular maze, of which only Abhimanyu was present when the Kauravas used Chakravyuha on the battlefield. In theIndian Epic, it is mentioned that Abhimanyu learned about the Chakravyūha and how to enter in all seven sections of the maze ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 38)

38 FEARLESS [I as Kalki doesn't need of the teaching of Vedas, I would remember the text of I would arrive on the earth for certain purpose for that I requires that type of teaching. It is only possible by a worrier to teach me. And in meantime, I would find a worrier who would teach me what I need for my purpose.] Five more days have gone – completely disappeared from the calendar. My teacher says that time and tide of the ocean is uncontrollable- no one can control it, not even the creator. He is ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 39)

39 THE INCIDENT [When the evil man who poses as kings begin to feed on human beings and to destroy the righteous, banes the knowledge to the poor people Lord Kalki, as the man of people, will destroy this evil man with his weapons.] That night Krupa reaches my hut in the dark hours after the dawn when even ghosts take their rest. I’m reading a book about machinery. She smells of fish, dust, and foodstuff. She smells of the sweat. She is tired. She is feared. She is exhausted. Her clothes are shocking wet in sweat ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 40)

40 KIDNAPED [I as avatar won’t come only as a warrior. By this time the earth will be with people who will be unable to understand logical conversations. They will be too slow-minded and dull-witted, not capable of being taught much, especially in the way of high philosophy regarding the purpose of life. They will not know what they need to do or how to live. And they certainly will be unable to change their ways. Therefore, the avatar does not come as a worrier, but a friend and philosopher and the avatar will turn humans again into ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 41)

41 GATHERING [Some people believe that God loves them, which is true, because in every holy scripture no of which religion, it is written that God loves us so much that in every age He comes on Earth to take care of us, millennia after millennia, and in each age. If He didn’t love people, He wouldn’t bother to come and save people. But God can’t love us until we do love God.] The next morning, my teacher calls all messengers and sends them to call everyone for a gathering. It’s our ritual. When there is ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 42)

42 The Motorcycle [I as an avatar will end the age of Kali and will kill all the and, thus, destroys the bad condition of the world. I as an avatar will gather all of the good and honest people. I will learn all the ways of life.] Training continued after the incident. Daxa is brave enough to start the practice the very next day of the gathering. At the end of the month, I’ve fought with Tarun and Teena. That night I dream that I hung from the creepers to the wall, my fingers are ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 43)

43 BAD NEWS [The degradation of the virtues and the censorship of hypocrite puritans will mark the end Kali Yuga. There will be no more kings. The wealth and crops will diminish. The cities and villages will be filled with groups of bandits. Water and fruits will be wanted. The people supposed to ensure the protection of the people will not protect them.] -Puranas PADMA: We are in a ruined city near the water channel that carries water inside the wall. I don’t know why but yesterday we were at in the middle of the ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 44)

44 NARROW ESCAPE [The water will be very rare. Certain areas of some countries will oppose others. The books will not be respected any longer. The people will have no morals, and they will have a tendency towards sectaries. In the Kali Yuga, the false and deceiving doctrines will spread more and more. The ruling classes will confiscate all proprieties and will use it badly. They will cease to protect the people.The predators will become more and more violent, and the rulers will be no less than those predators.] -Puranas PADMA: Inside the bus, we gather food, ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 45)

45 OCEAN OF THE SAND [The one who has taken birth will remain forever in fear of death. to say this world too, one day see its end. End of this world or Pralaya is of three kinds: Naimittka- induced; Prakrita- natural; Atyantika- immediate.] -Puranas PADMA: The current of water drags us away from that horrible sight. The current is fast and trying to drown us but we are all teenagers and all of us know swimming. Though none have tried in channel except me they are used to swim in lakes. “Don’t give up.” ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 46)

46 THE ATTACK [“I know not of what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War will be fought with sticks and stone's.”] - Albert Einstein SAMRAT: Train’s whistle wakes me up, like a nightmare in midnight. My heart throbs hard I can feel it in my ears. It’s unusual. Something is wrong. The train can’t come so early is the first warning from my instinct and if the train comes early then why troop of Nirbhaya didn’t come before the train. Always a troop of Nirbhaya always comes a day before the train comes. ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 47)

47 BATTLE OF THE STATION [At that time there exist no topics on the subject of God, even the residences of saints and respectable gentlemen. Then the power of government is transferred to the hands of people elected from the evil. Then at the end of Kali Yuga, the avatar will appear as the supreme chastiser.] -Puranas I look upward and pray to the god before Pralaya who were kind, living in starts. But the night sky stands an inky canopy of darkness freckled only by the fewest of stars, and I doubt my voice will reach ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 48)

TANDAVA [Lord Kalki will mount white horse Devadatta which is as swift as the lightning and a sword Ratnameru in hand. He will travel over the earth exhibiting His eight mystic powers. He will display his unequaled effulgence. He will kill innumerable those thieves who have dared dress as kings.]-Kalki Purana The wind intensifies, naturally. The night in the sky is dark but bulbs are illuminating the station, revealing a horrible battle. Despite the wind, I hear battle cries of Nirbhaya troop under biological change and troop of Tarun’s father. They are all in same dress code ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 49)

DEADLY DEVATA [Then Trinavarta reached the kingdom of Gokul where I as Krishna was living. He came with his power, and with taking the form of a tornado. People feared and ran away to see the tornado approaching, but only one, only a boy stood in his way. The boy had no sign of fear on his face. Instead, the boy was smiling, and he was ready for a battle. Trinavarta held the boy in his hand and reached the sky, unaware that the boy was no one but I, Lord Vishnu as Krishna Avatar.] I don’t know ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 50)

DEFEATING A DEVATA [Then I as Krishna and Trinvarta were so far from the earth, right in the of the sky that the crying voices of the Gokul inhabitants could not be heard. Suddenly, Trinavarta felt that the weight of the boy was getting heavy. Trinavarta could have held the earth in his hands for years, but I as the boy was very heavy. He decided to drop the boy. But, I as Krishna, as the boy grasped at his neck and choked him. There wasn’t future ahead for Trinvarta, as he found that the boy was not ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 51)

THE BATTLE BEGINS [I as Kalki will then re-establish righteousness upon Earth. Those who live at the end the Kali age shall be awakened, and they shall be as translucent as crystal.] -Puranas “With the death of the Devata the battle doesn’t end but it begins.” Tarun’s father says, “They will come to take revenge when they will know about what had happened in the train and in the wall.” He pauses here, looks over my people and continues, “But we are ready to fight them because we have an avatar with us.” “Avatar…” “Lord Kali” “Avatar…” “Kaliki ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 52)

THE FOLK [At that time cities will be dominated by thieves, the Vedas will be contaminated by speculative interpretations atheists, political leaders will virtually consume the citizens, and the so-called priests and intellectuals will be devotees of their bellies and genitals.] – Srimad Bhagavatam 12.3.32 PADMA That night, I have the dream again. I'm at the edge of a big house made out of the sand. The house is same as my hut but of sand and the ground beneath is unsteady. The ground I'm standing on is starting to shake. EARTHQUAKE – I hear my mother shouting. I ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 53)

THE DEAL [The citizens will suffer greatly from cold, wind, heat, rain and snow. They will be further tormented quarrels, hunger, thirst, disease, and severe anxiety.]-Srimad Bhagavatam 12.2.10 PADMA: “You people forget your manner?” the leader stands and pushes one of his men away, “do you forget I’m Bhupathi and I’m the one who is a leader in this place?” “Yes, I know.” The man stumbles for a while, keeps himself steady and says, “But we take every decision counting the vote.” “Nitin, you are crossing your line.” Leader says, for a second I feel he hasn’t expected such ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 54)

ESCAPE PLAN [Religion, truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy, duration of life, physical strength and memory will all diminish day day because of the powerful influence of the age of Kali.] -Srimad Bhagavatam 12.2.1 PADMA: I follow him out the building.In the daylight, I am seeing the building for the first time. It’s half-ruined, half-repaired. Still, some windows are missing and the upper quarter of the building is broken. It’s a multi-stored so we haven’t noticed it from inside. What would I say him that would save our lives? I think and with it, fear comes rushing into my mind, ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 55)

THE CONFLICT [In Kali-yuga men will develop a hatred for each other even over a few coins. Giving up friendly relations, they will be ready to lose their own lives and kill even their own relatives.] -Srimad Bhagavatam 12.3.41 “Everybody, listen,” Bhupati says but nobody listens until he slams his hand on the metal table, “all right, listen.” I realize what he has said was completely true: Satya yuga means man has hundred percent mind in his control, treat yuga means man has seventy-five percent mind in his control, Dvapara yuga means man has fifty percent mind in his ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 56)

REYANSH [Harassed by famine and excessive taxes, people will resort to eating leaves, roots, flesh, wild honey, fruits, flowers, seeds. Struck by drought, they will become completely ruined.] -Srimad Bhagavatam 12.2.9 PADMA: Once Bhupathi and other folk leave the hall, the girl shares an almost relieved look with us. She walks to us then she subtly shook her head and stops near Akash. She smiles and beckons towards Akash, “are you okay?” “Almost alive,” Akash gets on his feet, “what’s your name?” I haven’t expected a stupid question from him but I relieved when the girl answers with another ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 57)

SECRET REVEALED [Fetuses will be killed in the wombs of their mothers, without their wish and sometimes with their too. People will prefer to choose false ideas over knowledge. No one will be able to trust anyone else. Whether it is too much heat, snow, earthquakes, volcanoes, cyclones, tornadoes, or otherstorms, portend the age of Kali. People suffering from hunger and fear will take refuge in 'underground shelters'.] -Vishnu Purana and the Linga Purana “Where am I?” Bhupati yells and I jump. After a second I notice his cry has made my heart pounding. “Where…” he about to ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 58)

THE REVEALATION [“Nanda, the time has come. We should say the truth to Krishna. Now he should know the for his birth.” Sage Garg said and continued speaking looking at me “Krishna, you aren't one from Gukula. You were born to Prince Vasudeva and Devaki. But it was predicted that their eighth son will kill King Kansa, so the ruler of Mathura, Kansa imprisoned your parents and their eighth child is you. The day you were born, your father smuggled you from prison to Gokul, to Nanda’s house. Only Nanda knows about it. It’s your responsibility to help people. ...Read More


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness (Chapter 59) - Last Part

BEYOND THE WALL [It’s predicted that you will be the leader of your race and the savior of humanity. You will be the one who will establish Dharma on the earth. This world’s future and humanity are in your hand. Kansa wants to kill you when you leave Gokul. But I know it’s you who is going to kill Kansa when you reach Mathura. ] SAMRAT For a moment Jagapati seems on the verge of saying something more. But then he just holds out his hand to me across empty air, in the shadow of the dark cloud overhead. ...Read More