The Turn of the Screw

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The story had held us, round the fire, sufficiently breathless, but except the obvious remark that it was gruesome, as, on Christmas Eve in an old house, a strange tale should essentially be, I remember no comment uttered till somebody happened to say that it was the only case he had met in which such a visitation had fallen on a child. The case, I may mention, was that of an apparition in just such an old house as had gathered us for the occasion—an appearance, of a dreadful kind, to a little boy sleeping in the room with his mother and waking her up in the terror of it; waking her not to dissipate his dread and soothe him to sleep again, but to encounter also, herself, before she had succeeded in doing so, the same sight that had shaken him. It was this observation that drew from Douglas—not immediately, but later in the evening—a reply that had the interesting consequence to which I call attention. Someone else told a story not particularly effective, which I saw he was not following. This I took for a sign that he had himself something to produce and that we should only have to wait. We waited in fact till two nights later; but that same evening, before we scattered, he brought out what was in his mind.

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The Turn of the Screw - 1

by Henry James The story had held us, round the fire, sufficiently breathless, but except the obvious remark that was gruesome, as, on Christmas Eve in an old house, a strange tale should essentially be, I remember no comment uttered till somebody happened to say that it was the only case he had met in which such a visitation had fallen on a child. The case, I may mention, was that of an apparition in just such an old house as had gathered us for the occasion—an appearance, of a dreadful kind, to a little boy sleeping in the ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 2

II This came home to me when, two days later, I drove over with Flora to meet, as Mrs. said, the little gentleman; and all the more for an incident that, presenting itself the second evening, had deeply disconcerted me. The first day had been, on the whole, as I have expressed, reassuring; but I was to see it wind up in keen apprehension. The postbag, that evening—it came late—contained a letter for me, which, however, in the hand of my employer, I found to be composed but of a few words enclosing another, addressed to himself, with a ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 3

III Her thus turning her back on me was fortunately not, for my just preoccupations, a snub that could the growth of our mutual esteem. We met, after I had brought home little Miles, more intimately than ever on the ground of my stupefaction, my general emotion: so monstrous was I then ready to pronounce it that such a child as had now been revealed to me should be under an interdict. I was a little late on the scene, and I felt, as he stood wistfully looking out for me before the door of the inn at which ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 4

IV It was not that I didn’t wait, on this occasion, for more, for I was rooted as deeply I was shaken. Was there a “secret” at Bly—a mystery of Udolpho or an insane, an unmentionable relative kept in unsuspected confinement? I can’t say how long I turned it over, or how long, in a confusion of curiosity and dread, I remained where I had had my collision; I only recall that when I re-entered the house darkness had quite closed in. Agitation, in the interval, certainly had held me and driven me, for I must, in circling about ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 5

V Oh, she let me know as soon as, round the corner of the house, she loomed again into “What in the name of goodness is the matter—?” She was now flushed and out of breath. I said nothing till she came quite near. “With me?” I must have made a wonderful face. “Do I show it?” “You’re as white as a sheet. You look awful.” I considered; I could meet on this, without scruple, any innocence. My need to respect the bloom of Mrs. Grose’s had dropped, without a rustle, from my shoulders, and if I wavered for ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 6

VI It took of course more than that particular passage to place us together in presence of what we now to live with as we could—my dreadful liability to impressions of the order so vividly exemplified, and my companion’s knowledge, henceforth—a knowledge half consternation and half compassion—of that liability. There had been, this evening, after the revelation left me, for an hour, so prostrate—there had been, for either of us, no attendance on any service but a little service of tears and vows, of prayers and promises, a climax to the series of mutual challenges and pledges that had ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 7

VII I got hold of Mrs. Grose as soon after this as I could; and I can give no account of how I fought out the interval. Yet I still hear myself cry as I fairly threw myself into her arms: “They know—it’s too monstrous: they know, they know!” “And what on earth—?” I felt her incredulity as she held me. “Why, all that we know—and heaven knows what else besides!” Then, as she released me, I made it out to her, made it out perhaps only now with full coherency even to myself. “Two hours ago, in the ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 8

VIII What I had said to Mrs. Grose was true enough: there were in the matter I had put her depths and possibilities that I lacked resolution to sound; so that when we met once more in the wonder of it we were of a common mind about the duty of resistance to extravagant fancies. We were to keep our heads if we should keep nothing else—difficult indeed as that might be in the face of what, in our prodigious experience, was least to be questioned. Late that night, while the house slept, we had another talk in my ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 9

IX I waited and waited, and the days, as they elapsed, took something from my consternation. A very few them, in fact, passing, in constant sight of my pupils, without a fresh incident, sufficed to give to grievous fancies and even to odious memories a kind of brush of the sponge. I have spoken of the surrender to their extraordinary childish grace as a thing I could actively cultivate, and it may be imagined if I neglected now to address myself to this source for whatever it would yield. Stranger than I can express, certainly, was the effort to ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 10

X I remained awhile at the top of the stair, but with the effect presently of understanding that when visitor had gone, he had gone: then I returned to my room. The foremost thing I saw there by the light of the candle I had left burning was that Flora’s little bed was empty; and on this I caught my breath with all the terror that, five minutes before, I had been able to resist. I dashed at the place in which I had left her lying and over which (for the small silk counterpane and the sheets were ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 11

XI It was not till late next day that I spoke to Mrs. Grose; the rigor with which I my pupils in sight making it often difficult to meet her privately, and the more as we each felt the importance of not provoking—on the part of the servants quite as much as on that of the children—any suspicion of a secret flurry or that of a discussion of mysteries. I drew a great security in this particular from her mere smooth aspect. There was nothing in her fresh face to pass on to others my horrible confidences. She believed ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 12

XII The particular impression I had received proved in the morning light, I repeat, not quite successfully presentable to Grose, though I reinforced it with the mention of still another remark that he had made before we separated. “It all lies in half a dozen words,” I said to her, “words that really settle the matter. ‘Think, you know, what I might do!’ He threw that off to show me how good he is. He knows down to the ground what he ‘might’ do. That’s what he gave them a taste of at school.” “Lord, you do change!” cried ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 13

XIII It was all very well to join them, but speaking to them proved quite as much as ever effort beyond my strength—offered, in close quarters, difficulties as insurmountable as before. This situation continued a month, and with new aggravations and particular notes, the note above all, sharper and sharper, of the small ironic consciousness on the part of my pupils. It was not, I am as sure today as I was sure then, my mere infernal imagination: it was absolutely traceable that they were aware of my predicament and that this strange relation made, in a manner, for ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 14

XIV Walking to church a certain Sunday morning, I had little Miles at my side and his sister, in of us and at Mrs. Grose’s, well in sight. It was a crisp, clear day, the first of its order for some time; the night had brought a touch of frost, and the autumn air, bright and sharp, made the church bells almost gay. It was an odd accident of thought that I should have happened at such a moment to be particularly and very gratefully struck with the obedience of my little charges. Why did they never resent my ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 15

XV The business was practically settled from the moment I never followed him. It was a pitiful surrender to but my being aware of this had somehow no power to restore me. I only sat there on my tomb and read into what my little friend had said to me the fullness of its meaning; by the time I had grasped the whole of which I had also embraced, for absence, the pretext that I was ashamed to offer my pupils and the rest of the congregation such an example of delay. What I said to myself above all ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 16

XVI I had so perfectly expected that the return of my pupils would be marked by a demonstration that was freshly upset at having to take into account that they were dumb about my absence. Instead of gaily denouncing and caressing me, they made no allusion to my having failed them, and I was left, for the time, on perceiving that she too said nothing, to study Mrs. Grose’s odd face. I did this to such purpose that I made sure they had in some way bribed her to silence; a silence that, however, I would engage to break ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 17

XVII I went so far, in the evening, as to make a beginning. The weather had changed back, a wind was abroad, and beneath the lamp, in my room, with Flora at peace beside me, I sat for a long time before a blank sheet of paper and listened to the lash of the rain and the batter of the gusts. Finally I went out, taking a candle; I crossed the passage and listened a minute at Miles’s door. What, under my endless obsession, I had been impelled to listen for was some betrayal of his not being at ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 18

XVIII The next day, after lessons, Mrs. Grose found a moment to say to me quietly: “Have you written, “Yes—I’ve written.” But I didn’t add—for the hour—that my letter, sealed and directed, was still in my pocket. There would be time enough to send it before the messenger should go to the village. Meanwhile there had been, on the part of my pupils, no more brilliant, more exemplary morning. It was exactly as if they had both had at heart to gloss over any recent little friction. They performed the dizziest feats of arithmetic, soaring quite out of my ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 19

XIX We went straight to the lake, as it was called at Bly, and I daresay rightly called, though reflect that it may in fact have been a sheet of water less remarkable than it appeared to my untraveled eyes. My acquaintance with sheets of water was small, and the pool of Bly, at all events on the few occasions of my consenting, under the protection of my pupils, to affront its surface in the old flat-bottomed boat moored there for our use, had impressed me both with its extent and its agitation. The usual place of embarkation was ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 20

XX Just as in the churchyard with Miles, the whole thing was upon us. Much as I had made the fact that this name had never once, between us, been sounded, the quick, smitten glare with which the child’s face now received it fairly likened my breach of the silence to the smash of a pane of glass. It added to the interposing cry, as if to stay the blow, that Mrs. Grose, at the same instant, uttered over my violence—the shriek of a creature scared, or rather wounded, which, in turn, within a few seconds, was completed by ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 21

XXI Before a new day, in my room, had fully broken, my eyes opened to Mrs. Grose, who had to my bedside with worse news. Flora was so markedly feverish that an illness was perhaps at hand; she had passed a night of extreme unrest, a night agitated above all by fears that had for their subject not in the least her former, but wholly her present, governess. It was not against the possible re-entrance of Miss Jessel on the scene that she protested—it was conspicuously and passionately against mine. I was promptly on my feet of course, and ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 22

XXII Yet it was when she had got off—and I missed her on the spot—that the great pinch really If I had counted on what it would give me to find myself alone with Miles, I speedily perceived, at least, that it would give me a measure. No hour of my stay in fact was so assailed with apprehensions as that of my coming down to learn that the carriage containing Mrs. Grose and my younger pupil had already rolled out of the gates. Now I was, I said to myself, face to face with the elements, and for ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 23

XXIII “Oh, more or less.” I fancy my smile was pale. “Not absolutely. We shouldn’t like that!” I went “No—I suppose we shouldn’t. Of course we have the others.” “We have the others—we have indeed the others,” I concurred. “Yet even though we have them,” he returned, still with his hands in his pockets and planted there in front of me, “they don’t much count, do they?” I made the best of it, but I felt wan. “It depends on what you call ‘much’!” “Yes”—with all accommodation—“everything depends!” On this, however, he faced to the window again and presently ...Read More


The Turn of the Screw - 24 - Last Part

XXIV My sense of how he received this suffered for a minute from something that I can describe only a fierce split of my attention—a stroke that at first, as I sprang straight up, reduced me to the mere blind movement of getting hold of him, drawing him close, and, while I just fell for support against the nearest piece of furniture, instinctively keeping him with his back to the window. The appearance was full upon us that I had already had to deal with here: Peter Quint had come into view like a sentinel before a prison. The ...Read More