Love is Complicated

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With the ring of the alarm, I wake up and it is nine in the morning. The best part of my day is waking up next to her and when I see Elena sleeping in bed it becomes impossible for me to hold back. I pick my boxers and pants and goes to bathroom. After five minutes I come out and decide to wake up Elena and go close to her ears and say, “Good Morning sweetie”. She opens her eyes and smile. Her smile is beautiful than stars. Good morning, Honey! It’s Sunday come and sleep with me for another hour. she insists. I am always in the mood for you but not today because I need to go for an urgent meeting with a client. He has specially come from Scotland to discuss about the project and don’t forget that we have to visit my parents’ house today. They have called four of us for dinner. Enjoy your day and I will come and pick you up by 5pm in the evening. I kiss her forehead and when about to leave she calls and asks me to give her gown. I turn back and in spite of giving her gown I snatch her bedsheet and she shouts with surprise. What have you done? You Jerk! She cries. I am pleased to see you naked and laugh. Bye! Be ready by Five.

Full Novel


Love is Complicated - 1

CHAPTER -1With the ring of the alarm, I wake up and it is nine in the morning. The best of my day is waking up next to her and when I see Elena sleeping in bed it becomes impossible for me to hold back. I pick my boxers and pants and goes to bathroom. After five minutes I come out and decide to wake up Elena and go close to her ears and say, “Good Morning sweetie”. She opens her eyes and smile. Her smile is beautiful than stars. Good morning, Honey! It’s Sunday come and sleep with me ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 2

CHAPTER -2 It saddens me to remember that Sarah recently lost her father and I and Evan were not at that time when she needed us because we had to go to France and after our return, we were told that you left for Australia. Weston explains the situation. It’s okay guys uncle Ben and aunt Victoria were of great help at that time. I was feeling lonely because few years back I lost my mother and now my father. Therefore, I decided to take a break and thought that change of environment can do something good and moved ...Read More


Love is complicated - 3

CHAPTER-3 She has lost her parents and is feeling alone, so what friends are for? We were trying to make her happy and you should feel good that your lover is sensitive, Weston kissed her cheeks while saying. I am not in a mood to continue this conversation says Carol. I know Weston is more emotional and sensitive than me. He always tries to make his dear ones happy. Sometimes, I think if Carol leaves him how would he manage because I know he loves her so much. I stopped the car as we reached Weston’s place, they ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 4

Chapter -4 After few moments Logan stands in front of us. He is a very good-looking man green pale eyes, curly brown hair and structured lips, nose, ears. Hello! Evan, he gives his hand. Hello, Mr. Logan meet him, he is my childhood friend and business partner Weston. Hello! Both Weston and Logan greet each other. Logan says,’ Let’s have lunch together’, Weston smiles. Alright Mr. Logan! we will go for lunch I reply. We can go to our favourite place named ‘Swingy’ where every cuisine is available. I order Russian Salad Oliver, Beef stroganoff, Lasagne, Italian Risotto, ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 5

CHAPTER-5 Sara, how are you dear? Good to see you! Weston greets and hugs Sara. I fine, actually I have come to meet a family who is interested in buying my father’s property. We three stand around the table. Hey Sara, if there is any problem you can tell us so that we can help you Weston says. I agree with Weston, we can sort it out. I need to pay off my father’s debt that’s why have decided to sell property of California and will keep my parents’ house for myself and rest of the property will ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 6

CHAPTER-6We get our seats in business class. So, Logan, can I ask you a personal question if you don’t Of course, Evan, I won’t mind. Simon looks more materialistic sort of a person and you are like flawless nature lover. Well, you must have heard the phrase ‘opposite attracts each other’. Yes! I heard. Sometimes we fight but still we don’t break each other’s heart because he is always ready to adjust says Logan while taking coffee from Air hostess. Why don’t you call your girlfriend? She will enjoy the views of Georgia. Elena is busy in her fashion ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 7

CHAPTER-7I think maybe she likes Peter a guy who was good in sports in high school. But she said that he was just a crush so no need to mock about him. I tell Weston Yes, ‘you are right’! So, how’s Georgia? Have you seen their place? Weston asks. No, I will go tomorrow morning and they have arranged a farmhouse for my stay. I reply. That’s cool, so when will you come back? Any idea? May be in four or five days now I need to go as they are calling for dinner and give my message to ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 8

CHAPTER-8Next morning, Weston walking in the lawn and occupied with thoughts about the company, Carol and his life. Then his phone rings and there is a message from Sarah saying that she has settled in her new house. She asks Weston if he has time, he can come with carol to meet her in the evening. Weston replies he will inform her till afternoon because he knows that it is not easy to convince Carol to visit Sarah but he thinks that they must go and assure that she doesn’t feel alone in her difficult times. He promises Sarah ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 9

CHAPTER-9I remember those days when I used to drive motor bike and cycle. I was really fond of things and today after so many years I am riding a bicycle again and it is a wonderful feeling, riding gives me joy. ‘I remember the days when I rode bicycle because I didn’t have enough money to buy any other vehicle’ Logan says when we stop near the place where aeroplanes and helicopters stand. It’s a big place and when I see around, I thank him for making me relive past memories and feel energised again and smiles. Anytime Evan! ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 10

Chapter 10I usually play billiards, but will still try to play from my side. Even I play billiards and but this game is very tiring says Simon massaging his hand. I like chess but whenever I am out, I love to play badminton, basketball, kickboxing and tennis. Logan plays his shot. You seem to be a sports person. Someday, I will try kickboxing with you and I smile at him. Yaa, sure. It’s very late Logan and tomorrow you have an art gallery show says Simon and asks him to go. He stops and wishes me ‘goodnight’ holding Simon’s ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 11

Chapter-11 The day comes for Logan’s painting exhibition. The place is in the middle of the city far away the farmhouse where we were living. A big hall, narrow passage along a wall displaying work of art, different styles of paintings attracting lot of audience. I see Logan standing in the middle of the hall and surrounded by large number of people. He is smiling, laughing and explaining his emotions through paintings depicted. Wearing a white shirt with black trousers and a black blazer. I adore him from distance and painting lovers taking selfie with him. I get distracted ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 12

Chapter 12Hey Evan, Simon has a business meeting with Mr. Rodger and my show will be over in an If you want driver can take you home. Logan informs. No problem, I can wait. You wind up the show and then we can go together. What will I do alone at home? It is better to be here with you. ‘As you wish’ he says and leaves. Again, I look at the painting and imagine Logan as a small boy. My eyes move to another painting of a beautiful woman holding a kid and his smile is just like ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 13

Chapter – 13Almost two weeks have passed and hope he must have completed the work. It’s long time we talked to each other. I know my friend is a dedicated man, whenever he goes for any project, he gets completely involved in it. Weston says to Sarah who has come to his office to see him. Evan is always serious about his work because work is passion for him. Expecting him to come back soon and then we three shall go for coffee. I miss him she says calmly. Oh really! How did you survive when you were in ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 14

Chapter -14On Monday, I will be going back home, same office and the same life as before coming to Three weeks have passed and these days have been amazing days of my life. These memories will always remain in my heart. The day I kissed Logan; he was shocked because he expected that I will sympathise him with words only. But when he hugged me, I did not want to say anything and just hold him in my arms and kissed him passionately and I did. When that moment passed, he looked at me as if I did something ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 15

Chapter – 15Mr Peter, I have checked the boat and done necessary preparations. Next week, 20th September will be best day Carol assures him with a smile. Please call me Peter only because we are friends now like Weston is to me and don’t be formal. We were classmates Peter not friends Weston corrects him and Peter feels offended. Carol laughs and says that he is just joking. Isn’t dear? Carol stares Weston. No, ‘I am not joking’. he smiles and says it is time to go baby. Let’s go! we have to go for dinner tonight. Carol holds ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 16

Chapter ::16 Why are you asking this question? You liked me kissing you that day, right! I did not my eye contact. Logan looks somewhere else and says,’ I don’t know, I need to ask myself that I like you or not’. I turn his face towards me and say that I really like you, Logan. But the problem is same I also have to ask myself that what I actually want? You are saying all this because you are drunk and as your hang over will be over, it will go away. Simon is calling us for dinner ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 17

Chapter -17I reach home late night and finds Elena not at home. I think of taking shower and relax I wanted to clear my head and forget the memories of Georgia. I come out and prepare a cup of coffee. Taking coffee, I moved to lawn and sit down to gaze at the stars. I Close my eyes for a while and suddenly feel the touch of someone’s hand on my eyes and I know it is Elena only. How are you sweetheart? She asks and cuddles in my lap. She kisses on my lips and I smile and ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 18

Chapter 18I was stunned to see Peter and Carol shopping together wherein he was insisting her to buy and was accepting the gifts without any hesitation. After seeing Peter, I realise that he still looks the same. I really don’t understand that how he managed to see me with mason. I remember those days when we were just good friends and I was his crush. I smile. May be Carol wanted to buy something and he is helping her. I ignore what I saw and come back to Elena. We spend some quality time together. After dinner we walk ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 19

Chapter 19Weston clarifies Sarah that there is no need to congratulate him because he needs time. I have also Julie and John and she smiles knowing this. That’s good! It’s long time we haven’t met our friends. Yes, this is wonderful. I agree with Weston. Julie and John got married but not to each other and we laugh. Sarah leaves. She looks pretty when she smiles. She is a sweetheart. May God grant her wishes. God gives her courage to find her way. Weston expression is unreadable and I could not understand what was he trying to say. My ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 20

Chapter:20Hello! Mr. Benson and Mrs. Victoria. Simon greets my parents. Hello! Simon, please call me only uncle as I your father’s friend not any kind of entrepreneur. Sure uncle, please meet my partner, Logan. He greets both of them. Come and enjoy the party. See Evan, I called them for today’s party. This is an amazing surprise I murmur when I see Logan. Your mother insisted that when they are coming to our city then why don’t you call them? My father explains everything. My mother always knows how to make her son happy. These all arrangements have been ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 21

Chapter 21Good morning, I say softly when he opens his eyes. Good morning! What’s the time? He asks. It’s I reply while cares his cheek. Oh, I need to go, he wakes up and sees me with a smile. His smile made my day and we both look at the sky covered with clouds and soft blowing wind touches our hair. I kiss his cheeks and say we need to be brave now. I am already brave Evan; I think you can try your luck. He laughs and put on his clothes and wished bye with a kiss. I ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 22

Chapter-22What the hell are you doing with my boyfriend? She shouts and comes close to us. Before I could anything, she slaps Logan tight. Elena, I stop her. Are you out of your mind? He is seducing you in front of me and you don’t want me to object. Why? She questions. Logan feels offended because he never expected this kind of a reaction from my girlfriend. He holds his suitcase and moves out of house. I stop him. No, don’t go. It’s time to speak, not to escape and I hold his hand. Elena shocked and her staring ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 23

Chapter-23 I sad, frustrated and wanted to be alone. So, go out from office for fresh air to breathe. could my family think that I am in depression? as if I have done something weird and shameless. At least my mother and sister really need to understand that what I want. I stop my car near a park full of tress, chirping of birds I know this place from last year when my car broke down and I stopped for rest and I feet better. I switch off my phone for a while to think about what I have ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 24

Chapter-24 One month passed Logan and I living together and I am happy that I don’t have to care people think or say about me. I am concerned for my family. I often call them and every time our conversation ends with their question. When will I come out from this trauma? They talk as if I am ill and need medication. Even Mr. Davis told them that they should accept their son’s choice. In a country like US people also suffer because of the sick thinking. Few are lucky one who had to struggle less for their acceptability ...Read More


Love is Complicated - 25 (The Final)

Chapter 25 Today, I saw them in “Fizzy” and some weeks before they were shopping together. You knew everything didn’t tell me. Weston shouts. Weston, listen to me going for shopping and chatting doesn’t mean they are having an affair and I am not like you that I see connections between two people when they already had a business relationship. I don’t act like cupid who is fixated on these silly small things, He looks at me and says in calmer tone that you would have told me when you saw them together. You know I was already occupied ...Read More