There is a road accident, the fault was of this person who is driving because he kept the car on red light and tried to cross the road before time, then a lullaby hit him, this whole incident happened to an 18 year old child is watching and leaves with a long breath thinking about the rules of his constitution And says that now this is a common story, then he goes from there, comes home and after eating food, goes to sleep in the afternoon, wakes up in the evening, then he goes to his younger brother who is 1 year younger than him, then both of them They go to call another friend,

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The Agents - 1

Part - 1 #.THE AGENTSThere is a road accident, the fault was of this person who is driving because he kept the car on red light and tried to cross the road before time, then a lullaby hit him, this whole incident happened to an 18 year old child is watching and leaves with a long breath thinking about the rules of his constitutionAnd says that now this is a common story, then he goes from there, comes home and after eating food, goes to sleep in the afternoon, wakes up ...Read More


The Agents - 2

The Agents -2 they are also brothers, they all go out to the park, they all go to cricket He tells about the accident on the way, only then he sees that some people are trying to forcefully put a boy in his car and the people around are only watching that spectacle, then they put that boy in the car and there When they start leaving, then all five of them run in different directions and start chasing that car, they all get very tired while chasing, ...Read More


The Agents - 3

THE AGENTS -3 Both of them are brothers to play, they all then go out to the park, all go to play cricket, that child tells the four of them the accident of the afternoon, only then on the way he sees that some people forcefully kill a boy. Trying to put it in the car and the people around are just watching that spectacle, then they put that boy in the car and start leaving from there, then all five of them run in different directions and chase ...Read More


The Agents - 4

The Agents It's a wonderful day, think about it, Div is having fun in his dreams when he falls his bed and sounds like Dhamma. Then Div shakes his head and then opens his eyes and sees that it is morning, Sikandar takes his bath from the bathroom of his room and wears black jeans and white shirt from the room's wardrobe. Vikram was completely ready and was waiting for everyone sitting in the hall below, Shiva and Ashoka were also getting ready and coming down the ...Read More