The Romance of Lust

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The Novice—Mrs. Benson—Mary—Mrs. Benson’s Correspondence with Mrs. Egerton—Miss Evelyn—Eliza There were three of us—Mary, Eliza, and myself. I was approaching fifteen, Mary was about a year younger, and Eliza between twelve and thirteen years of age. Mamma treated us all as children, and was blind to the fact that I was no longer what I had been. Although not tall for my age, nor outwardly presenting a manly appearance, my passions were awakening, and the distinctive feature of my sex, although in repose it looked magnificent enough, was very sufficiently developed when under the influence of feminine excitement. As yet, I had absolutely no knowledge of the uses of the different organs of sex. My sisters and I all slept in the same room. They together in one bed, I alone in another. When no one was present, we had often mutually examined the different formations of our sexes.

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The Romance of Lust - VOLUME I - Part - 1

VOLUME I. 1 CONTENTS The Novice—Mrs. Benson—Mary—Mrs. Benson’s Correspondence with Mrs. Egerton—Miss Evelyn—Eliza There were three of us—Mary, Eliza, myself. I was approaching fifteen, Mary was about a year younger, and Eliza between twelve and thirteen years of age. Mamma treated us all as children, and was blind to the fact that I was no longer what I had been. Although not tall for my age, nor outwardly presenting a manly appearance, my passions were awakening, and the distinctive feature of my sex, although in repose it looked magnificent enough, was very sufficiently developed when under the influence of ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME I - Part - 2

2 This full view of all her private parts reawakened former sensations and strengthened them. Miss Evelyn first removed own scarf, laying bare her plump ivory shoulders, and showing the upper halves of her beautiful bubbies, which were heaving with the excitement of her anger. She bared her fine right arm, and grasping the rod, stepped back and raised her arm; her eyes glistened in a peculiar way. She was indeed beautiful to see. I shall never forget that moment—it was but a moment. The rod whistled through the air and fell with a cruel cut on poor Mary’s ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME I - Part - 3

3 Whether she thought I had really fallen asleep I know not, but I was quite sensible that her pressed my swollen and throbbing cock, and I fancied she was measuring its size. The tight grasp she managed to gain, and the continued jolting of the carriage, brought me up at last to such a pitch state that a greater jolt than usual, repeated two or three times in succession, each followed by a firmer pressure of her charming fingers, caused me such an excess of excitement that I actually swooned away with the most delicious sensation I had ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME I - Part - 4

4 “Well, Charles, I could not come sooner without causing suspicion—I thought Miss Evelyn was suspicious, so I pretended have no desire to go to bed; and even when she showed evident symptoms of drowsiness after her long ride, I rallied her upon it, and begged her to sit up with me yet a little; until at last she could hold out no longer, and begged me to let her retire. I grumblingly complied, and she is thrown completely off any scent on our account, as she could never suppose I was impatient as you to come here. I ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME I - Part - 5

5 “Ah! you must not, my dear boy. If you will not consider yourself, consider me. I shall be exhausted.” I shut her mouth with my kisses and tongue, and soon the active movements I was making within her charming vagina exercised their usual influence on her lubricity, so as to make her as eager for the fray as myself. “Stop, my dear Charles, and you shall have it in a new position, which will give you as much more pleasure as it will me.” “You are not going to cheat me, are you?” “Oh, no! my darling, I ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME I - Part - 6

6 I did as desired. She seconded me with an art quite peculiar to herself, and at last we died away in that love’s death which is so overpowering and so delicious. The glorious position we were in rendered it almost impossible to lose ground, spend as often as you please; but if my prick had been one that would have shrunk to nothing, the wonderful power of retaining it within her possessed by my delicious mistress would have prevented the possibility of exit. In after-nights I have often fallen sound asleep with it entirely engulphed within her, and ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME I - Part - 7

7 As my prick stiffened at her endearing words and involuntary pressures, and as I had it completely under since I had taken the edge off its immediate appetite by the last discharge, I held it literally well in hand; and as I had lost no ground by withdrawing, I started with the advantage of possession. First I slipped my hand down between our two bellies and began frigging her clitoris, which immediately excited her passions to the highest pitch. “Oh! Charlie, dear, now push it all in—I do so long for it—and I don’t care how it hurts ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME I - Part - 8

8 “Oh, my dear Fred, you hurt me dreadfully, what are you doing?” “Doing, my darling! why, I am into you. Have a little patience, and I will make you mad with pleasure.” Another determined thrust sent him halfway, and then with another, still more violent, he lodged himself up to the hilt within. I screamed with real pain, and struggled to free myself. “Good heavens, sir, you are killing me; I will not endure such treatment.” He heeded me not, but holding me fast by the thighs commenced shoving in and out furiously. A sensitive woman never receives ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME I - Part - 9

9 To give you an instance of the precocious aptitude of this dear little fellow, I mounted upon him morning, keeping my body erect, that we might see the delicious instrument in its action of being engulphed and then withdrawn, a most exciting pose which I recommend you to try, if your husband has not already taught it to you. At last, overcome by the lascivious movements, I sank on his bosom. He pressed my bottom down with one hand, and with the other embracing the nearer buttock, introduced his middle finger up the rosy orifice of my bottom, ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME I - Part - 10

10 We have met thrice since your dear delicious letter fired my imagination, and I have seized the occasion taste the sweets of the neighbouring altar to Venus’s legitimate one. After the Count had fucked me twice I turned my back as if wishing it in a way we often enjoyed it, but took care to place my bottom in such a position that the smaller orifice was nearest to his standing prick. Whether he saw my drift I know not, but finding with his finger how conveniently it lay, he plunged boldly forward, and half sheathed himself at ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME I - Part - 11

11 No sooner said than done, and my lovely mistress stood in all the glory of her magnificent and naked form. He kissed and fondled her from head to foot, laid her on the bed and gamahuched her till she squealed again with pleasure. Then pulling out his magnificent prick, he plunged it into her delicious cunt at a single bound, evidently giving her the most exquisite delight, as was evidenced by the instantaneous clasping of him with her arms and legs, and the rapid wriggling of her backside. They soon ran a first course, but Mr. B. remained ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME I - Part - 12

12 Knowing that the best way would be to excite her by short shoves, without at first trying to further, I did so, and she began to feel all the raging desires that so formidable a prick as mine must excite, when moving between the soft velvety folds of her tight and juicy quim. I held myself in, and continued my proceedings until the convulsive movements of her loins, and the increased pressure of the folds of her cunt, showed me that the crisis was approaching, and she was about to spend. She hugged me close in her arms, ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME I - Part - 13

13 “What do you mean, Charlie, by this idleness? Go, do your lesson, or I shall be obliged to you.” She took me by the arm, and gently pressed it as she told me to resume my seat. At four o’clock, of course, my lesson was as far as before from being done. “Mary and Eliza, you can go into the garden. Charles will remain until he finishes his lesson, or is punished for his idleness.” They left and Miss Evelyn locked the door after them. Then we flew into each other’s arms, and indulged in the most endearing ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME I - Part - 14

14 “Come, my darling Charlie, be reasonable, and I will do my best to give you some satisfaction. Lay on your back—so. I will kneel on the floor at right angles to you, because you must not attempt to touch me down there. That is a dear boy.” So taking my prick in her soft hand, she gently moved it up and down; then, suddenly stopping, took it into her mouth, sucking as much as she could get in, and titillating the knob with her tongue, while one hand frigged at the root of my prick and the other ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME I - Part - 15

15 On the third day, Miss Evelyn whispered, “tonight,” as she gave me a stolen pressure of the hand. came, and we indulged in every whim of our fancy. I had further the delicious pleasure of gazing on all her naked beauties, as it was daylight before we parted; I had gamahuched her twice, and fucked her five times. She gave me credit for a long fast, and allowed so much indulgence on that account, but told me I must in future be more moderate, for her sake, if not for my own. She allowed three nights to pass ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME I - Part - 16

16 “Don’t you see, if Miss Evelyn marries Mr. Vincent we shall get another governess, and can we ever to get one who is so kind and excellent a teacher, and who troubles us so little at our games.” “Ah! that is very true, and we should be horribly annoyed if we were watched and interrupted. However, more reason that we should make the most of the present moment, so come along, Charlie, and let us have some real good fucking. We have plenty of time, mamma is not very well. No one will come near us, and there ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME II - Part - 1

VOLUME II 1 CONTENTS Mr. James MacCallum—Mrs. Vincent—Miss Frankland—Miss F., Mary, and Eliza—Doctor and Mrs. Brownlow The house was itself even the day after the marriage. Mrs. Evelyn was still with us, and did not leave until the following day. She and my mother spent most of the day in the summer house, so that our pastimes therein were interrupted. Mary complained of severe headache, which, in fact, was the premonitory symptom of her courses, which declared themselves violently in the evening. I had arranged with my sisters to steal up to their room when all were asleep, as ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME II - Part - 2

2 She then turned to me and warmly embraced me too. Then, putting on her gown, she proceeded to up the watch, while Mary remained to be likewise initiated in the luxury of the double fuck. She somewhat dreaded the experiment, but having witnessed the ecstasies of pleasure it had thrown Lizzie into, she was not unwilling to try if it could be accomplished with Mr. MacCallum’s somewhat less massive member. He put us through the same preliminary manoeuvres of backing Mary on her knees over my mouth, and while he sucked my prick, he feasted his eyes at ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME II - Part - 3

3 I was somewhat annoyed at being left alone. But how true it is that “man proposes and God Had I gone with them I should have missed a most delicious and unexpected treat. I had strolled to the summer house in a sort of despair at the lost opportunity of again fucking my sisters before the arrival of the dreaded governess. I was listlessly gazing out of the window when I suddenly became aware of a lady waving her hand to me from a gig coming down the road which our summer house commanded. In an instant I ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME II - Part - 4

4 Lizzie came back to her seat, but I could not help fancying I saw a complete expression of desire on her countenance. When afterwards we were alone together, she told us that when the governess kissed her, she felt Miss F.’s tongue glide into her mouth, and “tip her the velvet” in a most delicious and exciting manner, and she believed that if they had been alone they must have given each other mutual embraces of a warmer description. This led me to think that Miss Frankland was herself rendered lecherous by the action of even wielding the ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME II - Part - 5

5 She laid herself back on the long chair, drew up her petticoats, and exhibited to my charmed gaze wondrous wealth of hair she possessed. Opening her legs, I saw the wide-spread rosy lips showing themselves in beautiful contrast to the coal-black hair that grew in the greatest profusion all round the lower lips, and extended also some five or six inches down the side of each thigh. But what at the moment most astonished me, and drew all my attention, was to see a deep red clitoris standing out from the upper part of her cunt quite stiff, ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME II - Part - 6

6 “My darling boy, we must now get into bed.” We did so, quite naked as we were, closely and covering each other with kisses and caresses, murmuring soft terms of endearment, and in whispered accents told of the ecstatic joys each had given the other. Our hands wandered over every charm. Miss Frankland had an art of gently passing her fingers over my prick that had the instant effect of raising him into the fullest vigour. It was the most exquisite method of feeling my cock I ever experienced. She seemed scarcely to touch it, but drew her ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME II - Part - 7

7 The next day I was somewhat somnolent, of which you may be sure Miss Frankland took no notice. retired to her own room when we went for our recreation. My sisters scolded me for not coming to them the previous night, but I told them that Miss F. had continued to move about her room for so long a time that I had fallen fast asleep, and even then had not had enough, as they might have observed how sleepy I had been all day. However, to satisfy them, I gamahuched them both, and fucked them both while ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME II - Part - 8

8 Cut three, sharp, though not so severe. I did not flinch. “Ah! that is something like a good now we shall have no difficulty.” She began a series of less and less severe blows, until it ended in a gentle irritable titillation which very shortly began to show its effects by the stiffness of my pego—fiercely shoving against the naked thigh of my loved castigator, who, passing a hand round my body, laid hold of it, delighted to find how efficacious her proceedings had been. Pretending to be quite exhausted, she sank back on the bed, and said ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME II - Part - 9

9 I had long prepared myself for such a question, and at once replied that after the description of libidinous scenes that had taken place between her and them, and her exquisite account of their young charms, I got so lecherous upon them that I had sought Mary out while she was engaged with Lizzie, and Lizzie when Mary was with her; they were both too much delighted to refuse me anything, and we had now enjoyed each other about a dozen times. I had previously told my sisters to support any story I might recount to Miss F. ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME II - Part - 10

10 It was about this time that an event happened which completely changed the order of my life. My had hinted that I had some expectations from an uncle. These were very vague. He was my father’s brother, but they had never agreed, and we were almost strangers to each other. He died, and one day we were all surprised, not to say delighted, to hear from his executor, a Mr. Nixon, a rich merchant in London, that my uncle had left my mother four hundred pounds a year as long as she did not marry again, but at ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME II - Part - 11

11 “Never mind that, my love, this little fellow will soon be the decoy duck for others; he seems nice, gentle lad, but I shall seek to have some talk with him tomorrow, and see what he is made of; boys, under women’s instructions, are generally mere milksops.” “I don’t think you will find it so in this case,” added my aunt. “I am not a bad judge of character, and I feel certain that Miss Frankland is too stern and firm of purpose not to have bent any boy’s will to her bidding; I fear, on the contrary, ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME II - Part - 12

12 The doctor, nothing loath, stooped and gamahuched her so well that her mighty backside wriggled beneath his head, made everything in the room jingle; her hand pressed his head until I thought it would have been pushed in altogether. At last, she spent with a shout of delight. He hastily gobbled it all up, and rising, without more ado, thrust his stiff-standing weapon up to the hilt, I might almost say cods and all, in her longing and magnificent cunt. Here, he soaked for some minutes, and I could see by the convulsive movements of her backside how ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME II - Part - 13

13 We breakfasted, and I could see, on regaining the coach, that uncle and aunt had a satisfactory exchange words on the subject. We got to the Rectory in Kent in time for dinner, at which I was the object of great and devoted attention of both, especially of my aunt. Our previous long journey made an early retreat to bed a necessity for all of us. They both conducted me with much empressement to my bedroom, a very comfortable one, having a communication at one end with a corridor, and, on the right-hand side entering, another door communicating ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME II - Part - 14

14 “A little, dear auntie, but I feel it is getting hard again—you must try once more, if you it is so nice!” And my prick throbbed up and stiffened to prove the truth of my words. But the doctor here interrupted us by saying that he must have his own stiffness reduced, at the same time presenting his really fine prick at full stand before our faces. “You must get up, my dear boy, and your aunt will allay your new hardness in another way, in which she will be able to relieve both our hardnesses together.” Reluctantly ...Read More


The Romance of Lust - VOLUME II - Part - 15

15 “Oh, yes, dear uncle, immensely.” “Then,” said he, “as I, too, am suffering from hardness, I shall try allay it in your bottom, as you are doing in my wife’s; don’t be afraid, if I hurt you I shall stop.” “Do just as you like, dear uncle, both you and aunt are so kind as to do all you can to relieve my pain, and I should be very ungrateful if I did not do all in my power to relieve you.” “You are a darling boy, and I shall love you dearly.” He knelt behind me, and ...Read More