Laura Middleton Her Brother and her Lover

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The remarks which Emily had made regarding the share Laura Middleton had had in opening up her ideas on the subject of the mysteries in which she had now been fully initiated had not escaped my observation. It so happened that at that very time I was under an engagement to pay a visit to the Middletons, who were very distant relations of my mother. It of course occurred to me that it was possible I might be able to turn the information I had thus acquired to some account. Laura and I were old friends. She was about two years older than I, a very handsome, fine-looking girl but, as I had then fancied, upon rather a larger scale than quite suited my taste. We had always been on very good terms as children, but she had a sort of haughty, imperious air which, joined to the difference in our ages, had operated in a manner that would have prevented me from thinking of taking any liberties with her; and she was about the last person in the world I should have been disposed to imagine addicted to the amusements in which Emily had participated with her.

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Laura Middleton Her Brother and her Lover - 1

1 ST. KITT'S. 1890. The remarks which Emily had made regarding the share Laura Middleton had had in opening her ideas on the subject of the mysteries in which she had now been fully initiated had not escaped my observation. It so happened that at that very time I was under an engagement to pay a visit to the Middletons, who were very distant relations of my mother. It of course occurred to me that it was possible I might be able to turn the information I had thus acquired to some account. Laura and I were old friends. ...Read More


Laura Middleton Her Brother and her Lover - 2

2 If I had perceived an alteration in Laura's appearance, she had evidently been no less struck with the that had taken place in my person, and she expressed her surprise at my having grown so much. I fancied I could perceive that there was some curiosity to ascertain what was the extent of the change which had taken place in a certain quarter, and I caught her eyes more than once glancing in a direction where she must have perceived symptoms of a growth at least corresponding to that of the other parts of my body. I was ...Read More


Laura Middleton Her Brother and her Lover - 3

3 I immediately unbuttoned my braces and let down my trousers and tucked up my shirt under my waistcoat, bringing my leg over the horse so as to sit on one side in her own fashion, exposed everything to her view. She seemed perfectly enchanted as she took hold of and played with the ivory column and uncovered its ruby head and explored the secrets of the pendant receptacles of the liquid of life. She seemed to be fully aware of the effect of her soft hand moving up and down upon the object of her worship, and she ...Read More


Laura Middleton Her Brother and her Lover - 4

4 "But now," said she, "that this little darling has done his duty so well, do get up and a look about, in case anyone should stray in this direction. I don't want to part with you so soon, but it would never do for anyone to come in and catch us in this situation." "No, no, dearest," I replied, "you only half enjoyed yourself the last time, and I am afraid if I were to withdraw this little gentleman I might have to give you more pain in replacing him, and as I want you thoroughly to enter ...Read More


Laura Middleton Her Brother and her Lover - 5

5 When I awoke, the sun was shining brightly into the room. During her sleep Laura had somewhat changed position, and instead of fronting me, had turned upon her left side, presenting her splendid posteriors to me, between which my champion was nestling himself. Judging by his imposing appearance, his powers did not seem in any way impaired by the exertions of the previous night. Turning down the bed-clothes, I for some time quietly revelled in the sight of her charms, and then getting excited beyond endurance, though unwilling to disturb her peaceful slumber, I thought I might perhaps ...Read More


Laura Middleton Her Brother and her Lover - 6

6 I was amused and delighted with his eagerness about it, but fearful of hurting him, I did not to force my way in, until he asked me why I did not assist him in getting it farther in. I said simply because I was afraid that, as he had not tried it before, I might hurt him the first time, but that if he would allow me to try, I would endeavour to do it with as little suffering to him as possible. He at once told me to do anything I liked, that he could not expect ...Read More


Laura Middleton Her Brother and her Lover - 7

7 This detail produced such an exciting effect upon both of our organs of pleasure that we were obliged to quench our raging fires in each other's interiors. In the course of the mutual operation I questioned him as to whether, if he had an opportunity, he would like to repeat his former amusements with Laura and even carry them further. He said at once it would be most delightful to do so, and nothing would give him greater pleasure. Then referring to her close neighbourhood to us and to her aunt's approaching departure, he said that there would ...Read More


Laura Middleton Her Brother and her Lover - 8

8 By this time, Laura for once had had enough to satisfy her, and we separated, sadly grudging the of the two days which were still to pass before the departure of her aunt would admit of a renewal of our joys in security. We faithfully proposed on our part that we should be abstinent in the meantime with the view of being the better able to enjoy ourselves thoroughly when the happy time for our all again meeting together should arrive. Upon the whole, with the assistance of an occasional solace from her in the summer house, when ...Read More


Laura Middleton Her Brother and her Lover - 9

9 This, however, I did not allow, but I sat down on the arm of the chair allowing him put his arm round my waist. He exhibited some more illustrations of luscious scenes, many of which were new to me, and I did not attempt to conceal the effect which was produced upon me, while I told him, which was the case, that I had never seen anything of the kind more beautifully designed and executed. I could see that he was watching the impression made not only on my face but also on another part of my person, ...Read More


Laura Middleton Her Brother and her Lover - 10

10 I placed all the pillows and cushions I could find on a heap in the centre of the and lay down with my belly resting on them so as to raise up my posteriors and present them to him in an attitude that would be propitious to his purpose. He thanked me, and told me to let him know if I found that he hurt me too much and he would at once stop, as he would be sorry to enjoy even such a gratification if it were to be at the expense of occasioning me any suffering. ...Read More


Laura Middleton Her Brother and her Lover - 11 - Last Part

11 Frank was in bed with me when Sir Charles arrived. I at once turned down the bed-clothes, stripped his shirt and exhibited him quite naked, his fiery little dart, standing erect and un-hooded, exhibiting its proportions in the most splendid manner, and I asked if he had ever seen anything more beautiful. He threw himself on the charming boy and covered every part of him with kisses, while I undressed him and reduced him to a similar state of nakedness as ourselves. As soon as this was done, I prepared Frank for the sacrifice. I was apprehensive that ...Read More